LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 429 Are you really that big-hearted?

Chapter 429 Are you really that big-hearted?

Lu Qi slashed out with his sword, and saw the light flashing on the blade, and a strong wind blew suddenly towards both sides, instantly blowing away the smoke.

At the same time, the blade of the sword was lifted up and deflected Akali's hook sickle.

The impressive offensive stopped just in time, without going any further.

Akali looked at the long sword pointed at her face, and her brown-red eyes fell on Lu Qi: "Wind Control Sword Technique? Are you from the Wind Control Sword Sect?"

"It seems you've finally calmed down."

Lu Qi put away Xuejian, and the sharp sword energy all over his body disappeared without a trace, and he returned to his normal appearance.

This alone made Akali realize that the strength of the guy in front of her was indeed not simple.

Thinking of the wind criticism of the Wind Sword Sect, Akali's eyes became less hostile, but she was still a little wary. At the same time, she frowned and looked at Lu Qi: "As an upright disciple, why do you want to help this fox demon?"

Lu Qi asked, "Why are you chasing her?"

"As I said, she killed twelve people in the Tevasse area. The rumors about the fox monster hurting people in that area have caused panic among people, so naturally I have to take action."

There was still a bit of coldness in Akali's words, but it was not as cold as before.

She obviously softened her attitude, otherwise we wouldn't be able to have a good conversation at this moment.

"I killed those people, but those people were all bad people." Ahri finally had a chance to speak, and said helplessly.

"If anyone who kills someone gives the victim the title of bad guy, does that mean that everyone in the world is a bad guy?"

Of course Akali wouldn't believe Ahri's words.

Ah Li couldn't help but added: "Because they have hurt others, I took action against them."

"You mean harm when you say harm. Where is the evidence? How can you prove that they have harmed others?" Akali asked again.

This question also silenced Ahri. She saw the memories of those people, but she could not share these memories with others.

She really couldn't prove that those people were bad people.

Akali turned her attention back to Lucci: "So you just believe what she said?"

"Yes." Lu Qi nodded, and then said, "If you don't listen to her complete story, I think your condition is not good. Let's eat something by the way."

"I want to hear what you have to say."

Akali snorted coldly, found a place to sit down, then took out the dry food she carried with her and took off her mask.

Her facial features are also very stunning. A pair of almond-shaped eyes under the willow eyebrows are like a pool of clear water, bright and cold. The nose covered by the mask is straight and beautiful. The two thin red lips are a little dry at the moment. It seems that he didn't drink much water along the way.

She looked very young, probably about the same age as Lux, and she pretended to be aloof, as if she was trying to support an adult.

Next, Ahri told Akali what she had said to Lu Qi again.

She didn't mind telling these past experiences again.

I just thought that it would be great if I could clear up Akali’s misunderstanding.

Akali listened quietly throughout the whole process. After listening, she still frowned slightly: "It's completely one-sided. How many people do you expect to impress with this story?"

After hearing this, Ah Li lowered his head and whispered: "I didn't want to impress anyone, I just hope that I won't be misunderstood so deeply. It's a fact that I made mistakes, and I never thought about asking anyone to forgive me."

"Even if what you said is true, those people have hurt others. It's not up to you to judge. In the end, you are doing it for your own selfish desires. They have committed crimes, and they will be punished."

At the end of her sentence, Akali suddenly paused and stopped speaking.

Why do I sound more and more like that guy Shen?

She raised her hand and rubbed her temples, swallowed what she was about to say, and changed her words: "You said you can easily charm others? Take off your cloak and try to charm me."


Ahri hesitated for a moment, then slowly took off his cloak, revealing his beautiful face.

She looked into Akali's eyes, and Akali met her without any fear. At the same time, she found that Ahri was really pretty.

When she looked at those eyes, she suddenly felt that the Ahri in her eyes exuded a kind of thrilling beauty, which made her feel weird but wonderful feelings in her heart.

After being stunned for a moment, Akali decisively realized that she had been hit. She immediately held her breath and concentrated, putting aside the distracting thoughts in her mind.

The brown-red eyes also became brighter and brighter, gradually returning to clarity.

After a moment, Ahri looked away: "It seems to have no effect."

"It has already had an effect, but I resisted." Akali said lightly, feeling secretly relieved in her heart.

Ahri didn't lie to her about this, there was indeed something in this trick.

She was afraid that if she could hold on for a little longer, she would be unable to hold on.

Looking at that face, strange feelings kept coming up in her heart, disturbing her mind.

"That's amazing. This is the first time I've met someone who can resist my ability." Ahri said with sincere admiration.

Her ability can invisibly charm others, but Akali is the first one to be resisted despite her active charm.

"Of course, I'm dark"

Akali subconsciously raised her chin, looking quite proud. But then he seemed to think of something, so he didn't say any more, and his expression returned to its original state.


Ahri was slightly confused.

"It has nothing to do with you." Akali breathed out, looked at Lu Qi, and said strangely: "I am the first, what about him?"

"His situation is different." Ahri actually wanted to try to charm Lu Qi, so she raised her eyes and looked at him, releasing the power of charm.

Lu Qi's eyes were very calm, without any fluctuation at all, and he didn't even feel anything strange.

Ahri was much more serious than when she charmed Akali just now, but no matter how hard she tried, there was no reaction from Lu Qi.

On the contrary, when he looked at those beautiful eyes and thought of the scent on his body, he felt a little unbearable.

She quickly looked away, feeling that if she looked at him for a while longer, she would be charmed by Lu Qi.

really weird.

This was also the first time she encountered a situation where her abilities completely failed.

Akali on the side was also observing, and couldn't help but squint her eyes when she saw this. She discovered that Lu Qi's strength might be a little more powerful than she expected.

As the next generation of Shadow Fist, he has been practicing in the Balance Sect since he was a child. Both his character and strength are far beyond those of his age.

She can naturally resist Ahri's immature charm method.

Even so, it still takes some effort.

But Lu Qi, on the other hand, had a relaxed expression from beginning to end. Moreover, this guy also knew how to control the wind, which made her feel strange.

Why had she never heard of such a person in the Wind Sword Sect before?

Maybe the type who doesn’t go out for a long time.

Put this question aside for now.

Akali glanced at Ahri, and the problem she wanted to solve now was still this.

She was always dubious about her words. After thinking for a moment, she said, "Your ability is indeed real, but I can't completely believe what you said. So what do you want to do?"

The last question she looked at was Lu Qi.

After all, he was the one who broke up the fight.

Hearing this, Lu Qi said: "If you can't completely believe it, that means you're not sure she's lying. In that case, you might as well observe first."

"Observation?" Akali was confused, "You want me to supervise her?" "It can be understood that way." Lu Qi nodded and continued: "Sometimes, she can tell whether a person is good or bad. Since So, let's rely on her ability to catch three bad guys. If all of them prove to be true, then I think what she said is not a lie."

Ah Li nodded obediently after hearing this: "I am willing to prove myself."

She looked at Akali eagerly, as if begging her to give her this chance.

The pitiful look like that of a small animal made Akali's heart tremble, and her newly stable Taoist heart almost collapsed. She couldn't help but said in her heart, this fox demon is too good at seducing people.

She immediately looked away and nodded: "Then let her catch the three bad guys as you said."

After all, she was not a cruel person, and she didn't want to kill Ahri directly in the first place.

He just wanted to subdue her, capture her, and hand her over to the local elders or judicial justice.

At the same time, she did not investigate the twelve people who died carefully. After all, she did not know how many casualties there would be while waiting for the results of the investigation.

The three of them reached an agreement.

Ahri and Akali were running away and chasing each other, and they felt tired at this moment.

"There is a village not far ahead. Let's go there and rest."

Akali didn't want to sleep in the woods.

Lu Qi and Ah Li had no objection when they heard this.

So the three of them walked towards the village. They didn't talk much along the way and were slightly silent.

No one knew what to say, and they walked to the village without knowing it.

It was almost late at night, and most people in the village were asleep at this point.

However, there were still militiamen patrolling at night, and the three of them were soon discovered.

Akali said: "We passed by here and wanted to find a place to rest. I wonder if we can be allowed into the village."

"Is there anything that can prove the identities of the three of you? The village generally does not welcome people from unknown places at night."

said a militiaman.

Akali was silent for a moment and pointed to Lu Qi next to her: "He is from the Wind Control Sword Sect."

Several militiamen immediately looked at Lu Qi. Lu Qi thought for a while, and his whole body gathered a sense of wind: "Can this be proved?"

The militiamen clearly felt that Lu Qi's aura had become a bit fiercer, and the wind blowing slowly from around him also gathered towards him and swirled around his body.

The real Yufeng.

Their eyes immediately looked respectful.

"Welcome, Your Excellency, please come with me. There happens to be an empty tree house in the village, which is enough for three people to rest."

A militiaman relaxed his attitude and turned around to lead the way.

And this scene also made Akali next to her more convinced that Lu Qi was from the Wind Sword Sect. Otherwise, who else could control the wind so smoothly except that sect.

Speaking of the Wind Sword Sect, in Ionia, it is only slightly famous at best.

However, its leader, Elder Sumar, is extremely famous. He is a legendary swordsman known far and wide in Ionia and is very popular.

The reputation of the descendants of the Wind Sword Sect in Ionia is also positive.

During the Noxian invasion of Ionia, most of the Blades left home to fight. It was during this period that a tragedy occurred.

Elder Souma is dead.

It was precisely because the reputations of Elder Suma and the Wind Sword Sect were both good that Akali decided to trust Lu Qi.

The three of them were taken to a resting place, a small tree house with just enough beds for the three of them to rest.

The militiamen didn't bother them too much and left quickly.

Lu Qi then said: "Why did you point at me just now?"

Although he also temporarily assumed an identity, it was useful.

Akali yawned: "Because your reputation is more useful."

Seeing the looks from Lu Qi and Ah Li, she snorted and said simply: "Because I have no identity, I'm just a wanderer, okay?"

Lu Qi said: "You don't look like a homeless person."

Ahri also nodded, although she had not been exposed to human society for a long time. But judging from Akali's performance, it's obvious that she comes from a powerful place.

Akali was already lying on a bed at this moment, and said carelessly: "There used to be, but I saw that the timid guys were unhappy, so I parted ways with them. Then I wandered alone and slept in your sleep. Ask me again. I’m so impatient.”

She obviously saw Ah Li's gossipy eyes and turned over in displeasure.

Ahri felt a little offended. She sat on the hard tree bed and watched Lu Qi lie down.

I feel like what happened tonight was a bit strange.

She also slowly lay down on her side, her bright eyes flickering with light. I just feel tired, but not much sleepy.

Of course, it’s not like I feel like there’s anyone else present.

She couldn't find any spare houses at the moment, and she wasn't being pretentious.

I simply couldn't sleep.

Also unable to sleep was Akali. She was lying on her back, her eyes were on the wall, and she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

After all, she was sleeping in a tree house with two strangers. One of them was the fox demon she had been chasing for two days, and the other was a disciple of the Yufengjian sect whose origins were unknown and who broke up a fight on the way.

Many elders of the Kinkou Sect have told her.

Defenses can not do without. And she has understood this truth since she was a child.

After all, I still don't trust the two of them.

Her mind was in a mess, and Akali knew that Ahri and that guy must not have fallen asleep either.

Just as she was thinking this, she suddenly heard long breathing coming from the other side.

The man's breathing was slightly heavier, so she quickly recognized that it was Lu Qi's breathing.

Did he just fall asleep?

How long has it been since?

It's been less than a minute since they finished speaking, right?

Are you really that big-hearted?

Is this what a man is?

No matter how much Akali thought about it, it seemed impossible that he could sleep in the same room with two strangers who were not sure about their safety so safely?

She couldn't help but sit up and looked towards the next door, and found that Ah Li was indeed awake and looking at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi was lying on his front, with a peaceful sleepy look on his beautiful face, and his breathing was even and sweet.

Really asleep?

Akali was sure that this guy was definitely asleep, so she couldn't help but lay back down.

Ahri simply thought that Lu Qi slept so soundly. She lay back silently, thinking to herself, it would be great if she could sleep so quickly.

She used to be able to sleep without any worries, but in just one year since she came to human society, once she closed her eyes, those human memories flashed through her eyes.

Joy, anger, sorrow, joy and separation made it impossible for her to sleep peacefully.

The two people who couldn't sleep could hear Lu Qi's even breathing.

This breathing sound seemed to have some kind of strange magic power, and it seemed like a lullaby. Unknowingly, their eyelids closed and closed, and when they closed their eyes again, they did not open them.

As their breathing became longer, the two of them slowly fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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