LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 182 Lux's Thoughts

Chapter 182 Lux's Thoughts
The next day.

September 25, early morning.

Maybe it was because of sleeping too much yesterday, when the sky just dawned today, Lu Qi opened his eyes from the bed.

Looking at the ceiling, there is no sunlight outside, and he has no sleepiness at all.

In the ear, I can capture the sound of "duk, duk, duk" from the microphone.

Lu Qi just woke up at this moment, and he didn't have much strength to move, so he lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the slight sound.

After waiting for a while, until I gained strength, the voice has not disappeared.

He got up, lifted the cover covering the microphone, and said in a speechless voice: "You don't sleep so early in the morning, why do you keep knocking on this thing?"

After a while, the energetic voice of Miss Crownguard early in the morning came from the microphone.

"Are you awake?"

"I'm not awake, I'm communicating with you in my sleep right now."

Lu Qi yawned, and hehe replied.

Suddenly there was no movement at the other end, so Lu Qi put down the cover, got up from the bed while stretching, and began to change clothes.

Then go downstairs to take a shower, wash your face, brush your teeth.
In about 10 minutes, a bicycle rode in at the gate of the courtyard.

At this moment, Lu Qi was squatting beside the flowers, holding a cup in his left hand, brushing his teeth with a toothbrush in his right hand, and then glanced at Lacus who entered the courtyard.

Looking at her lively and innocent temperament, I also sighed in my heart.

As expected of Miss Guanwei, she was so energetic in the morning.

Today she was wearing the same outfit as usual, but at first glance, it seemed that after yesterday's coming-of-age ceremony, she was indeed a little different.

Looking at it, it seems to be a bit of an adult.

After parking the bicycle, Lacus put her hands on her hips proudly: "From today, I am also an adult!"

Lu Qi poured saliva into his mouth, gulped and washed it a few times, and then spit it all out into the flowers.

Then, he looked at her: "And then?"

Lux paused: "Then."

She thought about it, and found that there seemed to be no more.

Although a few months ago, I began to look forward to this day.

But she found that after she became an adult, her life didn't seem to change much.

If you get up early in the morning and make a lot of noise in the living room, you will also be chased and kicked out by your mother with a feather duster.

Tomorrow's weekend is over, and I still have to go to the academy to attend classes.

The pocket money is always managed by that tigress.

Thinking about it this way, Lux suddenly felt that her adulthood didn't seem to mean much.

Instead, it seemed to tell her that it was time to seriously think about her future.

Before that, she never thought about what she would be like in the future.

She envied Kashina and the others, who could set clear goals very early.

But she never thought about what she was going to do in the future.

In Demacia, what can she, who is a different kind, do?

After realizing that being an adult is not good news, Lux's heart is full of worries about the future one after another.

There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, and her whole body was a little depressed.

Seeing her wilting all of a sudden, Lu Qi smiled and comforted her: "Don't be discouraged, although you haven't gained anything, at least you've aged one year, haven't you?"

Lux gave him a blank look, sighed, and didn't bother to talk to this guy anymore, walked to the rocking chair, and lay down on it.

Looking at the blue sky, thinking about his future.

No matter what she wants to do in the future, she feels that she must first get rid of the "trouble" in her body.

For some reason last night, it got out of control again inexplicably.

Obviously, such a situation has not happened for a long time, and Lacus has not figured out the reason until now.

Fortunately, it was only out of control for a while, and now it seems that it has regained its usual "stableness".

But this also made Lux see some bad signs.

She felt that the loss of control this time might not be so simple.

But she couldn't think of any good solution at the moment, and she didn't dare to tell the people around her about it.

She couldn't muster the courage.

I can't even imagine how they would react when they learned that she was a "heterogeneous".

She likes her current life so much, and because she likes it so much, she doesn't want to ruin everything because of herself.

The only person who knew something was different about her was her mother, Augtha.

But last time after she learned about it, she directly found a demon hunter to pour those unpleasant potions into her.

Lux has always been terrified of people who look dark with masks on.

Now Lux can only pray in her heart, hoping that things won't get too bad.

Best if it was just naughty last night, and from now on it'll be back to being the same as before.

Lu Qi stared at Miss Guanwei lying on the rocking chair and started to be in a daze. He didn't think much, but got up and walked into the house.

Counting the time, the others are almost arriving, and it's time to start preparing breakfast.

By the time breakfast was almost ready, the restaurant was already full of people.

And all morning, Lux seemed a little absent-minded.

Through her appetite, Lu Qi obviously felt that this guy had something on his mind again.

But after thinking about it, tomorrow is the first day of school, and it seems normal for Miss Mianwei to be depressed at this moment.

After breakfast, he came to the front yard, lay down on the rocking chair, and said silently in his heart: "Sign in."

[This sign-in is changed to a monthly sign-in]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level skill -- combo]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the peerless medicine: 5000-year-old ginseng]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the training card (seven days)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Realm Improvement Card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary skill upgrade card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a full-level general skill upgrade card]

[The system rewards have been automatically stored in the system backpack, please check and collect them yourself]

Several system voices sounded in succession, telling Lu Qi that the reward this time seems to be pretty good.

[A learnable skill has been detected - Lian Slash LV3 (slightly successful), do you want to learn it? 】


As the system's notification sounded, Lu Qi also said silently in his heart again.

Immediately, Lu Qi felt as if a strange energy surged from his heart, and then flowed to every corner of his body.

In my mind, I also have some more experience about this skill.

After a while, this feeling disappeared, and Lu Qi's eyes flickered slightly, showing some satisfaction.

He likes this simple and direct skill name, just like jumping.

The effect of this combo depends on the name. To put it simply, it allows Lu Qi to perform double, triple, or even more slashes at an extremely fast speed.

The speed at which he swings the sword is quite fast now, but this combo is of a high level, which can directly allow Lu Qi to break through his own limit.


Lu Qi praised in his heart, and immediately said: "System, use the primary skill to upgrade the card, upgrade the combo."

[Successfully used primary skill card]

[The level of high-level skill combo has been raised to LV4 (integration)]

[The level of high-level skill combo has been raised to LV5 (proficient)]

Soon, Lu Qi felt the same energy surge as before, and it took about 2 minutes before it gradually dissipated.

When the feeling disappeared, Lu Qi clenched his fist and released it, also a little curious.

However, he was not in a hurry, and waited until the system rewards were processed before going to test the effect of this combo.

The second reward is the peerless medicine, 5000-year-old ginseng.

There is no need to check the introduction of this thing, just by looking at the age, you can know that this ginseng is not far from becoming a spirit.

In terms of efficacy, it is no less than the previous snow lotus, and it is a precious medicine that can save lives at critical times.

The most important thing is that the 5000-year-old ginseng is still a great tonic, and the places where men want to supplement it most.

After a brief glance, Lu Qi skipped the reward of the training card, and said in his heart: "System, use the realm improvement card."

[The realm promotion card was used successfully]

[Congratulations to the host for upgrading to the stage of Fearlessness]

As the system voice fell.

Lu Qi only felt a warm energy gushing out from his heart like a river, rushing towards all the meridians and acupoints in his body. Along with this feeling, he felt that his whole body was in a very comfortable state. In such a state, he couldn't help but close his eyes and feel carefully.

This feeling is like having been constipated for two months, and suddenly broke through the shackles. The gushing feeling is simply amazing.

This feeling didn't last long, only about 2 minutes before it dissipated.

Opening his eyes again, Lu Qi's face was refreshed, and he felt that his body was full of strength, and his overall strength had increased a bit.

Although it's not that kind of exaggerated double growth, it's just that the physical strength is stronger, but the enhancement rate is at least one-third of the original one.

I don't know how.

The first condition to join the Fearless Pioneer is to reach the Fearless stage in strength.

Of course, there are naturally strong and weak points in the strength of fearlessness.

For example, Galen joined the Fearless Pioneer at a young age, and the record broken when he joined the group was only equaled by Sithlia.

His overall strength, among fearless, is the strongest.

However, Lu Qi felt that he would not be weaker than Galen no matter what.

After all, before this, his strength had surpassed many fearless fighters.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lu Qi's mouth curled up, and his mood became happier.

It feels great to feel stronger without having to work hard.

Then, Lu Qi looked at the last reward.

Ordinary skill full-level direct upgrade card, which means that an ordinary skill can be directly upgraded to full level.

Lu Qi thought for a while, he hadn't obtained ordinary skills for a long time, and if he wanted to obtain them, he would directly reach the full level.

Now on the skill bar, there are only three ordinary skills that are not at full level, Fingertip Trick, White Light Flash, and Tiger Shock, all of which are LV3.

After glancing around, Lu Qi said in his heart: "System, the white light flashes for an upgrade."

After taking a look, he felt that the effect of the flash of white light might be greater.

After all, he relied on this thing last time to bluff that old cultist.

Practicality is still there.

[Used the normal skill full-level promotion card successfully]

[Ordinary skill white light flash level increased to LV9]

With the sound of a system, the level of the flash of white light was directly raised to LV9.

Lu Qi didn't feel any experience like a warm current, as if he just went up in such an ordinary way.

However, after using it last time, Lu Qi knew that this thing was similar to a mana-consuming skill.

After upgrading to LV9, the effect must be significantly improved, but the same mana consumption has also increased.

And Lu Qi's blue is naturally his spiritual power.

Now his skills basically require the blessing of spiritual power.

After processing the system's rewards, Lu Qi directly used the training card and entered the space of the training card.

The space here was replaced by Lu Qi last time with a scene similar to an ancient martial arts arena.

"Switch a dummy out."

Lu Qi stood in the middle of the martial arts arena and said casually.

Suddenly, there was a "crash", and a dummy wearing a Teemo hat appeared in front of him, which was exactly the same as Lu Qi's impression.

Looking at the dummy, Lu Qi immediately drew his sword, concentrated all his thoughts, and slashed at the dummy with all his strength.

With several "swish, swish, swish" sounds, accompanied by a burst of sharp white light, three conspicuous sword marks appeared on the dummy's body in an instant.

Such a speed is a little faster than Lu Qi's slashing in a serious state.

"Slash three swords at once?"

Lu Qi was quite satisfied with the effect.

Slashing three swords in a row is not easy.

Right now, the skill of Chain Slash is only LV5, and when it is full in the future, the speed of Chain Slash will be faster, and the number of times of Slash will be more.

With Wuji Sword Intent, isn't that a simplified version of Wuji Sword Art?

After a rough test, Lu Qi canceled the dummy and started the training mode.

The whole morning passed like this.

Around noon, Lu Qi left the training ground.

Taking a look, Lacus was lying on the chair next to her, her eyes closed, she seemed to be asleep again, but she didn't look like she was having a good dream, and her little face didn't have the usual sweet smile.

Lu Qi got up and walked towards the backyard.

In the backyard, Fiona was training Kashina's swordsmanship and guiding her Thunder Swordsmanship.

Now Fiona has already cultivated Thunderbolt swordsmanship to LV9, and Kashina's heat has probably only reached LV8 after two months.

Haven't comprehended the last layer of sword intent yet.

Logically speaking, her talent is already very good, but in comparison, Miss Jian Ji is obviously stronger.

Quinn is not there, she should be in the pro-barracks right now, and she will come back around noon.

After Wei En and Frey left, she was the only one left to take care of the barracks, and it was quite hard.

As for Bobby brought back by Lu Qi, although she is quite powerful, she is really not very good at managing people and training.

Lu Qi was worried that if he handed over his personal soldiers to her, it would be bad if he became obsessed with her.

So, for Bobby, he adopts a free-range model, leaving her at home, and she can do whatever she wants.

Bobby also had no objection to this, and he never tired of finding new goals every day.

(End of this chapter)

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