LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 323 Senior Major General Marshal Sergeant Zhang Gui

Chapter 323 The return of high-ranking Major General Marshal Sergeant
In a flash, fifteen days passed.

Summer has arrived, and before you know it, the sky is getting brighter much faster, and the trees are filled with the chirping of cicadas.

Because of the hot weather, the army's progress has also become a little slower. The heat will evaporate people's physical strength. In order to take care of the condition of each soldier, Lu Qi deliberately slowed down.

At the same time, Noxus is also trying its best to delay the army's offensive. They have now given up on frontal combat and focus on pulling.

Every time he came up, he would get beaten up and run away, which actually delayed Lu Qi's time.

However, no accidents occurred on the way, and the army has been moving forward steadily.

The current position is also some distance away from the first stop, Trewell.

The straight-line distance is roughly equal to the distance from Tobitsia in Demacia to Mourngate.

If you look at this journey on a map, it may not be far, just about the span of five fingers.

However, in reality, it would take tens of thousands of troops led by Lu Qi to march continuously for almost a month and a half.

The territory of Noxus is indeed very large. If we follow the scale, it occupies one-third of the continent of Valoran, and the other third is the Freljord.

As for Demacia, it is one-third of the remaining one-third, or even smaller.

The rest is composed of various small countries, tribes, and forces.

This proves that they still have a long way to go.

But it doesn't matter, Demacia's territory Lucci will help it expand.

The afternoon sun shone warmly, illuminating the road ahead in a golden light. A slight cool breeze blew from the mountains, relieving the heat on people's bodies.

Lu Qi rode on a horse, at the front of the team, and kept moving forward.

Ahead, Quinn rode back, and vaguely saw a blue-faced falcon flying freely in the sky.

"Your Highness, not far ahead is the dividing river of Grove. After passing the dividing river, we can see Grove in another half-day's journey."

Quinn found Lu Qi and reported to him: "Noxus does not seem to have set up an ambush at the dividing river. Valor and I have explored the area near the other side of the river and found no trace of the enemy."

Lu Qi nodded slightly when he heard this, and became thoughtful.

Quinn's talent can be maximized on the battlefield, and she has now mastered the art of concealment better than herself.

It is very possible that they have reached LV9.

Lu Qidu is still only at LV8, of course, the main reason is because he has never practiced at all.

And Quinn is not only talented, but he also knows how to practice hard.

Since she has confirmed that there is no problem, it is basically stable.

I originally thought that Noxus would set up a defense line at the dividing river of Grovet, so that even if it could not stop them, it could greatly delay Lucci's time.

Turns out they didn't.

Apparently retreated to Grovet.

"It seems that a lot of new preparations have been made."

Lu Qi muttered to himself, raised his head and said, "No problem, keep going, we have made a lot of preparations."

Their behavior can only show that they do not want to waste any more soldiers before the actual war begins.

You must save all your energy to deal with Demacia's next attack on Groft.

Quinn nodded upon hearing this.

Luqi opened the secret key and checked the information. Tiana's battle in Shurima went smoothly, with basically no obstacles.

Lev has also led the army and will soon arrive at Boreham's territory. Their processes are basically the same.

Now it's in an up-and-down position.

At the top of the chat list, there was a message sent by Wynward twelve days ago.

As Demacia's firepower backup, he and Frey were not idle either. The two quickly began to cooperate, developing more sophisticated versions of magic weapons, artillery, and firearms every day.

In particular, attempts to combine magic with gunpowder have finally made progress recently.

Now that new weapons are being transported via extremely fast dragon birds, it's time to calculate.

There is also a message that was just sent not long ago.

The transport team for the Forbidden Demon Stone Statue has already merged with the following troops. It was specially sent by Lu Qi to pick them up. The distance between the two sides is constantly shrinking.

After closing the secret key, Lu Qi rode up and came to the front of the team.

While looking back, he said loudly: "A little further on, we will see Groft. This battle is also the second and most important battle in our attack on Noxus! This is the time when we really defeat Noxa. This is a necessary moment of confidence! The enemy has come to their senses now and has made a lot of preparations, but they can never imagine our determination this time! Here, I want everyone to strengthen their beliefs. For Demacia, we Must win!"

He raised his fist high.

Naturally, the voice could not be conveyed to everyone at once, but soon the soldiers began to spread the word from word to mouth.

In a short period of time, the morale of the army increased.

Returning to the team, Lu Qi looked at Lux, Sona, and the other mages: "Get ready, you guys are going to play together this time."

This battle is about whether the Noxian border defenses can be defeated in one fell swoop, so there is no need to hold back.

Everyone nodded seriously.

Lux was also riding on the horse, took a deep breath, and whispered: "I seem a little nervous."

She had been used as a backup before and was well protected without having to take excessive risks.

But this time was different. The ensuing battle was extraordinary, and they faced Noxus who was more prepared.

Each of them has to contribute.

Although Lux was already prepared, it was inevitable to feel nervous before this.

Lu Qi was standing by and asked, "What's the reason for the nervousness?"

Lux shook her head, her face a little confused: "I don't know, there are many."

She has also used magic to fight against enemies, but it is still far from a real fight on the battlefield.

She already knows how cruel war is. Everyone is trying their best to survive and using all means without sparing any effort.

And she was about to be caught up in it, although she knew that from the moment she decided to follow, it was destined to be like this one day.

But when this day comes, I still feel like my heart is hanging.

Lu Qi looked sideways at her side face, which was white and flawless, like an angel who had no experience in the world, but these days her childishness had faded and she had gained some maturity.

His eyebrows were lowered, but the sparkle in his eyes was still so beautiful.

She is definitely a strong girl who has her own ideas and opinions, and will not waver easily once she makes a decision.

Otherwise, Lu Qi would not let her get stained with blood. It was her own idea that she did not want to be protected in the greenhouse of the flower room.

This dazzling blonde girl will eventually lose her innocence when she was young, but this will not prevent her from still shining.

Because Lu Qi will always support her decision.

After thinking about it, Lu Qi raised his hand, and a flash of aqua blue light suddenly appeared on his hand.

The light attracted Lux's attention. She raised her head and was startled.

What appeared in front of her was a beautiful gemstone that shone with blue light, with the light gathering like crystal.

He raised his other hand, and the same beautiful gem appeared, reflecting in Sona's eyes.

"For you."

Lu Qi said softly.

"It's so beautiful. Where did you find it?"

Lux subconsciously took it, completely forgetting her worries just now. She felt a slight chill in her hand, and the magic power gathered inside it turned out to be magic.

Compared to the magic power in it, she liked the beauty of this gem more.

No girl can resist sparkling gems.

Including her and Sona.

Even Sona was conquered by the gem in an instant.

Lu Qi said casually: "I discovered it accidentally a few days ago. I named it Aquamarine."

In fact, it was the mana crystal obtained from the last monthly sign-in. I thought about giving it to them at the time, but then I forgot about it.

Now suddenly remembered.

Lux didn't pay attention to Lu Qi's words at all. There was also a necklace on the mana crystal. She couldn't wait to put it on her neck. She happily raised her white neck and showed it to Lu Qi: "Does it look good?"

"It's okay."

Lu Qi gave a symbolic look, then looked at Sona, and immediately changed his expression: "Sona will look great wearing it."

Blue hair, blue eyes, and paired with this sapphire, can be said to be incomparable harmony. Hanging on her crystal neck, it also has a touch of holiness and dignity, like a beautiful picture.

"Thank you, I'm very happy."

Sona's happy and slightly shy voice came from her mind.

She held up the gem with admiration and looked at it carefully.


Lux snorted a little sourly, expressing contempt for this guy for fooling her.

So he became cute in his own enclosure.

Holding the gem happily, you can still see your little face in it, with a naive smile hanging on the corner of your mouth, looking very narcissistic.

I can't seem to be nervous anymore.

Lu Qi returned his gaze to her, with a smile on his face: "It actually looks pretty good when you wear it."

"Oh, I'm just saying it now, it's too late!"

Lux sneered disdainfully and raised her chin proudly, like a white swan.

But in reality, I couldn't help but feel a little more happy.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "I discovered earlier that the magic power in this gem can be restored automatically. If you consume too much magic power, you can use it to replenish it. After a while, it will be full again."

Lux's eyes lit up: "Really? So powerful? Noxus still has such a treasure?"

She suddenly had many bold ideas in her mind, and her eyes seemed to be planning something.

Noxus has occupied so many treasures for a long time. It's too much. It's time to spit it out!

How much territory has been conquered now? There is such a treasure. If we continue to conquer, won't we have to gain more?
Just as Lux was thinking about this, a dividing river slowly appeared in front of the team. It was wider than the last one. This river also connected to the Sea of ​​Conqueror.

It is more than ten meters long, and there is a fast-flowing river inside. If you fall in, you don't know where you will be washed away.

It will take some time to cross the river. After all, a bridge needs to be built for tens of thousands of people to pass. Noxus will never be kind enough to leave a bridge here.But there is no rush, since there are no enemies setting up an ambush on the other side anyway.

Demacia's resources were not particularly tight on this road. They used the same method as Noxus, which was to support war with war.

As long as they were useful, they would plunder all the places they passed by.

Up to now, various material resources are still very abundant.

At this time, the army sent some people to start building a temporary bridge across the river.

The remaining people took advantage of this time to repair on the spot, eat what they should eat, and water the river where they should, in order to cope with the upcoming battle.

Meanwhile, Groft.

"General, if nothing else happens, the people of Demacia should have already begun to cross the dividing river."

In the conference room, the sun shone in from the window, and an adjutant said slowly.

Demir nodded seriously and ordered: "Notify the entire army and be prepared. Also, when will the reinforcements from the Immortal Fortress arrive?"

Now, after Grovet dismissed the civilians in the city, he was left with only about [-] to [-] men capable of fighting.

He did not set up a defensive line at the dividing river to continue to intercept Demacia, because if he did, he would inevitably sacrifice some of his troops.

During these days, their main task was to drag Demacia so that they would not reach Grovet so quickly.

So I kept fighting, but even so, I still made a lot of sacrifices.

Nowadays, Demir, who has had many conflicts with the Imperial Army, knows that the current strength of the city is not enough to stop the Imperial Army's attack.

They need more support!

The people sent by the Immortal Fortress are hope.

An adjutant replied: "I have received the approaching summons before, and we should be able to arrive before Demacia attacks."

As soon as the words fell, soldiers rushed in and reported: "General, the support troops have arrived!"

Hearing this, Demil's expression perked up immediately and he stood up immediately: "Hurry up and greet him with me."

He led the welcoming team to the back gate of the city.

As the heavy city gate slowly opened, a large army behind the city gate was slowly revealed. As far as the eye could see, they were all black-armored soldiers with a very powerful aura.

At the head is the cavalry team, and at the front are a few generals wearing thick armor and looking cold.

Demir recognized the leading general and rode forward to greet him: "Kabu, did the Immortal Fortress send you here?"

Kabu heard this and nodded slightly: "I have been ordered to be your lieutenant and fight with you against Demacia."

When Demir heard this, he knew what was going on.

Said to be a lieutenant, he was actually someone sent by Immortal Fortress who was ready to replace him after seeing his failure in the first battle.

What Kabu brought was the power of the Immortal Fortress. From the moment he arrived, he had a considerable voice.

But right now, nothing is more important than guarding Groft. He said: "Let's go to the city first, Demacia is coming soon."

"Don't worry, this is the leader of the mage company, Olmos, a high-level mage."

Kabu introduced a white-bearded mage standing next to him.


Demir still has some respect for the mage.

Olmos became even more arrogant, and after hearing this he just nodded lightly: "This time I will fully cooperate with Kabu against Demacia."

These words were like taking sides and publicly supporting Kabu.

Demir didn't care, and the team began to enter the city.

This time, the Immortal Fortress sent a total of 17 troops. As a result, Groft's garrison strength suddenly expanded to more than [-].

It also made Demir feel a little more secure. The threat brought to him by the Imperial Army these days was so great that he was not as confident as he was at the beginning.

Seeing the extremely vigilant look in the city, Kabu sneered: "Are you afraid that this will happen before Demacia comes? Demir, it seems that you have suffered a lot from that prince."

Seeing his arrogant look, Demir couldn't help but said: "Demacia is really different this time. No matter what, you still have to be careful."

Kabu still looked a little arrogant and said calmly: "The Immortal Fortress has sent so much support, including five cavalry companies, three artillery companies, a mage company, three thousand dragon lizards, and three thousand sub-dragon dogs. , if this scale is used properly, it is enough to attack a small country. Are we still afraid of a mere imperial army? They only sent so many troops, and the three fronts combined are not even 15."

With this visible gap in combat power, he didn't understand what there was to worry about.

Demir looked at him and said: "You also know that it is not wise to show numerical superiority with Demacia."

Runeterra is famous for the quality of Demacia's soldiers.

Every soldier is carefully cultivated, but most of them in Noxus have not been trained.

He also felt before that having more people means bigger fists.

But I don’t think so now.

Unless the Immortal Fortress sends 50 troops to support, it may be possible to directly overwhelm the Imperial Army.

But now, regardless of whether it will cause so many problems, can Noxus just send so many troops to the western border?

At present, he believes that the 17 can at most stabilize the situation. How to win depends on how to fight.

Kabu knew that Demir was quite good.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked: "What do you think?"

Demir slowly stated his intention: "You haven't seen Demacia's gunpowder firepower. My current thinking is that we might as well charge directly and fight Demacia head-on."

Kabu was stunned for a moment, then raised his voice: "Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

After he confirmed that Demir was serious, he laughed contemptuously: "It seems that Demacia has really broken your nerve, and you can even say such a thought. We left so many people in the city undefended, Running out and starting a war with Demacia? Isn’t that a mistake? Besides, they have gunpowder, and we also have it now.

This time, the Immortal Fortress specially sent three artillery companies to come with me to fight against Demacia's artillery.

Don't forget, we also have a mage company, and with Omos here, it's not easy to mess with.At least we don't have to be afraid of those dragon and bird knights. "

As he spoke, he glanced at Omos beside him. He was a high-level mage from the Magic Academy. He was powerful. In addition, there were [-] mages to help him.

Olmos also had a arrogant smile on his lips at this moment, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I will take action at the critical moment."

At this time, all the lieutenants around Kabu also found it funny.

Right now, they have 10,000+ people defending a city. With such a huge advantage, they have to give up and run out to start a war with Demacia.

Isn't this sick?

"I hope I'm overthinking it."

Seeing their confident look, Demir temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going out of the city to meet the enemy. After all, they also had gunpowder weapons and five hundred mages.

It seems that the strength has indeed improved a lot.

Ever since the battle with Demacia, he knew that it would be difficult to defend the city.

Instead, it is a good idea to take the initiative to meet the enemy.

But now, he can't rely on one person to make the decision, and since he hasn't seen the artillery of the Immortal Fortress, he doesn't know whether he can fight against Demacia.

But as dusk approached, there was another exciting piece of good news.

"General, Admiral Kled is here!"

A soldier reported loudly.

When Demir, Kabu and all the generals heard this, they all stood up in surprise and joy.

They might go to greet Kled.

As the heavy city gate opened again, a tall shadow shone from the slope where the sun was about to set.

The next second, the sound of hooves hitting the ground sounded, and the shadow got closer and closer. At the end, Kled finally appeared!

A figure who was not tall, only about one meter, riding on the back of a desert dragon lizard, appeared in people's sight in a blink of an eye.

The light of the setting sun was falling behind him, and he looked extremely tall at this moment.

This is Kled.

Looking at him, no one present had any doubts about his height.

Speaking of Kled, this person is as famous as Darius in Noxus.

In fact, Kled became famous much earlier than Darius.

He was hailed as a folk hero in Noxus in his early years, and there are countless stories about him, such as "The Great Light Cavalry Victory", "The Return of the High-ranking Major General Marshal Sergeant" and "The Admiral of the Mountain".
There is no doubt that this is a quintessential Noxian hero who lived out his colors.

Everyone who has fought with Kled will say that there is a kind of magic in Kled. He can give a person infinite courage in battle, and those who follow him in battle will always win.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to illustrate the image of Kled in the hearts of every Noxian.

He is not a warlord.

But it can make the warlords lower their heads to welcome his arrival.

Demir stepped forward and said respectfully: "Admiral Kled, welcome."

Kled seemed very satisfied with this title and asked, "Tell me about the guy I'm going to defeat this time."

So Demir began to slowly tell the information about Demacia.

"I have a feeling, Skaar, that we are going to have a tough battle to fight."

After hearing about it, Kled rode on the Desert Lizard and slowly walked past the crowd that greeted him, seeming to be talking to himself.

He was answered by several "squeaking" sounds from Skaar.


The name was somewhat impressive. He remembered that he seemed to have fought several battles with these guys.

I don’t know when it happened, but he didn’t have a deep memory of the war because he had fought too many battles.

If he wanted to remember every battle, wouldn't he have to squeeze his brain out?

But in short, when he mentioned this name, he had a strong desire to fight.

This is enough to show that this opponent is worth fighting with all his strength.

If this stupid lizard hadn't suddenly gone into heat and ran all over the mountain in pursuit of all kinds of magical beasts, he would have come back long ago.

Demacia definitely cannot be allowed to fight here.

This was offensive to Kled.

Because he regards Trevel and this entire area as his own territory, now the enemy dares to run wild on his territory.

I can't bear it!
Standing on the towering city wall, Kled looked into the distance, full of excitement and anticipation for the next war!
(End of this chapter)

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