LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 111 Lu Qi, Your Design Is Collapsed!

Chapter 111 Lu Qi, Your Design Is Collapsed! (One more five thousand words)

After dinner.

The few people who had eaten and drank enough also felt a sense of relaxation in the whole body and mind.

Whenever this happens, it always makes people feel a burst of happiness.

Lacus had already returned to her prime, looking at Lu Qi energetically: "Play mahjong?"

She couldn't wait to touch herself.

It's just that Lu Qi shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about it later, I have something else to do."

After speaking, he stood up and headed upstairs.

Hearing that the proposal to play mahjong was rejected again, Lux couldn't help showing a bit of suspicion on her little face.

Something is wrong, something is wrong with this guy.

What can he do at this time?

Lu Qi returned to his bedroom, lit the lamp in the room, and then sat in front of the desk.

After sorting out the paper and pens, dipped in ink, and started to conceive.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I gradually had a lot of ideas, and then I started writing directly on the paper.

After a while, the outside door was suddenly violently pushed open.

Lu Qi's train of thought was interrupted, and he looked outside in surprise.

"Did you see it! This guy really secretly studied behind my back!"

At this moment, Lacus was looking at the paper and pen in front of Lu Qi's desk with a grumpy expression, quite angry.

Behind her, Kashina, Fiona, and Sona seemed to be her rape-catching partners.

After finishing speaking, Lacus walked into the room angrily: "Everyone can see the true face of this guy. He looks bad on the surface, but in fact he is secretly infiltrating. Such behavior is absolutely unconscionable!"

She felt something was wrong early on!
At the beginning, it was clearly agreed to be bad together, but why does this guy know so much.

Now, he has found the answer!
He actually worked hard in secret!
Lu Qi, your design is broken!

Hearing Miss Guanwei's angry voice, the girls looked at Lu Qi in disbelief.

That look seemed to be saying, I didn't expect you to be such a person?
"?" Lu Qi couldn't help but put out a question mark when he heard the words.

What did he do to lose his conscience?
"Study, what are you talking about?"

Lu Qi recalled Lux's first words when he entered the door, and said with a frown.

What a joke!
Is Lu Qi an active learner?
"You were caught on the spot, do you still want to try to quibble?"

Lux walked to the desk, grabbed a few pages of paper on the desk, looked around, but gasped, "The little girl who sells newspapers? What is this?"

She stared at it twice, as if it was a short story.

Lu Qi then said: "A short story written by hand, I plan to print it on the newspaper when it is published."

Lacus raised her eyes and looked at Lu Qi: "Can you still write stories?"

Lu Qi smiled and said, "A little bit."

The girls don't know how many times they have heard him say this.

Anyway, you know a little bit about everything.

Now when they hear it again, they are already numb.

"I want to see what you wrote!"

Lacus turned her eyes back to the story, and the girls next to her also moved closer, and all of them turned their eyes to it.

The beginning of the story is that the father stumbled into the house with a wine bottle drunk.Glancing at the bare walls of the house, as well as the sick and dying mother lying on the bed, she complained loudly about the injustice of nature.When he sat down staggeringly, he saw the little girl hiding in the corner sobbing.

Looking at the name of the story, a few girls can probably think of what the main content of the story is.

It's just that they didn't expect it to start like this. They described a poor family in less than two hundred words.

The mother who is seriously ill in bed, the father who is addicted to alcohol, and the protagonist of the story, the little girl.

This made them look forward to the next plot.

No one spoke, looked down and continued to look.

After seeing the little girl, her father ordered her to go out to sell newspapers. The little girl was worried about the heavy snow outside and wanted to take care of her mother who was seriously ill in bed. However, she was severely beaten by her father for no reason.

He even kicked him out of the house arbitrarily. In the end, the little girl was holding a stack of newspapers, standing helplessly in the ice and snow wearing her mother's large slippers and worn clothes.

The content of the second paragraph is longer. The emotions of the girls have fluctuated with the story. They are obviously angry with the father in the story, and they also have sympathy for the little girl's experience.

Keep looking down.

The little girl walked helplessly on the street, facing the heavy snow, and raised the newspaper in her hand: "Sell newspapers, sell newspapers, does anyone buy newspapers!"

She looked at passers-by beggingly, but was ignored. She stopped in front of a house. The adults inside were celebrating their children's birthdays. The lights in the house were bright, and children as old as her were smiling and surrounded by the family. Dancing and singing.

"Grandma, Mom"

The little girl shed sad tears and resolutely wiped them away.

"Selling newspapers, does anyone buy a newspaper!"

Even though she was ignored again and again, she persevered in following the crowd who ignored her.

In the third paragraph, the poor little girl has a strong and beautiful character. Seeing her tragic experience made the girls feel a little bit more sympathetic.

As the story enters the fourth paragraph, the real tragedy comes.

The little girl was walking on the street, when a carriage passed by her at high speed, she ran away in panic, two shoes fell in the middle of the street, one was crushed by the second passing carriage, the other It was only kicked away by the naughty boy as a ball.

Surrounded by the yelling of several peddlers who turned a blind eye, the little girl stood barefoot in the ice and snow, the tears in her eyes froze in a short while.

Seeing this, Lacus and the others were already so angry that they wanted to hit someone, they continued to look down patiently.

Soon after, a father and daughter passed by. The daughter who was held by the father saw the little girl was pitiful, and wanted to give her trench coat to the little girl, but was dragged away by the father who thought it was dirty.

At this time, a cold wind blew, and no one came to buy the little girl's newspapers. She used some newspapers to plug the gaps in her clothes, so that she became warmer.

After walking a few steps, the little girl could no longer hold on to her hungry and cold body, so she slid down against the wall.

She rubbed her red hands vigorously, and kept breathing on them, her body was shivering from the cold, when she noticed a few abandoned matches beside her.

She lit a match, lit a newspaper, and placed it in front of her.

The little girl hurriedly approached the flame with her hand, and kept stretching her stiff fingers beside the flame. She smiled sweetly and stared at the flame intently.

The warm flame was as warm as a stove, and the little girl stretched out her feet to get close to the flame, but the fire was already out.

The little girl quickly lit the second newspaper. She saw roasted chicken and bread in the fire, and her eyes widened involuntarily.

The second fire was about to go out, and she was reluctant to add another newspaper, but she was too cold.

So she put another one up.

Then she saw a birthday cake with a few candles on it, and people around were singing happy birthday to her.

The little girl remembered that today is her birthday.

The fire was about to go out again, she kept adding newspapers one by one, and her body gradually warmed up.

The newspaper in her hand was gone, so she added the newspaper used to plug the holes in the clothes.

As the last newspaper was added, the fire was finally going to be extinguished.

At this moment, she saw her grandma walking towards her. The little girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief, then stood up and rushed towards her grandma.

It was the gentle and kind grandma who came to pick her up. The grandma caressed the little girl's head with her big hands and said that she would take her to a place without cold and hunger.

As the story comes to an end, it comes to the last two paragraphs of this page.

The picture appeared in a room. The little girl who ate roast chicken and birthday cake was lying in the arms of her kind grandma, with a warm stove beside her. She smiled sweetly while listening to grandma's birthday song, and fell asleep .

Seeing this, Lacus, who was fully involved in the story, was relieved: "The little girl is too pitiful. Fortunately, the ending of the story is happy."

The three women around her also nodded in agreement.

In all fairness, this story is really good. It is not long from the beginning to the end, and a poor little girl is vividly portrayed with a simple description.

People are birthday cakes, a beautiful and harmonious family, and endless new clothes.

But the little girl has nothing, and she has to sell newspapers to support her family on a snowy night.

Through this stark contrast, the tragic experience of the little girl can naturally make people feel sorry for her.

As long as anyone who reads the story doesn't hate that damned father, no one doesn't sympathize with the poor little girl.

When they watched the second half, they almost thought that Lu Qi was going to make the little girl miserable to the end.

Fortunately, this guy has a conscience and asked her grandma to pick her up.

Seeing this, the girls looked at Lu Qi much more pleasingly.

This guy is okay.

"Hey, what else?"

Lux tried to glance down again, but at this moment she made a suspicious sound.

Then, she put her eyes on it, which seemed to be the continuation of the story.

Fiona, Kashina, and Sona also looked at it, only to see that there were still two paragraphs on it, but it was the next day.

In the early morning of the next day, people saw a little girl sitting in the corner, her cheeks were flushed, and there was a smile on her mouth.

She died, and the sun of a new day rose on her little body.She sat there beside a heap of ashes that had frozen into ice.

In fact, there is no birthday cake, no stove, no kind grandma. This is just a phantom of a little girl on her deathbed.


Seeing the last sentence, Lux instantly broke her guard, and a few pages of paper in her hand fell off and slowly fell to the ground.

She looked at Lu Qi in front of her, anger gradually appeared in her eyes, and then she slapped the table vigorously with her small hands.

"Won't your conscience ache!"

This little girl is so pitiful, and in the end this guy wants to write her to death, which is simply too much!

Lu Qi smiled faintly: "The content of the story is purely fictional."

Regardless of whether it was fiction or not, Lacus glared at Lu Qi: "Change! I strongly demand that this ending be changed!"

"This is the real ending. Isn't it strange that a little girl of a few years old is not frozen to death in a snowy night in tattered clothes?"

"But you wrote this story, you can change it however you want! Why must it be realistic!"

"How can it be impressive if it is unrealistic? Don't you know it after reading the headline? This is an advertisement for our newspaper."

Lu Qi looked at the girls in front of him who were staring at him, but he was still not ready to change. He smiled and said, "Looking at your reactions, I think this story should be quite successful."

Several girls showed strong reactions to this ending, and the emotional ups and downs reached the highest level because of the final turning point.

The little match girl is a short story designed to make people think deeply, and the realistic meaning it expresses is self-evident.

Lu Qi copied this story, added newspaper factors, and then made a simple modification based on the current environment of Demacia.

The core content remains unchanged, but the effect Lu Qi wants is already there.

The effect he hopes to see is that when people read the newspaper in the future, the first thing they think of is the poor little girl.

In this way, this step of marketing is successful.

This is a marketing that is biased towards morality, and Lu Qi kidnapped those people with conscience.

In Demacia, such people abound.

Living in such a country, Lu Qi has no money to worry about.

Seeing what he said, Lacus also shrank. She bent down to pick up a few pages of paper that fell on the floor, looked at them a few more times, and then sighed.

Even if she is innocent, she knows that this is reality.

Even in Demacia, this kind of thing happens all the time. Just look at the orphans in the church. They are either abandoned by their parents or have lost their parents.

Without the Illuminators, these children would end up no better than little girls.

In order to help them, Lu Qi really thought a lot.

This may have something to do with his previous experience, and now his status as the second prince looks extremely glorious.

Don't forget that before he came to the capital, he and his mother lived a life of poverty. Maybe this story is his personal experience.

The reason why he bothered so much about those children.

Is it possible that he saw his former self?
That's why I put a lot of effort into making the same tragedy never happen again, including printing presses and bicycles.

Thinking about it this way, his image became a little taller in the hearts of the girls.

And they looked at Lu Qi with a little more tenderness.

Seeing these eyes, Lu Qi seemed to be able to guess what they were thinking, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth very naturally: "Yes, I am such a great person, please praise me!"

As soon as the words fell, the tenderness in the eyes of the girls disappeared immediately.

Seeing this guy's thick-skinned appearance, they suddenly felt that they were thinking too much!

At this moment, they all looked like they had lost interest.


Lux looked at Kashina.

Kashina nodded: "Okay."

With that said, the two walked outside.

As for Fiona, who was also preparing to leave, no one paid any attention to Lu Qi.


Seeing that he was being ignored, Lu Qi slowly put out a question mark: "What do you mean? You should give me a compliment?"

"whispering sound."

Lux glanced back at him, snorted disdainfully, and walked away directly.

Then Kashina followed suit.

Lu Qi looked at Fiona who hadn't left yet, and couldn't help but ask, "Can I interview you how you think of me?"

He is suddenly curious now, what kind of image he is in the hearts of these girls.

Fiona thought for a while, and replied seriously: "A person with a sword."

Lu Qi: "?"

A person who uses a sword is not a sword person!
your sister!

At this moment, Lu Qi clenched his fists, trembling with anger, only felt cold hands and feet in this summer.

After answering the question, Fiona also walked out the door.

So Lu Qi looked at Sona, his eyes seemed to ask, am I cheap?

Sona covered her mouth and smiled, neither nodded nor shook her head, and then walked away with light steps.

Sometimes, Lu Qi's shy look is indeed cheap.

But Sona doesn't hate it.

All of a sudden, Lu Qi was the only one left in the bustling room.

He looked at himself in the mirror and snorted.

How could this 1.8-meter-high, handsome, aloof male god have anything to do with being cheap?
There must be something wrong with their eyes!

After appreciating his beauty for a few minutes, Lu Qi regained his mentality and walked downstairs slowly.

From now on, he will be serious!
The image in their hearts must be changed!

As soon as he went downstairs, he saw several girls sitting on the mahjong table.

Lacus turned her head and glanced at Lu Qi who came down, and issued an invitation: "How many laps?"


Lu Qi looked at her and sneered.

Then there seemed to be a fan-shaped statistical chart in his eyes, in which there were three points of coolness, three points of high coldness, and four points of carelessness, and then he did not speak.

Seeing that this guy was suffering from some kind of illness, Lux rolled her eyes.

Fiona frowned and looked over: "Should I fight or not? Speak humanly."

"I won't make it difficult for you to play two laps with you."

Lu Qi said briefly, his words exuded a temperament that strangers should not enter. After speaking, he walked towards the mahjong table and sat down slowly.

There was an air of coldness and arrogance exuding from his whole body, and his chiseled face was surprisingly cold.

The girls couldn't help staring at him twice more, not to mention, this guy looks pretty good like this.

Could it be that he was stimulated just now?

How nice this is, without opening his mouth, he is a cold and handsome guy.

Girls also need to look at handsome guys, and Lu Qi, who seemed to be a different person at this time, just happened to satisfy them very much.

When playing mahjong, his eyes shifted from the cards to Lu Qi's face from time to time.

The image of Lu Qi in his heart is also changing.

However, only a few rounds passed.

As Lu Qi touched a card, he confidently slapped it on the table without looking at it, and then he pushed the cards one by one, with an arrogant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Self-touch! Qing Yaojiu, Menqian Qing, three dark carvings, monotonous generals, a total of 82 fan, eight gold and two silver for one family!"

"Tsk tsk, no one is going to lose mahjong again today, right? Oh, it's embarrassing to always make me eat three at a time."

(End of this chapter)

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