LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 425 You can achieve it

Chapter 425 You can achieve it

It's strange to say.

Although Lucian and Lu Qi once fought side by side, they only had a one-sided relationship.

But when he saw Lu Qi now, he felt as if he was reunited with an old friend. There were also waves in Shen Jing's heart.

After not seeing each other for such a long time, Lucian noticed that the prince was much taller and seemed more calm.

"This is not a place for chatting. Get out of here first." Lu Qi said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah." Lucian nodded.

As a result, several people quickly returned to the Baru Temple.

The moment he sat down, Lucian felt relaxed physically and mentally. For him, this month's sea voyage was also quite tiring.

After taking a sip of tea, Lucian asked first: "Did His Highness come directly to Bilgewater after reading the letter I wrote to you?"

"That's right." Lu Qi nodded slightly and said, "There are many things that are difficult to communicate in letters. It just so happens that the fight against Soul Eater Night is also in my plan."

"We may have just missed it for a while. I arrived in Bilgewater a month ago and have been sailing non-stop since then."

Lucian sighed softly, feeling that communication through letters was indeed inconvenient.

The special crystals of Bright Sentinel can only sense each other at a certain distance.

Lu Qi looked at Lucian and asked, "Did you go directly to investigate Shadow Island?"

"That was indeed my purpose in the beginning." Lucian nodded and continued, "But after a month, I haven't found anything."

At this time, Illaoi, who had been quiet for a long time, said, "How much do you know about the Shadow Island?"

On the way here, everyone had already introduced each other.

At the same time, Illaoi also noticed the powerful soul power of this man named Lucian, which was very impressive.

This kind of person is often the kind of person Naga Kapoulos likes, because their soul magnetic field is very special.

Sarah was also very concerned about this issue at this time, and she also sensed that Lucian's identity might not be ordinary.

"I think there is no need to hide it now." Lucian organized his words and said slowly: "My true identity is a Sentinel of Light. Since ancient times, Sentinels of Light have existed to fight against these evil forces. Among them, Shadow Island The black mist released was mainly black mist, and later people also called this black mist the Soul-Eating Night."

"Sentinel of Light." Illaoi muttered to himself, and many impressions flashed through his mind.

Although the records of the Baru Temple do not clearly state the identity of the Sentinels of Light, there are records of a group of people who fought against the forces of darkness.

They will use special weapons to punish evil. Now that I think about it, they are the sentinels of light like Lucian in front of them.

Sarah, who heard this for the first time, was also quite surprised: "Have the Sentinels of Light existed for a long time since ancient times? Where is the Shadow Island?"

"The history of the Sentinel of Light and the Island of Shadows can be traced back thousands of years. I also learned this from records. It can be traced back to a place called Blessed Light Island," Lucian replied.

"Blessed Light Island!" Illaoi said with his eyes flashing, "I thought it was just a legend. According to Baru's records, there was once a holy land called Blessed Light Island. It is said that it was the origin of many magics and contained countless supreme treasures. "

"Yes, the Sentinels of Light were formed by people from Blessed Light Island." Lucian nodded again.

"What about Shadow Island?" Sarah asked in confusion.

"Shadow Island was later known as Blessed Light Island." Lucian said with a heavy tone as he opened the pages of history. "According to the records of the Sentinel of Light, for some unknown reason, a major incident occurred on Blessed Light Island. Because of this incident, As a result, the entire island was cursed, and endless black mist was born. Mortals could not get close to it, not even the Sentinels of Light. That was the source of the curse of Soul-Eating Night."

Illaoi raised his head, looked at Lucian, and asked puzzledly: "In that case, why do you dare to go alone?"

"Because I have to do this." The bitter smile on Lucian's face flashed away, and after thinking about it, he did not hide it, "I suspect that an undead I have been hunting is hiding in the Shadow Island. The second reason , I noticed that the black fog has become more and more unstable recently, and I had a premonition that something bad might happen.

Even the records of the Sentinels of Light warn all sentinels not to approach Shadow Island easily. But I think that if we never get closer, we will never be able to solve the root cause there. When one day we cannot repel the black fog, then it may be too late. "

Everyone present had personally experienced the black fog.

Therefore, I am very afraid of the black fog. I just thought about it for a moment. When one day the black fog completely gets out of control and spreads all over the world, it will probably be a huge disaster!

The three of them admired Lucian's courage, and they were each thinking deeply at this moment.

Lu Qi asked: "You went to look for Shadow Island, but found nothing?"

"Yes. I sailed until all the resources I carried were exhausted, but I didn't even see the shadow of Shadow Island." Lucian sighed softly, "I suspect that it is hidden by the black mist. It can only be seen through special means." Find it. Either."


"Or wait for it to show up on its own initiative. It will definitely appear during the Soul Eater Night every year."

After Lucian finished speaking, he sighed again and said, "But we may not have much time."

"How do you say this?" Lu Qi asked.

"Although I didn't find the Shadow Island, I landed on an island on the way. There were hundreds of fishermen living on the island. At first, I thought everything was normal until night fell."

Lucian spoke slowly.

Several people also cast their gazes and listened attentively.

As if he was thinking of something, a hint of unbearability flashed in Lucian's eyes: "Their bodies became transparent under the moonlight, emitting a faint light, just like most of the undead I have seen. No one noticed anything unusual, they got along like living people, and In fact, what I felt during the day was that of a group of living people.

Later, after careful investigation, I discovered that the entire island had been cursed by the black mist. Unlike Soul Eater Night, the effects there have become permanent. "

After the words fell, the temple suddenly became quiet.

Even Sarah, who had just gained some understanding of Soul-Eating Night, Black Mist, Shadow Island, etc., felt shuddering from Lucian's words.

She has experienced the Soul-Eating Night. People who die during the Soul-Eating Night will become undead.

But these undead souls will be taken away by the black mist as the Soul-Eating Night recedes.

The fishing village island Lucian mentioned was not the period when the Soul Eater Night was active, and the fishermen who had become undead did not leave with the black mist.

This only illustrates one possibility.

"All the signs of the black mist are extremely abnormal. It is different from what we usually know." Lucian expressed his speculation.

"It has spread beyond the Shadow Isles, and I have a bad feeling. This year, it may come back in a new form that we have never seen before."

"Really?" Lu Qi rubbed his temples.

He knew that he had indeed seen the wrong person.

As a progress announcer, Lucian is undoubtedly competent.

At the same time, his words also revealed a message, that is, time may really be running out.

Illaoi's expression also turned serious. Even she felt a little troubled by the black mist.

If this black mist becomes more powerful than ever, I don’t know what will happen in the future.

As a true person, stopping Soul Eater Night is also her mission in life.

Sarah didn't expect that she had just dealt with Gangplank and then turned around to deal with the even more powerful Soul Eater.

After understanding this, Plank is not even a hair in front of this soul-eating night.

Lucian continued at this time: "The Soul-Eating Night often revives between September and October. At that time, the Shadow Island will emerge, releasing the black mist that spreads outward."

"No matter what, we can't let it spread like this. We must find a way to end it completely." Illaoi said in a serious tone.

"I think so too," Lu Qi said.

"I am also preparing to try to gather all the sentinels of light. When the Shadow Island reappears, I will take the initiative to attack it and see if I can completely solve the root cause!"

Lucian said with a firm expression.

"How many Sentinels of Light are there now?" Lu Qi thought for a while and asked curiously.

"I'm afraid there aren't many. The Sentinels of Light have strongholds in many places in Rune Land. Among them, there are probably more than ten people who have different duties and can become combat power." Lucian said helplessly.

"There are so few people?" Sarah couldn't help but say.

Illaoi felt the same way.

"The strength of the Sentinel is relatively weak now, which is why I contacted His Highness. But seeing that there are still like-minded people, I feel relieved." Lucian glanced at Illaoi.

He naturally knew that the real person in front of him was very powerful, and he exuded a calm and calm temperament just sitting there, in other words, a sense of security.

With her help, it will be easier to fight against the black mist.

After thinking about it, Sarah also said: "If you need my help if you need anything, just ask."

She didn't want to be swallowed up by those gloomy black mist just a few days after she destroyed Gangplank.

"There is no way an ordinary person can be an opponent against the Shadow Island." Lucian glanced at Sarah and knew that the other person was just an 'ordinary person'.

Even though he was extremely capable in Bilgewater, he was still far behind in dealing with the undead.

Sarah was dissatisfied, but in the end she didn't speak.

After all, she is someone who has experienced the Soul-Eating Night, and knows that those damn undead are indeed very difficult to deal with.

This is because she hasn't encountered those powerful ones.

Lu Qi glanced at her and suggested an idea: "But if you can become a sentinel of light, you will have the power to fight against the undead."

Sarah's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but ask: "How can I become a Sentinel of Light?"

"In the past, becoming a Sentinel of Light required inheritance. It refers to an old Sentinel of Light passing on his clothes to his apprentices, and so on from generation to generation.

Later, when the risk of chronology arose, assessment and selection were added. People who qualify as sentinels of light can also become sentinels. But the selection is often extremely strict, with almost one in a hundred thousand or a million being selected.

I think this is also the reason why the Sentinels are gradually weakening. "

Lucian started to explain.

Sarah nodded thoughtfully.

"Have you ever thought about lowering the threshold for Bright Sentinels?" Lu Qi spoke at this time.

"This is actually not something I should consider." Lucian replied.

His duty is to fight against the undead, but someone else is responsible for selecting new Sentinels of Light.

"Then you should think about it." Lu Qi looked at him and said, "A few sentries are not enough to fight against Shadow Island. After I got to know you, I had this idea, that is, to expand the scale of the Bright Sentinels. Effectively utilize the Sentinels' weapons against the Shadow Island."

Lucian was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm afraid not many people will agree."

"We can't help them anymore." Lu Qi smiled and reached out to pat Lucian on the shoulder, "Xiao Lu, I've been watching you since I was a child. Are you interested in becoming the leader of the Sentinels of Light?"

"Xiao Lu." Lucian couldn't help being stunned again.

After hearing what Lu Qi said, could he still not understand what Lu Qi meant?

Thinking of the other party's status as a prince, if the country wants to forcefully intervene in the Sentinel of Light. I'm afraid the latter can't stop it.

"Is it possible that you also think that the teachings of the Sentinels of Light that there are fewer and fewer people are right?" Lu Qi looked at him and asked.

"This" Lucian thought for a moment and said, "Actually, I think what His Highness said is quite reasonable."

Although his father was the Sentinel of Light, Lucian only joined as a half-wit.

Because the successor chosen by his father was not him, but a girl named Senna.

Because of an accident, he met Senna and joined the Sentinel by chance. Later, they fell in love, but were separated forever because of an undead.

Therefore, Lucian has little sense of the rules and regulations passed down from generation to generation.

Those things will not restrict him until now.

If you think about it carefully, if more people become sentinels of light, wouldn't they be better able to fight against the black mist?

"Isn't this enough? The world will change. When the black fog sweeps in and everything dies, everything will lose its meaning."

Lu Qi was very satisfied with Lucian's reply.

"Actually, even if the Sentinels of Light want to have more, they won't be able to get much more." Lucian couldn't help but explain at this time, "Due to limited resources, there are not enough resources to make weapons and materials against the undead - holy stones. It is said that this was only once available. Minerals that are only available on Fuguang Island. The reserves at the Sentinel Headquarters are probably running low now."

"Then you can't just throw it in the warehouse, right?" Lu Qi concluded that there must be something hidden in the warehouse of the Sentinel Headquarters, and then said, "In that case, then choose the elite among the elite to serve, such as this one."

Lucci glanced at Sarah.

Sarah was slightly startled, but she didn't expect that she was still the elite among the elite in his mind.

She thought for a while and immediately said: "Yes, I think I am not weak."

"Miss Fortune is indeed not weak. In my opinion, she is qualified to be a sentinel." Lucian thought thoughtfully.

Indeed, he is no antique.

Wouldn’t it be great to find some powerful people to become sentinels and fight against the black mist together?

"When the time comes, we can form a team of Bright Sentinels ourselves." Lu Qi has basically already tried his best to see the dagger.

His initial idea was to create a team of Sentinels of Light.

Only choose the elite!

And there are a lot of elites in his mind.

"It's indeed a good idea." Lucian nodded in approval.

"Then it's settled! Shadow Island must be defeated, and I won't allow it to continue to be so arrogant."

Lu Qi made the final summary of the meeting, "We are divided into two groups to find more helpers. At the same time, I have to ask you to solve the matter on the Bright Sentinel side.

On the Blue Flame Island side, I will build a Hex Flying Gate here, which can save a lot of time.

Now that it’s early April, we still have five months to prepare! "

He glanced at Illaoi.

Illaoi also nodded: "I will cooperate with you in building the Hex Flying Gate, and at the same time I will observe the movements of the Shadow Island."

Lucian also nodded and said, "Leave it to me."

He didn't think there was anything worth hesitating about. Everyone here was here to fight against Shadow Island.

There are still five months left, and a lot can already be done.

Sarah's eyes flashed as she watched Lu Qi make his decision.

If that's the case, wouldn't he be leaving Bilgewater soon?

At this point, the topic has basically come to an end, and the fight against Shadow Island has been finalized.

Lucian had been running around on the sea for a long time and was actually quite tired.

Illaoi gave him a room in the temple, and he quickly went to rest.

Sarah, on the other hand, didn't want to stay here any longer, and left the temple with Luchiurna.

At this time, the chaos in Bilgewater had gradually subsided a lot. The storm of Gangplank's death was still not over, but the situation was relatively stable.

Because many captains took action, they fell into a more balanced situation, but there were a lot less fights.

It would be an understatement to say that Bilgewater was filled with blood tonight.

Walking on the road, Lu Qi looked at the silent Sarah next to him and asked, "What do you want to do next?"

"Me?" Sarah raised her head slightly and looked forward: "After hearing about Shadow Island, I suddenly felt that Blue Flame Island was just a trivial matter. But I still want to take over this place. This is my biggest problem after all. Target."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "It's good. Didn't Illaoi also say that she will let a few old captains publicly support you?"

Sarah didn't care about this, and raised her eyes to look at Lu Qi: "What about you? Are you leaving Blue Flame Island soon?"

"Absolutely." Lu Qi nodded, looking at the disappointment flashing in Sarah's eyes, he said: "But you won't be leaving for the next two days, at least until you officially assume the position of the Lord of Blue Flame Island."

Sarah calmed down, lowered her eyes slightly, and looked forward. She knew that it was inevitable for Lu Qi to leave Blue Flame Island.

Suddenly, she didn't have that much desire to become the Pirate King of Bilgewater.

When he thought about it carefully, he realized that the other party was the prince of Demacia, and there was nothing worthy of his attachment to a place like Bilgewater.

If it weren't for Shadow Isles, he wouldn't even be here. I left this time and came back next time to fight against the Shadow Island. After that, I'm afraid I won't come back again.

Her eyes dimmed slightly, and Sarah became a little more silent.

From the moment Lu Qi stood up in the temple, he had left an indelible shadow in her heart.

Miss Fortune unconsciously clenched her fists, feeling her beating heart express the emotions she had never felt before.

The two of them then returned to the Siren in silence. The crew of the Siren were relieved to see Sarah return safely.

After all, she had been gone for a while, and it was still on a day like this.

The reason why Lu Qi wanted to stay for a few more days was naturally to help Sarah again and firmly establish her position as the Lord of Bilgewater.

After all, even with Illaoi's prestige and the support of several old captains publicly supporting Sarah, Bilgewater does not lack some heads.

At the same time, those captains in the new era may not be convinced.

In the past, the brutal and ferocious Gangplank was on top of them, but now they have to let a female figure also ride on their head?

The answer tells them, yes!

Over the next two days, there was one more piece of news from Bilgewater.

Even more exciting than Illaoi supporting Sarah.

That was the pretty boy Sarah was rumored to be, and his true identity turned out to be the second prince of Demacia.

Some people didn't believe it at first, until Illaoi came forward and confirmed the news.

Suddenly, Blue Flame Island was shocked, and the most surprised among them were undoubtedly the crew members of the Siren.

After spending such a long time with Lu Qi, I didn’t expect him to hide it so deeply!

I thought it was the captain who kept the pretty boy, but how do you feel now that the situation is reversed? !

But no matter what, everyone knows everything about the relationship between the two of them.

Otherwise, why would a prince of a country strongly side with Sarah and let her directly secure her position on Blue Flame Island?

Sarah held a meeting with the captains in the past two days to re-stabilize the order of Blue Flame Island and also strengthen control.

At least some heinous guys are less likely to have anything to do with it.

The rest is the same as always.

Everyone knows that since then, the owner of Bilgewater has completely changed his name.

These three words Planck will be completely submerged in the long river of history, and I am afraid that it will not be long before they are forgotten by people.

And those forces or people who once followed him will also be mercilessly pursued by Sarah.

Now because of her status, there are countless people who are willing to do this for her.

For two days, Planck's old troops were hunted and hid here and there, but they were still picked out one by one. Some of them had noticed something was wrong in advance and had already escaped.

I'm afraid I won't come back easily.

This made Sarah truly proud, and the nightmare that had been haunting her for fifteen years would finally dissipate.

This night.

A casino called 'Glory of Fortune', in a private room.

Drizzt stared at the man in front of him nervously.

He had also sat at a table with him and bet against each other a few days ago, but the pressure was never this high.

Because this guy's identity is now revealed.

The prince of Demacia.

It's really a big deal out of the world.

After finally escaping from death, he still couldn't forget Miss Fortune's trick on him, but the rise of Miss Fortune in the past two days left them behind.

He immediately gave up any disrespectful thoughts and planned to stay away from this place of right and wrong.

They felt that they might not be able to get along well if they stayed any longer.

So before leaving, he planned to make a fortune in this casino and run away, but he didn't expect that the man who almost broke his heart was already waiting here.

The two started a game on the gambling table just like last time.

But under multiple pressures, Drizzt performed abnormally. Even Graves next to him could see that this guy was extremely nervous.

To be honest, he was also panicked.

After all, they were facing a being who could kill them with just one word. This guy was many times more ruthless than Planck.

"I just want to get along with you as a normal person and not be nervous."

Lu Qi sighed softly at this time.

"I admire His Highness for being such a people-friendly person." Drizzt forced a smile on his lips, and the hand holding the card trembled slightly.

He is not a good person.

Don’t do bad things, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

But he had done something bad. In his memory, he and Graves had stolen treasures from a treasure room in Demacia and then escaped.

Even the knights failed to catch them.

If this prince knew about this, then the two of them would

"Let's show off, it's time to end."

Lu Qi calmly put down the cards in his hand. He had three cards in his hand, AA5, and a pair of Aces in the highest position.

Drizzt also put down his cards. He only had a pair of sixes. When he saw the cards, he immediately sighed: "I lost."

Next to him, Graves couldn't help but look puzzled.

He knew this guy's poker skills, so logically he shouldn't have lost so embarrassingly.

One to six, knowing that the opponent is facing A, still dare to stud?

When Drizzt saw the look in this guy's eyes, he still didn't understand what he meant, and he cursed this guy in his heart.

Does he dare to win? !

Does he dare to win? ! ! !

"You don't have any extra money on you, right?" Lu Qi asked at this time.

"Yes." Drizzt looked bitter.

"In that case, let's talk about a deal." Lu Qi raised the corner of his mouth at this time, and saw the two of them showing doubts in their eyes, and said, "You can take the money on the table, and about the Demacia treasures, I It’s okay not to pursue it.”

He just made some inquiries and learned about such a thing. Needless to say, it was all done by the two in front of him.

But it was already more than ten years ago, and he didn't bother to pursue it.

Now it has another purpose.

Upon hearing this, Drizzt and Graves' expressions changed, and cold sweat broke out on their bodies.

Sure enough he knew!

How did he know?

This is something that the two of them are confused about, but now even if they deny it, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

"I wonder what deal His Highness wants?" Drizzt asked resignedly.

"It's very simple. I'm very interested in your card skills and want to learn it," Lu Qi said.

"My card?" Drizzt was stunned for a moment, then said, "This skill of mine cannot be learned by others."

"You only discipline, not teach."

Lu Qi said casually.

He now has unparalleled qualifications and wants to try to see if he can learn it.

If he can't learn it, he has another way.

So, Drizzt began to teach slowly. In fact, he had no experience in teaching others. He only knew that this was his own ability.

It may be inherited, starting from the ancestors, and only your own lineage can do it.

All in all, he informed Lu Qi of all his experiences and techniques for activating card abilities.

Lu Qi held a card in his hand and tried it, but found that it really didn't work.

It seems that this is indeed Drizzt's exclusive ability, and it cannot be learned through normal means.

So, he thought in his mind: "System, use skills to copy cards."

Since I came to Bilgewater, I haven't signed anything good, but just two days after leaving, I signed a skill copy card.

As the name suggests, it can copy a skill. He once used this card to copy one of Taric's abilities - Fortitude.

[Successful use, congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-level skill - Destiny LV3. 】

Feedback immediately came from the system, and many introductions about the ability of destiny appeared in Lu Qi's mind.

To put it simply, it is to give mental power to cards and obtain different effects at the same time.

There are three different card effects: red, yellow and blue, but what Lu Qi is most interested in is the most special ability among them.


By activating the card and meditating in your mind, you can obtain the location information of the place you are meditating on, and then you can teleport there.

Different skill levels have different teleportation distances.

Without thinking too much, Lu Qi directly used the skill card inventory in his backpack to upgrade his destiny skill to LV7.

Advanced skill cards are very rare and will not be saved at all, but there are still reserves for beginner and intermediate Lucci.

After upgrading to LV7, Lu Qi immediately felt that Destiny's ability had been greatly enhanced.

At this time, Drizzt and Graves were still looking at Lucci with his eyes closed and meditating with some boredom, not daring to move.

Drizzt only knew that this ability could only be inherited by himself, how could outsiders learn it.

Just as he was thinking this, he saw Lu Qi open his eyes and a smile appeared on his lips.

He saw that the card he held between his fingers actually emitted a magical and familiar fluorescence, and strange energy began to ripple.


Drizzt and Graves' eyes widened at the same time, full of disbelief.

"This money is yours."

After Lu Qi left these words, he suddenly disappeared from his position.

Graves: "?"

Drizzt: "???"

The two of them had question marks on their faces, and they were stunned for a while before they came back to their senses.

Graves swallowed and said, "Did the ability he used just now be yours?"

Drizzt said blankly: "It seems so."

He felt very uneasy at the moment, and even had the urge to spout dirty words as thousands of horses galloped past.

What the hell?

What a monster!

You learned the skills passed down from your ancestors in less than half an hour?

I rub?

"I feel that it would be better for us to have less contact with this person in the future."

Although Graves was not smart, he couldn't help but say at this moment.

Drizzt nodded in agreement: "Get the money quickly and leave. It will be too scary to walk around this guy from now on."

He was covered in cold sweat, and he was still in shock and couldn't understand it at all.

For Lu Qi, the scene flashed and he appeared in his room on the Siren.

Now it is docked openly on an exclusive coast and is also Sarah's residence.

"really not bad."

Seeing himself appear in the room, Lu Qi couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

The teleportation distance can be said to be quite far. With the skill level and his powerful mental power, he can directly teleport nearly 20,000 meters.

This can still be improved and should be able to be transmitted further in the future.

The only drawback is that this ability takes time to activate, requires magic guidance and meditation, and cannot be activated instantly.

And when the mental power is insufficient, it cannot be activated and cannot transport people. The mental power consumed by continuous activation will be doubled.

I don’t know if there is room for improvement in these in the future.

But for now, Lu Qi is quite satisfied, at least he finally has a means of teleportation.

At this time, there was a "ta-da-da" sound of footsteps outside the door, like high heels stepping on the floor.

Soon, the door to his room was pushed open, and Sarah, wearing only a white shirt and black trousers, appeared at the door.

Her plump and curvy figure was perfectly outlined in this simple dress.

"I heard some noise, I guess you're back."

Sarah looked at Lu Qi and said.

"Well, I just came back." Lu Qi nodded and said, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

Lucian had already set off. He even only rested for one night before getting on the boat and leaving the next day.

But Lu Qi gave him a secret key this time so he could contact him at any time.

The latter was also shocked by this product.

"Really?" Sarah was not surprised, her beautiful eyes were twinkling, "Drink some wine? It's a celebration, and it's also my thanks to you, my sincere thanks."


Lu Qi smiled and nodded without refusing.

Soon, bottles after bottles of fine wine were placed on the table.

Sarah didn't know what she was thinking. The chat was not as active as the last time she drank. She just kept toasting with Lu Qi.

After a while, his whole face was already flushed with red drunkenness, and those beautiful eyes were looking at Lu Qi charmingly.

"I never thought that I would have such a wonderful fate with a prince, no, with you."

She was half leaning on the table, her plump breasts were propped up on the table, looking a bit lazy, and she was murmuring.

"There are always many fates waiting to meet in this world." Lu Qi also drank a lot. He was still conscious, but he was also tipsy.

"I've been thinking that there doesn't seem to be anything worthy of your attachment to Bilgewater. Even if you leave this time and come back, it won't be because of anything here."

Sarah looked at him and said.

"You can't say that."

"So I think I can definitely leave something worthy of your nostalgia, at least it won't make you forget this place, or even remember it."

Sarah interrupted him, stood up and moved forward, but sat directly on his lap, and hooked her two slender arms around his neck, looking into his eyes seductively.

She was clearly drunk, but seemed sober. The body exudes a faint fragrance.

"Don't you have a dream to be a man who wants to be the king of pirates? Now, you can realize it."

(End of this chapter)

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