LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

第129章 接下来会有点疼,你忍1下(2合1,1万字)

Chapter 129 It's going to hurt a little bit, bear with it (two in one, [-] words)

If it's just a sparring session, there's no way to unleash the power of the Wuji Sword Intent.

The Divine Tracking Arrow has a penetrating effect, but its level is only LV5, so it cannot break through the defense of Baiyan Grizzly.

However, Wuji Sword Intent is different.

"Wuji" means infinity, referring to no limit.

Perfect level Wuji Sword Intent, if used in full, can become stronger and stronger in battle, and if combined with its natal sword move—Wuji Sword Technique, its power can be almost infinite.

But in the sparring, Lu Qi retained his strength, so naturally he couldn't unleash the true power of the sword.

In addition, Lu Qi uses Yufeng swordsmanship to match Wuji sword intent, which will also have a certain impact on the sword intent itself.

However, it was enough to break the White Rock Grizzly's defense.

At this moment, Lu Qi is also thinking that if he has the opportunity in the future, he may go to Ionia to learn Wuji swordsmanship.

As for now, let's use it like this first.

Flicking the blade of the sword in his hand to wipe off the blood stains on it, Lu Qi put away the weapon and looked at Quinn who was stunned over there.

He found that the girl was staring at him with wide eyes, so he couldn't help but smile and said, "Are you okay?"

Quindon came back to his senses, seeing His Highness's chuckling eyes, his cheeks blushed unconsciously, and hurriedly lowered his head and replied: "I am very sorry, Your Highness, I have caused you trouble, thank you for your help .”

There was shame in her tone.

Her task is to take action when Lu Qi encounters a danger that he cannot handle, which is also counted as protecting his safety.

However, as a bodyguard, she needed Lu Qi's help in the end.

This is no longer as simple as dereliction of duty, but also shows her lack of ability.

Quinn came to the capital with the expectations of her family. Because of Mrs. Le Stara's recommendation, her excellent hunting ability was valued by the generalissimo, and she was directly escorted to the Kingdom Rangers.

After joining the army, she was ambitious and full of confidence in the future.

However, today's incident brought her a big blow.

If Lu Qi didn't take action, she would most likely die here.

At this time, Lu Qi looked at Quinn who was ashamed and bowed his head, walked towards her and said, "No one can predict that this bear is going crazy, no wonder you"

"How did it find you?"

Although he had never encountered a white rock grizzly bear before, the one he encountered today was obviously more violent and ferocious than what was recorded in the book.

He originally thought that with Quinn's ability, he could easily leave the attack range of the White Rock Grizzly.

Apparently something happened and she was left behind.

Quinn also recalled this at this time, and frowned and replied: "At first I was not within its sense of smell, but when it was about to leave, it seemed to suddenly smell me and rushed over like crazy, but at that time There is also a difference of at least 200 meters in distance."

As a ranger, even if the distance measured by her eyes is not particularly accurate, it will definitely not be much worse.

It was because he felt that 200 meters was a safe distance, so Quinn did not evacuate quickly at first.

After being discovered by the white rock grizzly bear, in that short period of time, the distance has been shortened a lot.

In addition, this White Rock Grizzly would also use the surrounding trees, and due to carelessness, Hua Luo was hit.

She also crashed into a tree.

Hearing Quinn's words, Lu Qi looked thoughtful and felt a little strange.

According to the book, the range of the Baiyan Grizzly's sense of smell is 100 meters, but now it has exceeded 200 meters.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Qi felt that there was no point in continuing to think.

After all, the book doesn't say that the white rock grizzly's sense of smell must only be 100 meters away.

The book also said that the haunts of white rock grizzlies are generally in rocky areas.

This is generally used very cleverly.

If you encounter it in a place other than the rocky area, then you can only consider yourself unlucky.

So this can only be seen as an accident.

"Is your arm hurt?"

At this time, he noticed that there were crystal beads of sweat on Quinn's forehead, her expression seemed to be enduring some pain, and her left arm drooped unconsciously, obviously injured.

It's just that when talking to him, I kept trying not to show it.

"It doesn't matter." Quinn forced a smile, said while taking out a roll of bandages from his waist, "I was hit by a broken tree just now."

She took off the shoulder armor on her left shoulder, and there was still a layer of close-fitting cloth clothes inside. She then lifted the cloth clothes on her arms, revealing the thin white arms underneath. The arms were slender, and the right female muscles revealed a healthy beauty.

It's just that there are obvious and serious bruises on the shoulder and upper arm, and it hurts unbearably just looking at it.

The bones of the scapular joint should have been smashed and misplaced, but fortunately there was no fracture.

Quinn silently analyzed it, and now he can only bandage it up first, and then go back for treatment after His Highness finishes hunting.

And Hua Luo was also injured just now, I don't know if it's serious or not.

She took a look, at this time Hua Luo was standing on a branch and looking at this side, blood was still dripping from his wings.

One person and one eagle have a special tacit understanding. After taking a look, Quinn was relieved after knowing that Hua Luo's injury was not particularly serious.

I thought about bandaging my left arm first, and then went to see Hua Luo's injury, otherwise the pain in my left arm would get worse.

At this time, her left arm had no feeling at all, and she didn't even have the strength to lift it up, so it was difficult to bandage it with one hand.

Then he raised his head to look at Lu Qi, his breath was short of breath due to the pain, and he said, "Can you trouble Your Highness to bandage me up?"

"Yes, yes."

Lu Qi took the bandage handed over, glanced at it and said, "Let me help you reset the bones first. If this is delayed for a long time, it will cause damage to your arm ligaments and even have more serious consequences."

After Quinn took off his shoulder blades, he could tell at a glance that this was already a serious bone dislocation, and this kind of situation required emergency treatment in the previous world.

Slow down for a while, this arm may be useless.

Quinn was able to bear it until now without saying a word, and it seemed that he planned to continue to hold on, which also made Lu Qi sigh.

This girl is a little too strong.

Hearing what Lu Qi meant, Quinn was stunned for a moment and asked, "Does Your Highness know medical skills?"

"Learn a little bit."

Lu Qi had already put his hand on Quinn's arm while speaking, and said, "It may hurt a little, please bear with it."

The unconscious left arm prevented Quinn from feeling Lu Qi's palm, but there was still a strange feeling in his heart.

Hearing this, she nodded: "I can bear it."

So Lu Qi was also unambiguous, and directly exerted force with both hands.

"Crack" twice.

Quinn only felt a piercing pain in her left arm, as if her arm was about to break, and she immediately gritted her teeth, her face turned pale, and a few beads of sweat dripped from her forehead.

But she insisted on not saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, she felt the sensation in her left arm come back, and the intense pain also subsided a little bit.

Although it is still very obvious, it is clear that Lu Qi's bone reset has had an effect.

At this moment, Lu Qi looked at the girl in front of him with some appreciation.

Bone reduction and dislocation are two concepts.

The former is many times more serious.

Needless to say, this direct and hard-wired method can almost make people faint from pain, but Quinn just endured it.

It shows that her stamina and heart are also extremely strong.

He reached out to the package, rummaged through it twice, took out a small bottle and said, "This is my homemade ointment, it can effectively relieve swelling, you can apply some on it."

For this trip, he could say that he had prepared everything for fear of unexpected situations.

Quinn shook his head quickly when he heard the words: "I'm already much better, there's no need to waste Your Highness's medicine."

She only knew that Lu Qi was His Royal Highness, so the ointment she carried with her must be extremely precious.

Now the bone dislocation has been cured, but she can still bear the swelling and pain caused by the former.

Lu Qi glanced at her with a smile, and threw the medicine bottle over: "Use it as you please."

Quinn was afraid that the bottle would fall to the ground, so he quickly reached out to catch it, subconsciously raised his left arm, and felt a sharp pain again.

Fortunately, with the bottle in her hand, she pursed her lips and looked at Lu Qi with some embarrassment: "Your Highness."

"Just smear it on the bruised and swollen place, and I will bandage it for you later."

Lu Qi only looked at her and then looked away.

The undeniable meaning in his tone made Quinn lower his head, look at the medicine bottle in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and opened the cork anyway.

It's all for this sake, if she refuses again, I'm afraid it will only make Lu Qi angry.

So do what he says.

It's just that in this way, I owe more to His Highness.

The cork was opened, and a scent of medicine wafted out from it.

Quinn tilted the bottle, and immediately a stream of brown ointment dripped out. She poured a little on her right hand, and then wiped it towards the bruised and sore place on her left arm.

The moment her finger pressed on it, she felt a pain, followed by a cool feeling, which relieved the pain.

The effect is so fast.

She applied it carefully, not wasting a bit.

At this time, Lu Qi looked at the blue rock falcon hanging on the branch over there, and noticed that its wings were still bleeding.

Then he beckoned and made a sound like calling a puppy: "Wow, wow, wow."

Quinn noticed Lu Qi's actions and laughed, even the pain eased.

Valor is a falcon, not a dog.

Moreover, Hua Luo usually only gets close to her, and treats others with a cold attitude. I'm afraid he won't pay attention to Lu Qi.

So, she wanted to call Hua Luo over and let His Highness take a closer look.

But he found that Hua Luo himself had already flapped his wings, flew this way, and then landed on Lu Qi's raised arm.

Quinn couldn't help being a little surprised, and a hint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

"Is it called Valor?"

Lu Qi looked at this majestic blue rock falcon with eyes full of appreciation.

The eagle was injured and looked even more majestic. Its hair was extremely beautiful, and its eagle eyes exuded the majesty of a bird of prey.

He immediately felt that it would be really nice to have such a pet.


Presumably His Highness heard her call that, so he knew Hua Luo's name.

Quinn nodded, and while carefully applying the ointment, he felt a cool feeling from most of his left arm, and smiled a little, "It seems that it likes you very much."

“How come you see?”

Lu Qi's eyes fell on the wound on Hua Luo's wing, he rummaged through the package again, and took out another medicine bottle.

Quinn said: "Usually Hua Luo basically doesn't pay attention to people other than me, let alone get close to people like now."

Hua Luo once saved her life, and one person and one eagle are partners who share life and death, and they trust each other extremely.

And now Hua Luo doesn't dislike His Highness, which also makes Quinn believe that he must be a very good person.

Seeing that Lu Qi was about to apply medicine to Hua Luo's wound, she didn't say anything else.

What Lu Qi took out this time was a medicinal powder, not an ointment. After all, the ointment is basically only effective for swelling and internal injuries.

And the several wounds on Hua Luo's wings that were scratched by the sharp claws of the White Rock Grizzly were traumatic injuries.

The wound was obvious, so it was easy to prescribe the medicine. After opening the cork, Lu Qi stretched out his hand to the wing, shaking it little by little.

With the shaking, a little white medicinal powder spilled out from the mouth of the bottle.

When the medicine powder was sprinkled on the wound on Hua Luo's wing, it suddenly felt unbearable pain and let out a cry, but it seemed to know that it was healing, so it didn't resist.

This blue rock falcon is extremely human and very smart.

After the medicine powder was sprinkled on the wound, Lu Qi also picked up the bandage and bandaged it neatly.

During the whole process, Hua Luo didn't resist, and looked at Lu Qi with a touch of intimacy in his eyes.

At this time, Quinn's ointment was almost applied, and she felt that with the application of the ointment, the pain in her arm became less and less, and the cool feeling was very refreshing.

"Okay, it's fine if you don't fly at high speed for a short time."

At this moment, Lu Qi spoke to Hua Luo like a professional doctor.

And Hua Luohe nodded in a humane manner as if he could understand, then flapped his wings and flew slowly at low altitude, looking in a good mood.

"Your Highness, your ointment."

Quinn capped the cork and returned it to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi took it, threw it into the package, and then began to bandage her again.

Seeing His Highness skillfully wrapping a bandage on his left arm, there was still a little tenderness in his movements, that focused face.

It distracted Quinn unconsciously.

"All right."

It wasn't until Lu Qi spoke that she came back to her senses and quickly lowered her head and said, "Thank you Your Highness. If Your Highness needs Quinn in the future, I will do my best to repay it."

Lu Qi looked at Quinn at this time, and said with a smile: "I don't like to talk about it later, if I repay it now, let's do it now."

Quinn froze for a moment: "Now?"

What can she do to repay Lu Qi now?
With a swish, her face blushed a little, and she thought of a way to repay her.

This this this.
While Quinn was thinking wildly, Lu Qi said, "I haven't picked a soldier yet, and I haven't found anyone I'm satisfied with, but I think you're pretty good. Do you want to consider becoming my soldier?"

Hearing this, Quinn realized that he was thinking too much. Looking at Lu Qi's clear eyes, his face turned redder, and at the same time he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She almost thought it was that kind of repayment.

Listen to the meaning of solicitation in Lu Qi's story.

Quinn showed a look of embarrassment, she lowered her head: "I am now a ranger, and Lady Tiana has kindness to me."

Tiana has the grace to know her.

And her ideal is to become an excellent ranger, which is not only her ideal, but also the ideal of her deceased brother.

However, Lu Qi almost saved her life, and she has nothing to repay right now.

This made Quinn extremely embarrassed.

Feeling that the girl in front of him was particularly entangled, Lu Qi smiled and said: "It's okay, then just pretend I didn't say anything."

"If there is one."

Quinn opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, but stopped here.

In other places, she seems to have nothing to repay Lu Qi.

"Let's not talk about this for now. I spent some effort just now, and I'm hungry."

Lu Qi glanced at her with a smile and changed the subject.

He started picking up twigs and things for firewood here and there.

Seeing Lu Qi's attitude of not seeming to care, Quinn felt a little guilty, sighed in her heart, and helped Lu Qi pick up the firewood without saying a word.

As for Lu Qi, he really didn't care much.

It doesn't matter if you are declined now.

Anyway, he must win the girl Quinn.

Quinn is a rare talent. Through the eyes of a prophet, Lu Qi can know that she will be the best ranger in Demacia in the future.

Lu Qi hadn't chosen his own soldiers before, not only because he thought it was troublesome, but also because his vision was too high.

He doesn't like mediocrity at all.

Only people like Quinn can catch his eyes.

As a child who grew up in an ordinary Orion family on the border of Demacia, he could become the best ranger in Demacia in the future.

You know, she won the same title as Galen.

The Power of Demacia and the Wings of Demacia.

This is not a title in the game, but a real title in the kingdom, a symbol of honor.

This is enough to prove how extraordinary Quinn is.

Although she is still quite immature now, it won't be long before she will reach the highest point of the ranger.

So if Lu Qi doesn't think of a way to pull her over now, it won't be so easy when she gets more and more status in the rangers in the future and is valued more and more by that old woman.

10 minute later.

A bonfire was set up, and Lu Qi took out the fire pocket that he carried with him, and blew into the middle, and a burst of flames burst out immediately.

Then, he lit the flammable grass he had prepared, and within a short while, the bonfire gradually ignited.

From time to time, there was a sound of explosion, and the fire became bigger and bigger.

Naturally, there is something delicious at noon today.

Lu Qi handled the white rock grizzly bear a little bit, removed the two bear paws, and part of the fat and thin meat. His technique was like that of a master who has been slaughtering for many years, and every knife was extremely skillful.

Quinn watched Lu Qi skillfully busy, and wanted to help, but felt that he would only get in the way.

He sat by the fire and watched to prevent it from going out.

After another 10 minutes, Lu Qi was almost ready.

He picked up a scrubbed slab stone and placed it on the set fire.

"Have you ever had a stone barbecue?"

While busy with work, he did not forget to chat with Quinn.

Upon hearing this, Quinn shook his head.

She only ate barbecue meat, and when she was eating and sleeping outside, she would light a fire and eat directly with the meat of her prey.

Naturally, the taste will not be much better. Occasionally, a handful of salt will be sprinkled to enhance the taste, and it has always been like this.

As for cutting the meat neatly like this and frying it on the slate, it was the first time Quinn had seen it.

And then, Lu Qi's many actions also opened her eyes.

I saw that he first sprinkled a layer of water on the stone slab, and the moment it was sprinkled, it immediately turned into steam and evaporated.

Then, Lu Qi rummaged through his bag and took out another bottle.

Quinn looked at it, and was slightly taken aback: "Is this oil?"

Lu Qi smiled and nodded: "Not bad."

Quinn didn't say anything more, the oil was golden, and it looked like it was of very high quality.

Lu Qi opened the bottle cap, as if the oil was free, he directly sprinkled the oil on the slate and started to heat it.

Then around the same time, he took out two more things, butter and vanilla.

After throwing it up, a strange sweet smell burst out.

Then, Lu Qi put the cut bear meat on the slate, and the bear meat sizzled immediately, and on the other side, two huge bear paws were placed.

When it was about the same time, Lu Qi began to rummage in the package again, and took out two things again.

One of them is prepared sauce, the other is pepper and salt.

Quinn was a little stunned, staring blankly at Lu Qi's carry-on bag.

I really want to ask, how much stuff is there?

Do you really bring so many seasonings when you go out alone?
At this time, with Lu Qi's skillful frying, Quinn shrugged his nose and smelled an unbearable smell of meat.

Saliva was secreted in her mouth unconsciously, and she couldn't help swallowing as she watched the smelling bear meat.

It's so fragrant, how can it be so fragrant.

Quinn's eyes couldn't leave the stone slab at all, even Hua Luo, who was flying in the sky, landed on the ground and stared closely.

Another few minutes passed.

Lu Qi extinguished the fire with a splash of water, and said, "Just wait another minute."

Next, you only need to wait for the remaining temperature of the slate to fry the bear meat to the last step, and then you can start eating.

Seeing the delicious bear meat and bear paws on the stone slab, the desire to taste them rose in his heart.

The meat of the white rock grizzly bear is firm and has a mild smell, but it is also good for the body.

This is also Lu Qi's first taste of bear meat.

He took out four chopsticks from the package and gave two to Quinn.

"Just eat it, and keep it to your satisfaction."

As Lu Qi spoke, he clamped himself on the bear's paw.

The meat of this bear paw is very soft and glutinous, and it is thoroughly cooked by Lu Qi, and when you lightly rest it with the chopsticks, it becomes a piece of palm meat.

While it was hot, he directly threw it into his mouth, while hissing, as if frying the meat in his mouth again, while showing a satisfied expression.

Seeing his expression and reaction, Quinn couldn't help but want to laugh.

Smelling the smell of meat in the air, Quinn couldn't help it anymore. She doesn't know how to use chopsticks, but she also has the experience of using sticks to pinch meat in the wild.

Although I am not very skilled at the moment, I can still clamp the meat.

Carefully sent it to the mouth, the moment it entered the mouth, it also felt very hot, exactly the same as Lu Qi's reaction, hissing.

However, the meaty smell of the bear's paw made her reluctant to spit it out, and the smell of the sauce, accompanied by the smell of the cooked bear meat, continued to spread in her mouth.

Because of this extremely fragrant taste.

Quinn's face turned a little rosy, and his expression was a little intoxicated. After taking a sip, he couldn't help but pick up his chopsticks again.

"Does it taste good?"

Lu Qi smiled at her at this moment.

Quinn nodded repeatedly, with an expression of incomparable admiration, and he didn't even bother to speak.

His Royal Highness is not only so strong, but even the food cooked in the wild is so delicious.

It is no exaggeration to say that Quinn has never eaten such a delicious barbecue, and he couldn't stop eating it with one chopstick.

If you only eat meat, you will feel tired if you eat too much, but at this moment, the bear meat does not feel greasy at all, and the more you eat, the more delicious it is.

She even forgot about Hua Luo who was watching eagerly from the side. He was so anxious that he kept flapping his wings and screaming.

Lu Qi picked up a piece of meat and threw it into the air.

Hua Luo immediately jumped over, swallowed the whole piece of meat into his mouth, and immediately let out a cry of excitement.

It doesn't eat slowly, but Lu Qi eats slowly. There is a lot of meat roasted this time, so there is no rush.

Occasionally take a bite, and occasionally throw out a piece to feed Hua Luo.

As for Quinn, she had long forgotten about her life-and-death partner, and was eating with concentration.

Lu Qi chatted casually: "How long have you joined the Rangers?"

"Almost four months."

Quinn replied briefly.

"What title is it now?"

"Master Marshal said that when he returns from this mission, he will promote me to be the team leader."

Quinn choked a bit after eating, and only had time to answer Lu Qi's question after drinking a saliva.

After replying, he started eating again.

She is an ordinary Orion family, and it is true that she has never eaten anything delicious, so it is normal to react like this at this moment.

Lu Qi didn't ask any more questions, and looked at her with an intoxicated expression while eating, also thoughtfully.

It's only been four months, and he's about to be promoted to team leader, which is not an ordinary speed.

Ordinary recruits, who enter the army, have to hone their skills for a year or two before they have a chance to rise.

After this mission is over, Quinn's promotion in the Rangers may be like a rocket.

Therefore, if Lu Qi misses the opportunity this time, the next time Quinn stands in front of him, he may not be the ordinary ranger he is now.

15 minute later.

Quinn also swallowed the last bite of meat, his whole body relaxed, and he looked extremely satisfied.

This was the best meat meal she had ever had in her life, and there was even a feeling of no regrets in her heart.

Seeing this, Lu Qi asked with a smile, "Are you full?"


Quinn replied, but suddenly remembered something, and immediately felt embarrassed, she hurriedly looked at Lu Qi, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, did I eat a little too much?"

It was because the bear meat was so delicious that she forgot how to measure it.

After this meal, she ate a lot, and some were taken away by Hua Luo. In the end, Lu Qi only ate half a bear's paw and a few pieces of bear meat.

Quinn, who realized this problem, felt ashamed in his heart.

She felt ashamed to behave like this in front of His Highness.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Not much, your appetite ranks second at most among the girls I've met."

This ranking is very fair, and no one can shake the No.1 throne.

When he said this, Quinn felt even more embarrassed. Today, she didn't know what happened, and she ate much more than usual.

It feels like my stomach is bulging.

Lu Qi stood up at this moment and said: "Then let's go, let's go back first."

He hunted a lot of prey in the morning, but the biggest one had to be the white rock grizzly bear.

Naturally, it was impossible to bring such a huge corpse with him in the next hunt.

So I have to go back and deal with these prey first.

When Quinn heard this, she nodded and stood up. At this moment, she suddenly realized something, and her expression paused.

He also moved his left arm a little uncertainly.

It turns out that I can't feel any pain at all.

This inevitably made Quinn startled.

In the past, it would take at least a week for her to recover from this kind of injury.

But at this moment, just following Lu Qi to eat a meal, he has almost recovered.

This further shows that the ointment Lu Qi gave her is extremely precious.

On the way back, the two of them kept a certain distance as before.

Only this time, Quinn inevitably had more worries on the road.

Walked for nearly an hour.

On the way, Lu Qi hunted a few more monsters, and brought them back to the starting point.

At this time, many people returned, counting the hunting scores over there.

And when Lu Qi came out dragging the body of a white rock grizzly bear and a lot of prey, he immediately attracted a lot of surprised eyes.

"That bear, why do I look so much like a White Rock Grizzly?"

"It's not like, that's clearly it!"

"Hiss, His Royal Highness hunted a white rock grizzly bear?"

"Why is there a white rock grizzly in this place?"

Whether it is a competitor of the Royal Academy going back and forth, or a hunter preparing to go into the forest to hunt.

After seeing the dead body of this white rock grizzly bear, they all started a heated discussion.

It is extremely rare to be able to hunt the White Rock Grizzly at this time, and this guy is not weak, so it is not easy to hunt it.

But looking at the wound on the bear corpse at this moment, people can also see that it must have experienced fierce battles during its lifetime.

Lu Qi dragged the bodies of the prey to the hunting point of the Royal Academy.

There are special inspection personnel here.

The instructor stepped forward and looked at the body of the White Rock Grizzly Bear, with surprise flashing in his eyes: "This White Rock Grizzly Bear died from a sword wound, missing part of its meat and two bear paws, and its fur was also partially damaged, but given its With its own strength, a total of [-] points can be obtained."

This was the most powerful prey he had hunted when he saw these students today.

He could tell from the sword wound on the bear's corpse that the person who killed the bear had extremely strong swordsmanship, and even the outer layer of the rock with high defense was broken a lot.

Then, he continued to check down, opening a smaller package of prey, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise again.

Three white-eared rabbits?

The instructor couldn't help but glanced at Lu Qi, and wanted to ask, Your Highness, have you brought the Tremella Rabbit family to the same pot?
White-eared rabbits are rare prey in normal times. They have no strength, but they are full of treasures and are very expensive.

"The two were killed by arrows piercing through the skull. The fur on the head was damaged, but the rabbit remained intact, and the other parts were fine. A total of [-] points will be awarded."

"As for one?!"

The instructor's eyes widened immediately, and the hands holding the rabbit's ears trembled. He felt the white-eared rabbit in his hand breathe weakly, and his chest heaved slightly.

Obviously alive.

His scream immediately attracted the attention of many surrounding people and hunters.

They looked at each other, and some of them got closer.

"Hiss, this white-eared rabbit looks really good."

"Is there no injury at all? This hair is so beautiful."

"How exactly is this done?"

"It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful white-eared rabbit."

People commented in amazement.

Because there are really few examples of capturing white-eared rabbits alive, it is not impossible, but hunters often try their best to catch them, and the white-eared rabbits will inevitably be injured in the process.

However, this is the first time I have seen Wushang catch a white-eared rabbit.

Quinn in the back, seeing people's expressions, felt a little better.

Apparently she wasn't the only one with this reaction.

If these people knew that His Royal Highness walked over to catch this white-eared rabbit, their jaws would drop in shock.

When Quinn recalled that scene until now, he felt it was very miraculous.

At this time, the instructor who looked at the breathing white-eared rabbit in his hand also fell into difficult thinking, and finally bit the bullet and gave 350 points.

A live and uninjured Tremella Rabbit and a dead one are two different concepts.

This kind of non-threatening Warcraft is too high to be awarded, but too low is not worthy of its value.

In the end, counting the other prey that Lu Qi hunted, the total score directly reached [-] points.

Rao, the instructor and other personnel who counted the scores, were all surprised by this score.

Lu Qi's move directly broke the record of the Royal Academy. In the past hunting competitions, no one has ever been able to hunt a high score of [-] in one day.

The main sources of points are the three white-eared rabbits and one white rock grizzly bear.

Lu Qi only used it for one day, which was almost as good as other people's seven-day score.

Moreover, this is only halfway through today, and there will be a whole afternoon in the future.

As for the prey that Lu Qi hunted, they are naturally still his, and they are just stored here at the moment.

At this time, he saw Urna coming from the direction of the city.

When she came close, she asked aloud, "Have you found the house yet?"

Yuerna nodded, and replied: "I found a small farmhouse at the end of the street in the south of the city. There are several families around. The courtyards are separated by a certain distance, and it is relatively quiet. I spent three hundred gold."

"Okay, you can clean up the rest, and these prey, except for these three rabbits, you can deal with the rest in the city."

Lu Qi still trusted Urna's ability to handle affairs, and then gave orders.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Urna replied.

After explaining to Urna, Lu Qi was ready to go back and continue hunting.

Leaving aside whether he likes this hunting feeling or not, the main reason is that No.1's 20-day vacation is too tempting.

In addition, today is another day suitable for hunting. The white rock grizzly bear and the three white-eared rabbits illustrate this point.

Lu Qi's idea is to get the hunting points for the next six days directly for one day today.

Then for the rest of the time, he can continue to spend his days leisurely and leisurely, and when the game is over, he can take the vacation back to the capital.

Isn't it nice?

Thinking of it this way, his mood improved.

When passing by Quinn, he asked casually, "Is your injury healed?"

Quinn nodded and said, "It's basically out of the way."

Lu Qi looked at her: "Then let's go."

After saying that, he walked forward.

And Quinn was stunned for a second, his mind was full of the smiling eyes that His Highness looked at her just now, and a strange feeling flashed in his heart again.

Seeing Lu Qi enter the forest, he quickly recovered and followed.

Time passed slowly, until the evening sky fell.

In the forest at this time.

Lu Qi cast the magic of stealth, and quietly groped towards a three-cornered sika deer.

The three horns of the three-cornered sika deer are extremely precious medicinal materials. They should haunt the deeper jungles, but Lu Qi actually encountered them at this moment.

Today is indeed a day suitable for hunting.

After catching this three-cornered sika deer, Lu Qi is ready to return.

He had already walked behind the sika deer that was grazing with its head bowed. The deer was not vigilant at all, and the food was delicious.

It is much more aggressive than the tremella rabbit.

So Lu Qi didn't hesitate, using his hand as a knife, he fell decisively.

With a muffled sound, the triangular sika deer raised its head and screamed, and immediately fell to the ground with its whole body, fainting to death.

Seeing this scene, Quinn in the rear was basically used to it.

The alertness of the three-cornered sika deer was no less than that of the white-eared rabbit, but in front of Lu Qi, it was like a fake and had no effect at all.

At this moment, she also vaguely sensed that His Highness might be using a very powerful lurking technique.

"Okay, Quinn, come help me clean up."

Lu Qi turned his head and waved in Quinn's direction.

Quinn, who was thinking about something, came out subconsciously, and then he was startled, and his eyes also stared at Dao: "How does Your Highness know that I am here?"

She almost forgot that she was in a latent state.

As a trained safari and ranger, stealth is a necessary housekeeping skill for her.

How did Lu Qi find her with such a long distance between them?

So precisely, facing the direction she was avoiding?

The chances of this being a coincidence are almost non-existent.

It was discovered once by the white rock grizzly bear this morning, and it was discovered again by Lu Qi at this moment.

This made Quinn think, could it really be her lack of ability?
The lurking technique that you think is exquisite, but it is actually a mess?
Her self-confidence has clearly taken a hit.

Seeing the girl's expression of doubting her life, Lu Qi vaguely remembered that someone once showed the same expression.

Worrying about her thinking too much.

Lu Qi also explained: "Don't think too much, my perception is naturally stronger than others, it's not that you are too clumsy in lurking."

Quinn didn't know for a while whether His Highness was comforting her, and looked at Lu Qi with a pair of eyes.

"If you don't believe me, I'll close my eyes, you hide, and I'll look for you."

Seeing her doubt, Lu Qi said so.

If this makes this talent lose confidence, it will be a great sin.

When Quinn heard this, he hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

What happened just now really dealt a certain blow to her.

"You can start anytime."

Lu Qi closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Quinn immediately retreated quietly without making a sound.

After a while, Lu Qi noticed that there was no movement around him, so he knew that Quinn had hidden.

After perceiving it for a while, he raised his head and looked in one direction without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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