LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 165 There is no one more suitable to take the blame than Picheng

Chapter 165 There is no one more suitable to take the blame than Picheng
The moon is extraordinarily round tonight.

As the girls gradually left.

Lu Qi lay quietly under the bright moonlight, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.

The temperature at night is slightly bright, looking at the dark night.

Lu Qi showed a thoughtful expression.

Today's festival was quite interesting, but he always felt that something was missing.

If you have to say it, it is not strong enough.

Lu Qi was thinking, and suddenly something flashed through his mind.

He instantly thought of what was wrong.

The next day.

After breakfast, Lu Qi got into the carriage and set off.

The carriage drove all the way, and after about half an hour, it stopped at the printing factory.

Soon, Navis in the factory got the news of Lu Qi's arrival.

Before she arrived, two figures rushed to Lu Qi's side.

"Your Highness!!!"

"Let me tell you why the left eyelid kept twitching this morning. It turns out that you are coming!"

Mei Li and Ke Sen, sister and brother, approached Lu Qi with obsequious smiles, just like two noisy bees, annoyed endlessly.

Lu Qi glanced at them.

The siblings immediately understood, shut their mouths decisively, and retreated to a place five steps away to follow silently.

It can be said that there is no temper at all.

"Good morning, Your Highness!"

Soon, a petite figure ran out, with long hair slightly curled, and a cute smile on Lu Qi's face like a cute girl.

The corner of Lu Qi's mouth twitched lightly: "Good morning, Navis."

Navis, who was standing in front of her, was no longer as fragile as she was at the beginning.

Wearing a white coat that doesn't match her figure, while there is a bit of contrast, it also has a bit of a strong woman's temperament.

Navis looked at Lu Qi with a sweet smile and said, "The moon cakes His Highness gave me are delicious, thank you."

"It's good enough." Lu Qi smiled and asked, "How is the printing machine improved?"

Navis immediately replied: "I already have a clue. If there are no accidents, within half a month, an improved version of the third generation can be produced."

Lu Qi stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, and praised: "You did a good job, I didn't come to you today to talk about this matter, clean up, and go to the scientific research institute with me."

This girl is the one he feels he has the best vision so far.

It can be said that seeing Bao can wake up from a dream with a smile.

It doesn't matter if he handed over the task, Navis will do it on her own.

Now this printing press has gone to the third generation.

The goal is for one machine to print [-] newspapers per hour. This improvement in efficiency can be described as a qualitative change.

Navis nodded while enjoying, "Yeah."

And Mei Li and Ke Sen, who were following behind, couldn't help leaning forward when they heard this, showing eager eyes.

"Your Highness."

"Cough cough."

The two of them hesitated to speak, they just didn't say what they thought in their hearts.

Lu Qi glanced at them and said casually, "You guys follow too."

"As ordered!"

The two immediately showed joyful expressions.

After a while, Navis changed her clothes and came out. The white coat was replaced by a pink and white dress with a strong girlish atmosphere, which looked very fresh.

It took about half an hour to get in the carriage, and they arrived at the gate of the scientific research institute.

As soon as they got off the carriage, a gentle voice greeted them.

"Your Highness, long time no see."

Lu Qi raised his head and saw Wen Huade, who was wearing a uniform of the scientific research institute, smiling at him.

"Long time no see, Dean."

Lu Qi greeted immediately.


Navis stepped forward with a smile.

Wen Huade smiled at her, with a gentle nod in his eyes.

The more contact he had with his junior, the more annoyed he felt.

He really missed a piece of gold back then, and the most annoying thing was that the gold was still under his nose, and he didn't even notice it.

Now this gold was first excavated by His Highness.

He was a little sour.

Navis' talent in scientific research even surpassed his expectations.

I have to sigh His Highness's astonishing vision.

Wen Huade also slowly handed over what he had learned all his life to her, and the speed at which Navis absorbed this knowledge could no longer be described as fast.

It's simply easy to understand, and you can learn it as soon as you learn it.

Now Wen Huade is cultivating him as the next generation dean of the scientific research institute, no matter how he looks at it, he is satisfied.


Mei Li and Ke Sen also came forward and greeted weakly.

Wen Huade glanced at them and nodded.

As for these two brothers and sisters, they can barely be cultivated, and they will be qualified to help Navis in the future.

After saying hello, Wen Huade looked at Lu Qi and asked, "What's your Highness doing here?"

Lu Qi cut to the chase and said, "I want to borrow the library of the Research Academy."

Wen Huade nodded after hearing the words: "Your Highness, come with me."

With him leading the way, they soon arrived at the library of the Academy of Sciences.

Wen Huade took out the key, opened the door of the library, and said at the same time: "Your Highness can check what you want to see by yourself. Generally speaking, the things inside are recorded in the catalog, but it is best not to take these outside."


Lu Qi responded, opened the door and walked in.

Navis and the other three were waiting outside.

It was dark inside the gate. He took out a match and lit the torch on the wall, and the room suddenly lit up.

Just like a library, there are a large number of books in it.

What is stored in the library of the scientific research institute is some core knowledge of the objects they have developed over the years, which is easily not allowed to enter.

However, the words "waiters can't enter" are meaningless to Lu Qi on the territory of Demacia.

As long as he wants to go, there is basically nothing he can't go.

After the room was lit up, Lu Qi began to search.

There are records about technology related to gears, or how to build more sophisticated equipment and weapons, and even the forbidden magic stone.

Lu Qi also saw the microphone and the printing press, all recorded in it.

But these are not what he is interested in right now. After searching for a while along the signs and introductions above, he couldn't find what he was looking for.

This made Lu Qi affirm his thoughts last night.

At this time, he was holding a book about matchcraft in his hand, and quietly flipped through it.

With the current industrial level of Demacia, the most direct means of using fire is matches, followed by a kind of fire pocket.

This book records the method of making matches, from the beginning of sawing trees to the final refinement using a special powder called "cyanide".

If this kind of 'cyanide' is as expected by Lu Qi, it should be white phosphorous.

After all, the match Lu Qi used just now was also heated by friction and then ignited.

However, it is different from white phosphorus. According to the introduction, the gas released after ignition of this 'cyanide' contains only trace amounts of toxins, and even if inhaled in excess, it will not cause life-threatening.

So far, Demacia's research on matches has been limited to using this 'cyanide'.

The purpose of Lu Qi's visit this time is for this 'cyanide'.

As far as he knows, Demacia has put a lot of effort and effort into how to build more sophisticated weapons and equipment. Just looking at the library of the scientific research institute, one-third of the content is about these.

This is indeed effective.

Nowadays, Demacia's current blacksmith technology is very developed, and the quality of the weapons and armor they manufacture ranks first in the entire Runeterra.

However, Demacia's research on gunpowder is almost in its infancy.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is zero.

There is still a lot of room for research on gunpowder.

Regarding this point, Lu Qi actually had some thoughts when he was in Edessa City.

At that time, the beast tide attacked the city, and when it was about to reach the foot of the city gate, the soldiers ignited the oil that had been placed in advance to stop the beast tide.

At that time, the raging fire was burning, but the actual damage to the beast horde was very low.

But if it is replaced with gunpowder, it may not have this effect.

Needless to say, the use of gunpowder.

The last experience in the cave of evil spirits also made Lu Qi experience the fun of firearms.

Although Lucian's two guns are considered holy objects, even ordinary guns, if they can be made, are of great use.

At this moment, Piltover and Zaun, which are located on the other side of the Valoran continent, should already have quite advanced research in this area.

And in terms of technology, that palm-sized place is already far ahead of Demacia.

If possible, Lu Qi would actually prefer to copy the ready-made homework directly.

However, between Demacia and Piltover, almost the entire continent of Valoran spanned, let alone the question of whether it will be over or not.

Even if you go, people will not be willing to copy your homework for you.

Even "Big Brother" Noxus, who lives next door to Piltover, didn't copy any homework from this palm-sized place.

Therefore, relying on others is better than relying on yourself.

Lu Qi has now reached LV8 as an artisan's sub-level. Although he is not so awesome that he can pop a nuke, he still has a certain understanding of the four deep-rooted inventions of gunpowder.

In other words, he actually has a written homework in his mind.

After browsing for a while, Lu Qi left the library and went straight to Wen Huade's office.

The three of Navis followed behind.

When he reached the door of the office, Lu Qi didn't knock on the door, just pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing Lu Qi walk in, Wen Huade said with a smile on his face, "Did your Highness find what you were looking for?"

"Almost." Lu Qi nodded and said, "I have some new ideas recently. I wonder if the dean has time?"

When Wen Huade heard it, he immediately became interested: "Of course, please tell me, Your Highness."

Wen Huade admired this Highness very much, and asked him to confirm after several exchanges.

This young His Royal Highness has extremely high knowledge.

A few casual words gave him a lot of inspiration.

At this time, Wen Huade had a strong interest in Lu Qi's new ideas.

Lu Qi said: "I wonder if the director has done any research on gunpowder?"


Wen Huade repeated it, and after a brief understanding of the word, he asked in confusion, "Is your Highness talking about matches?"

Lu Qi shook his head and explained aloud: "Gunpowder is a substance that can burn rapidly and regularly under the action of appropriate external energy, and at the same time generate a large amount of high-temperature gas."

As he spoke, he took out a match and struck the edge of the matchbox.

With a sound of "chi", the match ignited all of a sudden, flickering flames, and slowly extinguished after a few breaths.

"Matches can be understood as rapid burning. And the gunpowder I am talking about will produce a certain degree of material energy during the rapid burning process."

Wen Huade and Navis, listening to Lu Qi's explanation, showed thoughtful expressions.

And Mei Li and Corson are still digesting Lu Qi's words.

Lu Qi watched them fall into thinking, and did not interrupt their train of thought.

It is impossible for him to understand gunpowder alone, but if he wants to start research, Wen Huade, the dean of the scientific research institute who is closest to science, must understand it.

With the Demacian way of doing things, it is natural that they cannot touch gunpowder.

How was gunpowder discovered in the first place?

In order to pursue immortality, the Taoist priests dared to add anything to the stove. One day, there was a "boom", and the stove exploded.

There is gunpowder.

And the four words Demacia have nothing to do with alchemy.

When they were beating those iron bumps every day, they accidentally discovered the flammable material 'cyanide', and then developed matches by the way, which is not easy.

From the current point of view, in the entire Runeterra, only Piltover, the new city, is advancing rapidly in technology.

And Demacia, who was separated on the other side, still had no access to these.

"I probably understand what Your Highness means. Simply put, gunpowder is a flammable and explosive substance, right?"

Wen Huade spoke after thinking for a while.


Luke nodded.

Wen Huade was puzzled at this time: "How does His Highness know this? Of course, if His Highness does not want to disclose, you can choose not to say it."

In fact, he wanted to ask this question before.

Because what Lu Qi understands sounds more "advanced", and already has a set of professional terms.

In Wen Huade's understanding, if he hadn't studied for a certain period of time, it would be impossible to achieve this kind of performance.

Including the microphone, the idea of ​​sound waves, and printing presses, bicycles and now gunpowder.

These are technologies that are ahead of the current level of Demacia, but they are said from the mouth of this highness who lived in a small border town before.

Wen Huade didn't question Lu Qi, he was simply curious about the new knowledge that came out from time to time.

After all, this is the prince of Demacia. The more things he has, the better it is for Demacia.

Faced with this question, Lu Qi smiled and said, "I once met a Mrs. Piltover. A few years ago, there was an old man from Piltover who lived in the town for a while. His She has a withdrawn personality and rarely socializes with others.

At that time, I worked odd jobs with him for a while in order to earn some extra money.And he seemed to be alone for a long time, and he really wanted to talk to someone, so I became his only chat partner.

He chatted with me a lot about Piltover.After he left, I found some books left by him. From these books, I learned a lot of knowledge.

Unfortunately, those books were destroyed in a fire.

And before I became a prince, that knowledge didn't help me much. "

In fact, Lu Qi had already prepared for it. After all, he has a lot of secrets, so he must have an excuse.

The 'passing old man', 'beggar beggar', and 'mysterious old man' are all fresh blamers.

In this regard, there is nothing more suitable for taking the blame than Picheng on the other side of the mainland.

Don't ask, asking is an advanced concept learned from Piltover.

Not to mention whether anyone will check, even if they do, they won't find anything.

When they saw him say this, the loneliness and sadness flashed in their eyes, and they couldn't help but fell silent.

The knowledge that His Royal Highness possesses is amazing enough, but this also has to mention a sad thing about Demacia.

There is a term called 'bottom-dweller-restricted theory'.

To this day, those "black households" at the bottom of Demacia still live on the money they earn from working every day.

The clothes are not warm, and the food is not enough.

Black households refer to a group of people with sensitive identities who have committed crimes, have no identity, or have been smuggled from elsewhere.

These people often live in this kind of life all their lives, and they don't even have the qualifications to serve as soldiers.

Because even when you become a soldier, you have to investigate the population of the last three generations.

Before that, Melly, who was posthumously named as the queen, was a 'black household' without identification.

In such a poor family, it is a blessing to have access to a scholar from Piltover.

Regarding Lu Qi's statement, the few people present did not have any doubts.

Because, only in this way can we explain the rich knowledge that Lu Qi has mastered.

Wen Huade naturally knew the name Piltover.

Unlike those in Demacia who wanted to become knights, he, like his ancestors, set out in the direction of science.

So I have a very longing for this place known as the "City of Progress" in Runeterra.

This trading city located at the intersection of the continents of Valoran and Shurima was really famous in modern times.

In the past few decades, their technology can be said to have developed rapidly.

And from the travelers who returned from Demacia, many Demacia people also learned about the appearance of this progressive city.

Unlike ordinary Demacians who are only interested.

Wen Huade is very yearning for Piltover's technology.

Unfortunately, with his status, he couldn't go to Piltover with a Noxus in the middle.

After thinking this through, Wen Huade looked into Lu Qi's eyes with a little more admiration.

His Highness is able to research so many things from a few books, this talent can be said to be quite remarkable.

Judging from the sound concept he talked about before, Wen Huade knew that he must have a wealth of knowledge.

Now this gunpowder is also refreshing.

 Calvin's o(╥﹏╥)o, I owe another update. There won't be many plots in terms of technology, it's just for transitional use.

(End of this chapter)

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