LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 385 It’s like being taught by a master

Chapter 385 It’s like being taught by a master

Over the years, Jinx is far more familiar with Zaun's roads than Vi.

Moreover, the difference between the two is that she knows where Hilko is.

In order to meet Silko before Vi, Jinx quickly returned to Zaun, and then went all the way to Silko's office.


After opening the door, Jinx saw that only Severka was sitting in the room with a sullen face.

Seeing her, Sevika immediately stood up, walked over with an unfriendly expression, and stared at her fiercely: "You still have the nerve to come back? What did you do to Hilko? I knew he took you in in the first place. Worst decision ever!"

Now that Hilko has not been found, her first suspicion is Wei, because Wei happened to be back today.

Then there’s Jinx.

Vi is her biological sister, Sevika knows this best, and the blue-haired girl has never forgotten it.

Maybe she was the one who told Vi about Hilko’s location!

Jinx looked puzzled at Seweka's question. She asked, "What did I do? What happened?"

Servica reached out and grabbed Jinx's collar, and said coldly: "Are you still pretending to be stupid? What have you done uptown without telling us for so long? I don't believe you don't know about Wei's return. .”

Jinx felt confused about her inexplicable anger, but she also felt something was wrong.

She said: "I only found out about this today. I came back this time just to ask Hilko why he said Wei was dead in the first place."

"You want to ask why he lied to you, right?" Sevika sneered, "If Hilko knew that Wei was not dead, do you think she could still be alive today?"

"So what happened?" Jinx was still puzzled. She looked at the anger in Sevika's eyes, "I did go to the upper city without telling you these days, but I didn't mean not to tell. I have."

"what do you have?"

Sevika stared at her coldly, interrupted her, and then let go of her hand, "To put it bluntly, you only care about yourself. You have been like this since you were a child. You have never understood the contributions of others."

She could tell that Jinx wasn't pretending to be stupid, she didn't know anything about this.

This is also the ironclad proof that she is indifferent to this side.

Jinx was a little confused at the moment, but there was also some anger in her heart.

She didn't want to be said like this by Sevika.

Looking at her, Sevika said coldly: "Silko has been missing since the afternoon. You know he is not someone who disappears mysteriously. Now that Wei is back, it must be her."

"It's definitely not Vi." Jinx blurted out, suppressing the anger in her heart. Looking at Severka's eyes, she explained, "Vi was coming to find Hilko, so I came back early. Hilko is missing. Already? How is that possible?"

It was only then that she realized what Sevika had said, and her heart skipped a beat.

Hilko is missing?

No wonder she felt something was wrong from just now. How could Hilko not be here at this time?

And he hasn't come out to see him yet.

"Why is it impossible? I'm afraid you are feeling happy now. Once Hilko disappears, no one will disturb your reunion with your biological sister."

Sevika smiled sarcastically and stared at her indifferently, "Do you want to know why he disappeared? Yes, it was because of you."

Jinx was stunned for a moment.

Severka walked to the desk at this time, opened the drawer, pulled out a few tickets from it, and threw them on the table: "Does it look familiar?"

Jinx recognized it at a glance. It was the ticket for Gaon Alem's concert.

There were four desks in Hilko's desk. She suddenly understood something.

"When you thought you were having fun with those people from the city without telling us, Hilko already knew about you. This is what I can't understand about him the most."

"Obviously knowing that you deliberately hid it from him, he still went to every performance, in places you didn't know about."

Sevika looked at the tickets on the table and felt a little ridiculous.

And when her words fell, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Jinx's heart. She felt pain starting to spread throughout her body.

Hilko actually came to every one of her performances?

"Why didn't he say anything?"

Jinx leaned against the wall and asked in confusion.

Sevika said coldly: "Ask him. Oh, you don't have the chance to ask now."

Jinx's breathing quickened slightly, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she didn't know why.

She looked at Sevika: "Have you ever looked for him?"

"Believe me, I care about him more than you." Sevika still said in a calm tone, "Two hours after he disappeared, I sent people to look for him, but nothing was found."

She also searched for places that Hilko often visited, but found no clues at all.

What is certain is that Hilko must have suffered something, and his death is uncertain now.

But she didn't have a clue, she didn't even know where to look for it.

Jinx lowered her head, her eyes flickering unsteadily, obviously she realized this.

On the streets of Zaun.

Zaun can also be called the city that never sleeps, because this city avoids sunlight all year round and has no distinction between day and night.

So the people here are also like this.

To them, day is night and night is day.

This steel city operates 24 hours a day without interruption.

Even though it was already the time when many people in the upper city were falling asleep, you could still see a lot of movement on the streets of Zaun, with people coming and going just like ordinary people.

"Where are you going to find Hilko?"

Caitlin asked aloud as she followed Vi.

"I have a few friends who, if they still know me, should be able to give me some clues."

Wei put her hands in her pockets and replied.

She didn't talk to Bao Bao about Hilko, so she had to find Hilko by herself tonight.

Right now, she was going to meet some acquaintances from Zaun.

However, next she and Caitlin went to the fish shop on Wonka Street, Gulan's style shop, and Fulgan's Tavern, which was the pub that Fander once opened.

Acquaintances did see some, but not many useful clues were obtained.

The reason is that these acquaintances rarely have access to Hilko.

In this way, Vi and Caitlin walked in a back alley with few people, thinking about where to go next.

Caitlin followed quietly and did not rush.

Wei Yuan knew Xiacheng better than she did. If even Wei couldn't find any useful clues, then her visit would be in vain.

At this moment, she noticed something, reached out and tugged on Wei's clothes, her expression became alert.

Wei raised her head and quickly noticed something was wrong, and also became alert.

There was a pale white mist lingering in the back alley, but when the two of them weren't paying attention, many people had already appeared around them.

Gradually the two people were surrounded in the middle.

They were in a group at first, and when they got closer, they could see that each of them had a mask on their face, and they were all dressed up in mysterious ways.

Wei didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, so she subconsciously took a step forward, protecting Caitlin from behind, and said coldly: "You pretenders, who are you?"

"Wildfire Gang, have you heard of this name?"

Among the group of people, a man wearing a white mask walked out slowly. He was holding a flywheel around his waist, and his clothes were painted with various strange patterns. The voice came through the mask, cold and low.

"Wildfire Gang?" Wei thought for a while and said without fear, "It sounds like a low-class gang. What kind of group of people only dare to hide their faces behind masks?" The masked man was not angry and said with a faint smile: "It seems that your ability to make fun of others is not inferior. How many of us do you think you can bring down? Wei."

"You can call me by my name, it seems you know me." Wei thought about acquaintances who fit the characteristics of the masked man in front of her, and then smiled confidently, "I don't know how many of you can take down, why don't you come? Try it?"

As soon as the words fell, the group of people took another step forward, as if they were watching with eager eyes.

Caitlin had her hand on her gun, ready to draw it.

"Well, let me fight you twice. If you are as good as you say, I will let you go."

The masked man raised his hand to signal his men to step back. He put down the flywheel and raised his hand provocatively towards Wei.

"Don't let me knock you down with one move."

Wei stepped forward without hesitation and punched out, making a "whoosh" sound.

The masked man turned his head to avoid the punch, and kicked him out. Wei raised his hand to block it, and then hit him with another backhand punch.

He also raised his hand to stop him, swaying flexibly from side to side, finding the right moment to throw out a punch.

Wei, on the other hand, dodged and hit back unceremoniously.

Caitlin discovered a detail. The two people's boxing skills were somewhat similar, and their body skills were also the same.

It's like being taught by a master.

In just a few seconds, they had each thrown several punches, and for a while it seemed difficult to tell the difference.

"It seems that there has been some progress, then I will take action."

At this moment, Wei twitched the corner of her mouth, suddenly moved faster, lowered her waist, and an afterimage seemed to appear.


The punching wind suddenly blew up, and in an instant, the fist was almost hitting the masked man's face. But it seemed to be empty, and it passed by his cheek.

Then he kicked to the side, and the force was so strong that the masked man who hit him took two steps back.

And what he had to face in the next second was Wei's seamless uppercut.

Seeing this punch, there seemed to be no room to dodge. However, the next second, Wei's fist only knocked the mask away.

Looking at the familiar face under the mask, she smiled: "It is indeed you, little one. You have become so awesome that even I dare to block you."

She put her hand on the little one's head and rubbed it politely.

Ike felt a little nostalgic and a little strange about this, but more importantly, he was a little embarrassed that so many people were watching.

He took a step back, avoided Wei's hand, and said in a cold voice: "Don't try to get close, are we familiar?"

"It's me, Vi!"

Wei took a step forward, opened her hands, and gave Ike a big hug. Regardless of his resistance, she said happily: "I really miss you after so many years."

Perhaps this sentence broke down the last line of defense in Ike's heart. He no longer resisted, and his eyes became moist for a moment.

In all these years, he never thought that one day he would be able to see Wei again.

Wei let go of her arms and looked at Ike with a smile: "Did you remember me?"

Ekko looked at her face and said, blaming or complaining: "They all said you were dead, and I thought so too. In the years since you were gone, many things in Zaan have changed, and I am the only one left. .I went to many places to look for you, where have you been all these years?"

At this moment, he didn't seem to be the majestic leader of the Wildfire Gang.

But a helpless, lonely child with a lot to complain about.

After all these years, to reach this point, it is hard to imagine how much he has endured alone.

Looking at him, Wei's eyes showed distress and apology. She said lowly: "I'm sorry, I never thought of leaving you. But..."

"I believe you."

Ike didn't let her continue.

Because the Wei he knew would never abandon his companions.

He also saw from just now that Wei has not changed in all these years.

"We will have a big move tonight, come with us first."

At this time, Ike picked up the flywheel from the ground, started it and jumped on it directly, saying: "Ailan, Karna, you take them with you."

After the words fell, two muscular masked women appeared on flywheels from among the members of the Wildfire Gang.

Caitlin looked at their body shapes and was wondering: "How to bring them?"

The next second, she was picked up from the waist and put on her shoulders. A feeling of weightlessness suddenly came over her body, and she almost screamed.

Looking at Wei, the situation is similar.

Wei didn't mind this at all.

Caitlin felt something was wrong. This way of leading people was too weird, wasn't it?

At least the speed of the flywheel is considerable. The flywheel is a skateboard that can fly in the air.

By the way, this genius design came from Ike, who used his special understanding of Zaun technology to develop the flywheel.

Not only does it have a tracking function, but its performance is also very stable. The energy source uses a low-quality energy crystal, which is much inferior to the Hex Crystal in Piltover, but it is enough for the Wildfire Gang.

This is why so far, only the Wildfire Gang has flywheel technology.


Feeling her body flying in the air, Wei couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Caitlin's feeling was also quite novel. Although the posture of being carried on her shoulders was not very good, it felt like flying across the sky.

Thinking about it carefully, she also saw the Wildfire Gang at the dock that day.

But he didn't notice the flywheel used by the Wildfire Gang.

I didn’t expect Zu An to have such a powerful invention.

After only a brief acquaintance, Caitlin discovered that there seemed to be many places in this city that were different from what she thought.

With the flywheel on their way, Ike and the Wildfire Gang took Vi and Caitlin and quickly returned to the secret base.

Their base is very hidden, and you can't find it if you don't remember the route.

At this time, the base was still brightly lit even at night. In addition to the Wildfire Gang, Wei saw that there were many Zaan people living here without worrying about the world.

"After so many years, Zaun has become less and less welcoming to ordinary people."

Ike jumped off the flywheel, put it away smoothly, and said while leading the way, "People with slightly inferior abilities and background will suffer discrimination, injustice and even abuse. In the end, they have to give up the right to survive in Zaun. Ann is occupied by more and more people who are motivated by interests."

"And here I am basically the former. We don't want to leave our common home, so we sincerely want to change this environment in Zaun."

When Ike said this, the flashing light in his eyes was very firm.

Wei was behind, sighing happily: "You have really grown up, little one."

"Stop calling me by my nickname. Now call me Ike."

Ike turned his head and glanced at Wei dissatisfied. He was now the boss of this base.

It's very embarrassing to be called a kid in front of so many people.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, little one." Wei smiled and looked around carelessly, "Speaking of which, little one, did you handle all this by yourself?"

Ike: "."

Based on his understanding of Wei, it turns out that this guy has not changed at all after so many years!

Whatever she believes in will never change.

I'm afraid it's going to be a little difficult to get this guy to stop calling him a little boy in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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