LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 163 One good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?

Chapter 163 Good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?
"You walk slowly."

See Augsa come out.

Lu Qi immediately stood up with a smile on his face and saw him off.

When she walked to the gate of the courtyard, Augesa suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Lu Qi: "That's right. You tell that dead girl that the money for the vase will be deducted from her pocket money in the future. She will take it from you. The money from newspaper dividends will be repaid in about five months."


Lu Qi nodded immediately.

Such good news, he wanted to share it with Miss Crownguard right now.

Augatha got into the carriage and went home.

As for Lu Qi, he headed towards the living room. As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Lux lying on the sofa with a face ashen ashes.

The pair of normally shining pupils were dimmed at the moment, filled with a look of despair.

The corner of Lu Qi's mouth curled up, and he squatted down, looking at Lacus's pale face at a close distance: "Now there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

When Lux heard the words, some brilliance returned to her eyes, she glanced at Lu Qi resentfully, and thought for a while: "Good news."

Lu Qi said: "The good news is, congratulations, you are about to become a rich woman. The monthly dividend of the newspaper is [-] gold."

Lux sat up all of a sudden, and said with bright eyes, "Is it true?"

Lu Qi smiled: "Of course it's true."

Lux felt much better immediately, so she asked again: "What about the bad news?"

Lu Qi said: "The bad news is that all the money was used to return the vase, and you still owe [-] gold."

Lacus: "?"

She fell back all of a sudden, the expression on her little face was even more desperate than before.

Lu Qi grinned, feeling very happy.

Seeing this scene, endless anger surged in Lux's heart!

The bitch! !
She suddenly grabbed Lu Qi's arm unexpectedly, and bit down directly without saying a word.


The next second, Lacus yelled, quickly let go of her mouth, picked up the cup on the table, and drank the tea inside.

Then his face was flushed, he hissed, and his eyes widened at Lu Qi angrily: "Who's a good guy put chili oil on his arms!!!"

Miss Crown Guard's mentality collapsed in an instant!
"I'm not doing this for my own safety."

Lu Qi showed a harmless smile, and took out a ball of cloth from his sleeve.

Lux widened her eyes.

The bitch even double-wrapped it!
Just put chili oil on it, and add a layer of cloth inside to prevent it from being bitten!

This guy knows the truth about himself!
Despair, at this moment, complete despair enveloped Lux's heart.

She fell on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling, muttering to herself: "Let this world be destroyed!"

Seeing this, Lu Qi comforted him: "Look at it, although you were beaten up today, you also reaped the pain, didn't you?"

Lacus: "."

She lay motionless on the sofa, with a spoiled expression on her face.

So Lu Qi stopped teasing her, stood up in a happy mood, and walked to the kitchen.

Get ready to treat yourself with a little sweet treat and comfort Miss Crownguard's wounded heart along the way.

after an hour.

With a sweet smell wafting from the kitchen, Lacus who was lying on the sofa and almost fell asleep suddenly opened his eyes.

When Lu Qi came out of the kitchen, he saw Lacus obediently sitting in the dining room waiting.

She winked at Lu Qi: "What's today's dessert?"

"Egg tart, tiramisu."

Lu Qi held two plates in his hands.

"Tiramisu?" Lux repeated it, and couldn't help asking in surprise, "Why is it called such a name?"

"Where are there so many problems?"

Lu Qi casually placed the plates on the table, and then placed two of them in front of Lacus.

Lacus didn't ask any more, she used a fork to pick up an egg tart, and then lifted it up to look at it.

Then, put it in your mouth, bite it lightly, and the crisp sound of "clicking" came out.

The crispy outer shell is wrapped with a layer of creamy soft filling, exuding a rich sweetness, which is also mixed with a little fruity sweetness.

Two bites a piece, Lux ate quite quickly, and with an egg tart in her belly, her little face also returned to rosy.

The mental state also seems to be full.

Then, she looked at tiramisu, a dessert similar to cake.

Lacus used a spoon instead, dug out a piece lightly, put it in her mouth, and tasted it carefully.

When tiramisu is eaten in the mouth, it is fragrant, smooth, sweet, greasy, and soft with changes in texture. The taste is not blindly sweet, but it is also wrapped with some crushed cocoa powder on the outside, which has a special taste.

But very tasty.

A satisfied smile rose from the corner of Lux's mouth, and she ate spoonful by spoonful.

Seeing her eating is very happy.

Lu Qi smiled, turned around and walked out, preparing to call Fiona, Sona and Urna.

As the sky darkened.

Kashina, Wei En, Quinn and Frey who came back also tasted the two new desserts made by Lu Qi.

For his culinary skills, all the women naturally only have the word "serve" in capital letters.

That night.

Crownguard House.

In the living room, the lights are bright.

After eating, drinking and taking a nice bath, Lacus walked into the living room in a good mood.

Then I saw Augsa sitting on the sofa, sewing something.

Augusta also raised her head when she heard footsteps.


Lux snorted softly, turned her face away as if sulking, and didn't look at her.


Augesa also snorted coldly, and reached out to the feather duster beside her.

Lax glanced at her, her delicate body trembled immediately, and fled back to her room without saying a word, and gave Augsa a fierce look before entering the door.

Then immediately closed the door.

Seeing this, Augesa snorted again, and continued with what she was doing.

Although there was no communication during this period.

But their performance fully demonstrated that the two who were loving mothers and filial sons not long ago obviously had a sense of breaking up at the moment.

Tiana, who was drinking tea at the side, suddenly felt much smoother in her heart.

That's right!
The mother and daughter finally returned to normal.

After taking a sip of tea, Tiana looked around and seemed to find something, and asked casually, "Speaking of which, why is your favorite vase missing?"

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Augesa frowned, her expression seemed to be holding back something, and an impulse emerged.

She also kept reminding herself in her heart.

It's been beaten, it's been beaten.

Be sure to hold back.

At this time, Tiana smiled nostalgicly again: "I remember you liked it very much. At that time, you put a lot of thought into it. After you got it, you protected it like a baby, and you didn't even want to touch it."

The more she spoke, the more Augatha frowned.

Finally, Augusta suddenly put down the thread in her hand, grabbed the feather duster beside her, and stood up.

Tiana asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Go and beat that girl again, or I won't be able to get out of this."

Thinking of how much she loved that vase, Augsa's face turned frosty, and she took a feather duster and walked to Lacus' room on the second floor.

Tiana, who only realized what was going on at this time, scratched her head in embarrassment, and muttered, "Am I talking too much?"

The sound of opening and closing the door sounded, followed by Lux's scream of grief, which was heart-piercing.

Tiana took a sip of tea silently, and when she heard the screams, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, feeling uneasy about her conscience.

After a while, she put down her teacup and decided to go out for a stroll.

If you can't hear it, your conscience won't hurt.

August [-]th, Yiqiu Festival.

For the recent days, due to the frequent actions of the Arcatraz, the atmosphere in the capital is somewhat dull.

Today is a particularly lively day, but when the sky is dim, the people in the entire capital get up early.

The streets are also busier than before, with cars and horses coming and going in an endless stream.

After another hour, the whole capital will be full of people.

On this day, Lu Qi also got up early.

But for him, getting up early is nothing more than lying down at home and moving to the yard to lie down.

"Your Highness, Happy Yiqiu Festival."

Kashina first walked in from the gate of the yard, full of vigor and vitality, giving people a very refreshing feeling.

Lu Qi smiled at her and said the same: "Happy Yiqiu Festival."

This Yiqiu Festival, in Demacia, is very similar to the Mid-Autumn Festival.

And the day is just right, I have to say maybe it's some kind of fate.

After some understanding, Lu Qi also knew the origin of this festival.

It is said that many, many years ago, when the territory of Demacia was not so large, the king at that time was still called Oren.

At that time, Demacia was not only suffering from the harm of magic, but also faced the invasion of an evil creature.

Countless people have suffered because of them, suffering unspeakably.

It was at that time that the young King Oren and her consort, a woman named Yarna, stepped forward.

They chose to face those evil creatures and fight them.

Yarna is an upright and brave female warrior who is wise, calm, and extremely powerful in her battles with evil creatures.

Her cooperation with Oren is even more seamless, very tacit understanding.

Under their leadership, those evil creatures were beaten back steadily, and were finally expelled from the territory of Demacia.

And on the night of the big win, Oren proposed to Jarna.

Everyone already thought that Yarna was the queen in their hearts, and just when Yarna was about to agree, an accident happened.

From the bright moon in the sky, a beam of bright moonlight suddenly shone down, which was unusually dazzling, and the white glow was filled with a beam of boiling light.

Accompanied by a powerful force, the moonlight shrouded Yarna's body, and also bounced Oren who proposed to her.

This scene shows that Yarna was chosen by the moon, and the moon gave her extraordinary power, but it also means that she is about to be separated from Oren.

Oren was naturally unwilling, he rushed to the moonlight and grabbed Yarna's hand.

Yarna also reluctantly reached out to hold him, but her body kept floating and flew towards the moon.

There is a powerful force in this moonlight, and Oren can't bear it anymore, and finally separates from Yarna.

The helpless Oren was extremely sad, but the blessing of the moon was a symbol of godsend to Demacia at that time.

Oren also didn't want to see his lover's future affected because of himself, so he never interfered with this matter again.

It is said that Yarna, who was chosen by the moon, lived in the unattainable mountain on the other side, and was with the moon every day.

And Oren, the king of the mortal kingdom, could never see her again.

Whenever this day comes, Oren will set up an incense table in Yaerna's favorite garden, put the sweetmeat and fresh fruit that Yarna usually likes to eat, and pay homage to Yarna who is far away.

When the common people learned about this, they set up incense tables for Yaerna under the moon, one to sacrifice to her from a distance, and the other to pray to her for good luck and safety.

Since then, the custom of Yiqiu Festival has spread among the people and has been passed down to the present.

In Demacia, it has also become an important festival.

This day, for others, may be just a holiday.

But for Lux, it was a great day.

Because the arrival of this day means that she can get a seven-day vacation.

Seven days!

This early in the morning, Lacus walked briskly into Lu Qi's yard.

After seeing him lying on the chair, a happy smile bloomed on his face: "Good morning, happy Yiqiu Festival."

"Happy Yiqiu Festival."

Lu Qi smiled.

Seeing this girl's smiling face, I felt that the atmosphere in the early morning became cheerful.

After saying hello, Lacus happily ran to the mansion, ready to pour some Coke.

Lu Qi was still lying on the chair, and said silently in his heart: "Sign in."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the spiritual power skill: Moonlight]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random deputy skill upgrade card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for getting the treasure: Mooncake Gift Box]

The sound of the three systems in succession also surprised Lu Qi.

It seems that because today is a holiday, the daily rewards have changed from two to three.

So, he first checked the first reward, the moonlight spell.

The type of moonlight technique is the same as the first and second chapters of spiritual power, and it is also a skill for cultivating spiritual power.

However, the difference is that the moonlight technique has an additional bonus when practicing under the moonlight, the speed of cultivation will be accelerated, and whenever it is under the moonlight, the automatic cultivation mode will be turned on.

It is equivalent to saying that as long as there is moonlight shining, Lu Qi's spiritual power will automatically increase.

At the same time, under the moonlight, his recovery after depletion of mental power will also be accelerated.

This skill is not bad.

After learning the moonlight technique, Lu Qi suddenly felt a cool and refreshing feeling in his head, and he had a breakthrough in spiritual power.

Spiritual power is something Lu Qi has rarely practiced actively since he learned it.

It's different now. After learning the moonlight, he can automatically cultivate spiritual power when he is lying down at night.

When will there be another solar technique, wouldn't it be the sun and moon dual cultivation?

After thinking about it, Lu Qi thought it was pretty good.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the second reward.

The difference from before is that this time the system gave random deputy upgrade cards.

But there is no level limit, you can randomly choose one of the deputy positions Lu Qi currently has to upgrade.

In other words, it depends on luck. If you are lucky, this is an advanced upgrade card.

Bad luck, it was an intermediate card.

After glancing at the introduction, Lu Qi said directly, "System, use a random deputy upgrade card."

[Immediately the deputy upgrade card is successfully used]

[Congratulations to the host and assistant craftsman for upgrading to LV8 (superb)]

Following two consecutive system prompts sounded.

Lu Qi felt that a lot of knowledge and information belonging to artisans poured into his mind, and as time passed, the things he mastered also increased a lot.

After a while, after digesting the information in his brain, Lu Qi rubbed his temples.

Although there is no accompanying cooking skills, it is not bad.

It's fine if you don't follow the photographer.

He himself has only four deputy positions, among which the chef, craftsman and photographer are not at the full level, and the level of the photographer is the lowest.

For Lu Qi, the two deputy positions of artisan and cook are the most useful.

Now both deputy jobs need advanced upgrade cards, so it doesn't hurt to go to any of them in this wave.

Then, Lu Qi opened the system backpack and looked at the third reward.

Mooncake gift box.

After taking a look, Lu Qi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

This mooncake gift box can be said to be complete in variety.

Black sesame, egg yolk, custard custard, five kernels, bean paste, pineapple, jujube paste, and cantaloupe are all available, and it is a ready-made mooncake gift package.

Of course Lu Qi can make moon cakes, but what he makes is definitely not as good as the system gives.

The mooncake gift box given by the system is prefixed with the word Qizhen.

If Lu Qi's cooking skills are not full, he might not be able to cook this level of food.

Looking at these mooncakes, Lu Qi began to miss his hometown a little bit. At this moment, he couldn't help but look up at the clear sky, slightly lost in thought.

 Calvin, I have only coded out one chapter until now, and I can't code any more, otherwise the schedule will be messed up again. I owe a watch.

(End of this chapter)

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