LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 123 A stumbling block on the road to failure!

Chapter 123 A stumbling block on the road to failure! (six thousand words)

Jarvan III convened a meeting of collective ministers in the palace.

Lacus, Sona, and Fiona waited outside the hall, while Lu Qi went to the conference hall with Jarvan IV.

The conference hall is not particularly large, but it can accommodate many people.

Jarvan IV pushed open the door of the conference hall, and the two walked in.

Immediately, a lot of eyes looked over, and at this time a lot of people had gathered inside.

In the middle of the conference hall is an octagonal table, with four seats on each side of the octagonal table, and a wider and taller chair at the front and the middle.

Jarvan III was sitting there, Tiana was sitting on the left, and Lev and Galen were standing behind her.

On the right is Roy, and there are two people standing behind him.

There are still six seats left, and there are a few chairs with acquaintances sitting on them, and there are three unfamiliar faces. Lu Qi has an impression, but he has only met once.


Walter VIII is here, and it is very quiet outside the small hall. I sat cross-legged on the ground without paying attention, and kept looking at the paintings behind the coffin, lost in thought for a long time.

"I want to take this opportunity to change my image, but I want to suppress these new things. Now, who dares to innovate in Debon?"

"Not yet, you now"

It made Galen, who was wandering in the sky with his head high, come back to his senses, I raised my head and breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed that the long and smelly meeting was finally about to begin.

Even bribery turned out to be bad luck now.

Come, Galen also flipped through the memory fragments in his mind, and told Xiong Da VIII about the beautiful and bad scenes of Lacus before I was born.

That old man is really a stumbling block in my path!

"Even the villain Tiana dared to speak out and make fun of her yesterday. Shouldn't it be restricted?"

So, unless you want to make yourself uncomfortable, someone will continue to talk nonsense about that matter.

"Yeah." Galen stepped forward and followed.

Wang Dute just continued badly: "The minister is targeting that newspaper, but I just think that being so presumptuous is not bad at all."

It wasn't until he heard Galen's footsteps that he came back to his senses and turned his head to look over.

Walter VIII's voice fell.

In those days, soaking in hot springs became a must-do for several people every day, because the weather was far away for many times, and it became warmer and warmer.

Smiles are contagious, but in my impression, there is no such contagious person as Galen's mother.

I don't know why, I always feel that the old man is fine
"come on."

"Let's go."

Hearing that, Galen showed a genuine expression.

Tur's rank is too low, it's not abusive food to go there.

Galen had nothing to say immediately.

The small matters of Demacia were discussed and decided under that table, and in front of those representatives, there were two people standing on each side.

Representatives of the nobility, Wangdu Te Chambers, Josie Kwais.

The people sitting under that table will also change from time to time.

Naturally, I want to see this newspaper continue to go up like that, and what I want is to suppress it.

Cute, the bribes were not too little in the next few days, and it was the old man who was impressed.

Seeing the elder brother's big eyes that were obviously convinced, Tiana smiled and said: "It's just a way to investigate and investigate, and it's killing his elder brother again, so don't look happy."

Walter VIII looked at me: "Why should there be restrictions?"

As soon as my words fell, some of the ministers standing in the inner circle immediately started talking loudly among each other, neither saying anything bad nor saying it was bad.

Hachio nodded, thinking it should be.

Xiong Da showed a speechful expression when he heard the words, and then he looked behind and also started talking.

Wang Dute paused suddenly, and said yes.

Lux's position as queen is what you should have, even though it was only granted before she died, it seems to have some meaning.

Walking behind, Tiana said casually.

"The minister has objections."

At night, soaking in a warm hot spring is extremely comfortable.

Galen: "."

"You have to stay in the palace tonight, as long as they go back first."

Whenever people see Shang Jiawen's innocent smile, their mood will be consciously bad.

Galen suddenly didn't have the sense of déjà vu that the NPC was sending me a task.

"Today's meeting is basically over there, do you have anything to say?"

Xiong Dart never thought that writing a few words on a piece of paper would not have such a small power.

Whenever I speak, it means that the discussion on that matter is coming to an end.

Jiawen took the lead and said.

"You can call it whatever you hate."

"Yes, yes." Walter VII shook his head again and again, looking at Xiong Da, "That's obviously him."

Wang Dute, right?Suppress newspapers, right?

I found that when a few ministers under the four-corner table were talking about things, Walter VIII usually just sat and watched.

But that can at least alleviate the pain in Walter VIII's heart a little bit.

What's more, besides the medicine bath, Galen also prepared a kind of wine bath. Before the bath is finished, his body will become red and air-conditioned, and he will not feel a little drunk like before drinking.

Galen asked, "Why do you say that?"

I also came to the small hall where Lacus' coffin was placed.

Before I could finish speaking, Jiawen who was sitting on the left spoke first: "I think this is not appropriate, please second."

Therefore, under the gaze of Erte VIII, Wang Dute said again: "The image of nobles has always been humble and upright in the hearts of the people, but now because of these so-called gossip rumors, few nobles have made a fool of themselves." , and even want to talk about the matter of the little minister Jiawen's wife, does that mean that he is cowardly and law-abiding?"

It's just that I thought that Tiana was just a backer under the bright side of the newspaper, and the real backer was sitting under the chair.

"My minister agrees."

One by one, the dusty memories in the depths of my mind were quickly told by Walter VIII. I remember all the details of Lux and Lux ​​in a vague way.

Xiong Dart said: "What I want to talk about is the newspaper that Roy has made a lot of noise recently. Is the arrogance of that newspaper not too arrogant?"

Hearing Galen's words, Xiong Dadai's eight sisters also nodded repeatedly.

What you said is too bad, I am ashamed to be your old father.

Looking at you like that, Galen sighed, there is nothing to worry about.

Outrageous, really outrageous.

"I heard that he is going to participate in the hunting in Wen Sanshi City in two days?"

So today I want to give a special account.

All the people present raised their heads and dared to take a breath. It's been a long time since we saw VIII get angry like that.

Seeing Galen approaching, Xiong Dadai asked curiously.

At that time, a person sitting at the eighth position on the left side of the four-corner table raised his hand: "Your Majesty, I have nothing to say."

It wasn't until I walked out of the conference hall that there was a commotion in the hall, and the ministers were talking in twos and twos.

"What was the conversation outside?"

Thinking this way outside his heart, Galen still had a calm face on the surface, an expression that the matter was about himself.

Walking behind Tiana, I thought about it and suggested: "Auntie, maybe he called you handsome last time."

Xiong Da sighed, turned around, and walked towards Tiana.

Newspapers should do their best to support it!

I just know that Yufeng's swordsmanship really surprised you a lot back then.

You naturally know how strong Galen is now.

Tiana looked back, as if she knew what I was thinking, and said: "There is a mistake, that is not a task for him, it must be completed."

At that time, seeing Galen's seven retreating, Xiong Da VIII raised his hand and beckoned.

So let yourself be right and bad.

My aura of a king was revealed, and the atmosphere in the small hall became oppressive.

Your rank is also high now, it's wrong to say the least!

After arriving at the garden, Shang Jiawen, Sona and Fiona were waiting here.

"Not yet, his mother usually likes to eat roasted sweet potatoes at the moment, so she secretly ran to the village and exchanged the money you rewarded you for baskets of sweet potatoes, and then you ate it again. At first, the soldiers accompany you to finish eating."

That feeling was very wrong. After that feeling passed, the fatigue of the body seemed to disappear, and the skin became firmer.

Galen then replied: "About the placement of your mother's body, tomorrow we plan to bury the emperor's tomb and posthumously proclaim the emperor."

With a dry cough, Jiawen also said: "Small Wang Dute, please get down to business."

Xiong Dart immediately said: "I feel that if you let it go up like that, I'm afraid it won't damage the image of the nobility."

It's also very popular with the men, but you always count the time when you have a date, and you have to tell Galen before you are willing to leave.

Even if you have a chat, you have to endure it.

Seeing that there was a solution, Xiong Da had no choice but to follow up: "Let's break it."

Each of these individuals represents an important thing for the country.

It was the day when he appeared in front of everyone in the capital.

Galen was listening quietly, listening to the events of the year, a dull, cheerful and cowardly boy emerged in my mind.

Xiong Da heaved a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat, and left here at a slower pace.

Speak, and you turn and leave, leaving Garen alone at the end.

Yes, it also made him realize what the power of the masses of the people is.

Turning his head to look at me, Walter VIII smiled and continued: "You were also very dull back then. When you knew your identity, you were so frightened that you hid under the table. You persuaded me badly. It takes half a day to be willing to come out."

Our styles are quite similar, our backs are straight, we walk vigorously on the road, our expressions are turbulent and shocked, and we don't have this obvious sense of fortitude that only belongs to Demacians.

"Oh?" That made Art VIII look at me uninterestedly, "Here, tell me, what is the image of a nobleman?"

Immediately, Erte VIII hurriedly spoke to the crowd: "The first thing is about the placement of Lacus. You plan to bury your coffin in the imperial mausoleum tomorrow and posthumously proclaim you the queen. Do they have any objections?"

"Your Majesty, it's not half an hour past dinner time."

Time passed by in bursts, and the sky inside also slowed down from morning to evening.

The bad thing was that Galen was slow enough to react, and immediately changed into a harmful smile for humans and animals, and immediately opened and shook his raised fingers, as if he was saying goodbye.

In the middle of speaking, Tiana interrupted by raising her hand.

Galen hears the meaning of your words.

The casting action was interrupted, and Galen sighed a lot when he heard this.

The two walked to the front of Xiong Da VIII, one on the right and one on the left, standing on both sides.

Thinking about it, my mother used to be a boy like the crowned lady, Galen also showed a very uninterested look.

It is worth mentioning that Eldred, the head of the Templar Corps, also stepped down after 17 years.

The meeting hall was very quiet, and only the voice of Walter VIII could be heard.

You looked at Galen with a smile: "I took too much wine from him recently, and I haven't had enough to drink for a long time. Don't think about these useful things. You suggest that he delay making preparations."

Now because of this newspaper, the image of the Demacian nobles in the private youth has changed a little in just one month.

And Tiana was not qualified to sit at that table until 17 years later.

That was what Xiong Dart had thought in his mind, but to be able to sit in that position, I also knew that it was fun to say that.

Walter VIII stood up quickly, the tears on his face were still wet, I looked at Galen and said, "Let's go."

So after thinking about it, let Urna go back with you.

Now that I don’t have a big task in Wen Sanshi’s town for the first time, I thought of throwing it to the old man. While testing my current level, I can also increase my experience in the world.

Galen paused, then raised his head to look at Art VII: "Brother, call him."

Wang Dute sneered and raised his head.

"You haven't treated me enough. Their so-called image should have been changed a long time ago. When Demacia was founded, there were no nobles and common people. Your ancestors also rose from common people. There has never been only one real image, this is not close to the people."

Tiana said.

The image of nobles should be the same as these commoners, humble, touchable, and majestic.

"This is bad, and there is nothing to be handed over to him."

It was the first time for Galen, so after standing for a few minutes, he felt that there was nothing to talk about.

Walter VII said seriously: "Because you call you a fool many times."

"It's not that the soaking time is too long, seven to 10 minutes is bad, and Daxin cooked them."

Outside of my heart, I also felt a little bit of joy. Now everyone in Roy knows about my beautiful wife.

Just about to raise a middle finger to show respect, Tiana suddenly turned around.

Legal representative, Giovanni Rhodes.

I looked back at the painting, thinking of the past, and smiled consciously, "It's the war right now, and my mood is tense, but before the soldiers saw that smile, they immediately relaxed."

Walter VIII's slightly angry reprimand resounded throughout the conference hall.

When you wrote your white history in the newspaper, didn't you think about that day?
I have something to say for a while.

Those people, or the entourage, advisors, deputy of those representatives, or the representatives of the secondary families.

Compared with the quick handling of that matter, the pace of the previous few matters has become very fast.

Until night fell, Xin Zhao's voice came from the front.

Then, echoing voices came from all over the four-corner table.


Walter VIII asked, "What's the matter?"

The one who has been sitting the longest is not Minister Jiawen. I have served the country since the time of King Arthur VII.

Galen showed a willing expression, and looked at Xiong Da next to him: "Should that kind of task be handed over to Brother Lun, who is humble, mighty, and stupid?"

Now he remembers to speak ill of you?

"This little brother will go first."

But as a representative of the nobles, I have great energy, and I will be the only one under the conference table.

"If you didn't close that newspaper, it was just to suppress, and you need to promote it even more. Those present here, those who have done bad things will be published, and those who have done good things will also be published. If what you do is a matter of conscience, why not Afraid of showing your face behind the eyes of the people?"

If he said that, you'd be showing off your hands.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly heard Tiana's voice coming from in front of him.

Xiong Da, who was inexplicably cue, also blushed when he saw people looking at me.

Xiong Da saw some knowledge of being an official from it, this is not nonsense plus a little useless, the one-time addition should be less, anyway, it really makes people think it is nonsense.

At this time, Walter VIII had put away his majesty, and said lightly: "Who hasn't objected to this matter?"

From that angle of view, it is possible to see the faces of everyone under the table for a few times, and the expressions of the four people seated at this time are all very serious.

Be careful that one thing can be pulled back and forth four times.

Of course, that was the situation before I was abdicated, so the teenagers worked hard to stabilize the situation.

Okay, let his eldest son become famous tomorrow, and the worst thing he can do is pray that he doesn't do something bad.

Wang Dute's original intention was for La Jiawen to go to the water. He was a young man who had served as Jiawen's minister, and he was old and cunning. Naturally, he would wade into that muddy water.

Looking at Tiana's back, Galen curled his lips, showing a happy expression.

I smiled and waved.

Glancing at Wang Dute who was trying to provoke trouble out of the corner of his eye, Galen silently remembered this person in his mind.

Tiana smiled with satisfaction: "Wait for his bad news."

Galen walked to my side and also sat under the floor.

My name seems to be Wangdu Te Chambers, Galen has no memory of it.

The hairs all over his body stood on end immediately.

I knew that the old man must have done something bad when he looked at me just now.

Galen looked at me, and the person speaking was a slightly fat woman in aristocratic attire, with a luxurious temperament.

The seven father and son chatted for a long time after Lux's painting.

Then the repeated voice sounded throughout the conference hall.

Showing you a harmful smile, Galen silently moved his eyes away, staring at the air behind, daring to look around again.

Walter VII glanced at Galen and motioned for me to leave for the first time.

But being able to sit on this table is enough to show that they are not simple.

As soon as I raised my head, I saw Tiana on the right looking at me with a half-smile.

If so, lying in this big courtyard all day, he would eat and sleep a lot, so he doesn't look like a prince of a country.

That incident was destined to be a certainty from the day when Walter VIII made Galen's appearance in Roy.

There was enthusiasm in his eyes, and Walter VIII stared straight at Wang Dute, his majesty exuded at once.

It is up to me to make the final decision, and under rare circumstances, as the king of a country, Walter VIII has absolute power.

Galen thought for a while and said, "It's brewed recently."

After getting a response, Tiana also cared about it, and continued to say: "The address is [-] meters south of Wen Sanshi City, and there is no village called Ke'er Village. He went to investigate what happened outside. thing."

The entire conference hall could hear the quiet needle drop, Xiong Da wanted to clap his hands on the spot when he heard those words.

Research representative, Wenhua De Menke.

Walter VIII stood up and walked towards the inside.

I'm afraid you will faint.

Tiana also smiled at me before turning around and leaving.

The seven characters seem to carry a strong sense of giving, but I know that it is time to get out of the past.
Civil Representative, Barrett Bouvier.

Galen also pricked up his ears when he heard the newspaper, it was my property, it mattered a lot.

Demacia's parliamentary system has existed for quite a long time. Those who can sit on this octagonal table are basically the top and center of power in Demacia.

While talking, he walked in.

Tiana also showed a smile on her face, and replied casually: "It's just a big village, let Tour go."

Xiong Da VII patted Galen on the shoulder, obviously wanting to look back at the old man's face, and slipped out of the conference hall after speaking.

"Since there are objections, let's adjourn the meeting and prepare for the funeral of the emperor tomorrow."

Walter VIII told me about the appearance of Lux that I knew after Galen was born.

For example, the military representative, Tiana Crownguard.

Walter VIII seemed to ponder for a few seconds before he said: "Which is bad? In recent years, some of their nobles have no image at all?"

"Big brat, come here."

"It's humble and honest, but what you hear is always bullying, domineering, and law-abiding scandals. Isn't that the noble image you mentioned?"

"The minister has objections."

Galen naturally has no way to go back to live today, so he confessed, "If they want to take a hot spring, they can take out all the things on the eighth floor outside the locker, and just throw them out of the pool."

I naturally know that the newspaper has no backer, and the backer is not Marshal Tiana.

Xiong Da had no choice but to follow, Lev and Tur were not around.

Of course, every meeting is discussed by the representatives of the four small groups. Our entourage made suggestions many times, and then the results of the bad talks were presented to King Walter VIII.

Send away a few men before.

And the one who came to rise up, the representative of the forbidden demons, Eldred.

Tiana just smiled at this, apparently she had no intention of changing her words, then walked back and said, "Talk as we walk."

Now that view has changed.

As I was talking, my eyes turned red. Although I was smiling, looking at this painting, at the front of the painting, Lux, my heart was cut like a knife.

Before starting that topic, the four-corner table also quickly ended my discussions on a few other things.

"His mother, when you were in the army with you, you often smiled like that."

I kind of understand why these migrant workers hate meetings. One thing is that there are few things in the meeting, and there are quite a few things to talk about. There are two things that have to be implemented first.

The ministers in the conference hall discussed loudly for a while, but if someone stood up and said something, it meant that the retreat was at the end, and basically it was far away from advancing.

Treasury representative, Roy Niang.

Walter VII seems to be used to that kind of scene, and I often stand in front of VIII to listen.

 It should be updated today
(End of this chapter)

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