LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 431 Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts

Chapter 431 Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts

After the three of them were full, they called the boss to pay the bill.

When he was about to leave, a voice rang from behind: "Good morning you three, we meet again."

Lu Qi turned around and saw that the militiaman he had seen last night and his two companions had just sat down. He said with a smile on his face: "Good morning, we are about to go to the militia to thank you."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. That house has been empty for a long time, so it's good to be able to help the three of them." The militiaman said with a smile.

"Did you guys stay up all night? You are always upset because of the day and night changes." Lu Qi sat down again, looked at the faces of the three militiamen, and said.

"Oh, there's nothing we can do. The village has stepped up patrols, and it's always like this." The militiaman who spoke to him sighed, "Let's have some food and prepare to go back and catch up on some sleep."

At this time, Akali also sat down and asked, "Did something happen in the village? You might as well tell us and we'll see if we can be of any help."

The militiaman took a sip of the hot soup brought by the boss, and then said: "To be honest, many households in the village have lost things recently, including some valuable ones. Fortunately, the thief who stole things seven nights ago He sneaked into someone else's house in the middle of the night and was discovered by the owner of the house.

In anger, he directly hurt people. If someone hadn't happened to be passing by and rushed to help, a tragedy would have happened. The thief escaped safely afterwards and has not been traced to this day.

Some people suspect that he may have escaped from the village, but he may also be hiding in the village and waiting for the storm to pass. In short, the village has stepped up patrols at night. "

There was also a gossiping member of the public around, who listened for a while and then also interjected.

"My family lives nearby. When I heard the noise that night, I got up from the bed and rushed over. Mensah was seriously injured, and the wound was near his chest. The thief was ruthless, and he looked like he had killed people before."

"I've heard about this too."

"I'd say he might still be hiding in the village."

Everyone nearby started chatting about this matter.

Lu Qi and Akali looked at each other, and she said: "In that case, let's see if we can help. Don't be surprised if we don't find it."

"How dare you be so strange." Min Bian shook his head and thanked him in advance, "It's an honor for the village that the three of them are willing to help. The thief is very good at hiding, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to find him. The only clue is that he should be a man. Yes, very strong, about 1.78 meters tall."

If it were easy to find, the village would not have seen even a single human hair in seven days.

Soon, they said goodbye to several militiamen and the three of them walked on the road.

Akali said: "Let's start looking for him first, if this guy is still hiding in the village."

Hearing this, Ah Li nodded slightly: "I will be serious."

But when it comes to looking for it, I actually have no clue, no clues, and no idea where to start.

After all, what he was looking for was a thief who had been hiding seven days ago, and he didn't even have any information about his appearance.

But this also just gave Ahri a stage to perform.

In her eyes, the human soul has vivid colors. Just as there are no identical snowflakes in the world, the same is true for souls.

Every soul is unique and has its own characteristics.

She is good at discovering the nuances of the soul, and currently relies on her sense of smell.

What she smelled was not the various smells floating in the world, but the special smell of the soul.

It was like Lu Qi's soul, so fragrant that it made her drool.

Akali's soul is also full of fragrance.

Staying with them, Ahri can be said to be very tormented.

Some souls exude a gloomy aura, and you can feel the evil thoughts coming towards you just by smelling them. The smell emitted is naturally not good, this kind of soul has been polluted.

Putting aside the body, the soul is the person himself.

So basically, the smell of the soul also determines the good and evil of a person.

At present, Ahri is not able to distinguish each soul by smell alone. If the distance is far away, she may not be able to smell anything.

In this way, the three of them walked around the village, and the morning passed in the blink of an eye.

The time comes in the afternoon.

"Now we've gone from one homeless person to three."

Lu Qi yawned as he walked.

Akali glared at these words. She looked at Ahri and said, "Did you find anything?"

Ah Li shook his head and said a little discouraged: "No."

"Really? Then keep looking. There's still time." Akali didn't say much, nor did she urge her. .

From the beginning to the end, she never complained or expressed a question to Ahri.

Even if you don't believe it in your heart, it's definitely not what you should say at this time.

"Er Niu, you went fishing again."

"Er Niu, you came back so early today."

"Have you had lunch?"

On the street not far away, there were sounds of greetings and greetings, and nearby neighbors were talking to a man.

The man was carrying a fish basket. He was about thirty years old, with dark skin and looked very honest.

Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Yes, today's harvest is very good, so I came back early. I just spent some time at noon. I will go back to clean up first. I will send you some fish later."

"Oh, I can't ask for your things back. You can just eat by yourself."

"Yeah, let's take the fish to the market and sell it."

"Save some money to find a wife then."

The neighbors all declined with smiles and looked at Er Niu with very kind and kind eyes.

Erniu smiled honestly: "You can't sell it for a lot of money. We all belong to neighbors. I can't finish all the fish by myself."

The young man named Er Niu seemed to be very generous and generous, and was quite popular among his neighbors. He eventually accepted Er Niu's kindness, but would also give him something in return.

It looks like a scene where neighbors in the village live in harmony.

None of the three paid much attention and quickly looked away.

Two cows were carrying fish baskets and passed by the three of them.

Ah Li's expression suddenly changed. She smelled something bad from Er Niu.

Whether the soul is clean or dirty has nothing to do with whether you have killed someone or what you have done.

If a good person kills ten bad people, does that mean his soul must be dirty?

If a bad person kills ten bad people, does that mean his soul must be clean?

Such a profound thing as the soul can never be expressed through two simple things. If I insist on saying so, then it may be the embodiment of a person's inner world.

A soul exuding evil thoughts can only mean that that person must also have evil thoughts in his heart.

At the same time, evil thoughts in the heart may not manifest themselves in the soul. Because his evil thoughts may not have had time to amplify.

A good soul can become bad, and a bad soul can become good.

All in all, the soul is a very complex thing.

Ahri doesn't know why she has this special ability, but she knows that she must use it well.

No matter what, the smell she just smelled was unmistakable.

The evil thoughts coming from Er Niu made her feel breathless. There was only one possibility. He had already carried out the evil thoughts, which caused the soul to start to smell bad.

Ahri quickly reached out and grabbed Lu Qi and Akali's.

The two of them also stopped in confusion.

Ah Li whispered: "The two cows just now"

Akali's expression changed: "Is there something wrong with him?"

Ahri nodded slightly.

Lu Qi looked towards Er Niu's back.

Naturally, he doesn't have that awesome ability to distinguish souls. As far as Er Niu is concerned, he is a young man who is well-liked by others and is kind to others.

The same is true for the two cows Akali saw.

She really doubted Ahri's judgment. How could such a person be a bad person?

Although she was suspicious in her heart, Akali did not say it out loud. She also knew that you should not just look at a person's surface.

A clear example is the guy next to him. At first, he looked like a harmless person with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Who would have thought that he would be lying when he opened his mouth? His personality was so hateful.

Now was also the time to test whether Ahri's ability was real, so Akali decided to execute it first.

"It's not a good idea to start here. Let's follow them first."

Her eyes flashed and she made a decision.

So, the three of them changed their direction and began to follow Er Niu secretly.

Erniu obviously didn't notice it. He was smiling and talking to the people around him, or nodding in greetings.

Likewise, everyone around him seemed to have a favorable impression of him.

Soon, Erniu returned to his home. He lived in a small tree house. The roof was wrapped with vines and kept very clean.

He returned to the house, lit a fire, and seemed to be preparing to stew a fish.

There doesn't seem to be anything suspicious about it.

Akali observed it twice before choosing to take action directly. The figure flashed and appeared in the house in the blink of an eye.

"Who's coming?"

When Erniu heard the noise, he thought it was a neighbor who came to the door. When he turned around, he saw Akali who was looking at her coldly, and was startled: "Who are you?"

Akali didn't waste any time. She directly raised the hook and sickle and placed it on Er Niu's neck: "Don't move, or you will cut your throat with a knife."

Erniu was so frightened that he trembled and his eyes became frightened. When he saw two people following Akali, he asked with some fear: "What are you going to do? I don't have anything valuable." "I don't think so, in the village. I lost a lot of valuable things." Akali stared at Er Niu with cold eyes, and then asked in a cold voice: "Tell me, where did you hide them?"

Hearing this, Erniu was stunned for a moment, with fear and confusion on his face: "What is it? Where is it hidden? I don't know. Are you talking about the thief who stole something a while ago?"

His expression didn't look like he was faking it. Akali continued, "Don't act stupid. We have already investigated and found out that the thief is you."

"It's really not me. I don't know anything. Why is it me?" Erniu was about to cry at this moment, his face turned pale due to fear, and his whole body was shaking unconsciously.

He looks like a completely innocent ordinary person.

Even Akali was a little shaken when she saw this.

She does have interrogation methods, but those methods are very harmful to people. What if she interrogates the wrong person?

The reason why I was threatening like this at this moment was just to see if I could let it out.

But looking at Er Niu's performance, she couldn't find anything suspicious.

"let me try."

Ahri said at this time, stepping forward.

Akali saw this and moved away.

Ah Li took off his cloak and looked at Er Niu: "Look into my eyes."

Erniu looked at her subconsciously and was stunned for a moment. The fear on his face instantly dissipated, leaving only dullness and infatuation, and even more thoughts in his heart.

How could there be such a beautiful woman in the world?

If she wants it, what if she takes out her heart and liver?

And just one look at Ah Li made Er Niu become like this. Akali on the side felt the terrifying charm of her body for the first time.

Thinking about it carefully, even she had difficulty resisting, let alone these ordinary people.

Looking at the dull Er Niu, Ah Li asked: "Are you the thief who stole things in the village?"

Erniu opened his mouth and was about to answer when his eyes suddenly sobered up and became frightened again: "It's really not me. I didn't do anything. Please let me go."

When Ahri saw that her ability suddenly failed, she couldn't help but be stunned and didn't understand what happened.

Akali was also confused.

However, Lu Qi felt the fluctuation of magic at that moment. It was obviously something on Er Niu that made Er Niu regain his consciousness.

After thinking for a while, he stood up and said, "Let me do it."

"What are you going to do?" Akali asked in confusion.

Even Ahri's methods failed, and she didn't think Lu Qi had any useful methods.

If Er Niu is really an ordinary person, and they did something to hurt him.

I am afraid that he is not a righteous person, but an unscrupulous person who bullies the weak.

"Just watch."

Lu Qi raised his hand and dropped it directly towards Er Niu.

Erniu was startled, then rolled his eyes and fainted.

After another blink of an eye, when he woke up, he found that he had been tied up, and the three people were still in front of him.

But the person questioning him became that man.

"Tell me, where did you hide the stolen things?"

Lu Qi asked with calm eyes and a rather gentle attitude.

"I'm really not that thief." Erniu was so anxious that he almost cried, his tone was helpless and filled with fear.

There was a "swish" sound, and there was a flash of cold light. Erniu immediately noticed that his left arm was in pain. He looked subconsciously and saw blood spraying there, and one hand had suddenly fallen to the ground.

"Ah!! My hand!!"

He suddenly screamed in pain and his face turned extremely pale.

"Where?" Lu Qi asked again with a calm attitude.

"I told you it wasn't me! Why are you doing this to me, my hands!" Erniu cried loudly, crying bitterly.

After the words fell, Lu Qi slashed out with his sword again. This time, it was Er Niu's right hand that fell to the ground.

"Ahhhh!!" Erniu struggled in pain and screamed miserably: "It's not me, it's really not me. Please, let me go!"

With the third sword, Lu Qi cut off Er Niu's entire arm.


Erniu screamed wildly and almost fainted, but he couldn't. The severe pain tortured his body and mind.

What frightened him even more was the demon in front of him!

He actually chose to take action and cut off his arm and right hand without saying anything. How could there be such a cruel person?

Erniu was really about to collapse. His face was covered with snot and tears. Seeing Lu Qi raise his sword again, he shouted in a broken voice: "I say, I say! I say everything, please don't chop anymore!" "

Lu Qi stopped and remained silent, waiting for Er Niu to answer.

"I buried all those things under the ancient trees outside the village. I am waiting to sell them to those black traders in exchange for a large sum of money in the future. I really know that I was wrong. Please, let me go!"

Erniu was really scared, and while enduring the pain, he told the truth.

All he wanted now was to live and survive from this demon.

Lu Qi asked calmly: "What did you do before?"

"I" Erniu hesitated for a moment, and then screamed again: "Ah!"

After just a moment's hesitation, Lu Qi swung his sword and cut off his right arm, and both his arms were cut off.

"No, don't do it again! I say! I used to be a robber, but I was broken up and came to this village. I'm not a good guy, I deserve to die, but please, don't kill me."

At this moment, Erniu finally took off his honest mask and kept begging for mercy, only asking Lu Qi to spare his life.

"What's the magic on you?" Lu Qi asked again.

"It's an amulet I asked for from Gu Yuanzhen," Erniu replied immediately, and begged weakly: "Please, please help me heal first, I'm going to die."

The next second, he saw Lu Qi and the two women next to him disappear on the spot, and he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

The scene changes.

outside world.

"You heard it too, this guy did it all."

Lu Qi looked at Akali next to him.

"You" Akali looked at him with a strange look on her face. She still doesn't know what Lu Qi did.

After he knocked out the two cows, within a short while, they all attacked.

And hearing the heart-shaking screams from time to time, as if she had been tortured, she really wanted to ask Lu Qi what he had done.

But he still held it back and looked at Er Niu, who was lying on the ground with a pale face and full of fear: "What's wrong with him?"

"It's not a big problem, it's just a nightmare."

Lu Qi smiled faintly. In order not to accidentally hurt a good person, he could only use this trick. It proved to be very effective.

He said it in an understatement, but Akali never believed it was that simple, and her heart felt as if it had been scratched by a cat.

But there were more important things to deal with at the moment, so she glanced at Erniu again: "Whether what this guy said is true, you only need to go and check under the ancient tree to know."

By now, she was actually convinced that Er Niu was the thief.

I didn't expect that such an evil soul hides under his simple and honest appearance.

This made Akali even more convinced that one should not just judge people by their appearance.

Soon, the three of them poured water to wake Erniu up again. After waking up, Erniu found that his arm was not broken, and he almost fainted again with excitement.

But when he saw Lu Qi, he was still as terrified as if he had seen a demon.

Finally, he honestly explained the location of the ancient tree, and the three of them successfully found the valuables he had stolen, as well as some other valuables.

Apparently it was Erniu's trophy from when he was a bandit.

Finally, the three handed the two cows to the village militia team.

The three people in the militia who had met in the morning were all surprised. They didn't expect that they had just asked Lu Qi and the three of them in the morning, and the results would be obtained in the afternoon.

The efficiency of this work is really fast.

At the same time, when they learned that Er Niu was the thief, they were a little unbelievable.

But Erniu honestly explained his criminal journey, which also made the gathered villagers sigh.

I can't help but sigh that I know people, faces but not hearts.

Who would have thought that Er Niu, who is usually popular, generous, honest and honest, would turn out to be a vicious robber.

Due to the invasion of Noxus, the village lost a lot of its population. After the war ended, many new faces came.

Erniu is one of them.

No one doubted him about the thief because he was so honest. He made a living by fishing and often gave fish generously.

If it weren't for Lu Qi and the other three, I'm afraid the villagers would have been kept hidden for a long, long time.

Although Ionia has no national legal supervision, it does not mean that it is a lawless place.

This land has long had rules and regulations that are practical among the people, and there are also people and places specifically responsible for dealing with these incidents.

For example, in some towns, there are conference halls dedicated to judicial trials, and there are also respected elders and magistrates who are responsible for trials.

People who commit heinous crimes will also receive the punishment they deserve.

(End of this chapter)

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