LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 144 My father is the king, so he is so capricious

Chapter 144 My father is the king, so he is so capricious ([-] words)

The gathering of these monsters has already formed a terrifying battle force!

She even felt that these magical beasts together were enough to level the city under her feet.

Lu Qi's face remained unchanged. After hearing what Quinn said, he got up and told all the soldiers present the same news.

In an instant, there was an uproar.

Prior to this, Sisilia had already counted the troops in the city.

There are currently 450 city guards in the city, [-] rangers, and [-] fearless pioneers in reserve.

In terms of numbers, Edessa City seems to have an advantage.

But this is not two armies at war.

The next thing everyone has to face is a legion of monsters that are born to be stronger than humans.

Facing the soldiers in an uproar, Lu Qi raised his hand and looked at everyone calmly.

Even though he didn't say a word, the soldiers in the audience gradually became quiet in the next few seconds.

Then, Lu Qi spoke loudly: "A wave of beasts is attacking us, and there will be a difficult battle waiting for us next.

Natural disasters are inevitable for us.All we can do is stop this disaster before it strikes.

The more difficult the time is, the more we must unite as one.

At this moment, the safety of tens of thousands of people in the city needs to be guarded by us.For them, we must stick to the last moment no matter what!
I will fight by your side.

For Demacia! "

In the face of these fighters, there is no need for many inspiring speeches.

Even in the face of the never-before-seen beast horde disaster, none of the soldiers in the audience showed a hint of fear in their eyes.

"For Demacia!"

As Lu Qi raised his arms and shouted, the soldiers in the audience responded in unison, and the mighty shouts resounded over the city of Edessa.

There is not much time left until the beast horde comes.

Lu Qi immediately began to allocate troops.

There are a total of six entrances and exits in the city, two of which are facing the direction of the beast tide, so they need to concentrate their troops.

Lu Qi ordered Quinn and Sithlia to lead [-] troops to guard the two entrances and exits, and at the same time arranged [-] fearless reserves to assist in the battle.

For the remaining entrances and exits, to prevent accidents, five hundred soldiers were arranged for each, each led by three fearless reserves.

Once settled, other preparations began.

On the city wall, Lu Qi quietly looked in the direction of the hunting jungle. Even though there was still a certain distance, he could already vaguely feel the restlessness in the air.

On the edge of the city wall stood one soldier after another, holding bows and arrows, with serious expressions.

At this time, the sun was setting and the sky was getting darker and darker. On the city wall, open fires were lit in many places to provide a view.

Everyone's eyes are looking forward. At this time, no matter who it is, there will be a certain sense of urgency in their hearts.

A tense atmosphere spread.

Lu Qi glanced towards the direction of the capital, and muttered to himself: "I hope I can make it in time."

Two 10 minutes later.


A humming sound came from a distance, and as the sound grew louder, everyone felt that the ground trembled slightly.

Not long after that, a large black shadow appeared in the direction of the jungle.

What rushed out of the shadows was a group of mad beasts, the momentum was frightening, and the roars of the beasts gathered together were deafening.

They swept a cloud of dust, almost covering half of the world, and rushed over like a wave. As they got closer, the ground trembled stronger and stronger.

Seeing such a scene, even the soldiers on the city wall couldn't help opening their eyes wide, showing shock.

There are too many, even more than the [-] that Quinn said. At first glance, it seems densely packed.

"Prepare for battle!"

Lu Qi shouted loudly.

"Prepare for battle!"

"Prepare for battle!"

With the loud echoes of one soldier after another, everyone entered a serious fighting state.


The berserk monsters are getting closer and closer. In front of the legion of these huge monsters, everyone feels their own insignificance.

However, no one is intimidated.

Lu Qi raised the bow and arrow in his hand, his eyes were cold, and he aimed at the one who was shouting the most fiercely, and pulled the bowstring to the fullest.

Immediately, he let go of his hand suddenly.

"call out!"

There was a sound of galloping and flying, and the silver arrow shot out like a light and shadow.

In front of everyone, it directly pierced through the head of a monster.The monster fell down, but it didn't affect the huge beast horde at all.

Its body was trampled into a pulp, and the beasts stepped on its corpse and continued to move forward.

But no matter what, Lu Qi's extremely sharp arrow still boosted his morale a bit.


"Stop the beast tide!!"

"Defend the city of Edessa!"

As the beast tide entered the attack range, the soldiers on the city wall raised their bows and arrows without hesitation.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

In the next moment, arrows rained all over the sky and fell towards the beast tide, announcing the start of the battle.

Inside the bunker, a huge ballista that had already been prepared was aimed at the beast horde.

With the huge crossbow arrows shot out, almost every arrow can take the life of a beast.

The beast horde didn't stop, but the smell of blood made them even more violent.

Lu Qi shot one arrow after another, none of which was in the air, but he could only watch the huge horde of beasts getting closer.

When the beast horde gets closer, the city's advance preparations will be useful.

With hundreds of flaming arrows prepared in advance, they shot towards the beast tide below, and the rocket hit the prepared oil.

In an instant, with a "boom", a big fire burned up, and the flame lit the night.

Some monsters were burned and screamed in pain, but more, ignoring the rising wall of flames, still charged forward.

After 1 minute, the beast horde finally came to the foot of the city wall, and the violent roar of the beasts was right next to my ears.

But the towering city walls temporarily blocked their progress, and the thick city gates were tightly closed, suffering from their heavy blows again and again.

At this moment, hundreds of birds flew from the sky.

An attack was launched on the soldiers who kept shooting on the city wall.

Such a scene shocked people.

Do birds also migrate with the tide of animals?

It's too late to think about this question, because the beast tide itself is an unreasonable thing.

Lu Qi raised his bow and arrow, and started shooting at the birds in the sky.

"Your Highness! The city gate is about to be broken!"

Not long after, a soldier came to report.

Lu Qi looked at the still huge herd of beasts, among which were some powerful monsters. The combined power of these monsters was no less than that of a giant siege vehicle.

The city gate suffered heavy blows from these monsters again and again, but it was still a bit unbearable after all, and it was about to be broken open.

Seeing this, Lu Qi rushed to the city wall and shouted: "Everyone, stand firm!"


With a loud "boom", the huge city gate was knocked open a gap, and then the gap became bigger and bigger, and the ferocious beasts poured in like crazy.

And behind the city gate, there are two thousand soldiers who are ready to fight. Everyone has a solemn expression, and they have no fear when they see the beasts in front of them.

They all made preparations to stick to the last moment.

Inside the city, there are tens of thousands of residents who have no fighting power. If this place is lost, it means that tens of thousands of people will be attacked by the beast tide.

How tragic it will be at that time, so, we must not lose!
The battle began immediately.

Two thousand soldiers formed an unbreakable defense line, and the first few rows consisted of shield soldiers holding heavy shields.

Demacia is rich in geological resources and rich in a metal called "Demacia Steel". The armor and shields made of this metal are indestructible, and the weapons made are unstoppable.

These heavy shield soldiers formed a second city gate like a solid protective cover, and even the strongest monsters could not break through easily at this moment.

And in the rear, there are rows of shooters, shooting continuously at the monsters pouring in from the city gate.

The monsters will not retreat, and neither will the soldiers.

A time-consuming offensive and defensive battle began like this.

The [-] magical beasts that Quinn mentioned was just a conservative estimate.

At this moment, looking at the group of monsters at the foot of the city wall, the number is probably far more than two thousand.

A city gate could not be broken through, so the beast tide began to spread in all directions.

Soon, soldiers came to report.

"Your Highness! The south gate is attacked by a wave of beasts, please help!"

"The North City Gate is attacked by a wave of beasts, please help!"

At this moment, the beast horde has turned towards those city gates with weak troops.

Lu Qi immediately ordered that from the [-] troops at the main gate, [-] troops should be dispatched to support the gates on both sides.

"Your Highness! The back of the city is attacked by a wave of beasts, please help!"

"Your Highness! Ask for support!"

As time passed, Lu Qi got the news that even the entrance to the city behind was attacked by a wave of beasts.

If you open your eyes and look at it at this moment, the surroundings of this city of Edessa are actually surrounded by crazy monsters.

The current situation is more like a siege than a beast migration!
At this time, Lu Qi is basically sure.

This is by no means a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!

And it is very likely that it was the work of the Yinshen Cult!
To be able to stimulate a beast tide of this scale, what kind of power does the Yin God Sect have?
Lu Qi didn't think too much, and immediately ordered another thousand troops to support the two entrances and exits on the back of the city.

Because Edessa City is a central city, people come from all directions, so there are many entrances and exits.

At this moment, it has become an attack point of the beast horde.

At this time, nearly [-] troops were evenly distributed in six places, and they seemed a little weak in the face of such a huge beast horde.

And the soldiers standing at the gate of the city will be attacked by those birds and beasts behind them.

Seeing that the heavy shield soldiers in the front row must be unable to hold on.

Seeing this, Lu Qi immediately ordered: "Spread out! Form a formation and fight together!"

With an order, the heavy shield soldiers in the front row immediately dispersed, forming a team of ten people, thus forming a defense line of another size.

The second line of defense was gone, and the monsters kept pouring in, attacking the humans they saw.

Lu Qi held the long blade in his hand, and a dozen soldiers followed him, protecting him and fighting with him at the same time.

Quinn, Sisilia, Frey, Wayne, and Urna all contributed their strength in this battle to defend the city.

At this time, a half-horned rhino charged towards Lu Qi, its huge body almost crushing his little side.

Lu Qi clenched the long sword tightly, accumulated the wind in it, and released a powerful Wuji sword intent all over his body, looking at the one-horned rhinoceros that was getting closer.

He slashed down with a sword with all his strength.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept across, and the sword light flickered a few times, and several bloodstains appeared on the half-horned rhinoceros' body, and it fell to the ground with a howl.

Seeing the powerful strength of His Royal Highness, the surrounding soldiers couldn't help but feel refreshed, and their morale improved a lot!

At this moment, Lu Qi suddenly felt the alarm bell ringing in his head, and shouted at the soldiers around him without hesitation: "Stay away!"

The soldiers scattered in all directions without hesitation.

Lu Qi also used body skills and moved away a certain distance.

next second.


With a loud bang, a spell exuding powerful energy exploded where he was just now.

"It's a mage!"

"A mage has appeared!"

"Protect Your Highness!"

The magical atmosphere filled the air, telling that a mage had joined the battle.

Exclaiming, the soldiers immediately began to look for the mage who cast the spell.

And Lu Qi's gaze has already turned towards one place, and he saw a group of people wearing cloaks gradually walking out from the direction of the city.

Seeing those familiar cult cloaks, Lu Qi narrowed his eyes.

Among these people, many held staffs in their hands, exuding a disturbing aura.

The number of people is about sixty. Judging from the aura, it is obvious that these are the backbone of Yinshen Sect.

Because the beast horde is coming, it is necessary to open the city gate to protect the safety of those outside the city.

And these cultists of Yinshen Sect obviously took this opportunity to sneak into the city.

In this case, even Lu Qi has nothing to do.

Quinn, Wayne, Frey, Urna, and the soldiers all saw these cultists of the Yin God Sect.

They all sensed a sense of crisis.

The situation became serious again.

The four of them and a group of soldiers rushed towards Lu Qi, but at this moment, those cultists also made an attack.

First, several lines of dark magic attacked, and then more than 20 figures rushed out of them, stopping Urna and a group of soldiers.

All of their strengths are probably around Fearless. For a while, no one can get close to Lu Qi.

Some remaining Yinshen believers surrounded Lu Qi.


Among them, the first person wearing black and red stripes and holding a wooden staff let out an ugly laugh, looked at Lu Qi, and slowly took off his cloak.

"Your Highness, long time no see."

Under the cloak was an old, skinny, wrinkled face.

It's been a long time since I saw this sentence, which made Lu Qi a little confused. He stared at the old guy's face for a long time, but still didn't remember it, so he simply asked, "Who are you?"

Dande grinned, not caring that Lu Qi had no impression of him at all, he laughed and said: "We met in the capital before, but it seems that you have forgotten."

Lu Qi frowned, he really didn't have the slightest impression of this old guy.

What does he do when he has nothing to do? What does a bad old man do?
At this time, the bright moon rose in the sky, hanging in the sky, emitting soft light, and upon closer inspection, the moon shone with a faint red light.

Dande looked at Lu Qi, stopped talking nonsense, but opened his mouth, chanting a spell for a while.

A black light flickered on the wooden staff in his hand.

From this, Lu Qi sensed a very dangerous feeling.

Immediately without any hesitation, he immediately used his agility, jumped up, and under the stupefied gaze of the cultists on the opposite side, he seemed to fly, and appeared on the beam of the house with a swish.

Dande recited the spell, squinted his eyes, saw Lu Qi galloping away, and raised his staff.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

There were several dull sounds, accompanied by black spheres, like ghosts, chasing towards Lu Qi quickly.

Several dangerous sensations came from Lu Qi's sixth sense. He looked back, only to see that several magic balls had chased to the front and were about to fall.

He was forced to change his escape route and turned around in another direction.


A magic ball crashed down, directly smashing a hole in the roof, and then fell one after another.

The bombardment sounded continuously, falling on the wall and on the ground, smashing out potholes one after another.

The damage of this magic is obviously not low. It seems that the magic ball didn't intend to attack Lu Qi directly, but just didn't want him to escape.

Next, a group of cultists surrounded him again and attacked Lu Qi.

Around, the soldiers in the city, Urna and others wanted to come to support, but they were entangled by monsters and cultists, and they were powerless.

These monsters, as if they could recognize them, only attacked people on Lu Qi's side.

This further proves that this beast tide is definitely the work of Yinshen Cult.

Lu Qi continued to flexibly dodge the attacks he was facing, and every attack was dodged just right under his swaying figure.

At this time, he then activated the mighty body protection, and his whole body looked upright. Coupled with that elegant posture, he played around the cultists around him, and he also seemed a little more chic.

While Lu Qi dodged and counterattacked, he was even in the mood to ask: "So, you have been eyeing me for a long time, haven't you?"

Facing Lu Qi's question, Dande watched him being pressed by his subordinates step by step.

Dande, who felt that this wave was stable, also replied with a leisurely smile: "Yes, prince, all of this is prepared for you."

Lu Qi's eyes flickered, and he slashed out several wind blades with his sword, splitting the cultists in front of him, thinking secretly.

The cult member he met in the afternoon had already made him feel strange when he said the words 'I didn't expect you to come to your door by yourself'.

In addition, at this moment, the Yinshen Cult has dispatched all its high-end power just to deal with him, but it seems that they don't want him to suffer too much damage.

This intention is very obvious.

Obviously, there is something in me that these cultists need.

Judging by this old-fashioned appearance, I am afraid that he was already being targeted when he first arrived in the capital.

Since coming to Edessa city, are those weird movements really caused by Yinshen Cult?

Unexpectedly, I really let myself guess right.

Fortunately, he made preparations for this wave in advance, otherwise he would really be overwhelmed by this old man.

Dande looked at Lu Qi at this time, and said calmly: "Prince, I advise you not to struggle any longer, and come with us, you won't get hurt, and we won't kill you.

All your struggles at this moment can't change the ending, why not choose one, which is easier? "

He stood there with a faint aura, and his words were extremely confident.

Lu Qi wanted to laugh when he heard this, it would be strange if nothing happened if he followed up.

He quickened his pace, dodged to open the distance, a lot of wind was gathered on the blade, and he looked at the opponent with a domineering momentum: "You seem to think that I am determined?"

While speaking, the Wuji Sword Intent from his whole body was released suddenly, a sense of oppression emerged from his body, and as he swung his sword, a huge tornado several meters high also whizzed along with his slashing. out.

The gust of wind swept across, and directly caught the cultists around them by surprise. The whirling wind was as sharp as a sword blade, and it would hurt them immediately.

While shaking away several cultists, several were also injured, and one was directly involved, screamed and died on the spot.

The sudden appearance of the tornado surprised many people at the scene.

The soldiers were amazed at His Royal Highness's swordsmanship that could control the wind.

And Dande, seeing this scene, narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised at Lu Qi's strength.

It seems that there are some deviations from the information he knows.

When he was in the capital, he had been quietly observing the prince.

In order not to arouse vigilance, he did not observe excessively.

Moreover, basically, the prince didn't need him to observe specially.

This guy lay down in that broken yard for a whole day, doing nothing at the end of the day.

Just laying there for two months, how strong can it be?

After coming to Edessa City, he also discovered through the incident in the Evil Spirit Cave that there were many powerful bodyguards arranged by the prince's side.

It was Yurna and the others who were entangled at this moment.

I thought that by controlling these bodyguards, the prince could be taken down directly.

But at this moment, his strength is somewhat beyond Dande's expectation.

The flexible and changeable body skills, coupled with this weird wind-controlling swordsmanship, all show that the prince's strength has at least started with fearlessness.

However, if this is the case, there is no need to panic.

At this moment, no matter how you look at it, I have the advantage.

"Since this is the case, it will only make you suffer some flesh and blood."

Dande raised his hand lightly, and the surrounding bishops and vice-bishops also all moved out.

Lu Qi did feel a little danger from these people, but he didn't panic at all, he took a look and said suddenly: "You poor religion, is there only so few people?"

These words immediately hit Dande's wound, his face turned livid, and he looked at Lu Qi with anger in his eyes.

In order to start this beast tide, he sacrificed the lives of 99 believers, all of whom were loyal to the cult!
At the same time, he also used three sacred objects of the Yin God, namely two 'Powders of Crevel's Teeth' sprinkled in the hunting jungle, and one 'Eye of Crevel'.

These holy objects were all cast by him in the past 40 years, collecting all kinds of dark powers.

At this moment, for this wave, all are used.

Now being stolen by this prince, the already developed Yinshen religion almost withered again!

Dande looked coldly at Lu Qi who kept backing and dodging, and said in a cold voice: "Prince, sometimes it is a wise choice to see the situation clearly."

For him, the current situation is almost certain.

Even if the soldiers were able to stop the berserk beast, it would still take a lot of time. During this period, it was enough for him to take down the prince.

After catching the prince, he must first torture him severely, and vent his anger well.

Come to think of it, Lord Yinshen wouldn't blame him.

Thinking of this, Dande's mood also improved, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a mutation occurred.

The wailing roars of the monsters continued to be heard outside the city, followed by the sound of monsters falling down.

A team rushed in from the city gate like a broken bamboo.

Their aura is particularly shocking, like a polished and extremely sharp spear, unstoppable.

This unexpected situation made Dande's complexion change, and then he saw a tall man swinging a huge sword in his hand, and slashed towards him.

He immediately raised his staff to block, but his body was still thrown several meters away.

Looking at this man, Dande's eyes showed shock and confusion: "Fearless pioneer, Galen?"

Galen stood there wearing silver-white armor, raised his sword with a cold expression, and pointed it at Dande: "Mages, surrender."

Dande and the followers of Yinshen Cult couldn't calm down at this moment.

And the soldiers in Edessa City, looking at the soldiers who came to support them, all showed excitement.

"It's the Fearless Pioneer! The champion Galen is here!"


"Counterattack! It's time to counterattack!"

"Why did the Fearless Pioneer come so quickly?"

The last sentence is also the question Dande wants to ask.

In other words, why did the fearless pioneer appear here?
The headquarters of the Fearless Pioneer is in the capital!

It would take at least three days to come here from the capital, even at their speed!
This is not a small team passing by by chance.

Looking around at this moment, there are at least [-] fearless vanguard soldiers coming to support them!

You know, the number of fighters in the Fearless Pioneer Group is only 2048 in total.

In this legion, it is divided into sixteen companies, each company has sixteen shield formations, and each shield formation has eight people.

Looking at it this way, the Fearless Pioneer dispatched at least three companies this time!

What can be worthy of the fearless vanguard sending three companies?
Dande couldn't figure it out, he subconsciously looked at the prince.

And Lu Qi just happened to look at him, showing a harmless smile: "Aren't you surprised, are you surprised?"

At this moment, the followers of Yinshen Sect are being slowly surrounded by fearless pioneer fighters.

Seeing this, Dande immediately recited a spell, and the staff in his hand released a wave of energy, forming a barrier, protecting him and his disciples in the middle.

And his disciples also raised their staffs one after another, pouring all their energy into the barrier.

Seeing this, Galen shouted loudly, and slashed at it with all his strength, without moving the barrier at all.

Immediately afterwards, several fearless fighters joined forces to attack, but failed to shake the barrier.

However, this is not a problem, this barrier needs energy to maintain, and it will dissipate sooner or later.

"Go and suppress the beasts."

Galen looked at the fearless vanguard soldiers around him at this moment, and gave an order.

Immediately, some fighters moved towards the surroundings and began to deal with the beast horde.

There were only dozens of people left, surrounded by a group of cultists, and the powerful attacks of fearless fighters continued to land on the barrier.

And the barrier is still stable under the infusion of a large amount of magical energy.

The situation has been reversed, and those who are surrounded by layers at this moment are instead a group of people from the Yinshen Sect.

Lu Qi looked at them, and returned the words he received earlier: "Old man, sometimes, it's a wise choice to see the situation clearly."

Dande's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Lu Qi: "Unexpectedly, you arranged for the Fearless Pioneer to ambush in advance. Prince, I really underestimated you. When did you know about Yinshen Cult?"

At this moment, after thinking about it, he could only think of one explanation.

That is, Lu Qi discovered the existence of Yinshen Cult early on, and hid these fearless pioneer fighters, and ambushed here early in the morning.

The purpose is to wipe them all out.

Lu Qi said, "This afternoon."

Dande looked at him with obvious disbelief: "Impossible, if we only found out about our existence this afternoon, how could we set up an ambush in advance?"

Hearing this, Lu Qi said strangely: "Didn't you send this to your door yourself? I was thinking about calling the fighters of the Fearless Pioneer to come over for a vacation, but you got stuck doing things. This is just in time."

Dande froze for a moment, feeling that the prince didn't seem to be lying, but he was even more puzzled.

You have nothing to do, all right, what are you calling so many fearless vanguard fighters for?
Dande still didn't believe it, but he didn't believe that the Church of the Yin God was exposed.

He has been hiding for so many years without being discovered, how could he be counted by a bad prince now?
Why in the end?
He kept thinking in his mind, and then suddenly said: "Could it be because of the evil spirit cave three days ago?"

If Lu Qi didn't lie, then there is only this explanation!
He called these people to solve the matter of the evil spirit cave.

Lu Qi nodded: "Not bad."

Dande was stunned again: "Why? Haven't you already eliminated that cave?"

For a cave of evil spirits that has been wiped out, and a black magician, three companies of fearless vanguard soldiers were mobilized in such a mobilizing manner?
You know, fighters who can join the Fearless Pioneer are all at the Fearless level at the beginning!
Now, just to investigate a broken cave, three companies were called directly?

He doesn't understand!

Looking at Dande's eyes that couldn't calm down.

Lu Qi showed a smile: "Of course it's because I don't feel safe anymore."

Dande's eyes were full of astonishment when he heard this, and his face froze for a moment.

Just because there was no sense of security, three fearless pioneer companies were called directly?

Is this Nima a bit willful?

What the hell. Isn't it a pain in the ass?
Dande suddenly felt that his mind was in a mess.

Why can't he understand all the operations of the prince?

Why does he play cards out of common sense at all?

why! ?

Dande, who knew the truth, was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Looking at the old man's expression as if he had eaten poop at the moment, Lu Qi's eyes were very arrogant, and his expression fully interpreted the word 'Wang Erdai'.

My father is a king, so willful!
It's just the Fearless Pioneers of the three companies. At first, Lu Qi wanted to call half of the Fearless Pioneers' fighters.

To be honest, at first he didn't even know there was such a broken sect.

When he first came to Edessa, he had a bad premonition from the fortune-telling, and the feeling of being watched faintly was also very weird.

The next day's Evil Spirit Cave incident directly made Lu Qi completely feel that something was wrong.

You know, in a city close to the capital, there is actually a cave with evil spirits of this scale, which has not been wiped out.

This in itself speaks for itself.

Even if he wiped out the evil spirits in the cave in the end, it still couldn't dispel Lu Qi's worries.

He has the perspective of a prophet, so he can naturally see that this matter is far from that simple.

What he was worried about at first was actually Fiddlesticks, the Scarecrow.

As far as he knew, the existence of the head of the top ten demons was sleeping in a corner of Demacia at this moment.

And could wake up anytime.

That's why he feels insecure.

But then a skull was found, proving that a black magician was behind it

From Lu Qi's point of view, even if it's not Fiddlesticks, someone who can create an evil spirit cave of this scale must be an incredible guy.

So after returning to the city, he immediately wrote two letters, one of which was to apply for a replacement and sent it to Tiana.

Another letter, for insurance, was sent to Lev, the head of the Fearless Vanguard.

The fighters of the Fearless Pioneer are all the best of the best, and it is most reassuring to entrust this kind of thing to them.

He originally thought that when the people of the Fearless Pioneer arrived, he would hand it over to them.

But I didn't expect that this Yinshen religion was discovered before that.

And the timing of the old man's troubles was just right, just before the arrival of the Fearless Pioneer.

Then there is no other way, I should make a great contribution!
A happy smile appeared on the corner of Lu Qi's mouth.

And seeing this smile, Dande only felt an unreasonable anger welling up in his chest.

At this moment, he was about to explode with anger.

He sacrificed so many believers, will he lose for such a simple reason?
No, absolutely impossible!

At this time, a gust of wind blew past, and a vision occurred that day. The usually white moonlight was now stained with a deep red.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a red light, and it became very strange.

The time of the blood moon has arrived!
The light of the blood moon fell from the sky and shone on Dande and the disciples inside the barrier.

He suddenly felt that a wave of energy began to surge in his body, and with a powerful force, a sneer finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Finally, it lasted until the blood moon came!
Since he dared to attack the city of Edessa directly, he was naturally well prepared.

All the people around, including Lu Qi, felt the obvious changes in the barrier.

"Prince, the matter is far from over!"

Dande raised his voice excitedly, and his voice was a little louder.

A look of madness gradually appeared in his eyes, he raised the staff in his hand high, and chanted a burst of obscure spells.

On the staff, the dark energy emitted formed distorted lines one by one, like a piece of writing, writing down.

Then, a sect around him fell down.

Then came the second one, and then the third one, dozens of people fell down one after another.

It was as if something had been pulled out of them, pouring into this dark magic.

Then, with Dande's release, the barrier protecting them exploded, and a huge energy directly sent flying the surrounding fearless vanguard fighters.

Lu Qi also felt a huge force coming, even if he was separated by a certain distance, he kept taking a few steps back.

At this moment, he looked at the corpses of the ten fallen heretics on the ground, and knew what kind of sacrifice spell the old man might be using.

Without hesitation in sacrificing the lives of his subordinates, this old man is indeed cruel enough.

At the same time, as if feeling something, under the irradiation of this red light, those monsters who attacked the city became more violent and stronger.

In the sky, hundreds of birds and monsters flew towards the city.

And that place is exactly where the residents are.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dande led the rest of his men and hurriedly retreated out of the city.

"Go and stop those birds first!"

Seeing this, Lu Qi immediately ordered.

Galen, who stood up, nodded immediately, and led his men to chase after the birds.

If these berserk birds really wanted to sit idly by, casualties would inevitably result.

And Lu Qi, at this moment, is using his body skills, chasing after Dande who is running away.

Urna, Wayne, Frey, Quinn and a dozen or so fearless pioneers also caught up.

"Prince, you can't stop me!"

A layer of red and black was attached to Dande's body. When he turned his head, a magic ball flew towards Lu Qi without even reciting the spell.

Lu Qi dodged and dodged, bursting out with a powerful aura, and with a sword slashing out, another tornado swept out quickly.

Roaring straight towards Dande.

Dande immediately raised his staff to block, feeling a powerful force, he was also secretly surprised at the prince's strength.

In the next second, Lu Qi stepped forward with a sword and slashed up.

At this moment, Dande can keep up with Lu Qi's attack with only his physical body.

The wooden staff blocked his slashing blows again and again.

However, as Lu Qi's Wuji Sword Intent quickly slashed out with several swords, Dande felt more and more pressure, and he yelled loudly.

A powerful force erupted from the staff, and the staff was overwhelmed and broke in two.

However, Lu Qi was also pushed back a certain distance, and two cultists immediately entangled him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dande fled at a faster speed.

The two cultists were left by him to die, and when Lu Qi killed the two in front of him, the figures of Dan De and the other cultists had already disappeared into the shadows, and they could no longer be seen.

"Did they run away?"

Wei En took care of the two cultists and chased after her, with cold eyes.

Lu Qi glanced at the staff on the ground, and picked it up: "They can't run away, so go back first, and deal with the beast tide."

At this moment, the beast horde has not been resolved. If only this few people chase after it, Lu Qi doesn't want to take the risk.

However, even if this beast tide has a new wave of strengthening, it is no longer a crisis.

More than 300 fearless pioneer fighters went to several directions respectively. With their joint efforts, the crisis of the beast tide was finally subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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