LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 378 As long as she is happy, that’s enough

Chapter 378 As long as she is happy, that’s enough
  After the performance ended successfully.

Hilko and Sevika were both slightly silent as they walked away.

Even though Sevika didn't want to admit it, after listening to the whole performance, she really couldn't find any flaws.

Ever since Hilko took in the little blue fur, in her impression, this guy has always been a troublemaker who only causes trouble.

But today, I have to say that I was a little surprised to see her perform such a performance under the watchful eyes of so many people.

After the number of people around gradually dwindled, Sevika took the lead and asked: "So how are you going to deal with it?"

Hilko had always looked thoughtful since just now. After hearing this, he slightly raised his head and stared at the road ahead: "After watching this performance, what are your thoughts?"

Sevika casually replied: "My impression is that the people in Piltover are quite good at fixing things, but the effect is indeed very good. I'm asking you how you plan to deal with her matter. Looking at this posture, she should have been with that person very early. The group of people knew each other, but they kept it secret from us.”

"Maybe I'm not hiding it." Hilko thought for a while and said, "I just don't think it's necessary to say it."

Based on his understanding of the girl, she didn't have to tell others everything. On the contrary, she is quite independent and has shown a maverick personality since she was a child.

Most of the time she makes decisions on the spur of the moment.

Just like this time, Hilko felt that it must be the same.

"At this time, you are still speaking for her." Sevika sneered at this time, "The fact is, as you can see, she and the people of Piltover are now rubbing off the sparks of passion. I guess she has already Forgot about Zu An."

"I believe she won't." Hilko said in a calm voice, but with some certainty.

He would never misjudge the person, so he believed that there was no chance of that girl forgetting Zu An.

"So you plan to continue to wait and see?" Sevika knew Hilko relatively well and had guessed his thoughts at this time.

It was obvious that he was not prepared to continue interfering.

If it were her, she would definitely catch that girl back and question her severely.

But then I thought about it, this is not something I should be anxious about, why should I worry about it so much.

So she didn't plan to get involved in their affairs this time.

At this time, after the performance, the band members also left Times Square and returned to the training base to celebrate.

Every time a performance ends successfully, there will be a small celebration.

Although it was a celebration, the atmosphere was no different from usual.

At this time, Jinx drank the whole glass of iced Coke in one generous breath, and then let out a happy "ah".

Then, she blinked, looked at Lu Qi and asked, "When will our band perform in Zaun?"

As soon as the words fell, Seraphine immediately looked at Lu Qi and was more concerned about this issue.

Her parents are from Zaun, and they would tell her some stories about Zaun when she was a child. Before the city became what it is today.
  In recent times, her psychic perception ability has become more and more proficient under Sona's training.

Because of this, she gradually realized that the discordant sound at the beginning came from the differences between the two cities.

The people of Piltover despise the rudeness, vulgarity, and backwardness of the people of Zaun, and the people of Zaun hate and hate the oppression, coquettishness, and arrogance of the people of Uptown. As time goes by, these discordant voices become more and more numerous.

Differences and disputes are growing.

However, she carefully and patiently listened to the songs deeper in her soul, and found that it was like people from two worlds, the songs deep in their souls were the same.

They actually blend well together.

Therefore, Seraphine often wonders these days whether the band's appearance can break the existing differences and disputes.

Maybe they can do something for the 'at odds' Twin Cities.

Lu Qi heard the words at this time, thought for a moment, and said: "It's not the time yet. Let's stabilize the situation in Pi City first and then talk about Zu'an."

Going to perform in Zu'an was actually part of Lu Qi's plan.

Because if you want to expand Janna's reputation, you must solve the problem between the two cities. This cannot be avoided by Zaun.

The differences between the two sides now have not yet reached their most serious point in the future, so it is indeed a suitable time.

His idea was also to rely on the band to slowly melt the differences.

But right now, although the band has exploded in Piltover, it hasn't gained a foothold.

In other words, it is not important enough in the hearts of the people.

After all, there are still some people who still feel that Jian Alem may be just a flash in the pan.

After getting the answer, Jinx said "Oh", poured herself another cup of Coke, and drank it happily.

She didn't have as many ideas as Seraphine and Lu Qi. She just simply wanted to hold the concert in Zaun.

In other words, this was a surprise that she had secretly prepared for a long time.

She found it very interesting when she thought of Hilko's expression when he saw her on stage.

"When the time comes, give all Zaun people a little Jinx shock!"

Following Lu Qi's words, Jinx encouraged herself in her heart and her fighting spirit was high. He drank another glass boldly, but as expected, he choked.

This made Lacus next to her laugh out loud.

In short, neither of them was left behind.

Time flies, and a week passes in the blink of an eye.

The people of Piltover are very efficient in doing things, or Ivo also takes it seriously.

It only took ten days to build a new venue for the concert, and the location was chosen near the Piart River.

The terrain there is spacious and the transportation there is convenient. There are direct trains available.

According to Lu Qi's design, the venue has a bird's nest-like canopy. The auditorium is surrounded by seats, and seats can be added to accommodate [-] people at the same time.

Viewed from a distance, it is also a rather majestic building.

Although many details still need to be improved, the basic project has been completed and the performance is ready.

These days, the band naturally follows Lu Qi's idea and performs a show every two to three days.

The high-intensity and high-quality performances can be said to have conquered more and more Piltover people.

Every performance can bring them a sense of freshness. Every performance is full of golden songs, with shocking scenes and perfect atmosphere.

The wind stirred up by Jian Alem has become stronger and stronger. It gradually formed a trend and also created a performance called "pop music", which attracted countless people to follow it.

By pre-ordering guitars, basses, and drums, Ivo, Porter, and Bria can make a lot of money.

And Lu Qi also got a share of the pie. Of course, to him, this little money didn't matter.

More and more musicians are beginning to pursue their dreams on the streets of Piltover. It is foreseeable that the appearance of Gahn Alem will accelerate Piltover's music journey.

Of course, once the 'Bird's Nest' is built, it can also be rented out during normal times, which is also a source of income.

Today is the band's fifth performance. Relying on the speed at which it attracts a large number of fans for every performance, the four entrances to the venue have only been open for [-] minutes, and the seats are already packed with people.

At first glance, it can be seen that there are densely packed people lined up from low to high, which can be said to be quite a scene.

Near the central zone, Hilko had already taken his seat early.

That's right, he hasn't missed any of these concerts. Unknowingly, it has become a habit to buy tickets at high prices.

He didn't expect that his money would flow into the market in this way, and he was willing to do so.

Sitting on the seat is indeed much more comfortable than standing up this time, and the field of view is also good. If you arrange it from low to high, there will be no obstruction.

When he looked at the scene of nearly [-] people, he was still a little surprised. There are so many people who are willing to spend money to listen to music for a while, and even he is one of them.

The reason is that he feels it is really worth it.

Although he comes every time, he is actually looking forward to seeing that girl when he opens the office door next time.

Then she took the initiative to talk to herself about it.

However, his expectations were met every time. It didn't matter, he didn't care too much.

Not long after, people sat down in the two empty seats next to him, apparently a couple.

The wife complained: "You can obviously get the tickets in the front row, why do you need the two tickets in the middle?"

The husband smiled nonchalantly: "Don't you think it would be more shocking and better to see from this position?"

The wife thought for a while and smiled: "That's true, it's a good feeling to watch it from a distance."

At this time, the husband looked at Hilko, showed a polite smile and said hello: "Hello."


Hilko also nodded slightly in greeting      But her husband did not intend to end the nod and introduced himself with a smile: "My name is Potter, and this is my wife Bria. It is a fate that we can sit next to each other. .”

"Yes." Hilko nodded again, giving people a cold expression.

Upon seeing this, Porter didn't talk anymore, and sat down with Bria, and the two chatted quietly.

Hilko didn't have the habit of eavesdropping on other people's conversations, nor did he pay too much attention.

As the sky gradually darkened, the venue was shrouded in a unique blackness that could not cover the light, making the scene enter the atmosphere in advance.

As the lights on the stage suddenly turned on, the protagonist of today's concert also appeared on the stage.

Suddenly, enthusiastic cheers erupted on the field, and the movement was like a tsunami, which was quite shocking.

The couple next to them looked at the lead singer on the stage, and their eyes suddenly lit up. They couldn't help but sit up from their chairs, cheered along with the people, and waved the cheering sticks in their hands very hard.

The performance hasn't even started yet, but they have already forgotten themselves.

Because the people in front also stood up, Hilko's vision was affected.

He sat on the chair like a piece of wood, with an aura that was incompatible with his surroundings.

Potter noticed it, couldn't help but turned his head, and said with a smile: "Let's come together, it's a concert, there's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

Under his warm invitation, Hilko stood up from the chair, but he couldn't wave the support stick so hard.

Ever since he was last seen by Sevika, he had been embarrassed and ashamed.

But when I stood up, I saw a new scene in front of me. Everyone actively integrated into the atmosphere. Under the leadership of this band, it looked so beautiful.

Hilko couldn't have imagined that this was a band with the kind of charisma it possessed.

His eyes gradually fell on the figure on the stage. Even though he was some distance away, he could still see it.

She was still smiling so happily.

She looked toward the audience, and Hilko didn't expect her to see him among so many people.

Sure enough, her eyes skipped over the crowd and landed on her beloved drum set again.

Soon, as the speeches before the performance ended, today's performance officially began.

Hilko admitted that this band does have a strange charm, and even he always unconsciously blends into the atmosphere of the scene.

Although he still didn't let go, he acted like a qualified spectator.

Soon, half of the performance was over, and the band temporarily entered a break.
  The audience didn't mind either.

"It's so beautifully sung."

"Yeah, I feel like crying every time I listen to it."

The person who said this was Potter. He sat down with a look of relief on his face and chatted with his wife.

Perhaps he noticed that Hilko came alone and had no one to chat with, so he looked at him and said, "Is this your first time coming to a concert?"

"No, it's the third time."

Hilko replied.

"The third time?" Potter's eyes widened in surprise, "To be honest, I didn't expect it at all. The fact that you're doing it for the third time means you like this band very much."

He understood Hilko's inability to let go. Judging from the temperament he showed, he should be of the calm type.

Hilko did not deny it: "I quite like it."

"Of these five talented girls, which one do you support the most?" Potter asked curiously.

Hilko picked up the cheer stick in his hand.

"Jinx?" Potter glanced at her and said with a smile, "She is indeed quite popular. She always gives people a bohemian feeling. Many children like her."

As the band's fame grows, so do its fans.

Jinx's bohemian temperament and boldness when playing the drums also attracted many bohemian young people in Piltover.

Hilko responded to Potter's enthusiasm at this time and asked: "What about you?"

Porter raised the cheer stick in his hand and said with some pride: "We are big fans of the lead singer."

"The songs she sings are indeed very nice." Hilko admitted this. The pink-haired lead singer's voice was very beautiful.

"Really?" Potter became even more proud and said with emotion, "As a father, I am so proud to see her achievements today."

His words made Hilko slightly stunned.

"She is our daughter." Potter continued with a smile on his face, "Are you surprised? A couple like us actually has such an amazing daughter."

"It's a bit surprising indeed." Hilko nodded, but he didn't expect that the lead singer's parents were sitting next to him.

Porter chatted enthusiastically again: "Do you have children?"

This question made Hilko stunned again. He subconsciously glanced at the stage and replied: "Yes."

Potter didn't hear the 'huh' at the end and continued to ask: "Boy or girl?"


Hilko replied quickly this time.

"Your temperament is very unusual, but I think you must have had some differences with your daughter recently."

Porter analyzed it eloquently. He observed Hilko's expression and felt that he must be right.

Hilko opened her mouth and finally nodded: "A little bit. She seems to have some secrets that she doesn't want to tell me."

"This is so normal, man. When girls get older, they will definitely have their own privacy."

Potter smiled understandingly and said, "Maybe you haven't figured it out yet, whether she doesn't want to tell you or is not comfortable telling you. But you have to know that there are no obstacles that can't be overcome between father and daughter."

His words made Hilko fall into thinking.

It's not that you don't want to tell him, but that it's hard to speak to him?

Maybe it's shyness, maybe something else
  After thinking about it, Hilko said again: "What if she chose another life because she didn't like the life with me?"

This question was a bit strange. Porter thought about it seriously and replied: "I want to say that everyone has a process of growing up. I don't know how you and your daughter get along. Just take me. Let’s talk.”

"Sometimes I can't help but wonder, what can I do for her and what have I done? Should I make decisions for her when she faces some choices? Or should I interfere in her life? .”

"Later I figured it out. In fact, we parents are only responsible for helping them walk a small part of their lives. They still have to walk the rest of the road on their own."

"It may not be that she doesn't like life with you, but she simply longs for another life."

Listening to Potter's words, Hilko always felt that something was clogged in his heart.

Until Potter's next words.

"No matter how she chooses."

"As parents, don't we want her to be happy?"

"As long as she is happy, it will be worth it even if it takes everything."

Hearing these words, Hilko suddenly felt enlightened.

Yes, he felt that nothing was more important than that girl being happy.

Porter looked at Hilko again at this time: "Looking at your temperament, I guess you must be a busy person. Maybe in your busyness, you inadvertently ignore your daughter's feelings. I think, if you make enough money, You can let go of work and concentrate on spending time with your daughter."

Hearing this, Hilko just nodded slightly. Looking towards the stage, the blue-haired girl's eyes were a little complicated.

He was carrying too many things that he couldn't let go of.

But Porter had a saying that he thought was very good.

There was absolutely no need for him to worry about why she didn't take the initiative to talk about it.

Because as long as she is happy, that's enough.

Sometimes, he is also a qualified audience.

As the new song started, Jinx was beating the drums on the stage, her starry eyes twinkling, and her figure on the stage was very shining.

A smile appeared on Hilko's lips, and the same sense of pride as the man next to him emerged in his heart.

My daughter is also a member of this band.

(End of this chapter)

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