LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 115 Why is the painting style suddenly crooked!

Chapter 115 Why is the painting style suddenly crooked!

After a moment.

"That much is enough, I won't bother big brother anymore, let's take a step first."

As Lu Qi spoke, he stood up from the room with an extremely satisfied expression.

This visit to see Jarvan IV has yielded a lot.

Got many unheard stories.

Jarvan IV also stood up and saw him off with a smile on his face: "Don't you want to go without lunch? I'll prepare a hearty meal for you."

As he is now, Lu Qi really can't think of where he can be prosperous.

He didn't think about staying for a long time, so he shook his head and said, "No need, I should go back and prepare the manuscript."

Jarvan IV said, "Then I won't keep you. Slow down on the road."


Lu Qi opened the door and was about to take a step outside when Jarvan IV's voice came from behind.

"Hey, second brother, stop!"

Hearing this, Lu Qi looked back and asked with his eyes.

Jarvan IV looked at Lu Qi who turned around, cleared his throat and said, "Hey, don't say I told you these things."

He cast a suggestive look at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi suddenly said: "Don't worry, brother, leave this matter to me."

Isn't it just a mosaic? This is so easy to handle!

Hearing Lu Qi's assurance, Jarvan IV felt relieved, waved his hand and said goodbye again: "Slow down on the road."


With a "click", the door was closed.

Jarvan IV also wandered around the house, looking in a very good mood.

"There should be a few more books on this shelf."

"Put a flower pot here, wouldn't it look better?"

"There should be a blanket at the door, it will look grand."

"The training equipment on the playground is also a bit simple, and some more can be added."

Standing on the balcony, Jarvan IV with his hands behind his back, looked out the window, and outlined a bright future with a smile on his face.

As for the so-called brothers and sisters, they have long been forgotten.

What Galen is not Galen, really unfamiliar.

Go out and turn right.

After walking a few steps, I saw Lux who was leaning against the wall at the corner, kicking the pebbles at his feet in boredom.


"What are you whispering, please tell me."

Lacus followed Lu Qi and asked curiously from behind.

Lu Qi turned to look at her: "You will know tomorrow."

Lacus asked puzzledly, "Then why can't we talk about it today?"

Lu Qi showed a subtle smile, but walked forward without speaking.

"It's selling off again!"

Looking at the guy's back, Lux puffed her face in displeasure.

The curiosity in my heart was also thoroughly aroused.

She sighed when she thought that she was going to the academy again tomorrow, and she might not be able to see it until noon.

Leave Jarvan IV's stronghold.

Lu Qi and Lacus got into the carriage and returned home.

It was already noon when we got home.

The backgammon between Sona and Fiona played back and forth, and there was no time to say hello to the two who entered the door.

When Lu Qi passed by, he glanced at the chessboard twice, and couldn't help but sneered.

Chickens are pecking at each other.

As soon as the laughter fell, Fiona glanced over with unkind eyes.

"nice weather today."

Lu Qi looked up at the sky, walked towards the kitchen as if he didn't know anything, and prepared today's lunch.

The dinner table.


Miss Mianwei sighed from time to time, with a sad expression on her face, and she looked a little depressed.

Fiona looked at Lu Qi strangely: "What's wrong with her?"

Lu Qi glanced over, and said cheerfully, "Don't pay attention to her, back-to-school syndrome has occurred."


Fiona nodded and continued eating.

At this time, when Lux thought that she would continue to return to the academy to attend classes tomorrow, she suddenly lost her appetite.

For lunch, I usually can eat rice for three people, but today I only ate rice for two people.

Food intake has been seriously affected.

Lu Qi doesn't have this kind of trouble, because he has a day off tomorrow.

This is the benefit of having an extra day of credit.

Thinking that Miss Crown Guard will go to jail tomorrow, he is also in a happier mood.

After lunch, Lu Qi got into his room.

He started drafting the manuscript for tomorrow's first issue of the newspaper. Since it was the first issue, he would draft it himself.

In the future, others will be responsible for such matters.

At the same time, Lu Qi has set up a newspaper office in Wangdu, called Wangcheng Express, and everything is basically ready.

After finishing the draft, Lu Qi got up again and went downstairs.

In the yard, the player playing chess with Sona was replaced by Lux.

In recent times, there have been more entertainment activities to play, but backgammon has never been left behind.

However, after experiencing a few bloody lessons, they seldom play chess with Lu Qi again.

"I'm going out."

After speaking to the second daughter, Lu Qi walked out of the courtyard.

"Oh, bye-bye."

Lux, who was concentrating on playing chess, didn't even raise her head.

Lu Qi got into the carriage and set off towards the workshop.

In the afternoon, he arrived at the workshop and handed over the manuscript to Navis.

"A lot of content."

Navis took the manuscript, put her eyes on it, and read it slowly.

The content of this manuscript is much more than the trial version a few days ago, and the section is obviously much larger.

Lu Qi sat on the massage chair beside him and said: "This is very rare, and the future sections will basically follow this model."

The newspaper office he established has already recruited many people, and the information channel has also been connected to the official.

The content of the report is naturally no longer the previous level of small households.

That kind of picture can only be fresh for a while.

It is necessary to expand the content and add multiple sections.

"I see."

Navis nodded while watching.

After lying on the massage chair for a while, Lu Qi wandered around the workshop.

Now that bicycles are still in mass production, he has already invested a lot of money, and it is still a bottomless pit.

It will take a few more days to make money off of bicycles.

And the next printing press is also a big expense.

In more than a week, a total of six improved printing machines were built.

After testing, it is not a problem for each printing machine to print 1 newspapers in one minute. Six printing machines work together, and they can produce [-] newspapers in one hour.

And the place where the real money is spent is the printed paper and ink.

Judging from the population of the capital, the printing press is expected to work for four hours a day.

A newspaper is only sold at the unit price of two copper coins, so it can be said that Lu Qi can earn quite a little money.

But the advantage is also obvious, he doesn't have any competitors, he is the only one in this market.

Moreover, the number of customers is large.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for tomorrow to come.

On July [-], the weather was fine.

At half past six in the morning, before dawn, bicycles were driving on the streets of the capital.

Like ants swarming out of their nest, they set off from the churches in three directions, and soon densely covered the streets and alleys of the capital.

And according to the assigned address, they also completed their work in an orderly manner.

After dawn, some residents who got up early opened the door and saw a newspaper delivered to their door.

After another half an hour, the newspaper office opened, and several roads near the newspaper office were blocked by enthusiastic residents.

"Give me a copy of Wangcheng Express!"

"I want it too! I want it too!"

"Line up, line up!"

"If I knew there were so many people, I also spent money to order in advance yesterday!"

"I saw a lot of people running on the road with two-wheeled tools today. The speed is so fast, they passed by in a whizz."

"Yeah, I saw it too, what are those two wheels?"

"I heard it's called a bicycle. A few days ago, I saw many people practicing that near the church of the Illuminator."

"That's great. I want to get one too. It will save a lot of effort no matter where I go."


The time when people line up is also constant discussion.

Early in the morning in the capital, the two incidents caused quite a stir, and voices talking about these two incidents could be heard everywhere.

One is the publication of the first issue of Wangcheng Express, and the quality is surprisingly good.

Then when people paid attention to the content of the newspaper, they saw that the character published in this issue was Galen Crownguard, and it talked about his growth experience.

Whether they understand it or not, they all looked at it with interest.

In addition, there are also many things that people can talk about, and at the same time, there are more topics about the second prince Lu Qi.

Once the story of the little girl selling newspapers was published, it aroused great repercussions.

There are not many words in this kind, but the short story is too simple, after reading it, it is like a needle piercing into everyone's heart.

This little girl is too miserable!

This turned out to be a story written by the second prince?
It's really disgusting!
Since it's all a story, why can't we give a good ending!

This kind of topic emerges endlessly, but I have to say that this story is indeed thought-provoking.

And on the street, children one after another, holding a stack of newspapers in their arms, shouted as they walked: "Selling newspapers, does anyone want to buy a newspaper?"

Seeing this scene, many people who had already bought newspapers silently stepped forward to buy another one.

In this way, Lu Qi's marketing has been successful.

In addition to newspapers, the other is the bicycles that ran all over the city this morning.

In many places in the capital, galloping horses are prohibited, and even the speed of carriages must be controlled to a certain extent, so in the city, these two means of transportation are sometimes not so convenient.

However, this morning's bicycle made people see a new way of transportation.

Not only does this bicycle occupy a small area, it is not even half the size of a horse, and it is not even a quarter of a carriage, but it is not slow at all when riding.

After seeing it with my own eyes, this convenient and labor-saving means of transportation also makes many people want to own one.

And they soon learned from the newspaper that the bicycles would be on sale in a short time, and the price was not as expensive as imagined.

As long as you have one gold, you can own a bicycle forever.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon, it will be noon, and the popularity of the newspapers has not diminished at all.

"I heard that the coastal city is not very peaceful. Is something wrong?"

"I'm not sure. I heard that a group of pirates have come. They are well equipped. The local area can't do anything about them, but the captain has already sent the fourth shield formation. It should be able to solve it."

Galen, who finished the morning training of the Fearless Pioneer, rode a horse in armor and walked slowly on the street while chatting with the team members.

It's just that while chatting, he found that there were many more eyes looking at him today.

Soon, he also heard people's discussions.

"Look, that seems to be Galen!"

"It's him! I've seen him once!"

"Is that Garen Crownguard? The man who led the team to defeat a Hundred Year Blight?"

"That's right, the youngest tough guy in the Fearless Pioneer!"

"Oh, is that Galen who planted bedwetting on his sister?"

Hearing the last sentence, Galen staggered on his horse and almost fell to the ground.

What I said earlier was good, why did the style of the last sentence suddenly turn crooked?

He wondered if he had heard it wrong.

However, at this time, the team members beside him said cheerfully: "I never thought you would do this, Captain."

A female team member also said with a smile: "The captain looks upright in front of others, why is he so sinister behind his back?"

I heard the team members start talking about this matter.

Galen's gaze gradually became wrong. He looked over one by one, and the team members immediately shut their mouths.

At this moment, although Galen was calm and calm on the surface, he was actually very restless in his heart!

I slot!

what's the situation! ?

At this time, a newsboy holding a stack of newspapers walked past the other end while yelling vigorously.

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers! Galen Crownguard's secrets that you don't know!"

"Wangcheng Express takes you into the unknown things about fearless rookies!"

"Two coppers, two coppers, only two coppers!"

The newspaper boy yelled hard.

Galen's face turned black, he got off his horse and stood in front of him.

Without further ado, he threw out a gold coin and snatched all the stack of newspapers from the newsboy.

Immediately afterwards, he set his sights on it.

On the top, in a very conspicuous place, is the content about His Majesty III.

On July [-], King Jarvan III of Demacia expressed important opinions on the development and construction of the country.

The third pointed out that our country is in an important period of development. At this stage, all ministries must have a sense of the overall situation and be strict with themselves on the basis of doing their duties well.

Then the third king delivered a personal speech. He said that since our country experienced an important war last time, the external turmoil in the country has been completely stabilized in recent years, and the current domestic situation is good.

At the same time, he emphasized that for the construction of our country at this stage, our people should unite as one and unite as one.

Express personal views on "Wangcheng Express" III: We should take Wangcheng Express as a signal of entering a new era, and it will be the source of power to promote the country's progress.

Finally, the third generation also said: In order to realize the grand blueprint, we still need to work hard.

After reading it word by word, Galen's eyes moved down again.

Soon, I saw my name.

Galen Crownguard, now 22 years old, is currently serving as the captain of the second shield of the Fearless Vanguard.

After the ordinary introduction, he began to talk about some of his growth experiences.

There are also some difficulties he encountered in his growth, such as two years after he joined the Fearless Pioneer, he and his team were trapped in a valley.

And there, a powerful monster woke up, named Hundred Year Withered Worm.

A very long section of it is about how he led the team to defeat the hundred-year-old worm, and there are many details.

In the story, he is wise, brave, resolute and powerful.

Even Galen, after reading it, recalled that period of life and death, and was filled with emotion.

Here, the painting style is basically normal.

However, looking further down, the painting style is completely wrong!

See above.

According to an unknown prince, Galen?On the surface, the boy looked simple and honest, but in fact he was a ghost in his heart.

I still remember that one day, that guy came to me with a proud face and told me that he blamed Lacus for his bed-wetting.

He was eight years old at that time, right?Haha, bedwetting at the age of eight.

What about your sister?

With a roar in his heart, he accidentally tore the newspaper in two in half.

Seeing this, the corners of Galen's mouth twitched fiercely, and his hands that were holding the newspaper were shaking constantly.

And there was no emotion in those eyes.

Even looking at the above text description, he could imagine the expression of a certain prince when he said these words.

The noisy voices around him gradually brought him back to his mind.

He looked around, as if feeling countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

After really experiencing what is called a social death Galen, it cracked on the spot.

The heart that has experienced many trials of life and death has also experienced great fluctuations at this moment!
And when he saw that the people walking on the street were almost holding a newspaper, there was a bit of despair in their eyes.

If there is no accident, everyone in the entire capital now knows that he wetted the bed at the age of eight.

Forget about wetting the bed, and planted it on his sister!
At this moment, Galen suddenly realized.

It turned out that he still cared about the so-called reputation!
"People, there is always a past that you don't want to look back on, Captain, look away."

When a team member saw Galen, he stood in a daze for several minutes, and couldn't help but step forward and pat him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Look away from your sister."

Galen turned his head and saw his face trying to hold back his smile, and he, who was well-educated, was also swearing at this moment.

Then, before he had time to think about it, he got on his horse in a few steps, shouted "Drive", and drove towards Jarvan IV at a high speed.


Behind him, unscrupulous laughter erupted from the team members.

Galen's mentality completely exploded.

at the same time.

Jarvan IV's fortress.

"I'm sloth!"

Youzai Youzai, who was drinking the hot tea he just bought, Jiawen IV saw the content in the newspaper, and suddenly jumped up with a carp.

"According to an unknown prince"

"Your sister, how many princes does this Demacia have?"

"Second brother!!"

His state of mind is also very unstable at this moment.

Suddenly there was a penetrating coolness behind him.

Jarvan IV quickly packed up in the office without saying a word, and left his fort quickly.

 Just one update today.

  The author of this underworld is a little bit overwhelmed, every day I have to code until midnight, and I feel so sluggish when I sleep, I have no state at all o(╥﹏╥)o
  So get ready for a change of schedule.

  By the way, ask for a monthly ticket from the bosses~
(End of this chapter)

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