LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 295 It takes a bigger thing to speed up

Chapter 295 It takes something bigger to speed up

The meeting dispersed.

Darkwill returned to his palace alone and dismissed all the servants.

Seeing the constant rise and fall of his chest, the servants also quickened their pace to disperse, fearing that they would be affected by the commander's anger.

At this moment, anger was burning in Darkwill's chest.

Then he opened the desk, took out a white medicine bottle, poured out the last pill inside, and swallowed it into his mouth.

Looking at the empty bottle, all Darkwill's anger exploded at this moment.

"A bunch of unruly people! A bunch of trash!!"

He crushed the bottle with all his strength, and then slapped it on the table.

With a "boom", the solid wooden table instantly shattered.

Darkwill's aura of terror lingered around him, and even his hair shook slightly because of it.

He has been in office for many years and has made countless achievements. Now just because of a little suspicion, he has been pushed to the forefront!
And those pieces of trash, after searching for so long and pouring so many resources into it, yet they haven’t even found a thing!

"You're so angry, be careful not to hurt yourself."

Suddenly, an old voice came from behind.

Hearing this voice, Darkwill suddenly calmed down, turned around, and saw an old man wearing servant clothes.

The old man stood there with his waist bent, his face full of wrinkles, but his eyes were unusually clear, like a magic mirror.

Looking at this person, he said coldly: "Now, are you still in the mood to tease others here?"

The old man said calmly: "Now that things have happened, what's the use of being angry."

Darkwill sneered: "You are quite good at controlling your emotions, but now I am the one wiping your butt. What's going on with you? It seems like you can see through your underwear."

The old man also showed a puzzled look at this time: "This matter is also very strange to me. I am very curious about how she mastered so much information about me."

"Who is the person who released this information? With your ability, you should have found it."

Darkwill asked looking at the old man.

"That's right." The old man nodded and said: "The person behind the scenes is the Assassin's Association. The current head of the Assassin's Association is Katarina, the red-haired daughter of Duke Cao. She came back from Demacia. , seems to have gotten a lot of information about me, and is ready to go to war with me."

"Assassin's Guild."

Darkwill's eyes were cold: "I have known for a long time that if such a disaster is left, something will happen sooner or later. If you hadn't stopped them, I would have eradicated them in one fell swoop while they were scattered."

The old man said calmly: "Eradicating the Assassin's Association is equivalent to eradicating Noxus's ANBU intelligence network. To re-establish it, it takes more than 01:30 energy."

Darkwill smiled with a bad expression: "Haha. Now you are burning your butt because of them, and you can't protect yourself. If you had eradicated it earlier, what would you be doing now? So what's the point of doing this? You black rose, Isn’t it also an intelligence network?”

"You have to know that I am not omnipotent, and Black Rose is not omnipotent. If Black Rose could solve all problems, then nothing would happen today."

The old man's mood was always stable and his tone was quite calm: "Besides, what is supposed to come will always come. Obviously this is a hurdle that Black Rose must go through."

Darkwill asked calmly: "Tell me, how should we solve this matter now?"

"Now that the Black Rose has been brought to light, the person who really has the information about the Black Rose seems to have done so intentionally."

"I decided to let all members of the organization stay hidden for the time being. Over the years, Black Rose has experienced too many such things, but every time we survived."

The old man said slowly, a harmless face flashed in his mind.

There was a hint that he was behind the scenes.

"I believe it will be the same this time. However, in some aspects, Black Rose will no longer be able to help you. Now people suspect that you are secretly colluding with Black Rose, and our contacts will be cut off for a while. .”

"So you want to wait for the limelight to pass? Don't you plan to do some counterattack?"

Darkwill frowned and looked at the old man.

"What should we do? Waste a lot of energy to fight against the Assassin's Association. You know, they are using all civilians as shields now. If we want to fight, we must be prepared to fight against everyone."

The old man looked through the window at Noxus outside. He could see the property market from high to low at a glance.

Over the years, he has witnessed the place become as prosperous as it is now.

"Or do you think you can deceive those people again by repeating the same old trick of cheating death?"

He buried the black rose in history, erasing its traces.

However, now, he was found out directly.

The situation was extremely unfavorable for Black Rose from the beginning.

Darkwill frowned and fell into deep thought. He said: "This matter cannot be left alone. The Assassin Association is provoking not only you Black Rose, but also me. They are just a group of annoying flies. I will send someone to deal with it." Their."

"I'm afraid they are already prepared, but we really cannot let them be so free."

The old man said slowly: "I will let Black Rose stay away from the limelight for a while. It's up to you during this period."

Darkwill nodded slightly. Indeed, there is no suitable way to solve this problem now, except to wait patiently for the storm to pass.

"But this limelight, I'm afraid it won't be over in a while."

Darkwill looked up from his thoughts and said.

Dealing with the Assassin's Association is now a trivial matter.

Because they have finished what they have to do, and now no one in Noxus knows about the Black Rose.

This is the problem.

"So we need something bigger to accelerate and overshadow this time."

The old man smiled lightly: "For example, the next commander-in-chief, the successor."

After the words fell, Darkwill's eyes suddenly turned cold: "What do you mean?"

Naturally, he did not doubt the authenticity of what the old man in front of him said.

He is definitely the type who will do whatever he thinks of.

Because, the guy in front of me is the pale witch LeBlanc, the leader of the Black Rose who is currently in the limelight in Noxus!
It is precisely because I relied on LeBlanc's help to sit on the throne now.So at this moment, he had no doubt that LeBlanc had already had such an idea.

"Don't worry." The old man slowly walked to the window and said, "Although you don't want to admit it now, in the eyes of these people, you and I are already tied together. This is a stain, even as time goes by, A stain that will never be erased.”

Darkwill was silent.

This is true. Now the entire Noxus suspects that he is secretly colluding with the Pale Witch for his own selfish desires.
"At this time, it is the most correct choice and the best time for you to abdicate and move behind the scenes."

The old man looked at Darkwill: "Just turn behind the scenes, like me. If you establish a new king, what you will see will be a new Noxus."

Now Darkwill understood what he meant and lowered his head to think.

Cultivating a puppet does seem to be a good choice.

If he abdicates at this time, he will not only be able to clear away the suspicion of colluding with the Black Rose, but also gain a better reputation.

In fact, he has always controlled Noxus through puppets.

"Another reason is the failure of this attack on Ionia."

The old man said: "Swain was defeated. According to your plan, he will most likely have died in Prexidian. He is the most likely person to compete for the position of your commander. In fact, it makes me feel a pity to die now." .”

"Death is death, he has always given me a very dangerous feeling." Darkwill snorted coldly, "I know what you mean, you want him to become this puppet, but have you ever thought about this guy? It’s not that easy to control.”

"Indeed." The old man nodded in agreement and said regretfully, "He is one of the few people who can make me feel threatened. But that's not what I want to say. It seems that you have finished drinking the medicine I gave you last time. The body is demanding faster and faster, and if this continues, it won’t be long before the supply can’t keep up with the demand.”

This question made Darkwill's eyes become serious, and he asked in a deep voice: "In eight years, I haven't even seen a hair of immortality. Is what you said true?"

"Ionia does have a unique treasure that can make people immortal. I believe that eight years will be enough for you to see the potential of that land."

The old man said with a faint smile: "It's just that if you haven't found it, it's not my problem. You are reluctant to part with the throne now, and you are greedy for immortality in another continent. You want both, and you are destined to be both. They will all be lost. These things are always planned slowly."

"So why don't you go there in person this time? According to my estimation, your body can still support for five years at most. If you can't find any relevant clues in five years, you will not be far from death. .”

The old man put away his smile this time and looked at Darkwill seriously: "I have told you before, this is the price you pay for overstretching your body to gain strength, and it is also the only way for you to get the throne."

"I know, this is my own choice."

Darkwill's tone was a little impatient, and he felt inexplicably irritable at the moment. He sat on the chair and stood up again after a while.

He walked a few steps left and right, constantly thinking about what the old man said in his mind.

Not only can he not give up the throne, but he also wants to live forever.
You can have both, but only in order.

For the sake of the throne, he chose to gain power first.

Now he has been sitting on the throne for many years, but his body is gradually overdrawn and he needs the blessing of immortality.

Ionia, it seems that I have to go there in person. Counting on those wastes was a wrong choice from the beginning.

"Okay, I'll do what you said and get ready to select the next successor to the Commander-in-Chief."

Darkwill made his decision, looked at the old man and asked, "What do you say?"

"The right choice." The old man smiled and said: "Push a new king to the throne, and his unique scenery will overshadow all rumors. He cannot be your confidant, so he must come from the west and south. Select among the warlords. The young man from the Demir family is pretty good, has great military achievements, and is already quite prestigious in the south. As a newly rising star, he is the best."

"Demir Araus?" Darkwill thought for a moment, "He is indeed qualified to be a candidate."

The old man said: "I will get close to him soon. You can prepare for departure. This matter will be completely settled within half a year."


Darkwill responded.

"Next, Black Rose will disappear for a while, so I say goodbye."

After the old man finished speaking, there was a "bang" and his body suddenly disappeared like a puff of smoke exploding.

Looking at this mysterious method, Darkwill snorted, slowly sat on the chair, and began to think deeply.

Of course he would not believe the old man's words. After establishing a new king, what use would his old king be?

Puppet. Haha
In the end, didn't the pale witch see him as a puppet?

After thinking about it, the current nationwide crusade against the Black Rose was actually a good opportunity for him.

In fact, he didn't know much about Black Rose.

Even after reading the information that is now making waves in the city, I was shocked.

Now he naturally knows that the black rose and the pale witch are far from as simple as he thought.

Back then, for the sake of the eternal throne, Darkwill agreed to the conditions of the Pale Witch, and then at the same time learned the secret of immortality.

Right here in Ionia.

Now he knows that this so-called immortality is probably just a means for the pale witch to control him.

However, at this time, Darkwill could no longer look back.

He could only keep making mistakes, but he was unwilling to just look at the guy's face.

Why doesn't he take advantage of this opportunity to gain immortality and the throne, and at the same time get rid of the black rose as a thorn in his side?

At this time, a good opportunity to kill three birds with one stone appeared in front of Darkwill. He thought that if he did not take advantage of it, he would simply waste a great opportunity.

He would naturally deal with the Assassin's Association, but at most he would just pretend.

Now that the pale witch has no time to take care of herself, he can also use the chess pieces he secretly cultivated to snatch a few pieces of meat from the fox's mouth.

The most urgent thing is immortality.

According to the Pale Witch, he has at most six years left to live. He recommends a new king to take his place, and he needs to go to Ionia immediately.

As for the choice of the new king.
She chose Demir Alaos, who was indeed a good candidate.

However, it is a pity that from the moment he was selected by the Pale Witch, he was destined to be unable to sit on the throne.

Darkwill's eyes flashed with strange light, and he felt that this would be a good opportunity for him to knock down the black rose.

Taking advantage of the transition between the old and new kings, he could launch a fatal blow to the black rose.

(End of this chapter)

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