LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 406 How can this be done?

Chapter 406 How can this be done?

So Lu Qi easily discovered C's true identity.

This mysterious person who almost caused the destruction of Caitlin's family turned out to be LeBlanc, the enchantress of tricks.

If you think about it carefully, these do seem like things LeBlanc can do.

She can even disguise the top brass of Demacia, let alone this little Piltover and Zaun.

As she said, she has had too many incarnations in the world. But what they have in common is that they love to make trouble.

"His Royal Highness seems very disappointed to see my face like this." C's tone was still too calm, as if he was not at all panicked about his current situation.

"I'm not disappointed. Your beauty or ugliness has nothing to do with me, but a friend of mine is very obsessed with you."

Lu Qi looked away calmly, raised his hand, grabbed C and went back.

Naturally, he won't expose LeBlanc's disguise here, there is no point in doing so. On the contrary, this kind of shrewd mind will be able to guess this trump card.

The true eye that can see through any disguise, illusion, and confusion in the world is the key to Lu Qi's invincibility.

The powerful force forcibly dragged C's body back to the ruins.

Seeing Lu Qi catch one person, everyone was slightly stunned.

"He is?" Lux looked at C who was treated roughly by Lu Qi and realized that this guy might not be a good person.

"C." Lu Qi simply said one word, then looked at Caitlin, "He is the person you are looking for."

Caitlin suddenly felt like she was struck by lightning. She stood there in shock, looking at C in disbelief that Lu Qi captured him so easily.

Suddenly, years of hatred and obsession came to mind, Caitlin's eyes turned red, and her eyes gradually became cold.

The enemy she had been looking for for so long was right in front of her.

Even though her parents survived, all the servants in the family were brutally murdered. She had lived with them since she was a child and had a deep relationship with them.

The scene when she opened the door to the villa was still an unforgettable scene for her.

Now her enemy was right in front of her. Looking at his mediocre face, Caitlin was not disappointed.

Over the years, she had imagined countless ways C would look like. So no matter what she looks like, she can accept it.

"Leave the decision to you." Lu Qi said calmly, not intending to interfere with Caitlin's decision.

What was unexpected was the moment the words fell. Without any hesitation, Caitlin directly raised the sniper rifle in her hand.

"Bang!" With a sound, sparks burst out along with the bullet, mercilessly penetrating C's body who was about to open his mouth to speak.

Blood immediately poured out of her chest. She glanced down, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed until it was completely extinguished.

"This kind of person doesn't deserve my mercy." Caitlin put down the gun coldly, feeling that the moment she fired the gun, her years of obsession were dissolved.

Usually, as long as they are not heinous criminals, she will choose to spare their lives.

As the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, her philosophy is that these people should be judged by the law.

However, if this shot is not fired, Caitlin's heart knot will never be resolved.

"The right decision." Lu Qi smiled lightly. No matter what Caitlin chose, he would not interfere.

After letting go of the body of LeBlanc's clone, the body suddenly fell down softly and stopped moving.

Regarding this scene, everyone around them also expressed their delight.

After understanding what happened to Caitlin, her approach is worth understanding.

"So you're going to be a lightbulb all the time?" Lux looked at Lu Qi at this moment, looked at his current state, and made the key words.

Everyone looked at him and found that the energy magnetic field of the runes was still emerging from his body, emitting an orange-yellow light that never seemed to dim.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed like a light bulb, always glowing.

"I also want to turn off the lights." Lu Qi closed his eyes, calmed down, and let his feelings sink into his body.

When he saw a green rune appearing on the other side of the orange rune, he couldn't help but sigh.

But it's still acceptable.

After all, it is nothing more than changing from one bomb to two bombs. At first glance, there is actually no difference.

Once it explodes, Lu Qi will not survive anyway.

But the strange thing is that since Lu Qi started to activate the power of this rune, he has not felt many signs of losing control and seems to have been quite stable.

I didn't hear any confusion.

The green runes absorbed from Singed were also quiet, as if they were in a deep sleep.


Lu Qi tried hard to see if he could take back the power of the current one.

If you can't take it back, the problem will be big.

He had no doubt that when he got up tomorrow, there would be a purple potato head standing in front of him.

The most important thing is that in this state, Lu Qi cannot be sure whether there will be a day when he loses control.

The power of the rune fragments was too powerful. He could control it for a while, but that didn't mean he could control it forever.

At the moment Lu Qi's thoughts came into being, the orange runes suddenly started to stir, like an uncontrollable sun, emitting astonishing high temperatures.

Lu Qi suddenly felt uncomfortable, but found that the rune was like a whirlpool, slowly sucking back all the energy that was revealed.

In an instant, all the rune energy on Lu Qi's body dissipated, leaving only a trace of lingering energy, but it gradually faded away.

And at the moment when his power disappeared, Lu Qi also felt his body sinking, his feet staggering, and he was about to lose his balance.

Fortunately, Miss Crown Guard next to her had quick eyesight and quick hands. She held him up, observed his face and exclaimed: "Why is your face so white!"

"I'm a little dizzy. Let's go back first." Lu Qi felt dizzy and his voice was weak. At this moment, he felt like he had been drained of all his energy, with no trace left, and even two kilograms of blood had been drained.

He immediately knew that this might be the sequelae of using runes.

As a human being, if you try to control the power of runes, how can you do it without paying the price?

Lu Qi felt that this wave of events had drained him of at least two months of energy.

In this case, Sona and Fiona may be wronged.

At this moment, everyone was looking at him with great worry. After seeing the power of the runes he had just used, they all guessed the reason.

A pair of watery eyes filled with worry.

"It's not yet time for the banquet to begin, don't look at me like that." Lu Qi's face darkened, then turned pale quickly, with a helpless tone.

This made him feel like he was about to die.

After saying this, Lu Qi didn't bother to think about it anymore. He rested his head on Miss Crown Guard's shoulder unceremoniously, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lux didn't mind this at all, because now was not the time to worry about it.

It's just that this guy's warm breath blew into her neck, making her itchy.

"Let's go back first."

Seeing that there seemed to be more and more people around, Lux immediately took Lu Qi back, and then directly carried him on her back.

Even though Miss Crown Guard is not tall, she is very strong, and she is more than enough to carry a Luqi on her back.

After all, eating so much food is not for nothing.

"You go back first, I want to stay and deal with things here."

Although Wei is worried about Lu Qi, Zuan is also in chaos right now and must be stabilized.

His Highness seemed fine, so she decided to stay and deal with the matter here.


"I'll go uptown when I'm done with it."

"see you then."

Everyone left quickly without having time to say goodbye carefully.

Wei stayed to deal with the situation at the scene, and soon saw Ike arriving on a flywheel with a group of Wildfire Gang members.

"What happened here? The entire Zaun was invaded by poisonous gas just now, and then suddenly a strong wind came."

Ike jumped off the flywheel and looked at the mess at the scene, feeling a little confused about the situation.

"It's all over. The true identity of the werewolf is Fander, and the culprits of everything are actually two guys named Singed and C."

Wei slowly explained the situation.

"Fander, Singed?"

Ike was slightly stunned when he heard her words.

Fandel, a long-ago name, but one he will never forget.

Because this was the person he admired most before, and he still does now. He didn't expect that this name would appear in his ears again in this situation.

"By the way, Fandel is here."

Vi said, turning her head to look for the werewolf, but she was stunned.

Everything around me was empty.

When they evacuated the laboratory, they also brought out Fander, who was blown away by the runic energy.

But now, Fandel has disappeared and no one knows where he went.

"Go and look around." Ike believed that Wei didn't lie to him, so he ordered his men to look around.

But this search yielded no results.

It was as if he had disappeared from the world.

"Maybe there is another possibility that he doesn't want to face us with his current appearance." Both Ike and Wei know Fander very well and have guessed what he is thinking.

"Fander! Come out!"

Wei was extremely sad and shouted to the sky, tears streaming down her cheeks, but she never got a response.

She had already had a premonition that this separation would happen and she didn't know when they would see each other again.

Her temperament is to inherit Fandel, and they are extremely stubborn people. Whenever they decide something, they will never look back.

Once Fandel decides to leave, he may have already embarked on the journey.

In fact, it is exactly what they thought.

Fandel had quickly left the scene and returned to the cave where he first came. Then he sat down casually, silently licking his wounds like an injured old wolf.

Today, he is no longer the same Fandel he was before, and he can no longer live as a normal person.

There is no going back to the past days.

Whenever he thought of his current appearance, he didn't know how to face Wei and Baobao.

But fortunately, he saw that Wei and Bangbao no longer needed his protection. They had grown up vigorously, like any proud child of Zu'an, not afraid of wind and rain.

This made him feel happy and relieved.

Because in this way, he can leave Zu'an with peace of mind and assume a new identity.

The revenge has been avenged, and from now on, he will no longer be Fander, but Warwick.

A bloodthirsty judge, he will continue to hunt those who have committed wrongdoings in order to pay for the sins of his life.

The fire at the Twin Cities Bridge destroyed countless families.

He has never been a good person, and now he just wants to pay for these sins.

After his injuries eased, Warwick left the cave, took one last longing look at Zaun, and then disappeared into the night.

Later, in the eastern region of Runeterra, rumors about the "Howler" increased day by day.

It is said that once night comes, the elusive howler will look for those criminals. These three words have gradually become the nightmare of many criminals.

The Howler's story begins now, as Zaun does, on the verge of a new future.

When Wei hurried to the cave, there was no trace of Fandel. Only the smell of blood remaining in the air told the traces of his past.

Looking at the words carved with claws on the wall, Wei's tears couldn't stop overflowing.

"You are the pride of my life, come on, proud son of Zuan."

The proud sons of Zaun, Fandel once used this word to describe the children of Zaun who grew up in the wind and rain.

He once said that as long as these proud people of Zaun are here, this city will never be forgotten.

Zu An will definitely become the brightest star in the night sky.

This was the last time Wei cried. She wiped the tears from her face firmly and then returned to Zu'an.

"Watch it, Fandel. He is also the father I admire most. I will not let you down."


Lu Qi was lying on the sofa as if he had hypoglycemia, with the word "weak" written all over his body. At the same time, he was holding a pure white petal in his hand and stuffing it into his mouth.

On the side, Lacus squatted there, looking at him with some sympathy, and then reached out to touch his head: "I don't have much fever, why did it become like this? As soon as I came back, I grabbed a few leaves and gnawed them." , what do you think we can do about this?"

She glanced around and saw that the girls had no clue about this, causing the atmosphere at the scene to be a bit gloomy.

Because Lu Qi seemed to be completely burned out at this moment. He came back without saying a word, holding up a flower and chewing on it. He chewed it for a long time and was speechless the whole time.

"You know nothing, these flowers are precious." Lu Qi finally regained some strength and glanced at Lux angrily.

This is a five-hundred-year-old Tianshan Snow Lotus, a life-saving artifact signed in by the system.

When Frey was shot through the stomach, he relied on this thing to save his life.

Lu Qi only had three of this level of peerless elixirs, and they were reserved for critical moments.

Now this peerless medicine was stuffed into Lu Qi's mouth for free like potato chips. The snow lotus melted in his mouth and turned into a cool but sweet spring that flowed into Lu Qi's belly.

It was quickly absorbed by his body, and his body, which seemed to have been drained dry, gradually improved.

However, after recovery to a certain level, no matter how much you eat, it will have no effect.

All the effects of the medicine dissipated and were no longer absorbed by Lu Qi.

His complexion returned to rosy, but his overall condition was still a little sluggish.

He knew that this transition to using runes had affected the root cause. There is no way to make up for this by eating snow lotus, and it will only waste the great medicinal properties.

It must be taken together with other tonics, drink some every day, and recover slowly over time.

With the treasure Lu Qi had on his body, it would take at least a month to recover.

This month, Lu Qi will be debuffed.

After all, World Runes are one of the most dangerous powers in the world. If a mortal body is used like this, problems are bound to happen.

Of course, this is related to Lu Qi's physique. His strength is now among the best among humans.

But to put it bluntly, he is just a mortal. The body is mortal, but it has to carry the power of the world's runes. Now this is a good result.

After all, there are quite a few human beings who have been directly annihilated by the world runes.

That is the level where the body is directly turned into ashes, and some are even directly swallowed by the runes, turning into demons and puppets walking in the world.

Even Singed only dared to sacrifice the life force of a dozen people before introducing the world runes.

If Lu Qi's strength improves in the future, the side effects of using world runes will not be so great.

Of course, Lu Qi would never touch this thing again. After all, it was a bomb that could explode at any time.

If they can sleep, it is best to let them sleep like this.

If he uses it once, it will be like this. If he uses it too much, he will have the face to face Sona, Fiona, and Katarina in the future.

"Okay, let's go to bed. I'm fine, I'm just exhausted."

Lu Qi, who had recovered some strength, sat up and talked to everyone.

Seeing that he was getting better, the smiles on the faces of the girls returned again.

It was already late at night, and after confirming that Lu Qi was okay again, they all went to bed.

Lu Qi was naturally very sleepy, so he returned to the room and lay down on the bed to fall asleep.

But while they were sleeping here, the MPs in Piltover couldn't sleep.

They were woken up while they were sleeping, and then they learned what happened in the lower city. When they heard about the poison gas leak and that His Highness the Prince was injured there, they were so scared that they almost lost their souls.

Fortunately, neither of them developed into serious consequences, and it is said that the matter has been calmed down by His Royal Highness.

However, they still couldn't feel at ease and came to express their condolences to Lu Qi one after another, sending their concerns to him as soon as possible.

But the delivery was not at the right time. Lu Qi had just slept for a while when he was woken up again.

Angry at getting up, he directly asked Yurna to blast away all the congressmen.

He had just helped Shuangcheng solve such a big trouble, and now he couldn't even sleep peacefully, and no one would look good when he came.

The congressmen did not dare to be angry. Knowing that they had disturbed His Highness's rest, they hurriedly left again, preparing to come back tomorrow.

Also, on this night, there was another person who couldn't sleep.

There is a cave in the lower city, with a small river flowing outside.

You can still see traces in the cave that it was once a laboratory.

Victor sat quietly on a stone with a cane beside him. He had been sitting like this for a long time.

My mind was in chaos and I could never calm down.

Today, he saw with his own eyes the insignificance of human power, and the scenes of the collision of rune powers kept flashing through his mind.

Even now, cold sweat breaks out on my back.

He had no doubt that with this kind of power, he would probably be destroyed in an instant.

He gradually understood why Singed was so crazy about gaining power.

Because this inner uneasiness really makes people unable to close their eyes.

However, Victor still couldn't agree with Singed's approach.

Although he realizes the insignificance of human power, he still has a bottom line that he will never cross.

He will use his own way to change the future of countless weak humans like him.

In fact, Victor had already had this idea before. His body was weakening day by day, forcing him to fight against fate.

Now, the hesitant step was finally taken.

He remembered a sentence he mentioned when discussing with Singed.

"The reason why humans are one of the most intelligent creatures in the world is that we have the talent to gradually adapt and grow in any adversity. We can resist any disaster that is not fatal, and over time, Find a way to completely overcome this disaster. In any environment, we will always break through ourselves."

"Like evolution?"

"Evolution? Victor, this word is very appropriate. Yes, the greatest characteristic God has given us as human beings is evolution. Evolution makes us stronger and unstoppable. This is also the glorious mission God has given us. Victor, The future is in your hands and mine, the question is how to hold it."

The scene of sitting and chatting in this cave is still vivid in my mind.

"Evolution." Victor looked at his hands, shook them, and murmured to himself: "Glorious evolution."

(End of this chapter)

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