LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 396 Missing clues

Chapter 396 Missing clues

In the vast city of Zaun, it is actually not difficult to find people who fit the characteristics from all the gangs.

After all, there is a certain understanding between gangs and gangs, not to mention knowing the basics.

Everyone knows which gang is more powerful, what personality, temper, and what kind of things they will do.

From what Caitlin detected based on the first scene, the murderer and the victim met for the first time in a gray alley.

The victim named Duck fired three shots first and successfully hit, so some blood stains were left on the ground.

In other words, after finding people who match the characteristics, you need to check whether there are wounds on their bodies.

In this way, a whole day passed, but the final result was not very ideal.

"Are you sure the murderer was shot?"

The two of them were sitting behind the wine table to rest, and Wei asked aloud.

"It can only be assumed from the circumstances that this is the case. Unless he shot himself, these three bullets must have hit the target."

Caitlin said firmly, "I grew up handling guns, that's why I'm so sure."

Wei nodded as she listened, lost in thought.

She naturally believed Caitlin, which meant that the murderer must have gunshot wounds.

However, the people found today were basically uninjured, and those who had any injuries were not gunshot wounds.

Moreover, the gang leaders behind these people, after understanding the situation, repeatedly assured her that they were definitely not the ones behind the scenes.

Seeing her thinking, Caitlin speculated: "In other words, the person who did it may not be a gang member."

Wei couldn't help but sigh when he heard this: "In this case, trying to find the murderer is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

If it wasn't some gang that took action, but the self-employed, the situation would be very difficult to handle.

After all, Zaun is also a large city that accommodates people from all over the world, and there are new faces every day. To find a murderer in such a city is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Of course there is another possibility.

That is, there is a force lurking secretly, like Carroll last time.

There are too many ambitious people, and there are too many people who are hiding quietly. It is really difficult to guess who of them will do anything.

"Anyway, thank you for your help today."

Wei sighed again, raised her hand and scratched her hair, "Let's talk about the rest tomorrow. What happened today was quite a big deal, and I believe I can give those people a warning."

Now everyone in Zu'an's gang knows that she is looking for an old Yinbi, which will make the people behind the scenes more fearful.

"Yeah." Caitlin nodded, and she opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

But in the end she couldn't say it out, because judging from the traces she observed at the scene today, she always felt that something was wrong.

But what exactly is wrong seems to be stuck in my throat and I can't tell.

"Come on, I'll take you back."

Vi stood up, stretched her waist, and prepared to send Caitlin back to the city.

By the way, we can also go to the Prince's place for a meal.

Thinking about it this way, her mood improved a lot.

Death is a common occurrence for Zu An.

It can even be used as a conversation piece after dinner.

"Did you hear about what happened to the Gray Nails Gang and the Hanrat Gang today?"

"Of course. I heard that four people died and not even their bodies were found."

"I even went to the scene and took a look. The blood on the ground was still there, although it had dried."

"Has the murderer been found?"

"No, that guy Wei has been looking for him all day."

"She just became famous and this happened. Could someone be messing with her?"

"I don't know that."

Two casual gang members were sitting on boxes on the street talking.

At this time, a figure appeared behind them and said coldly: "Have you finished the work I told you?"

The two hurriedly turned back, and one of them sneered: "Boss, we are about to do it, why don't we take a break?"

The man still said with a cold face: "When you have rested enough, hurry up and set off."

"Yes Yes."

The two people responded quickly and rushed towards one place.

When they were farther away, they started talking quietly.

"Isn't it just that some parts have been modified? What's so cool about it?"

"Stop talking, be careful if he hears you."

"So what if you hear it? I'm telling the truth. Who doesn't know that Fandi was also a little Karami back then? He just transformed his body by himself. I heard that he made money for transforming his body."

"Shh, okay, just say a few words."

"No, I insist on saying that. I heard that the money for his body modification was obtained by robbing a rich family. As the saying goes, if you rob wealth, you don't rob your life. He robbed his wealth, but he didn't even spare his life."

"It is true that such people will be punished sooner or later."

The two of them chatted quietly all the way away.

On the other side, the little boss named Fan Di walked into an alley with a stern expression.

There was a thin mist floating around, no one could be seen, and the only sound in the empty alley was his footsteps.

Suddenly, on the road ahead, a pair of red eyes suddenly lit up, shining with a strange light, accompanied by a beast-like breathing sound.

Fan Di stopped and became alert. He asked coldly: "Who is it?"

The figure didn't answer, but just moved forward. When he walked out of the fog, Fan Di's pupils narrowed and he immediately took out his weapon.

However, the next second, the human-like wolf-like monster had quickly rushed in front of him, with a ferocious face, and raised its sharp claws to swing down.

Van Di raised his modified right arm to block it, but the next second, his weapon was knocked away and his right arm was torn off.

Then the whole person was thrown to the ground, facing the monster-like face.

Seeing the humanity flashing in his eyes, Fandi asked in horror and despair: "Who sent you here? Why did you kill me?"

"Because I smell the smell of blood on you"

The werewolf's scarlet eyes stared at Fan Di, and his voice was like a ghost demanding life.

He didn't know whether he was a human or a ghost, but that didn't matter.

The important thing is that he still has the ability to hunt down those who commit crimes.

And, Singed!

"Where is Singed?"

As the hatred surged, Warwick's medicine pump began to inject anger. He tried his best to resist the consciousness that was about to lose control, and asked hoarsely.

Fan Di felt the werewolf's claws pressing on his body, and the force became stronger and stronger. He shook his head in fear and said, "I don't know. Who is Singed? Who is this guy?"

However, what answered him was a pair of crimson eyes that had fallen into madness.

The next day.

Wei was awakened by a loud knocking on the door.

After getting dressed, she immediately went to open the door.

The person who knocked on the door was Amway. He said with a solemn face: "Four more people disappeared yesterday. One of them is the small leader of the Black Dog Gang, and the other three are from other gangs."

Upon hearing this, Wei suddenly woke up, her expression changed, she put on her gloves and went out immediately.

Unexpectedly, one night passed and four more people disappeared.

And this one who is missing is most likely dead.

Not long after she went out, she met Caitlin who came alone.

Seeing Queen Wei, Caitlin said: "I feel like what happened yesterday is not over yet, so I got up early and came here today."

When Wei saw her, he didn't have time to say hello. He nodded and said, "Your intuition is right. Four people disappeared last night. I'm on my way to the scene now."

Hearing this, Caitlin's eyes narrowed slightly.

Several people quickly arrived at one of the scenes. The missing person here is Fandi, a small leader of the Black Dog Gang.

Wei also knew this person. Before she went to prison, Fandi was just a gangster under the Black Dog Gang, and his strength was not very good.

After she came back, Vandy had become a small boss.

It is said that he has undergone physical transformation and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

At the scene, in addition to the members of the Black Dog Gang, there was also Quentin, the leader of the Black Dog Gang. Next to him was a exhausted black dog, lying listlessly on the ground.

The Black Dog Gang is famous for raising black dogs, but usually only those at the level of the small boss or above can raise them.

When Quentin saw Queen Wei, he said directly: "Fandi is probably dead. I didn't move at the scene. You go and have a look."

Wei noticed the listless black dog next to her and asked, "Didn't you let him find out who did it?"

"I gave in. Tom is famous for his good nose. But today he turned around and became like this."

Quentin also said a little strangely.

Caitlin took a look and said, "It seems a bit timid."

Seeing the looks from Wei, Quentin and some people around.

She explained: "In the wild, many beasts rely on scent to identify targets. Some weak beasts smell the scent of powerful beasts, and are either frightened to the point of being unable to walk, or turn around and run away."

She has many years of experience in wild hunting, so she has a certain understanding of this aspect.

She found that the black dog looked like it was frightened.

Scared by the "murderer" smell?

This made Caitlin feel a little strange, and she couldn't help but think about it.

After hearing the explanation, the people nearby were also a little stunned.

Quentin said in surprise: "Tom is usually fearless. He even dares to bite me. How can he be so frightened by a smell now?"

"Maybe it's strange. Let me take a look at the scene first."

Caitlin didn't know what to say, so she walked towards the scene.

What is more conspicuous here is a broken mechanical arm. Judging from the traces on the interface, it looks like it has been torn off.

There was also a large pool of blood on the ground, indicating that the deceased might have died miserably.

In the end, the body should have been taken away. After the blood stains reached one place, they disappeared, making it difficult to trace.

Judging from the techniques, it can be determined that the murderer is the same person.

"Two of my boys met Fan Di last night, about one or two o'clock. Fan Di was fine when they left."

Quentin said at this time.

Wei looked at the two younger brothers and asked, "Have you seen anyone suspicious?"

The two younger brothers were also a little panicked. Unexpectedly, Fan Di died just after they finished talking last night.

"We don't know anything."

"Vandy told us to do things and we left."

"I didn't see any suspicious people around, and I didn't even hear the sound of fighting."

The two of them briefly talked about last night's situation in one sentence.

They also don’t have much useful information to offer.

After Caitlin listened, she asked: "Where did you separate from Vandy last night?"

Hearing this, one of the boys said: "It's just two alleys away, not too far away."

"That means Fandi may have met the murderer after being separated from you."

Caitlin glanced at the scene and said analytically, "He showed no signs of lingering in the alley. How strong is this person?"

Quentin thought for a while and said: "So-so, he has modified his arm and it is a little stronger than a normal person."

"Judging from the scene, he collapsed with little resistance."

Caitlin frowned slightly, and then she and Wei went to the following three sites to investigate.

After the investigation, her frown deepened.

She realized that the murderer this time might not be simple.

First of all, he must be very strong, and he doesn't even have time for Van Di to escape.

And he did it four times in one night without being discovered on the spot.

The second thing is that he acted very quickly and took away the body after committing the crime without being discovered.

"For two consecutive nights, he killed eight people and took away the bodies. The other party is most likely a psychopathic murderer."

Sitting at the table, Caitlin and Wei analyzed, "Judging from the traces of his actions, he first confirmed the target, and then took action directly after the target reached a place with few people."

After hearing this, Wei also frowned and said, "You mean, maybe it's not a gang that is targeting me?"

"It's possible." Caitlin nodded, "He might have acted out of a perverted desire to kill someone."

"Then this guy is really perverted. He killed eight people in two consecutive nights." Wei couldn't help complaining, "And he took the bodies away. What did he do with the bodies?"

"Perhaps he took these bodies as trophies and took them back to his lair."

Caitlin thought for a while, and when she saw Wei's look, she added, "In the wild, after animals finish hunting, they usually take the prey back to eat."

"Uh, stop talking. I feel like vomiting."

Wei tried to think about it, but her face turned blue.

"Anyway, this murderer must be caught, otherwise I doubt he will take action tonight. And he is not weak. This kind of perverted murderer is usually very cunning. The longer we deal with him, the more passive we become."

Caitlin's eyes flashed.

Wei Ye nodded solemnly, and sighed after a while: "But how to catch him? Right now he is hiding, we are hiding, we don't even know what he looks like, whether he is a boy or a girl."

"I know it's hard."

Instead, Caitlin was aroused to challenge. She stood up and said, "I want to go back and look again to see if there are any missing clues. Maybe what we overlooked is the key to solving the case."

Wei nodded, stood up, and gained fighting spirit: "Okay!"

The two returned to the first scene.

This is where the two men of the Gray Nail Gang died.

Because of what happened in the past two days, few people came here, and the scene was basically untouched.

Caitlin reconnoitred the scene, this time not missing any corner.

Just repeating the last process, obviously still can't find anything.

So she stood at the scene, lost in thought.

His eyes scanned over and over again, and suddenly, he found a paper bag next to a trash can.

It leaned there inconspicuously, like rubbish that had been thrown away.

Caitlin approached and picked up the paper bag without being too dirty. There was nothing in it, but it made her think.

A detective book she once read described that not to miss any detail of the scene.

Maybe any inconspicuous detail is the key to solving the case.

"what have you found?"

Wei stepped forward and asked.

"I didn't know what was in this bag before. It looks like the crack marks were cut by a knife. It's not that dirty, which means it was just thrown down not long ago."

While Caitlin was doing her own analysis, she looked around and saw a sewer opening and asked, "Is this connected to the sewer?"


Vi nodded.

Naturally, Zaun also has sewers. After all, part of the city exposed to the outside will also be exposed to rain, and it can also be used to discharge factory sewage, which is more important.

Caitlin thought thoughtfully, then walked towards the sewer entrance.

When she stopped and looked down, her eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had discovered something.

After Wei followed up, he was also startled.

This is a drainage outlet, and under the manhole cover of the drainage outlet, there are several bottles of purple-light-shining potions lying awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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