LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 120 Maybe This Is That Foolish People Have Stupid Blessings

Chapter 120 Maybe This Is That Foolish People Have Stupid Blessings


In outdoor classes, free practice time.

Lu Qi casually lay flat on the bench, crossed his legs, enjoying the leisurely summer time.

The weather has not been so hot recently, and it rains occasionally, but it is quite cool.

He opened his eyes and glanced at Miss Crownguard not far away.

At this time, Lux was holding a long blade in her hand, her eyes were closed, and she was standing motionless.

Seeing this, he couldn't help asking curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Don't make noise." Lux replied with a serious face, without opening her eyes, "I'm feeling the wind."

So Lu Qi stopped talking, lay there and yawned, watching by the way.

Lacus has always maintained a certain degree of interest in Yufeng swordsmanship, and most of the outdoor classes in the academy are learning from Lu Qi.

Valoran turned around at this moment, seeing the bad expressions of the men and women walking towards him, and even wanted to answer the words.

Chen Shi heard that he had too few ideas.

Valoran vented the anger he hadn't vented just now: "Look at this bitch's expression, you have seen a noble lady who is even more demon than you."

However, from an onlooker's perspective, Lu Qi could still see that Lux's proficiency in Yufeng swordsmanship was gradually increasing with the passage of time.

Valoran was stunned when he heard the words, but also realized what Fei Chenshi was saying, sighed and said: "The wine is not so bad, and his big girl doesn't know how much energy it takes to brew a new wine."

That is the fourth person to invite you tonight. After staying with this guy for a long time, you almost forget that you are actually quite popular.

With a snort, Chen Shifu adjusted his state, closed his eyes again, and felt the wind again.

The enrolling teacher said so.

"Is it the town of Edessa in the north? It seems quite far away, right?"

Intuition tells you that if that guy thinks of something bad now.

And the Demacians usually like hunting, and even people in some places live by hunting.

But there is no difference in the bad image.

From what you said, Felucci could hear a bit of yin and yang.

Auger nodded, and said without thinking: "Does this mean that you can't paddle on the road for a few days?"

In memory, what is the difference between you and when you first met.

It seems that the name is right and wrong.

And Laurent, holding the [-]-point report card in his hand, shed tears of regret.

Laurent, who had scribbled a bunch of things under the paper, wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling the hard work and exhaustion of learning knowledge.

Felucci's gaze remained under the cake.

Chen Shi turned his gaze back again.

And Fei Chenshi is just sitting here quietly at the moment, out of tune with the surroundings, but this hot and beautiful face and low-heat temperament are still a bright spot.

The taste of that dessert is also far worse than that made by this guy.

While God closed a door for you, he opened few windows.

Yes, it depends on whether I want it or not.

"It's bad." Dana still smiled: "I wish them a good night's sleep."

Of course, that is also a kind of legend, just like ghost stories.

At this time, lying flat under the chair, my eyes fell on Laurent's innocent face, which was very serious at the moment.

The college entrance examination is a threshold for the hunting competition. It assesses the academic performance of the students. The purpose is not to stop some people who are good at grades but want to fish in troubled waters of the hunting competition.

at the same time.

When Chen Shifu heard that, he became even more angry, and it showed on his face that you were about to get angry.

When the two came to the front of the teacher who applied for it, they learned a bad news about how friendly they were.

At that moment, you swear in your heart that from now on, you must study badly!

I don't know why, at this moment Ogg suddenly doesn't have a sense of sight that "the boy next door grows up".


But Lu Qi himself is not a material for being a master, so when imparting Lux's experience, the method is completely guided by the apprentice, and the cultivation depends on the individual.

And that time, the credits of No.1 were not directly one hundred.

At most, it has reached the level of LV2 (first glimpse of the door), and how long has it been since you learned Yufeng Swordsmanship?

Looking at Felucci like that, even if the best one appears in front of your eyes, you will take a second look.

That thing is second only to Yufeng Sword Intent, and it is also equivalent to a barrier to entry.

Even Fengyi, the core of Yufeng swordsmanship, is mastered by her.

What I can do for my family is useless as a matchmaker in the middle.

On extremely rare occasions, though, some people become close companions with those creatures, becoming dragon-bird riders.

Surrounded by the voices of several noble sons and elder sisters chatting freely, it seems that there are two worlds with your side.

What should be taught is taught anyway, and it is up to Ms. Guanwei herself whether she learns or not.

Seven points is a day off, one hundred points is not a full seventy days!

Every once in a while, there will be news that no one has seen the Dragon Clan.

Demacia is located on the westernmost side of the Lacus Continent, and there are few mountains and forests outside. You must stand at the top of the dome and look up. That country seems to be surrounded by giant peaks.

But you are doomed to disappoint your mother. Felucci is a little interested in both the topics these young masters and elder sisters are talking about, as well as us.

Laurent, who returned to the Crown Guard's mansion, didn't even say hello, so he retreated to his room.

Felucci saw that scene in his eyes.

Felucci replied, "Because I'm interested."

Felucci sat quietly under the chair by himself, his eyes chattering, and he poked the dessert behind his face with a fork to pass the time.

It will take a few days on the road, and the hunting competition will last for a week. If the total is added up, at most ten days will be used for the academy to finish classes.

And the character is absent, and the powerful Warcraft.

With a thoughtful expression on your face, you thought for a while and said, "Anyway, it's near. You remember that when you go to Mihril City, you will pass through Edessa City. It will probably take a few days."

The instructor stood at the end and said with a serious expression: "One thing to inform, the Royal Academy will organize a hunting event eight days ago, and interested students cannot sign up for it."

"Mrs. Steiner, it's been a long time since I saw you."

The family is in the winery business in the capital, and the sales volume of wine is unrivaled when it is in the limelight more than ten years later.

After the words fell, Felucci refused, "Sorry, I'm interested."

That's when you saw your mother coming.

At that time, the instructor at the back said: "This hunting activity is also counted as a large-scale competition. Those with low hunting scores will not be punished with credits. No. 1 credits will be punished with [-] credits."

"Is it a bit of bad luck? There is nothing to be proud of! Feng Shui turns around, and it will turn to you sooner or later!"

In other words, the people who have seen it are not dead yet.

In recent months, the Alma family has developed a new wine recipe, which has caused a lot of response and less negative reviews once it was released.

Saying that, you lay under the bed, and before you changed into your pajamas, you put your head under the soft pillow.

It's almost autumn, and it's a bad season for hunting.

At this moment, a gust of wind is blowing slightly, shaking Chen Shifu's blond hair. Standing on the sun, you are as beautiful as a painting.

After the Alma family's new wine noodles, it can't be said that there is no power to fight back.

"Jingle Bell"

Sebastian on the side came down and stood behind you, looking at Dana behind her: "Mrs. Alma, let's talk another day, it's early today, you and your wife are going home gone."

That is the school bell, but a kind of assembly bell.

Felucci replied, "You'll find out when you get there."
How can it work? When a boy is young, he will get married after all.

There must be a way to master Fengyi, so you can't just say goodbye to Yufeng Swordsmanship.

However, Chen Shi was very interested, and the eldest sister Mianwei next to her also had a chatty expression on her face.

Ogg looked at the address below, turned his head without any doubts, and saw the face of the crown guard sister close at hand.

After thinking about it, you said again: "Let's go somewhere with you later."

Yes, even if you mean it, Felucci has already noticed it.

How could she become a big sword girl in the eyes of this guy?

The crown guard at the side also had an enthusiastic expression on her face.

With the change of time, the Demacians have gradually mastered the way of living in harmony with the long-winged dragon and bird, and the number of dragon and bird knights has gradually decreased in recent years.

"I'm so mad at you, when did a seventh-rate nobleman dare to talk to you like that!"

And in those mountains and forests, there are many monsters, none of which are violent or cruel.

Felucci tilted his head, why do you feel that this guy is as nervous as brewing wine?

Felucci looked at Valoran with a sad face, and said aloud, "Can't you make new wine too?"

The Steiner family has encountered some difficulties under the recent business.

The two arrived at the playground very quickly, and the students were also running from all directions, and it took a while for all the members to gather.

Looking at you, Aoge also sighed in his heart, maybe it's not because you are a fool.

Hearing this, Valoran became even more annoyed. Looking at the man with a cold face, he felt helpless in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Onasa was a little shocked!
The giant dragon, also known as the Dragon Clan.

That child has finally grown up.

Immediately, he glared at him with great pleasure, and raised his big fist to make a loud threat.

Then came the sound of footsteps from behind.

That was really bad news.

So that's an outrageous number.

Both Sebastian and Felucci were very quiet.

Dragon Bird Knights serve in the Demacian army, playing the role of scouting the enemy and disrupting the enemy's front.

In contrast, the men and women smiled all over their faces and looked Valoran up and down: "Mrs. Chen Shifu's complexion is so bad, did you have a bad night's sleep recently?"

That experience taught you a painful lesson.

Filucci thought for a while and replied, "I'm sorry, I'm interested, but I mean it badly. Did you stop talking?"

You want to be seen as worthy again by others!

Sitting under the carriage going home.

10 minutes ago.

In the small hall a gramophone was playing music hurriedly.

Chen Shisha wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, moved in and out of the room, and quietly closed the door.

Brother Young Master straightened up, smiled helplessly, and returned angrily.

There are also many competitors.

Valoran said enthusiastically, "Dana, what are you talking about with him?"

Following a male voice, Valoran's expression also changed a little.

A handsome young man dressed in aristocratic clothes came down, bent over and stretched out his hand in front of Felucci: "Ugly man, can you invite him to dance with you?"

According to Lux, she felt it on day one.

Chen Shi sat up from the chair, and Laurent also opened his eyes.

It's too late to leave.

At that time, a bell sounded from under the playground at this end.

At the moment when you heard the news, you also froze in place with a blank face.

Seemingly unaware, Laurent quickly opened his eyes, looked at Chen Shi for the first time, and saw my eyes at the moment.

That night.

In a noble banquet.

Chen Shi smiled, and looked away, not looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the world.

Ionia Ogg next door has been there, so it is vague, but from the information given by the system, it is known that Fengyi can be grasped with caution.

It was the first time, and it was the first time, that Laurent took the initiative to learn when he used your reminder!

After Chen Shifu finished venting, you also changed your sad expression, glanced at the man who was sitting quietly, and wanted to say something in front of you if you didn't have anything to say.

Ever since, before taking the college entrance examination, Chen Shi successfully signed up for the hunting competition with his passing score sheet.

Chen Shifu frowned and looked at you: "Just now, this is the uncle of the Mills family, who is not well-known in the younger generation. No matter how you look at it, you just turned it down after just one glance?"

That made Auger realize that it was extremely unlikely that the guy was a genius.

After signing up, it is also a first-hand understanding of the basic information of this hunt.

Looking at the man behind him who was a bit afraid of him, Chen Shifu was also angry.

One month!

The speed of swimming overseas is far faster than some aquatic creatures, and it is not aggressive, it is also resistant to beatings, and the taste is special.

Of course Lu Qi didn't believe it at first, but in the next few sparring sessions, he felt the wind coming from under you, which was extremely solid.

Maybe it's because the food is too bad, and because you often take medicinal baths recently, your skin looks more white and tender, and your petite body seems to have been stretched, and it looks slim, and your figure has begun to take shape. A little bit of kyphosis and forward warping.

It only took Laurent a month to comprehend Fengyi's "first glimpse".

Especially in the past two months, it cannot be said that it is a constant deficit, and it has not been profitable for a long time.

Naturally, there are no distinctions between those monsters. For example, Lady Nash, a creature that survives in the legends of the Lacus Continent, has no one seen its appearance so far.

"He is so weak and unreasonable!"

However, none of them are mere legends.

Obviously, Valoran understood what you meant, and asked in confusion, "Where are you going?"

"If you want to sign up for this hunting competition, please go and bring the results of the college entrance examination first, before you are not eligible to sign up."

And the Alma family is not one of the weaker ones, and they collided with the Steiner family in those years without business.

Seeing Ogg holding the full-score test paper and looking at you respectfully, Laurent silently clenched his fists.

For example, the famous river crab, also known as the swift crab, is a kind of magical beast that often appears along the coast of the Demacia River.

You do know that if you carefully take out one of the wines that are placed outside Chen Shi's courtyard and put them on the market, they may all become popular.

It is far worse than the South Sea Flame Claw Crab.

If he wants to say that, you will be excited.


It was a business gathering, and Mother Valoran insisted on bringing you here, in order to let you get to know some other people.

Needless to say, outside of that one month, most of them were messing with Ogg.

The fur, bones, and even flesh and blood of some monsters are valuable, which is also one of the meanings of hunting.

"Today's you haven't worked hard enough, leave the rest to tomorrow's you!"

And the stronger and weaker the wind mastered, the weaker the power of the Yufeng swordsmanship will be.

After a while, a sweet smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he fell asleep.

Looking at the clock hanging under the wall and the sky inside, you also got up muttering to yourself.

"That girl is too rude, how did you tell him on the way here?"

Such as what kind of magic marsh frog, razor beak bird, those wild monsters in the game are just one of the many monsters in the small land.

Outside the carriage, Mrs. Steiner's venting voice was heard continuously.

So, before the indoor class started, the two went directly to the registration office to sign up.

"Don't be so angry right away." Dana smiled and raised the wine glass in her hand, "Yes, you really should apologize to him. Recently, your big heart took away his family's business. It's really bad." mean."

Naturally, you can say that among the sons who came down to strike up a conversation, maybe one of them will not be his husband-in-law in the future.

The credits are equal to the holidays, and the credits for No.1 in the next composition competition allowed Aoge to enjoy a few bad days of vacation.

For example, a long-winged dragon bird in Demacia is a naturally ferocious predator that lives among low cliffs.

Chen Shi's eyes lit up when he was originally interested.

But today is the same as in the past, and now the family brewed wine is gradually being thrown away by the times, and it is not as unpopular as it was then.

At this moment, Ogg hasn't ended his hallucinations yet, so how will the seventy days pass.

A trace of anger appeared under Valoran's carefully made-up face, "I want to make fewer friends, but he sat there all night and didn't say more than eight words to others?"

Laurent's eyes lit up, and he thought of going with Ogg.

It is a kind of unidentified monster that has not been confirmed in the history of Demacia. Although the real dragons have not disappeared in the Lux Continent for a long time, the legend of the unexamined dragon still exists.

Onasa, who was surprised by this, came downstairs. Before opening the door of the room, she saw the figure of the man writing hard behind the desk, with an extremely serious face.

Auger was holding an introduction in his hand, and Laurent, who was not squeezed over to read together by his arm, both of them looked down.

For example a big golden retriever.

And monsters that have no blood relationship with the Dragon Clan usually have super strength.

The Royal Academy does not have a special course to explain the information of Warcraft that has not been recorded yet.

As a result, the Steiner family, which could not barely contend with it, was instantly defeated.

 Kawen is numb, I'm sorry, I owe an update.
(End of this chapter)

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