Chapter 387 Chaos!

As the situation reversed, all members of the Wildfire Gang began to withdraw.

Caitlin frowned while running. She had already begun to think about whether to report the matter to the law enforcement officer when she returned.

The more she comes into contact with Zaun, the more she realizes that the city is not as backward as she thought.

This place is also full of fantastic ideas, but unlike Pi City, it is even more dangerous!

The current crisis has already illustrated this, leaving aside the gang fights.

If the mysterious "C" is among this group of forces, he has secretly gathered so many gangs in an attempt to control the power of Zaun.

And this person showed his ambition for Pi City Technology many years ago.

This alone is the reason why law enforcement officers have to intervene!

The situation is starting to look bad now. Although Ike and other members of the Wildfire Gang can come and go freely with their postures.

But in order to cover the retreat of others, they were also tied up.

The enemy obviously didn't want to let them leave like this. After all, they had a huge advantage in numbers. As the firepower of the counterattack increased, the scene became chaotic.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the sound of bullets being fired resounded, like a moving train, churning towards them.

These bullets fell densely, unleashing frightening firepower and directly blocking the pursuit of Carroll's men.

All eyes looked towards the place where the bullet was fired at the same time, and saw a slender figure standing there high up.

What he held in his hand was a Gatling gun. The muzzle of the gun was constantly rotating and smoke was emitting.

"Bang bang?!"

Vi looked at her and exclaimed.

And Ike also narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next second, another figure appeared behind Jinx, and it was Seveka with a cold face.

"Is Hilko kidnapped here? Everyone, come on!"

Her eyes swept across Carol's men, and as she spoke, she raised the long blade in her hand and shouted an order.

The next second, a large number of figures rushed out and killed Carol's men.

Once again the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

During the chaos, Wei approached Jinx and asked in confusion: "Why are you here?"

"Of course I followed you."

Jinx glanced at her and fired at the enemy with the machine gun in her hand, her eyes shining with excitement.

It’s been a long time since I released my bullet, it feels really good!

However, this also made Wei feel a little strange. At this moment, she finally realized that although Bao Bao was still her, she was no longer the Bao Bao she was a few years ago.

A lot of things have changed, and so has she.

Wei remembered what Bao Bao said when he saw her.

But soon, it was forgotten.

No matter how she changes, she will always be his sister, and that's enough!

"Kill in!"

Sevika swung her long blade with superior combat power and rushed towards the lower level of the base.

At this time, Jinx saw Ike and couldn't help but said: "Ike? You."

"Come on, I'm not familiar with you."

Ike just glanced at Jinx coldly and drove away on the flywheel.

Jinx was a little put off by his indifferent attitude. She lowered her head slightly, remembering that she had indeed not seen Ike for many years.

"That's the way he is. He's actually still the same little kid."

Wei ran over and whispered something at this time, and then chased after Sevika.

She is not stupid and knows what is going on now.

Apparently Bakubao saw Seweka before her, discovered them, and followed them all the way.

Although the purpose is different, the goal is the same.

That's Hilko!

At the moment, it has to be said that the manpower brought by Sevika has eased their crisis.

The current scene has completely turned into a fight between big gangs, but the advantage is back to Wei's side.

A group of people headed towards the lower level of the base.

Soon, Carol also learned the news.

"Sevika brought people to fight. She must know that Hilko is here."

Dames said to Carroll, "Our people are fighting with their people now."

"It seems that these guests are determined to come and disturb us." Carol thought for a moment with a calm expression and said, "Then we might as well let them in and solve all this problems neatly tonight."

He stood up and prepared to greet tonight's guests.

This underground base was actually built based on the excavations back then, because the people of Wazuan opened up this site in order to mine minerals in the mountains.

Later, the outside collapsed, causing the inside to be buried.

But now, they dug in again, and the huge space inside can be used directly.

It is not difficult to see that the surrounding walls are like mountain walls, but the space is indeed not small. A second layer of structure has been built inside, with numerous steel shelves, like a factory.

A few minutes later, Sevika and others arrived here first.

At a glance, he saw Carol in formal attire in front of him, and Dames at his side.

She looked coldly: "Dams, you're not dead?"

Dames smiled lightly and said, "Are you surprised to see me?"

"Where is Hilko?"

Sevika was too lazy to talk nonsense and asked directly.

She clearly had a numerical advantage at the moment, with dozens of people standing behind her, each holding a weapon.

On Damus' side, there were only a dozen people, all wearing cloaks and dressed very mysteriously.

At this moment, Vi, Ike, Jinx, Caitlin and others also chased after them, as well as a dozen members of the Wildfire Gang on flywheels.

Seeing this, Carroll smiled slightly and said: "It seems that all the guests tonight are here."

"Who are you? Where is Hilko?"

Wei looked at Carol's unfamiliar face, and she had no impression that there was no such person in Zaun. She also asked about Hilko's whereabouts.

"Hilko is indeed a romantic figure. He can attract so many people to the scene."

Carroll still had an unhurried attitude and said calmly: "But now is not the time for him to appear. Isn't it a little impolite for you to break into my house without my permission? "

"Stop talking nonsense! Let me ask you where Hilko is!"

Sevika couldn't stand it anymore. She shouted coldly, raised her knife and rushed forward.

Before the battle began, she had already injected a dose of shimmering potion, and her current speed could be said to be very fast.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Carol, and the long blade with the red light in his left hand slashed involuntarily.


However, the next second, a crisp sound came out.

Carroll stood there with a calm expression, and from behind him, a long knife blocked in front of him.

Then he flicked it hard and bounced Sevika away. Sevika took two steps back, her face changed slightly, and she stared at the cloaked man in front of her.

I saw the man slowly walking out, taking off his cloak, revealing a cold face with tattoos on his face.

Those who are familiar with it can recognize that the tattoos are prison marks, which seem to come from Noxus.

This person is probably from Noxus.

"Play with her."

Carol ordered calmly.

The man nodded and rushed towards Seweka with his knife, quickly slashing it down with the long knife in his hand.

Severka fell into a passive situation for a moment and could only block and retreat continuously.

At this time, the men brought by Severka also began to rush forward.

Carol waved his hand, and five more cloaked men suddenly appeared from behind, holding various weapons and rushing towards dozens of people without fear.

During the charge, their cloaks fell off, revealing faces with the same prison mark.

"These men of mine are all the best from the Noxian gladiatorial arena. Hospitality is one of their characteristics, and I think they are happy to play with you."

Carol introduced with a smile on his face.

In Noxus, there is a cruel competitive battle, which is the arena battle.

There are those who participate in the arena voluntarily and those who are forced, but without exception, they must be strong.

Because the weak ones couldn't even enter the preliminaries and died on the spot.

In the competition in this arena, the longer one survives to the end, the stronger he will be.

Xin Zhao, the current German steward, was originally an Ionian captured by Noxus. He relied on his extraordinary strength to gain a foothold in the gladiatorial arena.

Later, he was rescued by the attacking Demacia army and left this cruel place.

These people are the best in the arena and have proven their strength.

At this moment, Sevika was suppressed, and those five people actually blocked the attack of dozens of people, and their disadvantage was not obvious at all.

Sevika gritted her teeth and immediately pressed the button to inject another dose of shimmer into her body.

Today's injection volume has exceeded the standard, but at this moment, she has no choice.

As purple light emerged from her eyes, she felt unparalleled power begin to surge up, and she immediately began to fight back.

The man with the long knife was forced to retreat step by step, so he found the right moment and pulled away.

He took out a syringe from his pocket, pricked it into his body without hesitation, and then injected the liquid inside into his body.

Like Seveka, his veins began to appear purple, and a purple light appeared in his eyes.

Sevika was startled, and she obviously recognized it. The man's injection was also shimmering!

"Now we are equal." The man grinned and rushed forward with the knife again.

His knife was faster and more powerful. Servica, who was also injected with shimmer, seemed no match and struggled to resist.

"It's just right with them dragging us along. Let's get on."

Ike thinks this is a good opportunity. There are only six or seven people left on Carroll's side. So he stepped on the flywheel and rushed forward, followed by a group of Wildfire Gang members.

Wei also walked out quickly without hesitation.

She could tell that Carol's men had a complicated background. Although the enemies of enemies could not be considered friends now, at least their and Sevika's goal was to find Hilko.

Therefore, the third-party forces like Carroll must be dealt with first.

They will resolve the remaining grievances individually.

And it seems that Sevika's side won't last long. If they are dealt with, it will be their turn.

Carol waved his hand, and five more people rushed out from behind, lifted their cloaks, and attacked Ike and others who were flying towards them.

Their movements are very neat and they work well with each other. And in order to deal with the Flywheel of the Wildfire Gang, they seemed to be well prepared.

They throw out something like a rope. Once it hooks the flywheel, it can be pulled off directly with a strong tug.

Surprisingly, the flexible flywheel failed to dodge.

In just the first round, three members of the Wildfire Gang who were riding flywheels fell to the ground.

Ike's proficiency was very high. He dodged quickly. He could no longer stare at Carol and decided to deal with the enemy in front of him first.

These people are indeed not simple. With them around, it is difficult to get close to Carroll.

Wei also came quickly at this time, found the right person, and punched out.

Her fists were not to be underestimated, and the man pulled away to dodge and fight back.

But Wei instantly showed strong suppressive power, forcing him to retreat step by step, and was punched three times in a row.

"It seems that you have been practicing a lot of boxing in prison." Carroll looked at Wei, smiled lightly and said: "It happens that my men have few opponents, so why don't you try a few tricks."

After he finished speaking, a tall cloaked man standing behind him stepped forward.

This guy is at least over two meters tall. Standing there, he gives people the feeling of a giant, and his body shape is also very majestic.

As he took off his cloak, what was revealed was not a human face, but a shark face, with sharp horns on the top of the head, no nose, only two nostrils, the face protruded forward, and the eyes were on the sides.

And there is an obvious scar on this face.

His whole body is like shark skin, but you can see huge muscles, which are also covered with scars, and you can also see the gills on both sides of the body near the shoulders.

This is obviously a fish-men tribe from the water.

There are various ethnic groups in Runeterra, and humans are not the only masters of this continent.

There are many other races, such as the Tauren Tribe, the Lizard Tribe, the Troll Tribe, and the Murloc Tribe in front of you.

Piltover and Zaun are located in the center of Runeterra, housing a rich variety of races from all over the world, and naturally the murlocs are not uncommon either.

Wei noticed the big man in front of her. She spat to the left and looked at him with fighting intent in her eyes.

The shark man twisted his body, making a "crunching" sound, and then clenched his fist. There was something like a fin on the back of his fist. He grinned, revealing a mouth full of white and sharp teeth.

“Size and appearance don’t tell the whole story.”

Wei Yan stepped forward without any fear, assuming a standard fighting posture, and at the same time he was extremely serious.

She knew that the opponent she met this time was anything but ordinary.

Caitlin raised her gun behind her, aiming the gun at the Shark Man, ready to replenish Vi's gun at any time.

At this moment, her keen intuition and observation skills discovered another gunman hiding in the shadows. She immediately became alert, pointed the gun, and without any hesitation, directly pulled the trigger!


Both sides fired at the same time, and as the gunfire flickered, they started moving at the same time.

The bullets all flew past where the other person was just now. They each found a bunker and were wary of each other.

And this shot also became the signal for the boxing fight.

Wei stepped forward quickly, dodging left and right.

The shark man stood there and punched out with his right fist. Wei sidestepped and punched the shark man in the abdomen.

However, the shark man just took a step back, still grinning, and struck with his left fist from the side.

Vi immediately retreated to dodge, and punched again, hitting again.

However, the shark man who took two punches from her seemed not to be affected in any way. Looking at Wei who immediately pulled away, he stood there unmoved.

Wei's eyes were slightly focused at this time, looking at the enemy in front of him, knowing that this time might be very difficult. She repositioned her boxing stance, blocking out everything around her except for the enemy in front of her, and entered an extremely serious state.

Since one punch can't knock him down, then ten punches or a hundred punches!

At this time, the shark man finally made a move. He began to swing his body and also made a boxing posture. The smile on his face announced that he was about to get serious!

(End of this chapter)

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