LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 113 Didn't expect you to hide the murder weapon too!

Chapter 113 Didn't expect you to hide the murder weapon too! (One more five thousand words)

"Hey! Then don't blame me for absorbing all the medicine in this pool!"

Lux smiled triumphantly when she heard it.

In the next second, she took a deep breath, squatted down, and dived her head into the water.

After a while, he came out of the water with a "crash", panting continuously, his cute face was flushed red, but his expression was very happy.

Seeing her funny appearance, several people around could not help but chuckle.

It didn't take long for them to feel a coolness in their bodies one after another.

This feeling is a kind of coolness inside, and it didn't make them feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, it became more comfortable with the temperature of the hot spring pool.

The girls squinted their eyes, enjoying this moment, their bones gradually softened, and they felt a little more lazy.

Lux returned to the pool and leaned her head up, allowing the buoyancy of the water to support her body. She closed her eyes, and let her body drift with the current, floating on the water.

With a smile on his face, he felt extremely relaxed.

At this time, she felt as if she had bumped into something soft, and opened her eyes involuntarily, and saw Sona looking at her with a gentle smile on her face.


Just glanced at the thing she bumped into, as if she had received a huge blow, Lacus's tone was crying.

Then he turned over and dived into the water. After swimming a few times, he felt that he hit a plump thigh again.

Looking up, she saw Yurna in front of her, also looking down at her.

And Lux, looking at Urna's chest, also widened her eyes immediately: "Damn it, I didn't expect Urna to hide the murder weapon!"

Hearing this, Fiona and the others looked over, and they found something very impressive.

Urna usually doesn't look like a mountain, but she didn't expect the scale to be quite large, only a little worse than Sona.

Then Lux looked back at Fiona, and finally at Kashina, with teary eyes.

"Kashina, only you are my good sister!"


Kashina sighed faintly, at this moment, she especially didn't want to answer this question.

So he sank into the water, as if he didn't hear anything.

Lux lowered her head, and also sighed, but when she thought about it, she was still growing up, and her mood improved a bit.

Sona also sighed.

She lowered her head and glanced, her expression seemed a little distressed.Unlike Lux's annoyance, her annoyance is that her breasts seem to have gotten a little bigger in the past few days.

It's all her Highness's fault. She originally wanted to lose weight, but now not only did she not lose weight, she even gained a lot of weight.

The girls present have their own troubles.

Several girls were chatting while soaking in the hot spring, their crisp and melodious voices were accompanied by laughter, which was also a beautiful picture at night.

However, as they chatted, they quickly noticed something strange.

Lacus looked puzzled: "Why does it feel like I haven't heard that guy's voice for a long time?"

Fiona followed up, "Either I felt it or I didn't."

Since I heard the guy next door explain something a while ago, I haven't heard him speak again.

Although he was alone there, it wasn't like there was no movement at all.

So the girls present couldn't help being curious about what Lu Qi was doing now.

At this time, a wisp of mist was floating on the hot spring pool, and when looking at the white cloth in the middle, basically nothing could be seen.

At this moment, the girls became suspicious.

If this guy didn't speak when they were chatting before, that's normal.

Now, they all found that this guy stopped talking, and there was still no movement, which meant that this guy must be sneaky and didn't know what he was doing!
"Well, it's very comfortable."

At this time, Lu Qi's emotional voice came from the left side.

But it's a bit late.

There were a few twitching sounds on the water surface, and then the curtain was lifted under Lu Qi's astonished eyes.

At the corner of the lifted curtain, Fiona stood there quietly. Even though the mist was lingering at the moment, but from such a close distance, one could still see her well-proportioned figure outlining beautiful lines, delicate clavicle, smooth and fair skin. The shoulders are holding two long black ropes, which cover the lower part loomingly.

Lu Qi wasn't surprised that she was wearing underwear, but the problem was, he wasn't wearing anything.

At this moment, looking at the cold eyes that looked at him, Lu Qi shrank his body and said weakly: "Isn't it okay to peek at it so openly?"

Ignoring his words, Fiona's eyes fell on the water not far in front of Lu Qi, with a faint smile on her face: "What are you drinking behind our backs?"

On the surface of the water, there was a wooden plate floating, and on the wooden plate was a small cup and a jug-like thing.

This guy didn't speak for a long time just now, obviously he was secretly drinking this.

At this time, because of the medicated bath, the color of the hot spring water has already become a little darker, and it is impossible to see what scenery is under the pool.

On the contrary, this guy's upper body is indeed not wearing any clothes, his skin is delicate, his figure is surprisingly good, his solid muscles are not too bulky, and he looks quite beautiful.

At this time, several heads popped up behind Fiona, and Lacus, Kashina, and Sona all looked in this direction.

"Okay! Let me tell you why you are so quiet!"

"That's right, Your Highness, good things should be shared together!"

Lacus and Kashina each said a word.

Sona also nodded her head, and the three girls strongly condemned Lu Qi's stealthy behavior.

Seeing that they were discovered after all, Lu Qi still confidently said: "There are not many medicinal wines in the first place, so of course I will be tight to myself first!"

Although the brewing of other wines takes a while, Demacia is not without wine for sale. After buying it, Lu Qi dilutes it a few times and changes it into a medicinal wine for health.

It's just that there is only such a pot left after dilution, which is really not much.

Now that he was discovered, there was nothing he could do, and he sighed.

He raised his hand and pushed the wooden tray to the right, and the wooden tray stopped in front of Fiona like a boat carrying the cargo.

Lu Qi leaned on the pool and closed his eyes to rest, and then said: "There is not much left in it, you can watch and drink."

After thinking for a while, he opened one eye and glanced at a certain little golden retriever, and added: "Underage is prohibited from drinking alcohol."

Feeling that Lacus was clearly being targeted, the smile on her little face disappeared immediately.

She snorted unhappily, glared at Lu Qi, turned around and walked towards the center of the pool, sinking her body.

If you don't drink, don't drink!
Watch me absorb all the medicine in the whole pond!

At this time, Fiona looked at the wooden plate floating in front of her and slowly stopped, staring at it.

There is only one cup.

And obviously, this cup was obviously used by Lu Qi before.

Looking up at Lu Qi who had closed his eyes, Fiona knew that he might have forgotten this question.

After thinking about it, she picked up the wine jug, tilted it slightly, and a thin lavender medicinal wine flowed out of it, and fell into the cup, making a full sound.

After about two seconds, a glass was filled.

Fiona picked up the wine glass and drank it straight up on her back in the next second. The delicate taste made her eyes shine, and then she tasted a mellow aroma that was different from beer.

And after swallowing a glass of wine, I also feel the fragrance on my lips and teeth.

Very good.

She handed the jug to Kashina next to her.

Kashina also poured a glass, imitating Fiona and drank it in one gulp. She unexpectedly found that it was not as strong as expected, but instead had a soft and smooth feeling.

It does taste like wine, but it's delicious.

"It has a hint of grape fragrance and a floral fragrance."

Kashina, who had never drank much, liked it unexpectedly after taking a sip.

Sona raised her glass to drink very gently, and the moment the medicinal wine entered her mouth, she squinted her eyes.

This taste is naturally very good, and it is the sweetest taste among the wines she has ever drunk.

After drinking, they didn't forget Yurna over there, and Kashina sent her over with the flagon.

There was still some left in the jug, and the capacity of a cup was not much, so the four girls took turns to drink.

After a while, they found that the coolness of soaking in the medicinal bath disappeared, and their bodies became hot, with a warm feeling.

Kashina looked at them and asked strangely, "Are you still cool?"

Hearing this, Fiona, Sona, and Urna all shook their heads slightly.

Only Lux, who soaked in the pool from the neck down, didn't feel it, and there was still a chill in her body.

At this time, Lu Qi's explanation floated from the left.

"This wine is meant to match this medicinal bath. After drinking it, it can help you absorb it faster."

"So it is."

Kashina nodded in amazement.

The four of them drank in turn, feeling that their bodies were enveloped by a wave of warmth, which made them very comfortable.

But he quickly noticed Lacus's little resentful eyes in the middle.

She looked at it eagerly, as if she really wanted to have a bite.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Fiona also waved lightly at her.

Lux's eyes lit up, she glanced to the left, and then slowly floated over from the pool.

Then Fiona smiled, poured out a glass of wine from the jug, handed it to her hand, and then raised a finger to signal for silence.

Lux nodded immediately, expressing her understanding.

Then he looked at the lavender medicinal wine in the quilt with shining eyes, and carefully lifted it up, ready to put it in his mouth.

"By the way, this wine can also help you refresh yourself."

"Cough cough."

Lu Qi's voice suddenly came from the left side.

Lux, who had just drank the wine in the glass, was startled and coughed on the spot. She could only cover her mouth, not daring to make the coughing sound too loud.

After coughing a few times, her face turned red a lot, she glanced to the left, and seeing that she didn't seem to be noticed, Lux was relieved.

The girls couldn't help but laugh when they saw this scene.

After finishing a glass of wine, Lux was also satisfied, looked at Fiona, and blinked her big eyes happily.

Seeing that the blonde girl in front of her was happy again, Fiona also showed a smile on the corner of her mouth, and looked at her with a touch of tenderness in her eyes.

Naturally, she knew it well, and tasted that the alcohol was not that high, so if it was just a glass, Miss Mianwei would not be drunk.

On the left side, Lu Qi, who obviously heard Lux ​​coughing on the right side, knew what was going on without even looking.

But he didn't say much, and continued to lie down with his eyes closed.

The alcohol content of this medicine is indeed not high, and it is used to match the medicine bath, so the main focus is on auxiliary effects.

With this kind of wine, at least five glasses are needed for Miss Guanwei to drink like yesterday.

It is not a big problem to drink freely under five cups.

Generally speaking, it is not recommended to take a bath when drinking alcohol.

Because some people are weak, the blood vessels dilate after drinking alcohol, and then take a hot bath, the blood vessels will further dilate, resulting in a drop in blood pressure.

In some closed environments, the air circulation is not good enough, which can easily lead to fainting.

However, Demacia's per capita physical fitness is generally relatively good, so naturally there is no such thing as taking a bath and not being able to drink.

Just like that, the hot spring pool gradually became quiet.

The bright moon hangs in the night, and the white brilliance like snow falls down.

Surrounded by mist, the night was surprisingly quiet. Feeling that the body was wrapped in a soft warmth, the bodies of several people were completely relaxed, and there was a feeling that they didn't even want to make a sound.

After a while, Lu Qi opened his eyes and got up from the water.

Hearing the movement, Fiona's lazy voice came from over there: "Are you ready?"

Lu Qi stretched his waist, and let out a long hum, even after leaving the pool, the warmth of his body still did not dissipate.

"Take a bath, it's too much, three to four 10 minutes is the best, and soaking for a long time will make the skin bloated."

As he spoke, he walked to the hanger with strides.

The amount of this medicated bath is almost enough for so many people to absorb it for about half an hour.

Any more is pure soaking.

Hearing that soaking for a long time will make the skin bloated, the women also stood up from the pool one by one.

After leaving the pool, it was like breaking away from a certain seal. I suddenly felt a lot less laziness from my body, and I was full of energy.

Thinking that this might be the effect of the medicinal wine.

The girls all walked out of the pool, their hair dripping with water, and the layer of underwear they were wearing was also completely soaked.

After soaking for 10 minutes, they all felt a sense of comfort throughout the body.

Sona found that her shoulders were not so heavy.

Fiona felt her whole body relaxed a lot. She moved her arms, and felt the bones loosen a few times.

Extremely good.

The exhaustion that Kashina had accumulated in these days at the Physical Education College was completely removed in just a few 10 minutes.

Only Lux, who was alive and well before soaking, was still alive and well after soaking.

It's just that she has absorbed the most medicine, and now her face looks red, as if she was in a steamer, and she is even cuter.

The girls also felt the benefits of this medicated bath one after another, looked at each other, and their eyes lit up.

At this moment, their skin looks rosy, soft and supple.

It has such an effect just once, but if you soak it a few more times in the future, can you still get it?
At this time, when they heard the sound of wiping their bodies from the other end of the white cloth, they couldn't help pricking up their ears.

"By the way, the effect is similar, so wait a few days before acupuncture."

Lu Qi's words followed.

Upon hearing this, Fiona responded, "Yes."

After all, she also took the bath towel and a change of clothes from the caring Yurna.

Not long after, Lu Qi got dressed and sat on the stone seat beside him, admiring the night view.

Because it was summer, he didn't have many clothes to wear, and he had to wait for them to get dressed at this moment.

Hearing the sound of changing clothes coming from the other end at this moment, he couldn't help but glance over.

The mist is shrouded in mist, and there is a white cloth separating it, so naturally nothing can be seen.

Girls need to change more clothes, but it doesn't take long.

After a while, several girls came out one after another, their faces were refreshed, and when they got closer, they could see that their faces were a little more rosy.

After soaking in the hot spring, their skin was much more hydrated, and their hair looked a little wet, but it stopped dripping.

At first glance, the five women have their own charms. Even after changing their clothes, they still remind people of the exquisite curves that were glimpsed in the pool just now.

Looking at it now, it is quite seductive.

Noticing Lu Qi's gaze, they all smiled and didn't care too much.

And Lu Qi only looked at it generously, then looked away, stood up and said, "Let's go."

A few people walked on the path in the backyard against the darkness, and the moonlight made them feel extraordinarily peaceful.

Lu Qi looked up at the sky, looked at the hanging bright moon, and then looked at the women beside him. Under the moonlight, he couldn't tell whether it was the beauty of the moon or the beauty of the woman.

Can't help but smile, Lu Qi looked at the sky and said, "I'm signing up for supper."


Qiqi's response came, and the eyes of the girls all fell on Lu Qi.

"You must have never eaten glutinous rice balls."

Lu Qi quickened his pace and returned to the main house.

The figure was busy in the kitchen, and the girls sat in the living room and chatted.

After a while, several bowls of steaming glutinous rice balls were brought to the dining table, looking at the white jade-like glutinous rice balls inside.

Pairs of beautiful eyes also lit up.

After soaking in the bath, and having a delicious supper, there is nothing happier than this in the world.

After eating supper, several people came to the front yard, some were sitting and some were lying down.

At this moment, they all silently admired the night scene, and felt a rare sense of relief at this moment.


At this time, a soft musical sound came out.

People saw that Sona was sitting on a chair, holding her mother in her arms, with a peaceful smile on her face, with a flick of her bare hand, several beautiful notes flew out.

Most of her pieces are improvised, and the melody of each piece may not be the same.

Like this song at this time, I played it with feelings in this quiet night and this heart-warming moment.

The breezy music in the courtyard kept ringing, but no one made a sound, they all listened quietly.

This night, so intoxicating.

In the middle of the night, the carriages returning home started reluctantly.

Looking at the empty yard, Lu Qi stretched his waist, feeling soft on his body, he could not help but sigh with emotion.

"Looks like I can sleep well tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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