LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 305: The negative teaching material of Demacians

Chapter 305: The negative teaching material of Demacians
Time flies, three days have passed.

May [-]th.

spiritual realm.

Nocturne looked numb and found an open space to rest, and couldn't help but suspect Mo Sheng.

The surroundings were quiet at the moment, and the air was filled with magic power. There was no spirit in the nearby territory due to the arrival of powerful demons.

Nocturne sighed heavily.

For three whole days, he wandered around in many places in the spiritual realm, thinking of various ways, but he could not find a way to unlock the restrictions of the contract.

At this point, he should also understand that the strength of this contract is beyond his ability to break.

Now he has become accustomed to despair, and there is still the last bit of hope left in his heart.

And that is 60 years later.

According to the content of the contract, the hateful human prince will return his freedom after 60 years.

And with this contract, it's impossible for him to keep his promise.

For him, 60 years was just a sleep.

But for some reason, Nocturne felt that every minute and every second at the moment was extremely long.

At this time, Nocturne couldn't help but think of what the human prince had ordered. Today was the deadline.

Speaking of which, this dream network does make Nocturne somewhat interested.

Even he has never thought that through his own ability, he can bring together the thoughts of human beings in various places in the real field.

It is naturally not difficult for Nocturne to do this.

He can easily create a dream, and this dream can be used as a node to connect all human dreams in the spiritual realm.

At that time, the group of humans outside can use that "key" to open the dream.

As for how to connect 'dream' to 'dream', this is even simpler.

Frey also provided him with ideas. She called the key an 'account number', and the expression of the account number was a number.

Through the account, two people holding the 'key' can add each other and connect their respective 'dreams' together.

At that time, we can communicate with each other in this way.

This means that they have broken the gap between the spiritual realm and the real realm, bringing them infinitely close together.

In this way, more possibilities can be created.

This key can do so many things.

Even Nocturne has to admire human beings' fantastic ideas.

Nocturne sighed again. He had already accepted his fate. Naturally, he did not have the consciousness to fight the prince desperately, so for now he could only pin everything on 60 years later.

Of course, maybe in the next one, two, or three years, I don’t know when, he will suddenly find a way out of his predicament.

But it's definitely not now. Now he can only obey orders.

field of reality.

It's sunny and windy outside, the weather is very good today, and the air is particularly cool. Summer is about to begin, and this may be one of the few days where the temperature is suitable.

Lu Qi got up very early today. After breakfast, he drove to the Mage Association.

Dream Network Center.

Frey presented the final result to Lu Qi: "Your Highness, the basic preparations are complete. I called on several mages to design a magic projection curved screen that can be connected to the 'Secret Key'."

She handed a 'secret key' to the finished product into Lu Qi's hands.

This is a palm-sized, heavy-weight forbidden magic stone with a silver-white outer shell. It is connected to a sparkling fluorescent crystal. There is a strange color in the crystal, which is black and purple. A profound magic line is engraved on the forbidden magic stone. The stone surface has a mechanism attached to it on the other side.

It's not troublesome to pick up, and it only weighs about one kilogram. If it wasn't a magical product, Lu Qi would have really wanted to name it a mobile phone.

Frey said: "Activate the mechanism to activate the magic circle and activate the secret key."

Lu Qi nodded and activated the mechanism on the right side. With a slight "Gada" sound, the crystal suddenly lit up and reflected a rectangular magic screen.

Seeing this result, Lu Qi's eyes lit up.

It seemed that Frey's results were more powerful than he imagined.

"It's almost time to show it off and let them know that the Mage Association is not idle."

He put down the secret key and said slowly.

two hours later.

In a meeting room of the Mage Association, many people were present.

Among them were several ministers at the Octagonal Table, as well as several other prestigious ministers, including Roy who abdicated.

There are also some famous nobles, such as Ogsha, Lestra, and Elma.
All in all, there were a lot of people, about forty or fifty in total.

Jarvan IV has also arrived, and he is also very interested at this moment, wanting to know what his second brother is doing when he mysteriously calls them over.

Naturally, he was extremely happy to come. After all, it meant that he could rarely put down the heavy government affairs.

Similarly, Tiana was also very interested at the moment, wanting to know what tricks this kid had come up with, so she mobilized a large number of people to call them over.

On the other side, sat Lax, Fiona, Sona, and Kashina
At this time, the ministers were chatting with each other and did not talk about why Lu Qi called them here.

Basically, everyone was talking with smiles on their faces. From a glance, it looked like a party.

Lux could no longer sit still, and sneakily moved to Lu Qi's side, and asked curiously in a low voice: "Is this the one you were talking about two days ago?"

Lu Qi heard this and nodded: "Yes."

Lux became even more interested: "So what is it?"

Lu Qi still didn't want to reveal it, so he glanced at her and said, "Sit down and you will know later."

"Cut, play tricks!"

Lux curled her lips and returned to her seat.

Beside her, the girls Fiona, Sona, and Kashina also cast their gazes, and they were actually very curious in their hearts, but they were not in a hurry, and they all sat steadily.

After a while, a figure also arrived. Xin Zhao followed him, it was Jiawen III.

Ever since he handed over government affairs to Jarvan IV, he has looked much younger.

Lu Qi and Jarvan IV stepped forward, and they both bowed and said in unison: "See my father."


Jiawen III looked at them happily and waved his hand.

Then he found a seat and sat down, looked at Lu Qi with a smile and asked: "What do you want to show when you call so many of us here?"

"You will know soon."

Lu Qi stopped trying to be pretentious and gave Frei a look.

Frey understood and immediately took out today's protagonist, which was the three secret keys.

Jarvan IV was a man of praise. He was immediately surprised when he saw this: "Oh? Second brother, what is this?" Lu Qi looked at him with a smile and introduced: "I call it the secret key, and it is about to be It’s the product of interaction that goes beyond letters.”

Lux asked: "Why is it called a secret key?"

"Because it is the key to our connection to the dream world. As for why it is called the secret key, it sounds better."

Lucci answered with a smile.

Everyone nodded, and Tiana asked: "You said it can surpass communication through letters?"

So far, the way of communication between people in Demacia has always been through correspondence.

This thing called a secret key could transcend letters, which aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

"If the output is large enough, it will not even be a transcendence, but an end. If everyone has a secret key, then letter exchanges can be completely ended."

Lu Qi said this with great confidence in his tone.

Everyone on the opposite side was stunned and became even more curious.

Tiana nodded: "Please show me."

She felt that it was common for this boy to exaggerate and brag about Haikou. Humans had been using letters for thousands of years.

Saying it's over means it's over, just like a joke.

Most of the people present had the same idea as her, and felt that Lu Qi was somewhat bragging.

It's well known that this guy has some abilities, but he can never be serious if he just wants to do whatever he wants.

It's simply a negative example for Demacians.

"Everyone has seen it. Next, I will select a lucky audience member to go on stage and show it together."

Lu Qi said, looking towards the opposite side.

As soon as she heard this, Lux's spirit suddenly shook, and the stupid hair on her head stood up. She immediately cast an expectant look, and her beautiful eyes flashed, almost saying "Choose me, choose me." It's written on his face.

Lu Qi looked at her, then deliberately skipped her.

Lux pouted and became unhappy.

The next second, Lu Qi's eyes jumped back to her, and he said with a smile: "Miss Crown Guard, please come to the stage."

Lux's little face changed at a moment's notice. It turned cloudy and sunny immediately, revealing a sunny smiling face. She quickly stood up and came to Lu Qi's side.

Lu Qi handed her a secret key, and then told her how to activate it: "Open the mechanism on the left, and you can activate the secret key. Of course, if you are a more powerful mage, you don't even need to open the mechanism, as long as you understand the magic transport formation. , can also be started."

Lux nodded, and everyone looked over with curious eyes. When they saw her opening the mechanism on the right side, a burst of magical light suddenly emerged.

For everyone, they are used to seeing magic now, so it is not surprising at this moment.

Until a rectangular screen, probably a little larger than a head, was projected, many people were slightly stunned.

"This is what happens after the secret key is opened."

Lu Qi said, also opening his secret key, and then said: "I call this an account, which is a string of information that represents an individual."

Lux's account name in the upper left corner says 2, while Lucci's is 1, and 0 is with Frey.

As the main developer, she should naturally get 0.

The opened panel is simple, like a letter with no written content, only a number and a dark frame, and in the lower left corner, there is a + sign.

On Lu Qi's panel, there was already a dark profile picture with no notes.

"Click the + sign."

Lu Qi said at this time.

Lux nodded curiously, stretched out her finger and clicked on the + sign. There was a reaction on the screen, and a long box popped up.

She felt extremely novel about this scene: "Can my fingers react to the magic screen?"

"This is one of the more outstanding research and development countries. This screen can capture finger movements and give relative responses."

Lu Qi nodded and explained.

At this moment, the people sitting across from each other were already extremely curious. They were all on pins and needles, and they all wanted to get up and come over to see what was going on.

However, due to their restraint, they still endured it and looked forward to their next performance.

By now, many smart people have already thought of something.

"Enter the number 1 in the box."

Lu Qi continued at this time.

Lux nodded, poked the long box, and a feedback message with numbers 1-9 popped up. She tried clicking 1, and then clicked OK without Lu Qi saying anything.

On Lu Qi's screen, there was a reaction quickly, and a prompt popped up, '2 Cartoon requests to add you as a friend, do you agree'?
Lux was stunned for a moment when she saw the words on Lu Qi's screen, and then became very angry and said fiercely: "Who are you calling a slut? You are a slut, you are all..."

"Ahem, Lux, watch your words."

Ogesha coughed heavily.

Interrupting Lux's next words, Lux took it back in time, then looked at the third generation, scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "I didn't mean it, I was only targeting this guy."

"It doesn't matter." Jiawen III looked at her dotingly, smiled and said without caring at all: "Continue to show it."

Lux then looked at Lu Qi and glared at him fiercely. No wonder this bitch chose her to come up. She was waiting here!
Back to the topic, Lu Qi reached out and clicked Agree.

Soon, both of them had a common change on their screens, that is, they each had a dark avatar.

Lu Qi went from one to two.

Next, Lu Qi skillfully opened his personal information and changed his name to "The most handsome man in Demacia".

Everyone secretly scolded him for his shameless behavior, but they didn't say anything and continued to watch.

Afterwards, Lu Qi returned to the main interface, clicked on Lux's friends, edited a message and sent it: "Have you eaten?"

With a "ding" sound, the secret key in Lux's hand actually made a crisp sound, which not only shocked her, but also surprised everyone who was watching intently.

Lux suddenly saw a message from Lu Qi.

Demacia's most handsome man: "Have you eaten?"

She was stunned and replied without thinking: "No!"

The next second, Lu Qi also received a response from Lux.

People watched the interaction between the two on the secret key screen. They could no longer sit still. They stood up and gathered around.

Tiana walked over at the lead, with a look of surprise on her face: "In other words, your secret key can be communicated with each other?"

"The answer is already written, don't you still understand?"

Lu Qi pointed at the screen and smiled.

Naturally, there were no fools on the field. Everyone understood at this moment and gathered around with expressions of amazement on their faces.

At first, they thought that no matter how powerful this thing was, it wouldn't be that powerful.

But now, the results opened their eyes one after another, and their jaws dropped to the ground.

If it were really possible to achieve the communication demonstrated by Luqi and Lux ​​in such a simple way, then what an impact this invention would have on Demacia!
(End of this chapter)

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