LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 374 When people are embarrassed, they will pretend to be busy

Chapter 374 When people are embarrassed, they will pretend to be busy
"How about it, handsome or not?"

In the blink of an eye, Janna appeared behind Lu Qi.With her appearance, a breeze also blew.

She raised her head slightly, looking quite proud.

After taking action for a long time, she felt very comfortable.

"He is handsome." Lu Qi glanced at her and said, "But will this cause too much noise?"

Although people couldn't see Janna, the scene where the dark clouds suddenly dispersed just now happened in the presence of everyone in Leather City.

Such an unscientific scene would probably cause quite a shock.

"Small problem."

Janna waved her hands casually and said with her own opinion, "Although I don't often interfere in such a bad weather all at once, but if I can't even do this kind of thing, I might as well stop messing around."

The weather generally occurs naturally, and even though she can control it, she rarely interferes.

But now, for her own plan, she must take action!
Even if she hesitated for a moment, she would feel sorry for the bands outside who were struggling to sing.

Besides, she had to have an outlet to vent her feelings that she had suppressed for so long.

Now that I have vented my anger, I feel much more relaxed.

Lu Qi nodded slightly, since there was no problem.

Naturally, he was not worried that the noise just now was too big. As he hoped, the bigger the noise, the better.

After all, the more outrageous the scene, the more people will remember it.

With this, he thought that the name Gan Alem would completely become famous in Pi City.

"They sang so beautifully."

At this time, even Janna calmed down and listened silently to the performance at the front desk.

Although I have heard it a lot these days, this time is the most shocking.

And when she saw the ignited emotions of the audience at the front desk, she couldn't help but rekindle hope in her heart.

She couldn't help but glance at Lu Qi, and she always felt that there was something extremely mysterious about this guy that even she found extremely mysterious.

He was obviously just a young human, but even she couldn't see through it.

What is the reason that makes this guy so strange?
While Janna was thinking curiously, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Your Highness, that one just now"

Caitlin and the others came over, and they naturally saw the scene in the sky with their own eyes.So I immediately thought of Lu Qi.

Lu Qi clasped his hands behind his back and said enigmatically: "I just made a slight move."


Several people were silent for a second, feeling like they had done nothing, but they seemed to have been tricked by this guy again.

Following Lu Qi's appearance, the girls stopped asking further questions.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it has something to do with him.

At this time, they had an incredible speculation in their minds.

Is it possible that His Highness really has a good relationship with the local god?
"Concentrate on the music."

Lu Qi smiled and did not continue the topic.

If Janna is willing, she will naturally show up one day.

Caitlin said at this time: "There are more and more people outside. I feel like it is almost over [-]."

She recalled the scene she had just seen. Countless people were walking along the many streets connecting Xingxing Square.

At first glance, the huge Xingxing Square is already full of people.It can be said that it is crowded and lively.

No doubt they were all attracted by the sound of the song.

And looking at this trend, more and more people will follow.

Tens of thousands of people were just the beginning. If the Xingxing Plaza wasn't big enough, she would have been worried that she wouldn't be able to squeeze it in.

At this moment, even she couldn't help but feel excited.

I would also like to say that Lu Qi is really awesome. He casually mentioned that he wanted to start a band, and then he created such a big scene.

To attract so many people, in addition to the publicity of the past few days, the band must also be strong enough.

Otherwise, as soon as you open your mouth, people will turn around and leave because they can't stand it, and all the publicity will be in vain.

Caitlin felt extremely miraculous when she thought about the timid pink-haired girl who was now brave enough to stand on the stage and sing loudly, and her beautiful singing attracted countless audiences.

With the beautiful singing voice echoing in her ears, Caitlin exhaled, feeling quite excited and relaxed.

She had to admit that His Highness' vision was too vicious.

Seraphine's singing level is truly unprecedented.

It turned out that, just as Caitlin had guessed, as the performance progressed, even the Stellar Plaza would soon be unable to accommodate people.

Tens of thousands of people came to listen to the songs, and their emotions were aroused by the singing, and their blood was excited.

Even the people in the music industry in the front seat couldn't help but admire this scene.

Looking at the unprecedented scene before them, they had a premonition that they were about to witness the birth of the most powerful band in Piltover.

The show lasted for two hours and stopped at noon.

But even though the five girls on the stage had taken their bows, they still couldn't extinguish the enthusiasm of the audience. They were still boiling and shouting to continue.

And there was a tacit understanding, and the cheers, applause, and voices of expectation to continue formed one wave after another.

Maybe they had never seen such a scene before, so they were so excited.

But there is no way, the band's performance this time is indeed shocking enough.

It lasted two full hours, with only a short break.The singing continues, and no song is repeated. It can be said that golden songs are released frequently, and each song seems to baptize the ears of the audience.

Now the audience can say that they have completely remembered the five girls on the stage.

Moreover, in the coming period, the craze started by them will not subside in a short time.

As the five girls disappeared from the stage, some of the audience were reluctant to leave and seemed to be still immersed in the atmosphere of the performance.

This also allowed some vendors to sense business opportunities and moved their stalls over. In just a short time, all the items they sold were sold out.

Backstage, looking at the five people walking down the stairs, Lu Qi smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

As he spoke, he handed over a clean handkerchief.

"Phew, I'm so exhausted. My fingers almost cramp from playing."

Lux took the handkerchief and wiped her sweat, but her relaxed expression showed that she was in a very good mood.

Similarly, Seraphine, Jinx, Orianna, and Sona all sweated a little, panting slightly after walking down the stairs, and their faces were quite rosy.

However, each of them looked very satisfied. After all, they could see so many people coming to listen to the performance, and they felt a sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

"The performance was a success, congratulations."

Lu Qi then brought water and said with a smile.

Jinx came over and grabbed the water, opened the lid and drank it.

She must be the most tired today. Playing the drums itself is physical work, not to mention playing for two hours non-stop.

I usually take a break during training, but today I only took a break.

After toasting directly with a bottle of water, Jinx breathed out a hearty 'ha', then wiped her mouth and exclaimed excitedly: "It's great!"

Although I am tired, playing the drums when practicing by myself is completely different from playing in front of so many people.

It was so cool to see those people looking up at the stage.She was not the only one who was excited. While drinking water, Seraphine found a place to sit down and breathed a sigh of relief: "I feel like my legs are weak."

So many people were watching her. If she hadn't trained in advance, she really felt like she would faint on the stage.

But now, after finishing a performance, she felt particularly relaxed and excited.

Then there is Orianna. She is also a lively girl, but the scene of being watched by tens of thousands of people is still a bit too exciting for her.

Until now, my heart is pounding non-stop.

In comparison, Lux and Sona are much better.

Miss Crown Guard is a big-hearted person herself, and she has also seen bigger scenes.Thinking back to the Dawn Square in the Royal Capital, most of the people in the Royal Capital were gathered there.

Even if she appeared in that kind of scene, she would not panic, let alone this one.

It's a trifle.

Not to mention Sona, she is an experienced music master herself. Not to mention now, she can also handle bigger scenes.

But looking at the slightly raised corners of her mouth, she was also genuinely happy for this performance.

And this time it’s no longer her solo, she also has a partner who plays and sings with her.

At this time, the audience outside also began to leave one after another.

And as they leave, today's performance will turn into a gust of wind, quickly sweeping through the entire Pi City.

And many people can predict that the name Gaen Alem will also be a hot topic in Piltover in the next few days.

Even on the way out, people were still discussing the performance enthusiastically.

Time passed, and Lu Qi took everyone back home.

"To celebrate the success of this performance, cheers!"

He specially prepared a celebration banquet. As he spoke, he raised the wine glass in his hand high.


The girls also raised their glasses and cheered. Some of them drank milk, some drank soda, and some drank drinks and wine.

But no matter what you drink, the atmosphere at the celebration party is high.

As the celebration party progressed, out of some bad intention of a certain little blue fur, she originally wanted to secretly exchange a glass of wine for Miss Crown Guard, but accidentally drank it all for Seraphine.

The pink-haired girl, who had no ability to drink, became drunk on the spot after one glass of wine.

"Everyone be quiet!"

She mustered up her courage and raised her hand to stop everyone at the banquet.

Everyone couldn't help but look at her.

Seraphine's face was flushed, her eyes were a little blurry, and then she smiled stupidly and said: "Today is the happiest day in my history. I am happy from the bottom of my heart that I can make friends like you. I love you all very much." I’m so grateful to everyone for appearing in my world.”

The little girl gave a drunken speech in a vague tone, and anyone with eyesight knew that she was obviously drunk.

But listening to her sincere speech, there was a smile on her face and she listened carefully.

This made Jinx, who originally wanted to see Miss Crownguard embarrassed, calm down, feeling that there was a strange emotion in her heart.

Seraphine's speech sounded in her ears, and her voice gradually became blurry. She looked at the joyful environment of the celebration banquet and everyone's faces.

It seems that unconsciously, she fell in love with this place.
"No, I remember Seraphine drinks, doesn't she? Who gave her the drink?"

At this time, seeing the drunk Seraphine, Lux finally became suspicious.

She looked closer and saw that Seraphine was using her cup, but she was not a drinking contestant either.

Ever since she secretly drank and got extremely drunk, she has been strictly prohibited from drinking.If you want to drink, drink some alcohol that is not high in alcohol content, just like a drink.

But now, there is suddenly an extra glass of wine in his glass. First of all, he can rule out Lu Qi.

Although this guy is mean, he won't let her drink specifically.

Then there is only one truth!

Lux immediately locked onto a certain little blue-haired boy with her sharp eyes like a detective.

When Jinx saw her eyes looking over, she immediately moved her eyes away guiltily, pretending not to notice, and calmly picked up the drink and took a sip, then another sip, and another sip.

When I can't drink anymore, I grab something to eat.After eating, I coughed dryly when I had nothing to eat.Then, she found that Miss Crown Guard was still staring at her, looking left and right as if she was looking for something.

As the saying goes, when people are embarrassed, they will pretend to be busy.

Now this scene can be described vividly.

However, the more guilty she felt, the more Lux became certain that it must be this guy who did it.

She slowly approached Jinx and showed an emotionless smile: "Tell me, what do you want to do in exchange for my drink?"

"Why change your drink?" Jinx blinked pretending not to know.

"It's nothing!" Lux didn't give her a chance to defend herself, and decisively stretched out her hand, intending to split the skull with both hands of justice.

Jinx reacted very quickly and ran away.

After staying here for so long, she has not practiced anything else, but her escape skills have become more and more proficient.


Lux jumped after him.

Seraphine's speech was actually very low now. She looked at the chasing two drunkenly, with a silly smile on her face, and then she burped and fell backward.

Fortunately, Lu Qi was nearby, reached out to catch her, and then temporarily placed her on the chair next to her.

Seraphine fell asleep after drinking wine. Even though she fell asleep, the corners of her mouth were curled up with a sweet smile.

It is enough to show that she is really happy today.

On the other side, Lux caught Jinx and punished her hard.

Caitlin held a glass of wine in her hand and smiled when she saw it. Then she lightly touched the glass with Quinn beside her and took a sip.

Among her peers, she has a good drinking capacity.

There was no special training, it was just because when I was a child, I secretly drank the good wine collected by my father out of curiosity.

She secretly drank for a week before she was discovered. Just because of this, she had a good drinking capacity.

Later, when she became an adult, as the daughter of a congressman, she sometimes had to attend some occasions and it was inevitable to drink.

Orianna was being used as a cover by Jinx, who had escaped from the clutches of the devil. The little blue fur was hiding behind her, dodging Lux back and forth.

She was helpless and at the mercy of others.

Yourna was currently taking care of the drunk Seraphine, finding her a blanket, and then moved her to a larger sofa to sleep well.

Lu Qi could make some sobering soup temporarily, but he didn't think it was necessary.

If you need sobering up soup every time you get drunk, then what's the point of drinking.

Besides, the little pink hair has been working too hard these days, so she can take this opportunity to take a good rest.

Bobby was sitting on the chair, showing off his meal.Her appetite is as big as ever, and today is a day where she eats freely.

Sona quietly watched everyone's harmonious scene with a smile on her lips.

Annie sat in the corner indifferently, and added another glass of milk to herself. After drinking half the glass in one breath, she let out a sigh of satisfaction.

The two calves that could not reach the ground were dangling, telling her relaxation and happiness.

Where no one noticed, the Elf Goddess looked at the scene of the celebration banquet, gently raised the cup in her hand, and a smile appeared on her face.


(End of this chapter)

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