LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 118 A sudden urge to add money

Chapter 118 Suddenly There Is an Impulse to Add Money
at dusk.

After some attempts by Lu Qi and Sona, it is basically confirmed that the reason why Lu Qi can hear Sona's voice is because of Yuhua.

When Lu Qi does not touch Yu Hua, he cannot hear Sona's voice.

And when he came into contact with Yuhua, the voice reappeared.

This is indeed quite miraculous, but it is a bit troublesome. It is impossible for Lu Qi to run around holding Kui Hua all day long.

So at present, when Lu Qi or Sona wants to talk to each other, they can only rely on the middle material.

In this regard, Sona said that she is already very content.

She is not a willful woman, even if she can only chat with Lu Qi a word every day, it can make her happy for a long time.

After so many years of talking to herself in her head, there was finally someone who could hear her voice.

And that person was Lu Qi.

This made Sona very grateful for the decision she made at the beginning, and the side at the banquet made her think about it day and night for a long time.

Finally one day, I mustered up the courage to step into this yard.

If nothing happened at the banquet, then today's incident may hardly happen again.

At this time, looking at Lu Qi who had already learned a simple piece of music and was playing it, Sona also showed a soft smile on her face.

"How did you play?"

After the song ended, Lu Qi raised his head and asked.

"Very good, Your Highness is very talented."

Sona nodded while responding with her heart.

Yuhua has been in contact with Lu Qi for so long, but has not refused, which already shows that it recognizes and likes Lu Qi.

This made Sona feel a little curious. Does this mean that Lu Qi is the second person chosen besides her?

After all, many people have been exposed to this guqin, but they have all been rejected by it.

After her, Lu Qi was the second person who came into contact with Kuihua, but nothing happened.

Why is this?
Although this guqin has been with her since she was born.

But she didn't have any information except that she looked up the information and learned that it was at least a thousand-year-old guqin.

So I don't understand why Kui Hua just approved of Lu Qi at this time, which makes Sona feel very strange.

She also wanted to know what was behind Yuhua, and what was her background.

However, she didn't know if there would be a day when she would see the answer.

Lu Qi is also looking at the Hua Hua in his arms at the moment, it would be a lie to say that he is not curious.

However, he doesn't know much about this guqin, he only knows that it is Sona's companion guqin, and it is also a weapon with powerful magical power.

If there is a chance in the future, maybe I can take Sona back to Ionia to explore the back of this violin.

Thinking of this, Lu Qi handed Hua Hua back, and said with a smile: "Let's learn this today, and teach me other things tomorrow."


Sona nodded happily, and took Yuhua, and her voice was disconnected from Lu Qi at this moment.

This made Lu Qi think for a while, and put his eyes on Yu Hua.

How does it feel, this thing is like an annunciator.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside.

Not long after, Lacus walked into the living room with a tired face, and then fell down on the sofa without moving. The little golden hair on the top of her head also withered, and she couldn't see any vitality in her body.

Lu Qi looked at her sympathetically. If it was him yesterday, he would definitely laugh at her mercilessly on the spot.

But at this moment, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Seeing Miss Mianwei like this, Lu Qi inevitably feels melancholy for tomorrow.

Facts have proved that the mood between people can be influenced by each other.

Just like now, Lu Qi feels that he is about to suffer from back-to-school syndrome.

"Why do I feel like this has happened so many times in my life today?"

Lacus turned around and lay on the sofa with an emo expression on her small face. She looked at the ceiling blankly and muttered to herself, "Sometimes I can't help but wonder, have we lived for 360 five days, or Lived for a day, repeated 360 five times."

At this moment, she is like a black hole exuding negative emotions, with super gravitational force.

Sona blinked her big eyes, looked at Lu Qi, and seemed to ask again: "What's wrong with her?"

She felt a very sad feeling in Miss Crownguard's heart.

"School syndrome is like this."

Lu Qi sighed, stood up, and walked outside.

Stay two seconds longer and he might emo on the spot.

Come to the front yard.

Fiona was leaning on the rocking chair, quietly reading a book in her hand.

Two high-heeled shoes were placed neatly on one side, and one of her long legs was stretched out straight on the chair, as if she was not wearing socks, and she could see the slender and slender jade feet at a glance, the fair skin was delicate and shiny, carefully groomed The curves of the feet are uneven and look very beautiful.

The leg on the other side is arched, and the corners of the mouth on the delicate and glamorous face are slightly raised, which, combined with the half-reclining posture, adds a bit of charm.

Hearing Lu Qi's footsteps, she put down the book in her hand, turned her head and looked over, and found that his gaze was always looking down.

Stare straight at your feet.

Fiona couldn't help frowning, but the next second she found that Lu Qi's frown was deeper than hers.

Lu Qi withdrew his gaze, looked at Fiona and said, "Your feet are a bit arched."

Fiona froze for a moment: "Jinzu?"

"You can understand it as a dysplastic foot that looks beautiful but is actually misshapen."

Lu Qi explained, and then said, "The other one sticks out, let me have a look."

Arched feet generally refer to bound feet. After bound feet, women's abnormally developed feet are like Lu Qi's previous life. In ancient times, women believed that women had small feet.

Therefore, the feet will be bound, so that the bound feet are small and delicate, and the arched feet will also look good.

But in fact, this hurts women a lot and is wrong.

Fiona's feet have such a meaning at the moment. Although they look good, Lu Qi can tell at a glance that their development is not normal.

Hearing Lu Qi's explanation, Fiona arched her straight leg and put the other leg down.

The same is true of her other foot, which is beautiful and delicate in appearance, but upon closer inspection, there are a few flaws.

Lu Qi sat on a chair beside him, took a look and asked, "It's a bit high arched, have you bound your feet before?"

With top-notch medical skills in his mind, Lu Qi found something wrong at a glance.

No matter how good-looking your feet are, if they will have a negative impact on people, that's not acceptable.

Hearing Lu Qi's words, Fiona nodded in a daze, and replied with some embarrassment: "I used to take a cloth and wrap my feet up for a while."

Lu Qi frowned and asked, "What's the reason?"

For some reason, seeing Lu Qi frown, Fiona panicked.

Her eyes flickered, she lowered her head and said: "Because I want to learn the sword skills in my school, if my feet are too big, it will be inconvenient."

Because the swordsmanship of the Laurent family is somewhat special, it is said that the first patriarch at that time found inspiration from a dance step "Waltz".

Then the founder of the first-generation family became famous in Demacia with this sword skill.

However, in the later exploration of swordsmanship, people also discovered that the size of the feet will also have different degrees of influence on swordsmanship.

People with small feet will be more conducive to displaying body skills in swordsmanship.

Therefore, people in the family will often make their feet grow to the ideal size by soaking a special potion.

However, because the family did not allow her to learn swordsmanship since she was a child, Fiona has been practicing swords in secret for so long.

After learning about this incident, he wrapped his feet with cloth in private, trying to limit the growth of his feet in this way.

Lu Qi, who knew the details, also supported his forehead, and said helplessly, "What a stupid woman, can the special potion be the same as bound feet?"

I didn't expect that Jian Ji chick looks so smart now, and she also had such a stupid period when she was a child.

This was the first time Lu Qi saw someone who bound his feet on his own initiative.

This thing does all the harm and does no good.

At this moment, Fiona frowned because of this stupid woman, but when she saw Lu Qi's eyes, she couldn't get angry at all.

After thinking about it, Fiona's voice subconsciously became softer: "Anyway, there's nothing wrong now."

After so many years, she didn't feel that there was any problem.

"Is it okay for you now to feel it? You will regret it in a few years, thanks to the fact that you value swordsmanship so much."

Lu Qi snorted coldly, and looked at Fiona who bowed her head in front of her, "The result is that you don't take your body seriously. Do you know how long-term the impact of a random behavior when you were young is?"

Facing the aggressive Lu Qi at the moment, the arrogant Miss Jian Ji lowered her head, like a little girl, not daring to make a sound.

Immediately, Lu Qi continued: "It's a good thing I found out early, otherwise after a few years, you will find that your swordsmanship has slowed down, and you will cry."

Hearing that it would affect her future swordsmanship, Fiona also raised her head, her cold eyes were no longer calm, she looked at Lu Qi with trembling eyes, and said eagerly, "Is there anything you can do?"

She regards swordsmanship as her life. From the beginning of learning swordsmanship to resist the rebellion of her family, she now loves swordsmanship from the bottom of her heart.

But now I know that in a few years, her swordsmanship may no longer improve because of this.

Even Fiona was a little panicked.

"Didn't I say that I found out early?" Lu Qi looked at her and smiled, "Don't panic, even in a few years, I still have a solution."

Hearing what he said, Fiona breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, seeing the smile in this guy's eyes, she immediately knew that this guy was scaring her on purpose just to see how she lost her composure.

Feeling a little more ashamed and annoyed, she took a deep breath and calmed down. Fiona asked, "What can I do?"

"Deformation of development, of course it has been corrected."

While talking, Lu Qi moved a small chair and sat in front of the rocking chair like a massage therapist.

Then he raised his hand and held Fiona's right foot in his hand, feeling a delicate and tender feeling.

The warm touch of his big hand instantly made Fiona feel an electric current spread from her right foot to her whole body, and the slight trembling of her body made her subconsciously want to pull her foot back.

"Don't move."

Immediately, hearing Lu Qi's voice, Fiona calmed down again, lowered her head and let Lu Qi hold her right foot.

Then he twisted his body and adjusted to a comfortable sitting position. His face was blushing, and he felt that the feeling of being held by someone else was strange and a little shameful.

Lu Qi has no extra thoughts in his mind at the moment. He is using a medical method to measure the size of Fiona's right foot, plus feeling the bones, etc., and also concluded that there is indeed a problem with the development of these feet.

It is true that the feet affect the strength, because the feet bear the weight of a person's body.

If a person has a good arched foot, a force will be formed when the feet land on the ground, so the arch of the foot will reduce the impact on the human body.

It can be seen visually that the arch of the foot is similar to an arch bridge, but what is the function of the arch bridge?
Shock-absorbing, terrain-adapting, stable, so the better a person's arch is, the better it will be.

But therefore, there will be two situations.

One is flat feet. Flat feet will cause obvious body pressure, increase the weight-bearing capacity, make it difficult to dissipate force, and stability will also become a problem.

The other is high arched feet. Excessive arched feet can also be harmful, causing plantar pain, tendon contracture, unstable walking, and imbalance. When this phenomenon lasts for a long time, it will cause deformities to the development of both feet. Influence.

Fiona's feet looked particularly beautiful, but they were already at risk of high arched feet, even if she didn't notice it right now.

But in the future, it will definitely affect her.

"Is the problem serious?"

Seeing Lu Qi groping all over her feet while frowning, Fiona couldn't help feeling a little worried.

And every time she touched it, she would have a strange feeling, which made her very uncomfortable.

"It's not particularly serious, but it will take a while to correct."

As Lu Qi spoke casually, both hands suddenly exerted force at the same time.

Suddenly there was a "click", and a crisp sound from the bones startled Fiona, but before she could react, there was another "click".

She found this fleeting feeling quite comfortable.

At this moment Lu Qi has withdrawn his hand.

Fiona looked at Lu Qi and said, "Is it over?"

"Correction is effortless."

Lu Qi said, looking at Fiona's eyes that seemed to be not enjoying himself, said, "The rest is an additional fee."

Fiona froze for a moment: "Are you going to collect money this time?"

"What else? Do you think I'm doing charity?"

Lu Qi glanced at her and said, "My orthodontic technique can be said to be the best in the world, just charge you a hundred gold for one foot."

One hundred gold?

It didn't seem expensive, but for some reason, Fiona suddenly had the urge to add more money.

But he still controlled the impulse, put his left foot in front of Lu Qi, and said, "I'll give it to you later."

Lu Qi held her left foot with both hands and exerted strength at the same time.



After the two crisp sounds, Fiona also felt an unprecedented sense of relief on her feet.

"Try to take two steps."

Lu Qi said at this time.

Hearing this, Fiona turned around and put her right foot into the high heels first, then her left foot.

Then she stood up and walked a few steps back and forth on the road, her expression changed slightly, she turned her head and looked at Lu Qi with some surprise in her eyes.

Obviously it was only a few efforts, but the feeling she felt walking on the road at this moment was completely different from before.

It's like changing a pair of more comfortable feet.

This is somewhat miraculous.

Seeing the gaze cast by the little girl Jian Ji, Lu Qi smiled: "This is just a temporary correction, you should already feel the difference, and it will always be like this after long-term correction."

Hearing this, Fiona nodded slightly.

At this time Lu Qi said again: "Usually when you have nothing to do, you can also massage yourself, turn your toes on the ground ten times to the left, turn right ten times, then move your feet back and forth three times, and then stretch your feet. Both help you relieve muscle fatigue."

With that said, he stood up and walked towards the living room.

Fiona asked, "What are you going to do again?"

Lu Qi turned his head and glanced at her: "Wash your hands."

Fiona calmed down, blushing unconsciously, seeing Lu Qi enter the house.

She also returned to the rocking chair, took off her shoes, and stretched her feet a few times as Lu Qi said.

After stretching, she also put her hand in front of her nose and sniffed, only to be slightly relieved.

Fortunately, there is no smell.

And it may be because of the medicated bath every day for the past few days, and there is a faint fragrance.

Wait until Lu Qi washes his hands and comes out.

A carriage also happened to stop outside the courtyard.

Kashina got out of the carriage, ran into the yard after seeing Lu Qi, came to him and said joyfully, "Your Highness, the newspaper sold a total of 15 copies today, almost all of what was printed yesterday! "

After getting the manuscript drafted by Lu Qi yesterday, the printing work started.

It took many hours and 15 copies were printed.

From today's sales, it can be seen that Lu Qi's marketing is quite successful.

These 15 people already occupy a lot of the population of the capital.

The result was expected by Lu Qi, he thought for a while, and said: "In the future, according to this model, it is enough to print 5 copies per day, and the price is officially mentioned as [-] copper copies. At the same time, according to what I told you before, unlock Weekly and monthly purchases."

The price increase is not a temporary price increase by Lu Qi. The two copper coins on the first day are a discount, to a certain extent, to test the market reaction.

One piece of five coppers is the price that was originally set.

After all, with two coppers, Lu Qi is basically doing charity.

Right now, the daily sales volume of the newspaper is expected to reach [-] gold, which is already a huge sum of money for many people.

Five hundred gold a day is equivalent to fifteen thousand gold a month, and this amount of money is a huge sum of money.

Leaving aside the necessary expenses, Lu Qi can earn at least [-] gold per month.

This is almost equivalent to stepping into the ranks of the rich with one foot.

Weekly purchase and monthly purchase are one type of model. By paying a certain amount of money, you can unlock the service of door-to-door delivery for a week or a month.

It can be regarded as a disguised membership, which is also a way to make money.

Moreover, these are just the beginnings of newspapers, and this is not the only place where newspapers really make money.

 It is estimated that there will be an update today, because my fingers hurt due to tenosynovitis.
(End of this chapter)

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