LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 434: You take advantage of all the benefits of co-authorship

Chapter 434: You take advantage of all the benefits of co-authorship

Lu Qi continued to check the next reward.

A random full-level skill, he directly chose to receive it without hesitation.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the full-level skill--LV9 with two uses at once]

Suddenly, a feeling like enlightenment emerged. Somehow, Lu Qi's body seemed to have a bottleneck broken.

He felt that his control over himself had improved by more than one level.

Most people are born right-handed. If you are accustomed to using your right hand, you will have poorer control of your left hand, and the same is true for left-handers.

And sometimes, the human brain will tend to favor the side that is good at using. For example, if a ball hits someone, a right-hander will subconsciously raise his right hand to block it, and when he wants to hit someone, he will swing his right fist first.

Due to long-term habits, the right hand is stronger than the left hand in terms of flexibility and strength.

One of the effects of multitasking is that Lu Qi's control of his left hand has been improved to the level of his right hand.

With his current physical strength, the difference in strength between his left and right hands will naturally not be much different.

A right-handed swordsman will definitely not be able to use his left hand to swing a sword, and even if he does, the effect will definitely not be as good as his right hand.

But now, Lu Qi can freely use his left hand to swing the sword. The effect is not bad, and he can also control it freely with his right hand.

And this is one of the functions of multitasking. The most powerful thing about this skill lies in its name.

It allows Lucci to do two things at once.

For example, he can cook while painting, he can listen to music while reading, and he can listen to the song as he reads the book.

Another example is drawing a circle with the left hand and a square with the right hand. It is impossible for most people to draw a circle with one hand and a complete square with the other hand. It was originally meant to warn people to be single-minded in doing things.

But now Lu Qi can do this easily.

He stood up from the recliner, then squatted on the ground and began to practice. I saw him drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other. Without any delay, a square and a circle appeared completely at the same time.

Akali, who was not far away, saw him like this and couldn't help but scorned: "You are so old, and you are still playing with dirt."

Ah Li also looked at her when she heard this. When she was with the snow foxes, she would also play in the snow, but she no longer does so.

Lu Qi raised his head and said with a smile: "I dare say you can't even understand how to play with dirt."

"I'm not as naive as you!" Akali snorted and planned to start practicing.

She was on the road these days and didn't delay her practice. After all, only by persevering in this way can she become stronger. Unlike that guy, who didn't do anything serious every day, and now he was just playing around.


Ah Li came over curiously and looked at the square on the ground: "Why are you drawing these patterns?"

"I just draw casually." Lu Qi smiled and said, "This is called drawing circles with the left hand and drawing squares with the right hand. The two hands must move together, and they must be drawn together in the end."

"So that's it." Ah Li suddenly realized, and then said with great interest: "It feels quite simple, I'll try it too."

She also squatted down, stretched out her two white and tender hands, and began to draw on the land.

After a while, a crooked circle and a crooked square appeared at the same time.

"Huh?" Ahri felt strange and couldn't help but try again, then showed a confused expression.

It stands to reason that it’s pretty simple, right? Why are they different in the end?

She looked at Lu Qi's drawing again. It was neat and tidy, with no problems at all.

Seeing this, Lu Qi said quite proudly: "My move is not something that ordinary people can do."

"Stop bragging!"

The words caught Akali's attention. She saw Ahri trying again and again, and her expression became more confused and confused, and curiosity arose in her heart.

Isn't it just drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other? What's so difficult?

Lu Qi looked at her and said with a smile: "If you don't agree, come and try."

"Just try it!"

Akali walked over with a confident step, then squatted next to Ahri and tried it on the clean land.

She first touched the ground with both hands, and then confidently began to move her hands, one hand straight and horizontal, and the other hand making arcs.

Then, those confident eyes gradually became filled with doubt in the process.

When the two hands stopped, what appeared were two crooked square circles.

"I wasn't ready just now. I'll try again." Akali didn't believe it and immediately tried again. This time she took a deep breath and entered a serious state.

And the idea of ​​drawing a square circle began to strengthen in her mind, but when she finished drawing, it was no different from before.

"It shouldn't be."

Akali frowned and stared at the crooked pattern she drew, feeling somewhat as confused as Ahri.

Obviously you only need to draw a circle with one hand and a square with one hand. It doesn't sound difficult at all. Why is this?

She tried again, more seriously.

However, several times in succession, either the drawing was crooked, or the circle was drawn correctly but the square was crooked, or the square was drawn correctly but the circle was crooked.

When she tried to draw one of them well, something always went wrong on the other side, or she made a mistake at the same time.

After many attempts, Akali raised her eyes and looked at Lu Qi: "Impossible! This is simply impossible!"

She gradually realized that this was almost equivalent to multitasking, and how could a person do two things at once? At least she had never seen it.

Ah Li also nodded: "I agree!"

"But I can do it." Lu Qi stood with his hands behind his back, his master's demeanor suddenly appeared.

His pretentious look was too dazzling, Akali curled her lips and said: "I don't believe it, you must have drawn this first."

"How about this?" Lu Qi rolled his eyes and said, "If I succeed, one of you will beat my legs and the other will squeeze my shoulders. If I fail, then do the other way around."

"You've taken advantage of everything!" Akali rolled her eyes.

"Then tell me, what do you want me to do?" Lu Qi said.

"Can you do anything?" Akali asked.


Lu Qi nodded confidently.

"Okay!" Akali immediately agreed readily and continued, "There is only one chance. If you fail, you have to tell me how you found me in the smoke that day."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "No problem."

Ah Li thought for a moment and said, "Is it okay to make the request again later?"

She couldn't figure out what to do with Lu Qi yet.


"it is good."

Seeing Lu Qi agree, Ah Li nodded and agreed.


Lu Qi slowly squatted down and slowly stretched out his hand in front of the two girls.

Akali and Ahri both watched carefully to prevent him from cheating.

However, as Lu Qi began to move, their eyes gradually became filled with incredulity.

As they witnessed with their own eyes, Lu Qi actually drew a circle with one hand and a square with one hand, and completed it at the same time.

"How can this be?"

Akali felt unbelievable. She had tried it so many times and was convinced that this was not something that anyone could do easily.

Drawing this is like having to take care of two things at the same time. Drawing horizontal and vertical squares and circles without edges and corners at the same time is as difficult as heaven.

But Lu Qi did it so easily.

Ah Li also opened his eyes wide and stared blankly.

After Lu Qi finished drawing, he curled his lips and said, "How is it? Are you convinced?"

Akali did not reply, but lowered her head and tried again.

The same goes for Ahri.

After the two girls tried a few more times, they finally gave up. They even felt that pursuing this deliberately was no different than torturing themselves.

"You divide the work among yourselves and agree first. You must satisfy me."

Lu Qi was already lying on the chair, closing his eyes and waiting happily.

Seeing his arrogant look, Akali felt very unhappy, but she had nothing to do.

"Let me squeeze your shoulders."

Ah Li even looked a little eager to give it a try at this moment. He took the initiative to walk behind Lu Qi, stretched out his white and tender hands and squeezed him.

She grasped the strength just right and felt very comfortable.

At the same time, when he smelled the smell coming from Lu Qi's body, Ahri also felt a little more restless in his heart, and quickly controlled his breathing to calm down.

Seeing her like this, Akali was not one who was willing to take a gamble and refused to admit defeat. She walked slowly to Lu Qi's chair, squatted down, stretched out her little hand, and tapped on his leg.

After a while, she felt extremely ashamed in her heart!

She is a majestic Akali, when has she ever done such a job, like serving others!

Glancing at this guy's face of comfort and enjoyment, Akali really wanted to strike harder. At the same time, she was still a little surprised. Thinking of the scene where Lu Qi drew a square circle just now, it felt a bit outrageous no matter how she thought about it.

Being able to draw a square and a circle with both hands at the same time doesn't mean much, but looking at the way he does it with ease, it's obviously more than that.

At this time, Lu Qi also remembered what Akali said just now, and said: "There is actually no special reason why I found you in the smoke that day. It's just because my perception is stronger."

Akali, who was beating his legs, heard this and said in disbelief: "You can detect me in that state just by relying on your perception?"

You know, that is the secret method she cultivates, the secret of my flow - Xia Formation.

It's not just as simple as throwing a smoke bomb, but during the activation of the cloud array, Akali can make her voice and breath almost disappear, and she will also have vision in the smoke.

It means that others can't see her or hear her, but she can see others.

"The world is so big, how is this impossible?" Lu Qi said quite casually, "Even if your voice and breath have almost disappeared, your eyes will not, nor will the attack intention contained in your eyes. "

Akali calmed down and thought about Lu Qi's words.

Indeed, Runeterra is so big, and she has never even left Ionia.

There must be many things beyond her knowledge.

But it's still a bit weird to be able to detect her existence just by looking at her.

"Are you saying that my intention at that time was too obvious?"

After thinking for a moment, Akali couldn't help but ask.

She was born as an assassin. As the daughter of Shadow Fist, the first thing she learned was to hide her murderous intent.

Because murderous intention is different from other thoughts, this kind of thought can even materialize and form an external magnetic field, which is also the easiest to sense.

On the other hand, to hide murderous intent, you must also learn to hide other emotions.

She had no intention of killing at that time, but only had the intention to attack Lu Qi.

"It may not be obvious to others, but to me it's like a light on my back." Lu Qi replied.

His sixth sense is different from that of ordinary people, and it cannot be used as an example. However, there are always people in the world who have as strong a sixth sense as him.

"In other words, am I still too weak?" Akali couldn't help but lower her head.

Even Ah Li felt her emotional depression and couldn't help but comfort her: "Actually, you are already very strong."

Akali smiled helplessly: "But you are not the strongest after all, right? This world is not gentle. If you are strong enough, you can only watch unavoidable tragedies happen."

She seemed to have experienced something, and Ah Li didn't know how to comfort her for a moment.

Lu Qi didn't say anything. He didn't think Akali was the type to get depressed easily.

Sure enough, after being depressed for a while, she picked herself up again, her eyes twinkling, and she punched hard: "I can't go on like this, I have to become stronger!"

"Hiss!" Lu Qi, who was suddenly hit on the thigh by a pink fist, sucked in a breath of cold air, "After all, why are you using so much force?"

Akali forgot to give her a slap on the inside of her leg, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Lu Qi looked at her and couldn't tell for a moment whether this guy was doing it on purpose, so he waved his hand directly: "Okay, you don't need to beat your legs anymore, just go ahead and do what you have to do."

"Okay." Akali immediately stood up and took three steps instead of two to practice.

"You can rest now," Lu Qi said to Ahri.

"But I don't have anything to do." Ahri blinked, quite happy to give Lu Qi a shoulder squeeze.

Lu Qi suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, do you know how to meditate?"

"Meditation method?" Ahri had heard of it, and then shook his head: "No."

"The reason why your ability is unstable is that you don't have enough control over your own mental power. I'm going to teach you a meditation method, and you can practice it frequently in the future."

Lu Qi felt that the Sun and Moon Meditation Technique he had just obtained might be something he could teach Ahri, allowing her to control her abilities faster.

Otherwise, if this guy stayed by his side every day, Lu Qi would find that the way she looked at him was wrong. She would often look like she was about to make a move, and occasionally she would show an expression as if she was drooling over delicious food.

It made him very scared.

After all, Ahri herself said that she has no self-control.

If one day he can't bear it anymore, will he be sucked or not?

"But meditation methods seem to be very precious. Can you teach them to me?"

Ahri's eyes lit up, and she was a little confused.

She had heard of meditation, which was something that many Ionians pursued. It had many wonderful uses. The more profound the meditation method, the more precious it was.

This is also the reason why those temples and monasteries are so popular, because they have profound meditation methods in their hands. The more senior believers, the more they respect them.

"It doesn't matter to me."

Lu Qi's sun and moon meditation method was all acquired for free, and there is no rule against spreading it to others. But looking at Ah Li's dumbfounded expression, he smiled and said, "But you also have to think about how to repay me in the future."

"Yeah, yeah, I will definitely never forget this kindness." Ahri nodded vigorously.

Seeing this, Akali, who was not far away, always felt that this scene was like a bad uncle seducing a little girl.

After getting along with him these days, she found that Ah Li was really innocent. She had just come into contact with human society, and her nature was still that of an innocent animal.

In comparison, that guy Lu Qi looked like a fox, and an old fox at that.

I don’t know how much bad water there is in my stomach.

But thinking about the meditation method he mentioned, Akali also became a little interested. She didn't know how it compared with the Kinkou sect.

Lu Qi continued at this time: "The meditation method I want to teach you is called the sun and moon meditation method."

"The name sounds quite impressive. How about I trade the meditation method of the Kinkou Sect with you?" Akali also walked over curiously at this time, and was not stingy about using the meditation method of the Kinkou Sect.

Originally, this was a meditation method that was not taught to outsiders, but she was an abandoned member of the sect, and the Kinkou Sect was now suppressed by the Shadow Stream Sect, so naturally she would not be bound by those rules.

The reason for doing this was because Akali found the previous breath technique quite useful.

What the Kinkou Sect masters is not an ordinary meditation method, but a very profound stargazing meditation method. After mastering it, it will be like being in the stars, and the meditation effect will be outstanding.

It can be regarded as repaying Lu Qi's breath technique, and it can also be helpful to him and Ahri.

"Okay." Lu Qi nodded and had no objection, although he was not interested in the meditation method of the Kinkou Sect.

However, Akali’s kindness cannot be refuted.

In fact, he didn't know how different the sun and moon meditation technique was from Ionia's meditation technique, but he thought it wouldn't be too different.

So, he began to slowly explain the Sun and Moon Meditation Technique to the two of them, how to visualize, how to guide mental power, and how to mobilize the breath in the body. This step is the most critical.

Just like cultivating an immortal, you need to control a ray of breath in the body to swim according to designated steps and slowly circulate in the body.

At the same time, empty your mind and recite the visualization text silently, which is the mantra. Then he began to absorb the essence of the sun and moon, and gradually entered a meditative state.

For Akali and Ahri, it took each step step by step. For Lu Qi, it only took the time for a thought to flash through.

"Let me show you how."

Although it was a demonstration, it was actually Lu Qi's first time trying it.

He stood up and sat cross-legged, exhaled a long breath, then cleared his mind and began to recite the mantra.

The effect is immediate.

I saw the sunshine from the sky shining on his body, as if covering him with a layer of golden clothes, shining brightly and dazzlingly, like a god.

Ah Li's eyes shone, and he was immediately mesmerized. He felt that the alluring temperament exuding from Lu Qi's body became more tangible.

In her and Akali's eyes, Lu Qi seemed to be glowing, as dazzling as the sun, with an indescribable mysterious aura coming from his body.

She knew that he was not the sun, but just standing next to him and being illuminated by his light was like bathing in the warm sunshine.

It's a completely different feeling than normal exposure to sunlight.

Akali gradually widened her eyes, feeling a little shocked.

Not to mention how quickly he entered meditation, what shocked her was the sunlight blooming on Lu Qi's body at this moment.

This is definitely an effect that can only be achieved by extremely profound visualization methods.

Just like Shen, the current leader of the Kinkou Sect, the Eye of Twilight.

When he practices stargazing meditation, a purple star-like aura will appear around his body. It is a state that can make onlookers feel something.

Looking at the light shining like the sun, Akali realized that she had never heard of a similar way of thinking.

But there is no doubt that Lu Qi's performance at this moment is no worse than Shen in her impression!

Lu Qi was also immersed in the feeling of meditation at this moment. He felt as if a rising sun appeared in his mind, and the brilliance it emitted made his body warm, extremely comfortable, and his spirit relaxed.

Soon, Lu Qi left his meditation and looked at the two people who were a little stunned: "That's probably it. What you practice at night absorbs the essence of the moon, which will have different effects."

"Different effects?"

Akali was startled again. This was the first time she heard that a meditation technique could be practiced during the day and at night, and had different effects.

"You'll know when you master it. I've already told you the key."

Lu Qi stretched out lazily. The meditation just now felt really good, more comfortable than basking in the sun.

After leaving meditation, he felt different in his body.

It seems to be blessed by some power of the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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