LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 364 is a bit too ambiguous

Chapter 364 is a bit too ambiguous

After leaving the parliament, it didn't take long for Lu Qi to ride a carriage to his store.

The morning has just begun, and many people can already be seen in the streets and alleys of Piltover, which is quite lively.

The morning sun was not particularly strong, just a little gentle, spreading over every part of Pi City.

And as long as you look up and take a quick look, you can see that among so many tall buildings, there is a tower that almost reaches into the clouds.

That's Hex flying door.

Jace expects to officially launch the Hex Flying Gate in two months.

By then, it will become the hub of Runeterra, which is of great significance.

As his thoughts flowed, Lu Qi had returned to the store and happened to see the next scene.

When Lux passed the blue bird statue, she suddenly stopped and frowned slightly, as if she had discovered something strange.

"How do you feel, something is missing?"

She muttered to herself and suddenly remembered, "Didn't I leave some tributes when I left last night? Where did everything go?"

At this time, the place where the tributes were placed in front of the blue bird statue was empty, and the few tributes she left last night were all gone.

Everyone heard this and discovered this.

The next second, Lux looked suspiciously at Jinx, who was also watching curiously.

Locked in this gaze, Jinx raised her eyebrows: "Look what I'm doing? You don't suspect that I ate it secretly, do you?"

Lux nodded and said without thinking: "It feels very likely."

"Fart!" Jinx curled her lips in displeasure, "Do you think I care about your crappy snacks? I just protect you every day as a treasure!"

Lux snorted coldly: "Then don't eat it. You are the most active in grabbing it every time. Now I seriously doubt you. You sneaked back in the middle of the night last night and ate all the tributes!"

Snacks are quite popular.

After all, it is suitable for all ages, and is loved by both men and women, but the ones who rob the most fiercely every time are undoubtedly the two guys confronting each other at this time.

Now they were glaring at each other.

Jinx also snorted with great displeasure: "I still suspected that you were hiding behind the scenes!"

"You even told me some idioms!" Lux glared, "If that's the case, do I still have to confess?"

The two people held their own opinions and argued endlessly.

Lu Qi came back just in time to see this scene. While everyone was wondering where the snacks were, he was the only one looking at the blue bird statue with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Seeing Lux and Jinx who were about to turn from glaring at each other to a fight, he spoke in time.

"Okay, stop arguing. I picked up those tributes when I came in the morning. You did wrong her on this point."

Lucci looked at Lux and said something for Jinx.

Although Little Lanmao's status is slightly lower, he is not so lazy that he comes back in the middle of the night to steal the tribute.

It could be seen from her dissatisfied eyes that she had indeed been wronged.

"Did you hear that? I told you I didn't do it!"

Jinx, who had been vindicated, immediately put her hands on her hips, her expression still looking a little indignant.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I wronged you."

Lux bowed her head decisively. Her apology came very quickly and seemed very sincere.

This made Jinx, who was originally ready to use her words, feel like she was holding on to her ultimate move but couldn't release it.

But looking at Lux who lowered her head in front of her, she snorted lightly: "Who told me, sir, that I have a lot of money? I will reluctantly forgive you this time."

This is how it went.

No one took this matter to heart, after all, Lu Qi said that he was the one who took care of it.

It's impossible for him to 'disappear' inexplicably.

At this time, Lu Qi approached the blue bird statue and looked at it carefully. It looked like an ordinary statue made of bronze. Then he touched it and felt a little cold, but there was nothing strange about it.

If he said that this statue might have appeared last night and swept away all the snacks, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

But at this moment, Lu Qi didn't dare to be [-]% sure.

At this time, Lux noticed Lu Qi's strange behavior and couldn't help but ask: "Why are you staring at the statue?"

Lu Qi came back to his senses and said, "It's nothing, I'll just take a look."

"I haven't seen you for so many days since I bought it."

Lux brought some more snacks and placed them in front of the statue. Then she looked at Lu Qi and said emphatically: "Usually I don't see you clean it up once in a hundred years, but this time you definitely don't do it again. Can I kill randomly today?" , just count on these snacks.”

Miss Crown Guard still doesn't understand why Lu Qi is so good at packing those snacks.

But she was too lazy to ask any more questions. This guy often did some inhuman things and he was used to it!


Lu Qi nodded, walked to his seat, and lay down leisurely.

Let's wait and see for a while. After all, if it is as Lu Qi thinks, the situation is actually not that bad.

After all, based on his understanding, the other party is not a bad guy.

After a while, Seraphine came.

Although we had spent a whole day together yesterday, when today came, she still looked a little timid, or a little socially afraid, and did not dare to talk to others.

But this girl is the slow-to-warm type, and fortunately, the other girls will take the initiative to chat with her without her taking the initiative to talk to her.

When the rhythm of the Monopoly game picked up, she slowly let go.

The game of Monopoly is in full swing, each game lasts about an hour, and the punishments are different each time.

Lu Qi was half lying down, watching the girls carry out various punishments, which was quite interesting.

However, he looked at the people in the store, thought for a moment, and started counting.

One, two, three, four-nine, ten, eleven, including myself, there are twelve people in total.

With so many people, it seems that we can expand into new games.

So, after lying down for a while, he stood up and called Yourna: "Go and prepare some wooden signs."


Yourna responded softly, turned and left.

After a while, she prepared a batch of wooden signs and came back according to Lu Qi's instructions.

It is said to be a wooden sign, but it is actually a wooden board that has not been cut yet, but it is not very big.

The quality seems pretty good, and Lu Qi doesn’t need much, just something that can be engraved on.

After all, this thing is about props, so there is no need to prepare too much. What is important is the gameplay itself.

In a blink of an eye, the whole morning passed.

At noon, everyone still had hot pot.

After all, this thing is the type that you can eat every time and never get tired of it. In addition, the ingredients prepared by Lu Qi are extremely rich, which is convenient, simple and delicious.

Coupled with the winter atmosphere, it is an excellent experience to have a meal.

Lunch time passed.

Lux leaned back on the sofa contentedly, and suddenly remembered what she accidentally saw Lu Qi doing in the morning, so she asked curiously: "By the way, what were you busy with this morning?"

Hearing this, Lu Qi said: "I'm carving an identity tag."

Lux looked puzzled and asked even more curiously: "Identity tag? What is that?"

Hearing this, the other girls also cast their gazes.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "It's a necessary prop for the game."

Upon hearing this, Lux suddenly became interested, sat up and said, "What game?"

"Werewolf kill."

Lu Qi smiled slightly and took out ten identity tags. Everyone came over and watched curiously.

It was found that the words "civilian", "prophet", "witch", "werewolf" and "hunter" were engraved on it. There were four civilians and three werewolves among them.

"These are identity cards. They are also the basic rules of Werewolf Killing. A total of ten people participate, and each person draws an identity. Each identity has different abilities, except for civilians."

Lu Qi then briefly introduced the abilities of each identity.

The prophet can check a person's identity every night, the witch has a bottle of poison and a bottle of antidote that can also be used every night, and the hunter has a gun that is activated before death.

If you are voted out or killed with a knife, you can choose to shoot and take away a lucky player.

Werewolves, on the other hand, can kill people at night and enter a camouflage state during the day.

The novel ability introduction immediately aroused everyone's interest.

"Special identity cards, except for hunters, can act once every night. Werewolves can choose to kill, seers can check, and witches can learn key information to decide whether to use antidote or poison."

"In this game, the werewolf's goal is to kill all three priests or kill all the civilians to win."

"Other than that, the good guy's goal is to find three werewolves and win."

At this point, Lu Qi stopped introducing him.

Because in a game like Werewolf, if it is too clear, it will reduce the entertainment value.

But even if he didn't say anything, everyone already understood the rules.

In other words, the good guys must find the three wolves without revealing their identities as much as possible.

The werewolf needs to kill four civilians or three priests without revealing his identity as much as possible.

"Get it, mind games? I like it!"

A cold smile appeared on Lux's lips, obviously trying to use her smart brain.

She boasts a high IQ, and she looks like she's the type to kill in this kind of game.

Caitlin also had the same idea.

After hearing the rules of the game, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Finally, she came to an area where she is good at!
Others were also very interested and gearing up.

"Then let's get started."

Lu Qi smiled, scattered the ten identity cards, then put them on the table.

After understanding the rules in detail, Yourna and Sona acted as referees.

However, Sona's werewolf killing is basically a cruel act.

Whoever has a ghost in their heart, she can knock it out in one fell swoop.

So she voluntarily gave up participating. For her, watching everyone play was also very interesting.

The identity cards made by Lu Qi are all the same when you memorize them. It is absolutely impossible to tell what identity a certain one is.

Next, it was time to draw the identity, and everyone gathered around a round table.

Starting from Lux, Jinx, Poppy, Quinn, Annie, Caitlin, Navis, Orianna, and Seraphine all stepped forward and picked one.

The last one was left to Lu Qi, who picked it up calmly and took a look.

It had the three characters "Prophet" written on it, and he couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

It seems that the first game is about to kill everyone.

The girls have also seen their identities at this moment, and they all have calm and calm expressions, without any microexpressions.

Caitlin, who was secretly observing everyone, had to become more serious.

It seems that everyone is not easy to deal with!

After confirming the identity, the first night came, as Yourna calmly said: "Werewolf, please open your eyes, please choose the target to hunt."

Everyone who closed their eyes felt a touch of nervousness.

"Prophet, please open your eyes and choose the object you want to test."

Hearing this, Lu Qi slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and finally made a ten sign.

The person standing in position [-] was Caitlin. He felt that she might be the most threatening person on the field, and he had to confirm her identity.

"Her identity is"

Yourna also made a gesture.Lu Qi knew it well and slowly closed his eyes.

Caitlin is a commoner and a good person.

"Witch, please open your eyes."

"He was the one who died last night. Was the antidote used? Was poison used?"

"Its daybreak."

Everyone opened their eyes in unison, and immediately looked at their surroundings. At this moment, everyone around them was an object of suspicion.

Yuerna stretched out her slender finger and pointed at Lu Qi: "He was the one who died last night, and he couldn't give his last words."

The corner of Lu Qi's mouth twitched, and he had a rush to die before he could take action, so he could only retreat silently.

He's handsome, but he's easy to target.

no way.

As the most powerful priest, he is now only qualified to watch the battle.

Yourna said: "In order, No. [-] will speak."

The second position next to Lu Qi is Seraphine.

When the girl heard this, she immediately straightened up and said nervously: "I, I don't know anything. I didn't kill the person. I didn't do anything."

She confessed honestly as if she were a prisoner.

To be honest, seeing her panicked look, Caitlin's eyes had narrowed.

Something's wrong, this girl is a little too nervous!

Although she held a useless civilian card, as the last person to speak, Caitlin thought she could identify the three wolves on the field.

For the time being, she labeled Seraphine as a suspected wolf. She decided to listen to everyone's speeches before making any plans.

After Seraphine finished speaking, it was Quinn's turn next to her. She shook her head, also indicating that there was no useful information, and ended her speech.

Then, Poppy, Annie, Navis, Orianna, and Quinn all skipped after saying a few words.

Then, it was Lux's turn.

From just now, Miss Crown Guard showed confidence that she had something to say.

When it was finally time for her to speak, she sneered: "It's a showdown! I'm the prophet, and Jinx, who was tested last night, is the Iron Wolf! Just vote for her! Pass!"

What she is saying now is quite credible.

Lu Qi glanced at Lux and said nothing.

The next person to speak was Jinx.

People discovered that not only did Jinx not feel nervous about having her identity revealed, but she also sneered: "I am the one to show off! You spitting golden wolf, I am the real prophet. What I checked last night was she!"

Lux's eyes widened and she was about to open her mouth to refute.But thinking about the rules of the game, I can only keep my mouth shut.

Lu Qi, who was in the audience seat, remained silent.

I didn’t expect that everyone is a prophet.

Very good, everything is very good.

"I recommend voting unanimously for Lux! Pass!"

Jinx finished speaking angrily.

She did this, and everyone thought her credibility was quite high.

After all, it is not strange for these two people to check each other out on the first day.

It was Caitlin's turn to speak. She organized her words and said: "In short, among the two of them, there must be a wolf. I think everyone should not vote first and wait until tonight to decide. In this way, we can also give the truth to A chance for the prophet to check.”

Her speech was unanimously approved. During the voting stage, except for Lux and Jinx, who voted for each other, no one was in a hurry to vote.

Caitlin closed her eyes and listened to the next night.

Thinking that there will be more useful information tomorrow, it will be time for her to lead the good guys to victory!
At this time, Caitlin was full of confidence, because she felt that as long as it was not the prophet who died on the first day, the good guys would have a great chance of winning.

"It's dawn. There were no casualties last night. Position [-] will start speaking."

Yurna finished speaking calmly.

Position five was Navis. She thought for a while and said, "I am a witch. The person the werewolf wanted to kill last night was Caitlin. I saved her with the antidote."

Next, it was Orianna's turn to speak next to her. She said, "I want to hear the test results of the two prophets."

She had nothing to say. The current situation was that both prophets were still alive, but the knife fell on Caitlin.

The identity of the witch has also been revealed.

So Quinn didn't really have anything to say next, so he just skipped it, leaving the stage to Lux.

She cleared her throat and said: "Actually, I'm not a prophet, I'm just a civilian. Yesterday I just wanted to call her out, but I still think she is suspicious. If she is a prophet and I am a civilian, she There’s something wrong with thinking I’m a wolf anyway.”

She simply took off the prophet's clothes and gave the stage to Jinx.

Jinx cleared her throat: "Actually, I'm not a prophet, I'm just a civilian. Because she yelled at me, I yelled at her in return. I also thought she was suspicious, she might be a wolf with a fierce fighting style!"

These two guys simply took off the prophet's clothes, and then stared at each other, and the atmosphere on the field suddenly fell silent.

Okay, now the situation is directly confusing.

Caitlin frowned slightly, feeling that this game was really not as simple as she thought.

Because there are so many possibilities.

It's possible that these two guys are really good people, but it's also possible that there's a wolf mixed in between them, and it's even more likely that they are both wolves.

But Caitlin thinks this is unlikely.

When it was her turn to speak, she thought for a while before saying: "Last night, on the premise that both prophets survived, the werewolf chose to kill me. Now both prophets have admitted that they are false identities, which means that both of them may have He’s a good person.”

"In comparison, numbers [-], [-], [-], [-], and [-] are more suspicious to me. I hope to hear useful information next, if the prophet is still alive."

"Today we have to vote, and we will choose one of these five people. If there is no useful information, vote number three first."

Now she can only hope that the prophet is alive, otherwise she will have to fight for luck with the werewolf.

After finishing speaking, it was Seraphine's turn.

"I think what Caitlin said is right. I'm also a good person." Seraphine's face turned red, as if she didn't know what to say next. She held it in for a long time and said, "Just one of the five of us. Vote one out.”

Only Poppy and Annie were left to speak.

Poppy, who was selected as a voting booth, said firmly: "I am also a good person. If you need to sacrifice, vote from me!"

Later, Anne did not change her identity as a prophet, but she also said that she was a good person.

Seeing this scene, Caitlin felt a chill in her heart, knowing that the real prophet might have passed away.

She glanced in Lu Qi's direction and sighed in her heart.

The situation where the prophet dies on the first day is a bit too difficult for the good guys.

But we can't blame the witch Navis. The antidote can be used to save people, but she didn't expect that the prophet would be killed on the first day.

So now we can only fight with the werewolf.

After everyone voted to vote Bobby out, the third night came.

"It's dawn. The people who died last night were her and her. There are no last words. The game continues, starting from the sixth position."

As Urna announced the death of the witch Navis and Quinn No. [-], Orianna in the middle began to speak.

Two people died in one night. She became a little nervous. She thought about it and analyzed: "I am a good person. If No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] are all good people, then from my perspective, they must be No. [-] and No. [-]." There is a wolf in the middle, or both of them."

After finishing speaking, she turned to speak.

When it was Lux's turn, she said confidently: "Pass!"

Jinx raised her head and said, "Pass!"

The two of them took turns to jump over, and suddenly it was Caitlin's turn who was deep in thought.

Caitlin raised her head and glanced at them both, not expecting them to give any useful information.

After all, if they were civilians, pretending to be prophets and deceiving the werewolf's perspective would be as far as they could go.

The situation is still very unfavorable now. Both the witch and the prophet are dead. The only hunter who has not been exposed yet. Once he is voted out or killed, the good guys will lose.

But if we analyze it on the other hand, wouldn’t the werewolf’s situation be too good?
Before she died, Navis threw a bottle of poison. If Quinn and Bobby were both werewolves, there would be only one wolf left on the field.

She was also waiting for the opportunity for a hunter to be exposed.

After clearing her mind, she said: "Now I want to listen to Seraphine and Anne's speeches. There is a commoner among you two. I hope to stand up and accept the vote. If everyone is willing, start with Seraphine. ."

After that, it was Seraphine's turn.

Seraphine's expression finally became firm: "I am a civilian, let's start with me!"

When it was Anne's turn, she also said seriously: "Anne is also a commoner and is willing to be voted for."

So, according to Caitlin's plan, the vote was unanimously voted for Seraphine.

The fourth night comes.

"It's dawn. She was the one who died last night. The game continues. Starting from the fourth."

Urna said calmly.

The person who died last night was Caitlin. She finally fell on the night of the fourth day and left the show helplessly.

But now, the situation has become evenly balanced.

Because this will be the last day, for both the good guys and the werewolves.

If the game is not over, it means there is only one werewolf on the field.The hunter is not dead yet, and the good guys can still win if they make the right decisions.

It was Annie's turn to speak. She hugged the teddy bear and thought for a while before saying: "Annie is a civilian, and she is a little suspicious of Sister Lux and Sister Jinx. There may be the last wolf among them. I hope the hunter can make the right choice." "

She obviously understands this game, and knowing the next hunter's choice is crucial.

It was Orianna's turn to speak, and she made it clear: "I am a hunter, and today is the last day."

Looking left and right, looking at those big clear and intelligent eyes, she said a little helplessly: "I can't figure out who is the last wolf, but I want to give the vote to Lux. Pass."

There was no way, her perspective in this game was messed up from the beginning.

"No! If you give it to me, you lose!"

At this moment, Lux's eyes flashed, and she slapped the table with a firm tone: "There is only one truth! Little Blue Fur and Orianna, believe me, vote for Annie!"

It was Jinx's turn. She shook her head and sighed softly: "Although I usually find you very unpleasant, you are what I thought this time. I want to vote for Annie!"

The two people's opinions were surprisingly unified! ! !
This kind of scene would definitely be quite explosive now.

Everyone in the room opened their eyes slightly, a little unimaginable.

As the voting began, the final three votes went to Anne.

Annie, who tried to vote for Lux as a mixed vote, had no choice but to be eliminated.

Yourna began to announce the result of the game: "The game is over, this game, the good guys win."


"I knew it!!"

Lux and Jinx jumped up at the same time and clapped their hands together excitedly.The two little faces were so red that they almost hugged each other excitedly.

Then they were stunned for a second, seeming to realize that the behavior between the two was a bit too ambiguous, and they all looked away in embarrassment.

The same strange thought emerged in their hearts.

At this moment, they actually found each other quite pleasing to the eye.

But no one noticed this, and the good guys cheered because of the victory in the game.

I have to say, it feels so satisfying to win a game in a thrilling disadvantaged game.

Caitlin felt excited all over.

The three werewolves, namely Bobby, Annie and Quinn, looked helpless and regretful.

There is no way, the good guys are so lucky this time. The cooperation of Lux and Jinx is crucial to disrupt the situation. Navis's bottle of poison is also crucial, and Caitlin's crucial vote is also crucial.

As long as one step is missing from these three steps, the good guys will not be able to win.

The next night they couldn't be sure if the prophet was still alive, they just knew that two good people were digging holes into each other.

So I kept my hand, but I didn't expect that it would cause problems.

(End of this chapter)

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