Chapter 427 Ahri

At this moment, Lu Qi was walking in the market. The market was quite large, and the streets were very lively with people coming and going.

Ionia is indeed the land of birth, and now Lu Qi is also a first-rate mage. He can clearly feel the rich magic filling every corner of this land.

His plan was to buy tools for traveling. After all, there was still a long way to go. If he wanted to reach Presidio with his feet, he didn't know when.

Presidence, located on the main island of Ionia, is also one of the most sacred places in the Land of the First. It is known as a holy land and is a famous magic school.

In this area, the more famous one is the Battle of Standing, which is now spread in the history of battles.

During the Noxian invasion, Placidium had already been occupied by the army, who used prisoners as bait, waiting for the Ionian rebels to take their bait.

It was during this period that, under the leadership of a young girl, the rebels gathered together, broke through the siege, repelled the army that had already occupied Presidio, and fought their way out of the desperate situation, which became a turning point in the war.

The Noxian general who was reduced to a background was none other than Swain.

And that girl became famous because of this, her name was - Irelia Zan.

Presidio is where Lu Qi will go next.

Soon, he found a place where horses were kept. The owner of the horse pen was chatting with his companions.

Seeing Lu Qi coming, he immediately came up to greet him and said, "What can I do for this little brother?"

"I want to buy a horse to drive on the road." Lu Qi replied.

"Really, let's take a look. These are all good horses, and they have been carefully cultivated by me." The owner of the horse pen enthusiastically brought Lu Qi into the horse pen.

From each stable, the sound of horses panting or chewing could be heard.

After being introduced by the owner of the horse stable, Lu Qi quickly fell in love with a thousand-mile horse with white color, smooth hair and thick limbs.

"It is difficult for ordinary people to tame it. If you are in a hurry, I suggest you buy another horse. As long as you get to know them a little, you can hit the road."

The owner of the stable advised kindly.

"No, just let it be." Lu Qi walked into the stable, put his hand on the white horse and stroked it twice.

Baima, who was about to get angry when being approached by a stranger, suddenly calmed down in the next second and seemed extremely docile.

This scene stunned the owner of the horse circle, but at the same time he also knew that Lu Qi was a powerful person, so he simply stopped talking nonsense.

"I hope you will treat it well in the future. All creatures in Ionia are spiritual."

"Do not worry."

Soon, after paying the money, Lu Qi led the white horse and left the stable.

Bartering is generally popular in Ionia, which is to exchange one thing of the same value for another.

However, as more and more people come to this land, coins have become one of the currencies here.

Even if the locals receive coins that are of no use, they can go to a specialized person to exchange them for supplies.

After that, Lu Qi purchased some other supplies, such as food, maps, and even pots and pans, filling a large basket before he was ready to set off.

According to the map, he was heading north.

Riding on horseback along the mountain path, it was already dark before we knew it.

The original market has long been left far behind, and Ionia is still as beautiful at night.

There are many wonderful plants in the mountains and forests that shine with light, including the little fluorescent embellishments on the trees, which are extremely beautiful.

After driving for nearly a day, the white horse beneath him was a little tired, and Lu Qi's stomach became hungry.

So he simply stopped, built a fire frame with surrounding stones, and prepared to cook something to eat.

The forest is very quiet at night, and the quiet moonlight shines, revealing an indescribable peace.

As the pot was set on fire, Lu Qi also idled and stretched, waiting for the moment when a pot of mushroom soup was cooked. At the same time, he leaned in front of a tree and enjoyed the quietness of the night.

Suddenly, he heard rapid footsteps in the distance, as if he was running away, with a bit of panic in his hurry.

Lu Qi opened his eyes and looked, and soon, a figure broke into his simple camp.

The person who came was wearing a cloak, and her face was hidden under the brim of the hat, but it could be vaguely seen that she was a woman, panting slightly.

She saw Lu Qi at the first sight, and looked around twice. Finally, as if she had made some kind of decision, she quickly walked to the basket, turned over and jumped in.

"Please, don't tell her"

Before closing the lid of the basket, a soft, melodious and helpless voice came from it, as sweet as a lark, and seemed to be speaking to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi looked at the basket, thought for a moment, stood up and approached it.

"I don't know what you are hiding from, but don't be nervous. It's best not to make any noise."

While making a sound, Lu Qi put his hand on the basket and took the initiative to release Shenyin.

An aura that could not be caught with the naked eye soon enveloped him and even the entire basket, and the aura was infinitely reduced.

Then, he placed the basket in a hidden place. When he lifted it up, he felt the person inside trembling slightly. He said he was not nervous, but he was obviously still very nervous.

After hiding the basket, Lu Qi returned to his previous position and sat down casually.

After a while, there was another burst of hurried footsteps, and in the blink of an eye, another person appeared.

It is also a woman, wearing green and black silky cloth on her upper body, with two slender and smooth arms exposed, with patterns like clouds printed on them. The lower body is in loose trousers, with a wide rope tied around the waist and several cloth bags connected to it.

She is not very tall, her hair is rolled up casually and then scattered. She wears a mask that covers most of her face, revealing a pair of cold and bright brown-red eyes, and a pair of slender willow-leaf eyebrows. A bit cold and harsh.

At this moment, I saw those eyes falling on Lu Qi, and then quickly began to scan the surroundings. After finding no useful information, I finally spoke.

"Have you seen anyone suspicious running this way?"

Her voice was clear and clear, sounding like a young girl's and pretending to be mature.

"Suspicious person?" Lu Qi thought for a while, then shook his head: "I didn't see it. But I just heard something moving on the other side, and I kept going there."

He raised his hand very naturally and pointed to a location, with a harmless smile on his face.

The masked girl nodded. Looking at his harmless face, she didn't have any doubts. She had also sensed that there was really no sign that anyone had been around here.

If someone is hiding nearby, it's hard to escape her detection.

"It's not very safe around here. If nothing happens, leave as soon as possible and find a village or town to rest."

The masked girl prepared to continue the pursuit, and gave Lu Qi some kind advice before leaving.

"Well, I'll be out of here soon."

Lu Qi also nodded very obediently.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the masked girl rushing out in the direction he was pointing, very fast, and disappeared from Lu Qi's sight in the blink of an eye.

Watching her disappear, Lu Qi's mind flashed with information about the masked girl.

The Thorn of Outliers - Akali. After waiting quietly for a few seconds, Lu Qi said, "Come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, the lid of the basket he had hidden was pushed open. A pair of furry ears were exposed first, and then the head popped out little by little. When it reached under the forehead, a pair of smart orange eyes carefully observed the surroundings.

"Don't worry, she has run away."

Lu Qi looked at the head sticking out of the basket, and another piece of information flashed in his mind.

Ahri, the nine-tailed demon fox.

This made him somewhat unexpected. As soon as he landed in Ionia, he met two impressive heroes one after another.

After hearing what he said, Ahri finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood up from the basket. He didn't seem to notice that the cloak on his head was falling. He looked at Lu Qi and said, "Thank you so much."

Her voice was as soft and sweet as before, and coupled with her beautiful face, it even revealed a somewhat alluring charm.

All she could see was her black hair, her oval face with flawless facial features, and her white and greasy skin that looked crystal clear, as if it were gelatin, like a budding hibiscus.

A pair of beautiful phoenix eyes are filled with autumn water-like charm, clear and sparkling. There is a hint of girlish innocence in the natural charm. Under her straight nose are thin red lips like roses, giving her a natural charm.

Her face alone gives people the feeling of a natural beauty, she is very beautiful.

At this moment, there was a bit of exhaustion in the clear eyes, and the eyebrows were curved, which made me feel pity.

Realizing that Lu Qi's gaze had been lingering on her face, Ahri raised her hand and touched her head. Suddenly she found that her cloak had fallen off, and she quickly turned around to avoid his sight, feeling that something was wrong in her heart.

"You're welcome. I'm quite curious as to why she's chasing you."

Lu Qi spoke out curiously at this time.

Didn't he act strange?

Ahri was slightly stunned for a moment, then put on his cloak again, then faced Lu Qi again, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I killed several people, so she has been chasing me for two days. "


"Yeah." Ahri glanced in the direction Akali left, then glanced at Lu Qi, and realized that he was really good-looking, and he was even the first such good-looking man she had ever seen.

There was still a vague feeling that she was familiar with.

"Thank you anyway, don't worry, I'll be out of here soon."

After coming back to his senses, Ahri was ready to leave here quickly.

On the one hand, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and on the other hand, if she stays for a long time, she may affect Lu Qi because of her special ability.

However, as soon as I took a step forward, I smelled the aroma wafting from the boiling pot, which was a bit too fragrant.

Immediately afterwards, a chain reaction occurred, and a burst of "Gulu" sound also came out.

This sound also made Ahri pause in embarrassment, and she blamed her unsatisfactory stomach for growing at this time.

"If you want to evade pursuit, you need to have enough physical strength. Why not eat something before leaving."

Lu Qi opened the lid, and a burst of hot steam came out, making the fragrance floating in the forest a little stronger.

Ah Li couldn't help but swallowed. After struggling for half a second, as if he had convinced himself, he slowly squatted down towards the bonfire and said, "Is it really edible? Isn't this your food?"

"As you can see, the portion is quite large and enough to eat."

Lu Qi generously found a bowl and spoon to clean, and then served Ahri a bowl of steaming mushroom soup.

It's called mushroom soup, but it's not just mushrooms, but also various other vegetarian dishes.

There was just no meat, because Lu Qi wanted to eat something lighter.

Ah Li looked at the mushroom soup that seemed to be glowing in his hand. He looked dazed, but his appetite had been greatly aroused.


She blew gently into the bowl, and when she felt that the time was almost up, she scooped up a spoonful and put it into her mouth.

The moment the delicious mushroom soup entered her mouth, Aliton was so happy that she almost melted away. As the mouthful fell into her belly, a comfortable warmth flowed through her body, dispelling the fatigue of the past two days.

She hadn't eaten for more than a day. She was chased by that guy all the way and had no time to eat.

Just a simple bite almost made Ahri cry.

She obviously didn't do anything bad, so why should she suffer this kind of injustice?

Lu Qi also took a sip of mushroom soup at this time and asked casually: "Looking at you, you don't seem to be the type to kill people ruthlessly."

Ah Li was silent for a moment, looked at the mushroom soup in his hand, and said: "Those I killed were not good people. Even so, I am actually very dangerous. Because I have a special ability that can kill people invisible." .”

"How to kill?" Lu Qi continued to ask.

"What did you feel when you saw my face just now?" Ahri asked first.

Lu Qi thought for a moment and said, "It's very beautiful."

Ahri raised his head slightly, and looked at Lu Qi with his eyes under the cloak, feeling a little nervous: "Other than that?"

Lu Qi raised his eyebrows: "You are a bit narcissistic. Do you still want me to praise you more?"

"Ahem, that's not what I meant!" Ahri choked on the soup and coughed several times.

After she regained her breath, she adjusted her mood and asked again: "I just want to ask about other feelings. Do you feel uncomfortable or..."

Lu Qi: "Or?"

Ah Li's face turned a little red under his cloak, and he lowered his head unconsciously. He said with some embarrassment, "Maybe you are fascinated by me."

"You still said you're not narcissistic?"

"I told you, that's not what I meant!"

Ah Li immediately emphasized with some embarrassment. This time she raised her head, and with the ups and downs of her movements, her cloak was pushed down by her erect ears, revealing her rosy and lovely face, and her thin lips were still stained with mushroom soup.

"I understand, sometimes I am like you, just drink soup."

Lu Qi glanced at her with an understanding look and began to drink the soup quietly.

Ah Li wanted to argue that she was really not narcissistic, but she felt as if all explanations were in vain at this moment.

In addition, she also discovered something. After Lu Qi saw her face, there seemed to be nothing strange about her face.

Looking at Lu Qi who was quietly drinking soup, she couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Do you really feel nothing at all?"

"Yes, I was fascinated by you from the moment I saw you."

Lu Qi smiled, and his tone was like coaxing an unsatisfied child.

"I" Ahri's face turned red again, knowing that the misunderstanding had deepened! At the same time, she also heard that Lu Qi's words were not sincere at all.

It was entirely to cope with her questioning!

(End of this chapter)

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