LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 380 If you really have such a thing, can you take it out as soon as possible?

Chapter 380 If you really have such a thing, can you take it out as soon as possible?
  next morning.

After talking to Lu Qi, Caitlin arrived at the Pier City Pier.

There are a bunch of fishing boats waiting to go out to sea docked near the pier, and of course there are also some passenger ships carrying people.

The price was negotiated with the owner of a passenger ship, and soon Caitlin set off.

Small boats are sailing on the sea, and there are many boats going out to sea around. The fishing industry in Picheng is also very developed.

There was no wind on the sea today. Standing near the bow of the ship, looking at the water with only a trace of waves, Caitlin could not calm down.

Stillwater Prison is located in the north of the Pilt River. It is a giant prison built by Pi City on a small island with Chinese capital. Its purpose is to deter those who dare to commit crimes, both internally and externally.

As long as you enter this three-acre area of ​​​​Pi City, no matter where you come from, as long as you commit a crime, you will be locked up here.

The weather was quite sunny today. Breathing in the fresh air, Caitlin breathed a sigh of relief and sat down slowly.

The boat was traveling at a slow speed, and time passed slowly. Nearly an hour later, the famous Stillwater Prison appeared in Caitlin's eyes.

A huge prison made of steel and boulders stands on the island. Even in the clear day, it has a heavy, solemn and solemn atmosphere.

After about half an hour of driving, the boat slowly stopped at the shore.

Since it was a two-way trip, the captain had to wait here for Caitlin to come back.

After getting off the boat, Caitlin raised her head. Not far away was a towering staircase with at least a hundred steps.

There are two solemn statues standing on both sides of the stairs.

Caitlin climbed up step by step and came to the closed door. She said through the microphone on the door wall: "I am Caitlin, the law enforcement officer of Pi City. I applied to come here last night."

Not long after, there was a response from inside the door. With a "bang", the huge iron door slowly opened.

There were several unsmiling prison guards standing behind the door. One of them stepped forward and said, "Hello, Law Enforcement Officer Caitlin. The warden is free, so come with me."

To be honest, this is also Caitlin's first time in Stillwater Prison.

The light inside is a bit dim, and the overall color is mainly gray and white. It seems to be specially done to create a serious atmosphere.

Ten minutes later, following the prison guard who led the way, Caitlin successfully met the warden of Stillwater Prison.

He is tall, at least two meters tall, with a broad and strong build. Sitting on a high platform, he gives people a sense of oppression like a judge.

Caitlin directly explained her purpose: "I want to see a prisoner here, named Frank. He is tall, bald, and has tattoos on his face and arms."

The warden raised his eyes, took a look at the law enforcement officer in front of him, and replied in a calm tone: "I'm sorry, ma'am. You're a step late. I have an impression of the prisoner you mentioned, but he should still be lying on the hospital bed at this moment. Unconscious."

Caitlin was stunned and asked in confusion: "Why?"

"There were probably some disputes and a stab in the head. Anyway, he was beaten quite badly. If the prison guards hadn't stopped him in time, we would have considered how to dispose of his body."

The warden briefly described the situation last night.

Caitlin felt something was wrong and frowned slightly: "What is the specific dispute and why was he beaten so badly?"

"Who should I ask about this? That stabbing head often strikes, but this is the first time I've seen her beat someone so badly."

The warden replied without interest.

This kind of thing is very common here, after all, the guys who are imprisoned are not good people. It's impossible for him to ask everyone clearly.

Caitlin frowned and thought for a while, then raised her head and said, "Then I want to see this prickly head."

In any case, she couldn't come here in vain.

She had already investigated last night. The man named Frank was the leader of a downtown gang. He must know something that other subordinates did not know.

Now that he was beaten inexplicably, she could only meet the person who beat him.

Caitlin suspected that this might be a massacre!
  It is most likely that "C" did not want the news about himself to leak out, so he specially arranged this method.

"As you wish."

The warden agreed to Caitlin's request. After all, the two parties were in the same system, so there was no need to be embarrassed.

He gave the prison guard a look and asked him to lead the way.

Soon, Caitlin took the elevator in the prison and arrived directly at the floor of the solitary room.

Prisoners who have made mistakes will be imprisoned here, stay in a dark cell, and starve for three to seven days.

As the two doors of the elevator slowly opened, Caitlin put down the file bag in her hand. After reading it, she felt that she had more doubts.

In front of him was a dimly lit corridor, with only a light coming from the end. There seemed to be not many people in the confinement room on this floor.

She heard "whooshing" and "dong-dong" sounds, like someone punching the wall.

Walking to the door of the solitary cell, she saw the prisoner inside through the iron bars. He was wearing a prison uniform from Jingshui Prison, with the number "516" written on the back.

Judging from the figure, she was a woman. With every punch she made, a burst of dust flew up from the wall.

Sensing the person coming behind her, she finally stopped and turned her head to look sideways, with a fierce look in her sharp eyes.

She has short pink hair and looks like a capable tomboy, but with her delicate face it is not difficult to tell that she is a woman.

He was still very young, probably about the same age as himself, with a touch of coldness on his face.

The other party's eyes were examining her, and Caitlin said directly: "Your name is Wei, right? I looked at your file. There is no information on you, and you have no criminal record. Why are you here?"

Wei looked away and yawned sadly: "It's because I'm too optimistic."

Caitlin's eyes were a little colder: "What is your relationship with C?"

She suspected that the Wei in front of her was the person C placed in prison.

"C?" Wei tried to understand this sentence, walking back and forth in the confinement room, and said calmly: "The relationship between me and a symbol is probably that I know it, but it doesn't know me."

Caitlin frowned and said, "That's not what I'm referring to. C is a code name, a person's code name. Don't pretend to be stupid."

"Pretending to be stupid? Officer, although you do look naive, there is no need for me to pretend to be stupid just to play boring interrogation games with you."

Wei raised her eyes and glanced at Caitlin, and said indifferently: "I don't know who this C you are talking about has never heard of him. If you want to ask about him again, then please leave."

"I'm worried. Let's talk from the beginning."

Caitlin knew that she was a little confused when she mentioned C. She took a deep breath, calmed down and asked again: "You beat a person last night, and he was the one I wanted to see. I was investigating a case. , he is a possible insider. Now, tell me why you hit him?"

"Because I saw that he was unhappy, so I punched him." Wei smiled lightly, and when Caitlin looked disappointed, she added, "Of course, the deeper reason is that he and I have a long-standing grudge. I’ve been working here for so many years just so that when those guys come in, none of them can get out.”

Caitlin asked: "What is the specific grudge?"

Wei didn't show too much dissatisfaction with this almost interrogative attitude, because she happened to be short of someone to chat with, so she yawned and said.

"A bunch of old grudges, but to me, it's always a new grudge. Hilko, you should know that, right?"

"The industrialist?"

Caitlin thought for a moment.

This name is not unfamiliar to her. Although the other party is from Lower City, his business has reached Pi City. He has donated money to many places and can be said to be very famous. "Industrialist? He is quite good at beautifying himself. In fact, he has more blood on his hands than all of you in Picheng can count."

Wei mocked in a contemptuous tone, with a flash of hatred in his eyes, and his voice became colder, "It was him who ruined my family."

Caitlin didn't expect to hear such a secret. She frowned slightly, thought about it in her mind, and said, "What is the relationship between Frank and him?"

"Of course he is his hard worker."

Wei chuckled, "He has a lot of hard-working men. If he catches two today, there will be new ones tomorrow."

Caitlin lowered her head at this time and muttered to herself: "In other words, this Hilko may be related to C?"

If it is as Wei said, with Hilko's methods, it is very likely that he and C are in partnership.

It's even possible that Hilko is the C!

On the surface, he is an industrialist, but behind the scenes, he is a very vicious guy who accuses murderers and pays for his life.

Caitlin now knew who she should investigate next.

She came back from her thoughts and looked up at Wei in front of her: "What else do you know about Hilko?"

At this time, Wei curled her lips and said, "You find a way to get me out, and I will tell you everything I know."

Caitlin looked at her: "You have no right to negotiate terms with me."

"Then my answer is I don't know." Wei yawned and leaned against the wall, "Although you can go to check with Silko, but with his methods, you will definitely wash yourself in vain. There is a high probability that you will know everything. I can’t find it, policewoman, how should you deal with a famous industrialist?”

Caitlin analyzed the situation she mentioned and felt that it was very likely to be the case.

If you want to investigate this matter by yourself.

Of course, she can choose to talk to her parents about this matter and use more resources to investigate.

However, she couldn't.

What my parents experienced back then was a nightmare, which dealt a huge blow to them. She doesn't want her parents to recall this nightmare until the truth comes out.

ten minutes later.

Caitlin stood in front of the warden again. This time she did not hesitate and said directly: "I want to take prisoner No. 516 away."

The warden still had the same indifferent expression and said without raising his head: "The approval password from the Piltover Law Enforcement Department?"

Caitlin shook her head: "No."

The warden continued to ask: "Judge Piltover's order?"

Caitlin continued to shake her head: "No."

The warden asked again: "The pardon issued by Congressman Piltover?"


Caitlin still shook her head, knowing that this matter was indeed difficult to handle, but she suddenly had an idea and asked tentatively: "Is the prince's oral instruction okay?"

Warden: "."

He glanced at the young law enforcement officer in front of him with a rather speechless look.

If you really have such a thing, can you take it out as soon as possible?
  Why am I still talking nonsense to you here?

Nowadays, who doesn't know that the prince of Demacia lives in Pi City, and his status is even higher than that of a council member.

In addition, as the warden, he already knew that the Piltover Council was preparing to form an alliance with Demacia.

Therefore, the identity of that person has more say.

If he wanted to release a prisoner from this small prison, wouldn't it be just a matter of touching his upper lip to his lower lip and saying a casual word.

But the question is, do you really have one?

The warden looked at the law enforcement officer in front of him with some suspicion. He didn't know Caitlin's identity, he only knew that she was a person in the system.

"Wait a mininute."

So, Caitlin neatly took out the secret key from her pocket, opened it skillfully and gave it to Lu Qi.

Not long after, Lu Qi answered the call. In the picture, he was lying on a chair on the rooftop and basking in the sun.

When the warden saw the scene in front of him, he was so calm that his jaw almost dropped, and he wondered if he had seen it wrong.

Is this some kind of magic trick?

Or is it some new technology from Piltover?

But the person in the picture did indeed look like the prince of Demacia, whom he had met once before.

"What is it?"

Lu Qi yawned, and a lazy voice came from the screen.

Caitlin leaned closer to the video and whispered: "To put it simply, I want His Highness to say a word to release a prisoner."

In the video, Lu Qi was speechless for a moment: "What you said is too simple."

How much process needs to be saved?

But he thought about it for a moment and roughly figured out what was going on, so he said, "Okay, point the camera."

"Okay." Caitlin felt happy and immediately pointed the screen at the warden.

As soon as he saw Lu Qi's gaze in the picture, the warden's tall body straightened up in an instant.

He immediately bowed and saluted: "This is the first time we meet, Your Royal Highness, hello. I am the warden of Jingshui Prison, Hank."

"This is our first meeting, Warden Hank." Lu Qi sat up and showed a classic smile like social etiquette. "Can you give me a face and release the prisoner she mentioned?"

"Of course it's no problem." The warden responded immediately. He did not doubt that the Lu Qi in the picture was fake.

I just think that this should be a novel magic or technology, and I must learn more about it when I have time.

"sorry to bother you."

Lu Qi smiled again and then hung up the phone.

As the screen disappeared, Hank felt the tense atmosphere disappear. After heaving a sigh of relief, he looked at the young law enforcement officer in front of him and said, "Just take prisoner No. 516 away."


Caitlin bowed politely, but she felt happy in her heart.

Although her parents were of high status, this was the first time she felt that someone above her was so comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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