LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 147 You won't reject such an excellent man like me twice in a row, will you?

Chapter 147 You won't reject such an excellent man like me twice in a row, right?

Push the door to go outside.

A gentle breeze blows on the face, and the sun is just right.

Lu Qi also stretched a little comfortably. From here, he could see the playground below, and the soldiers were training around the playground.

Wei En and Sisilia were among them, surrounding the playground, chasing after each other like a race.

There are many soldiers around watching the excitement, while shouting to cheer.

I didn't feel tired after running two laps.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qi put his hands behind his back and sighed with emotion: "Young people are full of energy."

He can't do it anymore, it's a bit like stepping into old age ahead of schedule.

Speaking of not seeing Quinn, I don't know what she is doing.

This girl's state all morning seemed out of order, as if she had something on her mind.

Thinking of this, Lu Qi started to walk slowly with his hands behind his back at a walking speed.

After turning half a circle, I saw Quinn on a rooftop that was open to the outside.

At this time, she was sitting on the edge of the roof looking into the distance, and the breeze shook her hair gently.

Beside her is Hua Luo who is obediently accompanying her with his wings folded.

The sun shines on one person and one eagle, and this scene looks quite harmonious.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Quinn turned his head, saw that it was Lu Qi, Zhanyan smiled slightly: "Your Highness."

Lu Qi looked at her and asked casually, "What are you doing here?"

As he said that, he also slowly sat on the edge of the roof. From the angle of view here, he can see far away, and he can see the houses stacked one on top of the other, from near to far, as if he had a panoramic view of half the city. .

This place is quite suitable for blowing a breeze. Under such a scenery, people can calm down unconsciously.

Hearing this, Quinn continued to look forward, and replied, "I just suddenly want to be alone."

"Then did I disturb you?"

"of course not."

Quinn immediately shook his head with a smile.

Lu Qi also smiled, calmed down, and looked at the scenery in front of her with her.

After a while, he asked aloud, "I'm going back to the capital tomorrow, do you have any idea of ​​being my own soldier?"

Although he has already been declined once, but he is a thick-skinned person.

Quinn is such an excellent talent, what is the difference between that and the meat delivered to his mouth?
He must not let it go.

Hearing this, Quinn paused this time, but did not decline directly, but showed a somewhat forced smile: "Does Your Highness think that I am really suitable?"

There was some confusion in her eyes.

She came out of a border town called Irwindale in Demacia, and she and her family had been hunting for a living before that.

If the accident two years ago hadn't happened, she would have a brother who was far stronger than her, named Caleb.

When the siblings were young, King Jarvan III happened to pass through Irwindale on his way to the Eastern Great Wall to inspect.

The accompanying knights around the king were shining in armor and heroic, and their heroic posture with their heads held high made both Quinn and Caleb feel excited.

At that moment, the two brothers and sisters set their goals in their hearts.

Thinking of becoming a heroic guardian like them in the future.

The two grew up in a safari family, and they have learned hunting skills from the current safari leader since childhood.

In this regard, both have shown excellent talent.

But since childhood, Quinn's elder brother Caleb has always been better than her, whether it is accurate judgment during hunting or keen insight.

Whenever Quinn encountered an unsolvable problem while hunting, Caleb would always stand in front of her.

Quinn admired her brother very much, and believed that Caleb would definitely be able to accomplish their common goals.

However, just two years ago.

Quinn and Caleb, who had become safari in Irwindale at that time, were hired to join a noble hunting party from the capital. Their goal was a rare giant tooth-eater.

This is a predatory monster, known for its rough skin, thick flesh, sharp horns, and explosive temper.

The nobles failed to kill the beast in one go, and they were counterattacked by it.

Quinn and Caleb quickly intervene in the hunt.

However, in this battle, although the brother and sister successfully drove the tooth-eater away, Caleb pushed her away from the beast's fangs, causing his chest to be pierced directly.

The cruel reality mercilessly took Caleb's life.

The nobles buried him nearby.

Caleb's death dealt a heavy blow to Quinn.

She became depressed, made frequent mistakes in hunting, and refused the nobles' gifts.

Life seems to lose momentum all of a sudden.

Until the next year, in front of Caleb's grave, she encountered the tooth-eater again.

This time there was no elder brother who could protect her, and the beast charged towards her.

Similarly, Quinn also wanted to avenge Caleb, but she hadn't made any progress in this year, and none of the arrows she shot had any effect.

Even she herself had given up hope, thinking that she must die.

At this moment, a blue rock falcon that descended from the sky actively attacked the tooth-eater.

The Blue Rock Falcon is a kind of magical beast with a high growth rate among birds and birds. It has a proud personality and is notoriously fierce. It never gets close to humans.

The two beasts were fighting, and this one looked like a juvenile blue rock falcon, obviously it would not be the tooth-eater's opponent.

Quinn knew that she couldn't watch it any longer, and once again mustered up her courage to join the battle. The cooperation of one man and one eagle was surprisingly tacit.

This reminded her of the time when she was hunting with her brother.

In the end, with one person and one eagle seriously injured, he finally succeeded in killing the giant tooth-eater.

When Quinn went to treat the blue rock falcon's wounds, he found that the falcon was not hostile to her at all. His eyes seemed to reveal the gentle eyes of Caleb who would lecture and chuckle every time he saw her make a mistake. .

As if to say, 'Quinn, why are you making this mistake again'.

It made her feel as though her brother, Caleb, had returned.

Today is the first anniversary of Caleb.

On this day, after the Blue Rock Falcon appeared, it did not leave.

In Irwindale, there is a saying.

It is said that after death, the soul does not dissipate, they will be reincarnated.

In the next life, you may become some kind of animal, maybe a mouse, maybe a tiger, or maybe an eagle.

After reincarnation, they will retain some memories of the previous life, and when the last wish of the previous life is fulfilled, the memory will dissipate.

After that, Quinn never saw Hua Luo's eyes showing a similar look.

So Quinn felt that this falcon might be Caleb's reincarnation.

Once again, he protected her with all of himself.

After that day, Quinn regained her spirits, and once again picked up her and her brother's ambitions, determined to become a heroic knight.

A nobleman in that hunt at that time, Mrs. Lestara, recommended her to Marshal Tiana.

With your own ambitions, and the expectations of your father and mother.

Quinn and Valor left Irwindale, the small town where she grew up.

The Marshal admired her abilities and directly made her a Ranger.

However, after really getting in touch with the outside world, Quinn discovered that this world is too big, and excellent people abound.

For example, Sithlia, who also came out of a small town like her, has now become a reserve soldier of the Fearless Pioneer.

And the Wayne she saw, and His Highness.
Sometimes, facing some things, Quinn can't help but think, if it was her brother, Caleb.

Definitely better than her.

Now is the second time that Lu Qi has sent her an invitation.

To be a soldier of the prince is far more meaningful than her current ranger.

But Quinn felt that he was somewhat unworthy of His Highness's expectation.

Hearing Quinn's words at this time, Lu Qi saw the forced smile on her face, and understood the reason why she was so preoccupied this morning.

Obviously, his appearance had a certain impact on this girl.

Afterwards, he chuckled and said, "Of course there is no one more suitable than you. From the first moment I saw you, I knew it must be you."

Hearing this, Quinn blushed a little, it sounded like a confession.
She turned her head and glanced at the serious expression on Lu Qi's face. She still didn't understand why Lu Qi was so optimistic about her.

She is not as good as Sisilia, not as good as Miss Wayne, not as good as Miss Urna.

Compared with them, he seemed very mediocre.

Seeing the puzzlement in her eyes, Lu Qi said broadly: "Don't belittle yourself, Quinn, you are excellent. You are no worse than any excellent person I have ever seen. It takes time for an eagle to spread its wings, let alone you? "

Listening to Lu Qi's words, waves of warmth surged in Quinn's heart.

This feeling of being firmly chosen by others is really not bad.

Seeing that Quinn didn't speak, Lu Qi suddenly sighed: "You won't reject a man as good as me twice in a row, will you?"

These words instantly broke the atmosphere at the moment, causing Quinn to burst out laughing.

She looked at Lu Qi with a smile, and seeing his resentful expression on his face, she just felt that she couldn't help the smile.

Quinn blushed a little because of holding back her laughter, but she seemed to be in a much better mood, and then she stood up, her expression gradually becoming serious.

Then, she put down facing Lu Qi, performed a standard knight salute, and suddenly said solemnly: "I am willing to be His Highness's personal soldier, and hereby swear that I will use my life to protect His Highness until the last moment!"

See her so grand.

Lu Qi also stood up, thought for a while, took off the badge of his Light Shield family, and handed it to her.

"Then, I'll leave it to you."

"I will not disappoint Your Highness!"

Quinn showed an extremely serious expression, with extremely firm eyes.

After Caleb's day, she will never feel sorry for herself again, and it doesn't matter if there are many people better than her in this world.

She will try her best to catch up with those people and surpass them!

After a simple ceremony, Quinn officially became Lu Qi's personal soldier.

Next, there is an old woman who needs to explain.

But this is not a big problem, let's talk about it when we return to the capital.

"Your Highness, I'm going to train then."

Quinn regained her mood, and she was also full of fighting spirit under the changed identity.

Lu Qi looked at her and smiled: "Let's go together, I just have nothing to do right now, so I'll teach you a few tricks by the way."

Quinn was puzzled when he heard the words, but quickly realized what Lu Qi meant, he was slightly taken aback, and said, "Can I learn this?"

Lu Qi immediately said casually: "Of course, as my personal soldier, the more powerful you become, the more you can protect my safety?"

At this moment, Quinn seems to be in the development stage, and his strength has not yet been revealed.

However, after she learns Lu Qi's skills, she will definitely become even more powerful.

After a few minutes.

The two also came to the playground. At this time, Wei En and Sisilia had stopped running, and Sisilia chatted generously with a few soldiers, occasionally showing a smile.

On the other hand, Wei En was quite lonely, alone there, slashing a dummy with a weapon in his hand.

Lu Qi took a look, in fact, Sislia was also on his list of personal soldiers.

However, she is already a reserve member of the Fearless Pioneer, and judging by her performance, as long as there is a vacancy for the Fearless Pioneer, she will definitely be the first to be selected.

What's more, this girl has a clear goal, she wants to become a hero in people's eyes and become a part of the legendary story.

Unlike Quinn, her ambition is simply to be a heroic knight.

It makes no difference to her whether she becomes Lu Qi's personal soldier or a ranger.

As a result, it was difficult for Lu Qi to extend his evil hand to Sisilia.

It's a pity that such a good girl can't be used by me!

But he is a thick-skinned person, anyway, even Quinn has been kidnapped, her good sister will come to reunite no matter what, won't she?
Although there is no chance now, isn't there still a lot of time?

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Qi also looked at Quinn and said, "I'll teach you the first trick first, the technique of lurking."

When Quinn heard the words, he also recalled the situation when he saw His Highness quietly approaching the white-eared rabbit, but was not found.

At that time, she knew that Lu Qi must have used some kind of lurking technique.

It's just that she has never seen such a powerful move. After all, the vigilance of creatures like white-eared rabbits is famous.

It may not be possible to hide and get close.

What's more, it's the kind of Lu Qi who walks over directly.

She couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive: "Can I learn such a powerful skill?"

"trust yourself."

Lu Qi smiled, thought about it for a while, and then began to talk about the basics of the divine concealment technique.

Before that, he taught the first and second chapters of spiritual power to Quinn first.

The divine concealment technique requires the adjustment of the mind and breathing.

The ups and downs of the breathing rhythm can be practiced slowly, but in terms of the mind, it needs the guidance of spiritual power.

Although I don't know what method Quinn used to hone his willpower before, but with the spiritual power of the first and second chapters, it is naturally more convenient.

After memorizing these two chapters, Quinn can start practicing the basic magic of stealth.

For a normal person, it's not difficult to practice the Divine Hidden Art to level 3, and talent is needed to go further.

And Lu Qi estimated that with Quinn's talent, he should be able to practice the divine concealment technique to LV7.

"The breathing method in the Divine Hidden Technique can also be used to reduce physical exertion. You can also practice it in your daily life."

While Lu Qi was explaining, he watched Quinn adjust his breathing.

At the beginning, he naturally wanted to start with the basic breathing rhythm, and then talk about the advanced ones later.

If you want to practice the divine invisibility technique, you must do it, and you can adjust the rhythm of breathing as soon as you need it.

"Just like I am now."

As Lu Qi spoke, the breathing rhythm changed naturally, but others couldn't see it.

And Quinn looked at Lu Qi, but was slightly stunned.

It is difficult to describe the aura of a person, but what is certain is that everyone must have an aura.

A powerful person can control the ups and downs of the aura to a certain extent, such as not being angry and arrogant.

Like the usual Lu Qi, the aura is very gentle, giving people a feeling of being easy to get along with.

Lu Qi, who was in the state of Haoqi's body protection, became aggressive in his aura. He was obviously the same person, but he showed his sharpness.

But at this moment, Lu Qi, who was in the state of stealth, made Quinn unable to feel the slightest aura.

If he was not standing in front of her at this moment, but was hiding somewhere, then Quinn would hardly be able to find him.

The normal lurking technique can only reduce a person's aura as much as possible.

But this one of Lu Qi can directly reduce the aura to nothing.

Such an important skill was taught to her casually.

Thinking of Quinn here, he practiced a lot more seriously.

She felt that she should not be ashamed of her trust in His Highness, and she must practice the divine concealment technique well.

At the same time that Lu Qi taught Quinn the skills of the hidden technique.

The room where Yinshen records are stored.

Frey looked at the records Lu Qi taught her line by line. The more she read, the more dignified her expression became.

Wayne had told her about the demon who killed her parents' enemies.

After reading it, Frey can also confirm it.

The horned demon mentioned above is undoubtedly that one.

It's just that Wei En didn't know much about that demon, and only remembered her appearance.

This record expands Frey's understanding of it.

Under the top ten demons, the second echelon of demons takes pleasure in human suffering.

In just a few words, its strength has been explained.

Like some bloodthirsty, mutant demons I encountered before.

Those are demons of the lowest level, not even qualified to join the second ladder.

Although he knew that this demon was powerful, but after reading it, Frey had a clearer understanding of this demon's strength.

Even the elders of Yinshen Sect had nothing to do but wait for death in front of him.

That's not the most important thing.

According to the above, this demon likes to torture humans.

She cruelly divided human beings into four levels.

So, did she not notice when she let Wei En go, or did she do it on purpose?

How could a demon with this strength fail to notice a human girl who found her?

At this moment, Frey couldn't help thinking of a terrible conjecture.

This speculation made her goosebumps tremble all over, and she felt a coolness emerging from the soles of her feet, pouring into her heart all the way.

 I'm not in good condition, let's be lazy again
(End of this chapter)

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