LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 354 Your protest is invalid and you have no right to protest

Chapter 354 Your protest is invalid and you have no right to protest
The next day.

Jinx was awakened by movement in the living room.

He opened his eyes drowsily and looked around with blank eyes.

Then I discovered that Lu Qi and others had gotten up early and were already doing their own business, washing up, doing morning exercises, and lying on the sofa in a daze.
No one came to talk to her at all. She was left here without any sense of existence.

This strange atmosphere gave Jinx an inexplicable feeling of suffocation.

After sleeping in the same position all night, her whole body was now a little sore.But the current embarrassing situation made her even more depressed.

Just like that, time passed minute by minute.

I passed her several times on the way, but ignored her like she was nothing.

This bored Jinx almost to the point of going crazy.

Finally, she couldn't hold it in anymore and looked at Lux, who was lying on the sofa not far away, crossing her legs and reading a Piltover novel: "Hey, blond hair, are you planning to tie me up all the time?"

Hearing this, Lux put down the novel in her hand and looked back at her: "First of all, my name is Lux. Secondly, for now, this is the plan."

After saying that, she picked up the novel again, ignored Jinx, and continued to read leisurely.

Jinx said pitifully: "My body is so sore now, and my arm is about to break. It's so painful, I'm going to die."

Lacus said without looking back: "Excuse me, didn't you bring this upon yourself? This is the punishment you deserve."

Seeing that she didn't buy it, Jinx put away her pitiful expression, gritted her teeth and raised her voice a bit: "I need to pee!"

Seeing Lux ignore him.

Her voice was a little higher, as if to emphasize: "I need to pee!!"

As the sound of turning pages sounded, Jinx took a deep breath and threatened: "If you ignore me again, I will pee on you right on the spot!"

"Alright, alright."

After the words fell, Lux sighed helplessly and put down the book in her hand: "There is really nothing I can do against you."

She got up from the sofa very reluctantly, then walked towards Jinx and untied her from the rope on the pillar.

Then he pulled her up from the ground, untied the ropes on her hands and feet, and said, "Let's go, the toilet is over here."

Finally being untied, Jinx immediately moved her body, and even made some "crunching" sounds. She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling finally comfortable.

Then, she glanced at Lux next to her with malicious eyes.

This blonde looks easy to bully. Whether he can escape or not, it seems he can find a way from her.

"I would advise you not to have bad thoughts. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious."

Lux led the way, looking completely unprepared.

"I really just need to pee."

Showing weakness, Jinx followed her and began to observe her surroundings.

When she finds a suitable opportunity, she will take action directly!

We were about to go to the bathroom, but there happened to be no one around!
"The bathroom is in front. Go in, I'll wait for you outside."

Lux spoke and prepared to turn around.

Jinx thought at this moment, now! !
She did not hesitate, like a kitten that had been waiting for an opportunity to ambush for a long time, and launched a sneak attack on Lux from behind.

This time, she will take revenge for last night!

However, Jinx's confident punch was blocked by Lux, who was turning around and raised her hand casually.

The air seems to have solidified at this moment!
Jinx looked a little dazed as her fist was held by Lux.


A confident sneer appeared on Lux's little face, "You may be looking down on me a little too much. I have already seen through your little thoughts!"


Jinx's heart sank, and she realized that the little golden retriever in front of her seemed to be more complicated than she imagined!
But the matter has come to this, and we can only do one thing and two things!

She gritted her teeth and launched a fierce offensive.

"I can deal with a little brat like you with just one hand."

At this time, Lux showed off her master's demeanor, her tone was calm and gentle, and she really only used one hand to deal with Jinx.

Even though Miss Crown Guard is a mage, she is still not weak in physical skills.

But she soon discovered that although the Jinx in front of her looked thin, her attack power was not weak at all.

It didn't take long for her to feel the pressure.

But for the sake of face, he was bracing himself with one hand, but he was retreating step by step.

Soon, she noticed that Jinx was out of breath, and her offensive also softened, and she suddenly said proudly: "You must have noticed that I haven't used my full strength yet, let go!"

However, before her pride was over, she hit her head on the chandelier hanging on the wall behind her, making a crisp sound.

For a moment, the other hand covered the back of his head in pain, and his face changed color from the pain.

It can be said that the slap in the face came quite quickly.

"It's now!"

Jinx's eyes suddenly lit up, she looked at the window not far away, and ran out.

Although she can hit this blond with last-minute hits, Jinx always remembers her current situation!

Getting out of trouble is her most important thing!

"Don't even think about running away!" When Lux saw her trying to escape, she didn't care anymore. She quickly reached out her hand, grabbed Jinx's braid, and pulled her back.

Seeing the window right in front of her, Jinx froze on the spot. It was naturally very painful to have her hair grabbed like this. At the same time, she also felt a force pulling her backwards, and her body fell backwards.

And the direction was exactly Lux who just raised her head.

Lux only saw the back of a head hitting her.

The next second, there was a "clang" sound, and the two of them bumped into each other, each covering their heads and gasping in pain.

Looking up again, they saw Lu Qi standing there with a subtle expression on his face: "What are you doing?"

Lux pointed at Jinx angrily: "This guy wanted to run away and attacked me unprepared!"

"Haha! I don't know which guy was talking so arrogantly just now, saying that one hand is enough to deal with me."

Jinx looked at Lux with a look of disdain on her face.

Lux glanced at her and emphasized: "I didn't even use half of my skills, otherwise I would have dealt with you long ago!"

This is true, but it is also true that she underestimates the enemy.

Jinx mocked disdainfully: "If everyone in the world was like you and only talked big words, then the sky would be full of flying cows."

Lux immediately said sarcastically: "If everyone in the world were as stupid and overconfident as you, the world would have been in chaos long ago."

"I'm not going to run into a lamppost."

"I wouldn't go to someone's house and steal something in the middle of the night and get caught."

"If I were you, I would be so ashamed!"

"If I were you, I would have dug a crack in the ground and crawled in!"

The two were facing each other tit for tat. Judging from the scene, Lux had a certain advantage in this offensive.

After all, this is her home.

But Jinx was also quite dissatisfied, and sparks were already sparking in their gazes in mid-air.

"If I were you, I would honestly do whatever I have to do. Sometimes, not disturbing others is also a virtue."

Lu Qi made a faint sound at this time.

I have to say, these two guys are quite energetic early in the morning.

Seeing Jinx, he was still a little dissatisfied, so he took out the artifact, a pan.

After seeing the pan, Jinx's eyes really changed, and there was a subconscious fear deep in her eyes.

She was really shaken by this damn broken pot.

The final result was that Jinx went to the toilet obediently, and then returned to the state of being restrained.

Then he silently endured Lux's arrogant and arrogant look.

She was once again ignored by everyone.

Until Caitlin's arrival, she was noticed again.

As soon as Caitlin arrived, she saw Jinx being tied up. She was slightly startled at first, and then after observing carefully, she said thoughtfully: "Why does it feel like she looks a bit like the green-haired girl we chased last time?" .”

Lux replied: "Take the feeling away, she is."

"?" Caitlin asked a puzzled question, and moved closer to Jinx, who looked dissatisfied, to observe. She didn't quite understand the situation, "So what's going on?"

Why did the guy I didn't catch last time suddenly appear here out of thin air?
She was quite impressed by this green-haired girl. Although she didn't see her face last time, when she appeared in front of her this time, she still thought it was her at a glance.

"A stupid thief came over in the middle of the night and tried to steal something, but he was caught."

Lux said with a smile.

The strange smell of yin and yang directly filled Jinx's heart with anger, but she had nowhere to vent her anger, and her expression became even more angry.Caitlin probably understood, and immediately looked at Jinx with admiration: "What a talent."

She didn't expect that someone actually dared to sneak into the prince's residence.

So brave.

The more Jinx thought about it, the angrier she became, and she said unconvinced: "I can only say that I was careless. If I had made more preparations, I would never be like this."

"Even now, do you still think you were careless?"

Lux turned to Jinx and said with a smile: "Then let me tell you a bloody reality. In fact, when you planned to sneak in, Valor had already discovered it."

As soon as the words fell, the image of a blue rock eagle suddenly flashed in Jinx's mind, and her heart skipped a beat.

Damn it, she really didn't include the falcon in her plan!
Then, she realized something again and couldn't help but ask: "So you have discovered me a long time ago? Then why didn't you come and arrest me directly?"

"So you are stupid. If you don't commit a crime, how can we catch you?"

Lux clicked her tongue and looked at her.

Of course, in fact, this guy just wanted to take the opportunity to mock and ridicule this blue-haired girl who didn't know the world.

Valor had already detected Jinx's suspicious behavior, but she only found out about it later.

When Jinx sneaked in, she was sleeping soundly in the next room.

"Damn it. How could this happen?"

Jinx never expected that she would fall into the trap on her own initiative.

In other words, no matter how well prepared she was, she was actually discovered from the beginning.

This gave Jinx a small blow in her heart.

At this moment, she suddenly smelled a scent in her nose. She suddenly felt hungry and her attention was distracted.

The blow was instantly forgotten.

"Breakfast is almost ready."

Lu Qi's voice came from the kitchen.

Upon hearing this, Lux immediately put the blue-haired girl behind and said happily: "Let's go eat."

When it comes to eating, Miss Crown Guard is always the most active one.

Jinx was once again ignored, trapped alone on a pillar in the living room, listening to the sound of dining in the dining room, her stomach couldn't help but growl.

So hungry
She lowered her head, feeling so hungry that she felt a little weak.

Time passed by minute by minute, and when everyone had finished breakfast, they returned to the living room.

Jinx noticed that Lu Qi was walking over with a rather exquisite-looking breakfast, and even she felt a little hopeful.

"Want to eat?"

Lucci asked after showing Jinx the exquisite breakfast.

The aroma filled her nostrils, making Jinx drool a little. She nodded honestly: "I want to eat it."

Lu Qi had a smile on his face and said, "Excuse me, and you can have this breakfast."

Upon hearing this, Jinx immediately turned her face away and said stubbornly: "I already admitted my fault last night."

"An admission of mistake is an admission of mistake, and an apology is an apology. Not only did you throw things at us, but you also sneaked in in the middle of the night. After doing these things, it shouldn't be difficult to say sorry, right?"

Luke said.

Jinx still twisted her face and remained silent.

It's not difficult, I'm sorry, but the current situation makes it difficult for Jinx to say anything.

She is a majestic Jinx. What is the point of groveling and apologizing for a breakfast?

If word of this gets out in the future, will she still hang out in the lower city?
Lux spoke up at this time: "Don't embarrass her, she is just a little brat after all. It would be so embarrassing if she apologized."

Jinx glared at her in displeasure: "I'm not a little brat!"

"If you can't learn to apologize, you will always be." Lux chuckled, "Only immature children will remain stubborn just to save face."

"There is a saying that you have to live and die to save face, and that's what you are talking about now."

These two simple sentences directly made Jinx's anger level rise.

"Okay, forget it if you don't apologize. It's the same thing to make up for it with practical actions." Lu Qi did not insist on asking Jinx to apologize, and handed the breakfast to Lux aside: "You have to be lucky that we Demacians don't like to abuse children, so This breakfast is still yours."

At this time, Lux subconsciously took over the breakfast and said, "Yes, little brat, you have to be grateful for our generosity!"

Jinx bared her teeth at her.

Lu Qi said: "Since Miss Crown Guard is so kind-hearted, the task of feeding her breakfast will be left to you."

After the words fell, Lux couldn't help but be stunned.

"I do not want!"

The next second, both of them refused in unison, their expressions full of resistance.

"Your protest is invalid, and you have no right to protest. Just accept the feeding honestly."

Lucci first declared Miss Crown Guard's protest invalid, and then looked at Jinx.

"I don't want to feed her!" Lux said with some dissatisfaction, "Can't you just feed her?"

"It's no longer easy for me to work so hard to prepare breakfast. You are the most leisurely person in the whole family, and you also eat the most. I can't tell you anything yet, can I?"

Lu Qi glanced at the little golden retriever.

This hand left Lacus speechless, and her head lowered lower and lower. It seemed that she was ready to accept this mission.

Jinx thought of something and said, "Just let me go and let me eat by myself!"

Lux also raised her head when she heard this: "Yes, let her eat by herself!"

Lu Qi glanced at the two of them: "Wouldn't this make it impossible to punish her?"

"Just wait until she finishes eating and then continue tying her up."

Lux said immediately.

"What's the point of this? Just let her go and let her go back."

Lu Qi did not agree with what they said and looked at Annie: "Annie, your task is to supervise them. After the task is completed, my brother will reward you with cake."

Upon hearing this, Annie immediately put on a serious face: "I promise to complete the task!"

After explaining this, Lu Qi went upstairs leisurely, planning to go to the rooftop to bask in the sun for a while.

Lux and Jinx were left staring at each other.There was Anne next to her, supervising them with a serious look on her face.

"What are you looking at! Why don't you feed me quickly!"

Jinx bared her teeth at Lux and urged.

"It seems you still don't understand your situation well enough!"

Lux directly picked up a crystal bag and stuffed it into her mouth.

Jinx was gagged on the spot, but before she could finish one, the second one was already stuffed in her mouth.

She opened her eyes slightly, and soon came the third one.

Then came the fourth.

In just a few seconds, her small mouth was filled with four crystal packets, and her cheeks were bulging, and she could only make a sound of 'Uh-huh'.

Lux felt the fun, but she stopped at the right time and snorted: "Do you know you are wrong?"

Jinx returned her look with obvious disapproval, then chewed faster, and finally swallowed it all.

Should I say it or not, it’s a bit delicious.
Only now did she think about it in her mind, and found that it was unexpectedly delicious.

After eating four crystal bags, she seemed to be getting hungrier and hungrier.

"I want soup!"

She yelled loudly, and instead directed Lux. She was so greedy from the smell of the soup just now.

"I won't give you a drink!"

Instead, Lux picked up a spring roll and fed it to her. Unexpectedly, Jinx poked her head forward and opened her mouth to bite her hand.

Fortunately, she reacted in time and escaped.

"You still want to bite me? I've turned against you!"

Lux raised her eyebrows and put down the breakfast plate in her hand.Then he stretched out his hand, pinched both sides of Jinx's face unceremoniously, and kneaded it up and down.

"Who told you not to let me drink soup!"

Jinx was still quite dissatisfied and stared at Lux with her big eyes.

After just one breakfast, the two of them got into a lot of trouble.

But no matter how noisy they were, Anne always kept a calm face and carried out the task of 'supervision' very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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