LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 441 Thank you gift from the mountain god

Chapter 441 Thank you gift from the mountain god

"is that so."

Akali looked at Tam thoughtfully.

This is consistent with the theory of the balance of all things. After all, all things are conserved. As long as Tam exists, there won't be a demon like him that disrupts the balance.

She thought for a while and asked: "It's indeed a bit bad to kill him directly, so how should we deal with this guy?"

Lu Qi glanced at the half-dead Tam on the ground and kicked him: "Don't pretend to be dead. You've only lost one-third of your origin at most."

Tam was kicked and rolled twice, the hatred in his eyes flashed away, but he didn't have the courage to resist at this moment.

"Listen, I won't kill you just because I'm too lazy to kill you, not because I can't kill you."

Lu Qi looked at him expressionlessly, "So be honest, and if you dare to be naughty again, say goodbye to the world."

"I see."

The coldness in his eyes made Tam shiver, and the shiver in his soul made him realize that Lu Qi was serious.

Naturally, he still wants to live. As long as he lives, he can find opportunities to get out of trouble and take revenge!

When you die, there is really nothing.

What worries Tam the most right now is not only Lu Qi, but also the soul contract whose rules he doesn't understand at all. It's so overbearing and unreasonable that it directly binds him from the soul.

Seeing that Tam suddenly became so honest, Akali and Ahri both wanted to know what Lucci had done to him.

At this time, Lu Qi found a glass jar as big as two palms and said casually: "Jump in yourself."

Tam glanced at it and thought of Lu Qi's cold eyes, but he obeyed and did as he was told.

His whole body turned into water, got into the jar, and regained his physical form. His size shrank several times and became the shape of the jar. He stayed inside like an exhibit.

Akali glanced at it: "Looking at it this way, it looks more like a toad."

Ahri nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

Tam felt humiliated by the sizing eyes of these humans, and all the anger and hatred were hidden deep in his heart.

Sooner or later!

Sooner or later he will take revenge! !

But will that day really come?

Lu Qi closed the jar casually, ignored Tam, and returned to the mountain temple with Akali and Ahri.

The soul contract unconditionally binds Tam's soul. As long as he cannot complete the agreement reached with Lu Qi, he will not be able to escape from the trap for a day.

However, Lu Qi's wealth is growing all the time, but Tam can only stop here.

At this time, outside the mountain temple, a group of townspeople who came because of the commotion, as well as the town's militia team, gathered.

They were all shocked when they looked at the gold and silver jewelry all over the courtyard. The glittering scene had a huge visual impact on them.

They had never seen so much money, but at this moment no one dared to step forward to grab a cent.

Because not long ago, a large number of demons attacked the town, and there was a huge noise in the mountain temple. It is very likely that there are stronger demons.

Soon, they saw the three Luqi who had returned, and Tam who was brought back together in a jar.

That weird human-like appearance is not difficult to identify, it is a demon!

A militia captain boldly stepped forward and asked, "What exactly happened here? Why are there so many demons?"

"It's all caused by this so-called mountain god. He has been trying to devour the entire town. But don't worry, he has been subdued and can no longer cause chaos."

Akali stepped forward and explained the situation.

After hearing this, the townspeople were shocked again. No one thought that the mountain god they sincerely worshiped was actually a devil in disguise.

"It's true. I saw them fighting demons before."

"Me too. On the way here, I saw a demon as big as a mountain at the mountain temple."

"I saw it when I was hiding."

Because there were many witnesses, Akali's words were quickly confirmed. And no one doubted their identity as heroes fighting against demons, and many looked at them with grateful eyes.

If it weren't for them, then Guyuan Town might have been this devil's toy.

"Is this the devil pretending to be a mountain god?"

"How disgusting, you have deceived us for so long."

"kill him!"

“Where is the original mountain god?”

For a moment, many angry and disgusted eyes looked at Tam, and shouts of death rang out.

Ionia is full of magic, and many demons are naturally born, also called Azakana. They are evil, do all kinds of evil, and no one likes them.

More importantly, people want to know where the original mountain god went.

Because a long time ago, there was already a mountain temple in Guyuan Town.

It can't always be this devil in disguise.

So, Lu Qi looked at Tam and asked, "Tell me, where is the original mountain god?"

Tam's eyes were a little weak, but he still had the guts to answer: "I swallowed it in one gulp."

As soon as the words fell, the scene exploded. People's anger was instantly ignited, and everyone's eyes seemed to be forcibly peeling off Tam's skin.

Tam was naturally not afraid of these humans in the past. Even if a thousand of them came, they wouldn't be enough for him to eat.

But now, he can only let others slaughter him, and he can't help but sweat.

"Everyone, killing him can certainly relieve your anger, but maybe there is really no other way."

Lu Qi stood up and spoke out at this time, but his approachable aura suddenly silenced the audience.

Then Lu Qi looked at Ahri and said, "Even if you ask him, this guy might be hiding something. Just look at his memory."

Ah Li nodded slightly when he heard this. She took a step forward and slowly raised her hand under Tam's fearful and apprehensive gaze.

In an instant, the magic power around him was mobilized, becoming more abundant and active.

When Ahri's eyes were locked on Tam, strands of crystal essence were peeled off from Tam's body.

Although it is the spirit of a demon, it is still crystal clear.

"No, no!"

Tam screamed. If he had been able to resist in the past, but now bound by the soul contract, he had no power to struggle.

The essence is the soul, which is equivalent to the origin and equally important to him.

This is also the reason why he is afraid of Ah Li. The Visha clan is good at controlling souls!

Lucci forced Tam to quiet down and opened the jar.

I saw those spirits slowly floating towards Ahri, and then being inhaled into her mouth and nose, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

The long-lost essence made her soul feel excited and refreshed, like a delicious food. Tam's essence is naturally higher quality than that of ordinary people.

Ahri could feel that his abilities were gradually strengthening as he absorbed the essence.

At the same time, she saw many flashes of memories.

Tam was born from many human desires, and primitive greed awakened him. He is like a monster that can never fill his stomach, devouring one after another human beings who are cannibalized by desires.

She saw Tam bewitching one human being after another to fall into the abyss of desire. She saw Tam opening his mouth wide and swallowing a living person in one mouthful.

She saw that Tam's desire was also growing. Finally, she saw Tam arriving in Ionia, where the war was raging, and he saw the hope of promotion in this land.

So, he came to Guyuan Town and found the mountain god who protected the safety of Guyuan Town, a rabbit who gave birth to a wise rabbit.

She saw Tam deceive the mountain god into trusting him, and then when the mountain god turned around, he opened his evil mouth.

Then, Tamujiu occupied the magpie's nest and pretended to be the mountain god.

This memory made Ahri feel extremely angry. This demon was really abominable.

Vaguely, at this moment, Ahri seemed to sense something, a trace of soul other than Tam's soul.

She tried hard to remember this feeling, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"Maybe you can let me try."

She looked at Lu Qi.

"Then give it a try." Lu Qi responded, ignoring Tam who was really half-dead after a lot of essence had been sucked into the jar.

Both origin and essence, his strength has regressed by more than half after this wave.

Under Ah Li's guidance, everyone came with her to a forest behind the mountain temple, and they were a little confused as to what she was going to do.

Looking around, Ahri quickly found the place where Tam swallowed the mountain god in one gulp.

She walked here, took a deep breath, took out the sun stone, and mobilized all the magic power in her body again.

She didn't know if she could do it, but she had to try.

The next moment, I saw a bright light blooming in those crystal orange eyes. With the magic power all over his body, Ah Li seemed to have opened up another world.

She saw many spiritual bodies floating in this world, and also saw the souls that remained here.

The sun stone also lit up at this moment, suspended in mid-air, with a large amount of magic energy condensed around it.

Ahri closed her eyes, and her surroundings were already filled with her magic power. She found the feeling she had just remembered, and began to use her magic power without any guidance.

Under the strange light of the sun stone, a drop of liquid condensed from the soul appeared, fell down, and fell to the ground.

The next second, a magic ripple spread in all directions.

In the soul realm, a half-human-tall rabbit-like shadow gradually solidified and slowly opened its eyes.

Because of Ahri's existence, even though the people present could not enter the spiritual realm, they still saw the rabbit that miraculously appeared.

"Thank you."

A light voice sounded, like that of a naive little girl.

At this moment, many people shed tears.

They knew that this was the real mountain god, the one who really protected them back then.

After doing all this, Ahri felt a huge sense of physical and mental exhaustion, and almost fell to the ground.

A strong big hand held up her body, and she looked up with a weak smile: "I did it."

Lu Qi also looked at her and smiled softly: "That's amazing. You did a great job." Ah Li leaned on his chest and fell into a deep sleep.

The shadow of the mountain god also disappeared, but people knew that she had not left.

Because of Ah Li, the mountain god was miraculously resurrected.

Akali stepped forward, took Ahri from Lu Qi's arms, and looked at Ahri's sleepy face with complicated eyes.

She knew that she really misunderstood Ah Li back then.

These days, she has actually seen Ahri's kindness and that she is a great girl.

Ahri's ability to develop new abilities was actually something Lu Qi never expected.

But that's a good thing.

There is still one troublesome thing to deal with right now, and that is the mountains of gold and silver jewelry in the mountain temple.

The stewards and townspeople of Guyuan Town did not become greedy for these treasures. They knew that this was money spat out by the devil, which was dirty and would stain the soul after using it.

After thanking Lu Qi and the others for their efforts, I left this matter to them.

Of course, for Lu Qi, there is not much to say.

After all, money is money, just a bunch of dead things.

Although he already has enough money, what Bo Tam spits out is indeed quite a lot, which can almost support the operation of a small country.

And coincidentally, Lu Qi also mastered the method of handling this batch of money.

He was now standing at the entrance of the mountain temple, mobilizing the demonic origin he had just absorbed, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

His demonic power seemed to be connected to a huge space.

Obviously, Tam also used this ability to store so many gold and silver treasures.

Lu Qi's eyes flashed, and the demonic power spread out with a wave of his hand. All the gold and silver jewelry that was touched appeared in the huge space in the next second.

The space is very large, as if it is boundless, but it seems that it can only pretend to be dead, because Lu Qi just tried to put Tam into it, but failed.

When Tam saw Lu Qi naturally exerting this power, his eyes showed fear.

This human being has just absorbed his origin and is already able to use it?

What is the background of this guy?

At this time, Lu Qi had stored nearly half of the gold and silver jewelry, but the storage space seemed to be sufficient.

Even after storing all the gold and silver jewelry, Lu Qi was unable to test the size of the storage space.

I have to say that this ability is quite good, and I won’t have to worry about putting things away in the future.

In the end, there was only one Tam left, and Lu Qi looked at him thoughtfully.

Tam trembled all over and had a bad feeling.

Is this guy interested in his remaining roots?

what to do? To run or not to run?

If you run, you will die, if you don't run, you will die.

Damn, I’m so panicked.

In fact, Tam was thinking a little too much. Lu Qi could only absorb so much of the essence, and he couldn't think of more.

After that, I can only rely on myself to slowly cultivate the demonic power in my body.

What he was thinking about was what to do with Tam.

Can't you keep such an ugly devil with you?

It would be too troublesome to kill him.

At this time, Lu Qi suddenly saw a phantom flashing past, and couldn't help but ask: "Lord Mountain God, do you have any way to deal with this guy?"

Seeing the spirit state, the rabbit-like mountain god jumped out and made a childish voice: "Yes, I can help you seal him."

"That's very good, please."

Lu Qi said immediately.

The mountain god naturally remembered Tam, but she also seemed to know that this kind of demon was easy to kill, so she dropped a lot of magic power to cover the jar.

Then it turned into seals, and the jar also became a sealed object.

Tam was in the jar, looking helplessly outside. It was like seeing a prisoner in a prison, despair welling up in his heart.

"Just leave him in the mountain temple. I will always take care of him."

Mountain God and Lu Qi said.

"Thank you very much."

"This is what I should do."

The voice of the mountain god gradually faded away, taking away the sealed Tam at the same time.

For years to come, Tam would live in the mountain temple here, with no hope of ever seeing the outside world.

Ahri had a very strange dream.

She saw her tribesmen looking at her as if they were standing far away, just looking at her with loving smiles.

Ah Li kept trying to get closer, but couldn't.

"Don't leave!" Deep loneliness and sadness surged into her heart. She helplessly wanted to stay, but there was nothing she could do.

She saw those tribesmen opening their mouths, as if they wanted to say something to her, but they were too far away and she couldn't hear clearly.

All I know is that they seem to want themselves to do something.

Then, Ahri opened her eyes and saw Akali, who was guarding the side, dozing off with her head pulled back.

She sat up carefully from the bed, as if she didn't want to wake Akali up.

But Akali happened to open her eyes, and the two looked at each other. Akali said in surprise: "You finally woke up."

"Finally?" Ah Li couldn't help but wonder, "Did I sleep for a long time?"

"Yes, I slept for a full day and night." Akali nodded.

"So long?" Ahri was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect it to be so long. Then she looked at Akali: "Are you just going to guard me all day and night?"

Akali blushed, looked away and said, "No way, I just came here not long ago."

Even so, she couldn't lie about how sleepy she felt.

Ah Li felt a little moved.

By chance, Lu Qi walked in with a bowl of hot porridge outside: "She was so worried. I even said it was fine, but she still insisted on staying here."

Akali's face immediately turned red after being exposed, and she glared at Lu Qi in shame.

Ahri looked at her: "Thank you."

"I have to apologize to you first." Akali still looked at Ahri and said seriously: "I misunderstood you that day, and I want to apologize as soon as you wake up."

She had been chasing Ah Li for two days, and she had spoken harshly to him when they met, and she felt very guilty.

Seeing her serious look, Ah Li chuckled and said, "Actually, I don't blame you for a long time, because you are very kind, and I know you didn't mean it."

Akali was immediately moved and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Qi: "Let her eat something first."

She thought about it and thought so, so she gave way.

Ah Li happened to feel hungry, so she took the hot porridge brought by Lu Qi and tasted it immediately. A warmth filled her heart, dispelling the loneliness in her sleep.

The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

It feels so good to have friends.

"After you've finished eating, it's time for us to continue setting off."

Lu Qi sat down next to him, poured a glass of hot water and took a sip.

"Yeah." Ahri nodded slightly.

After half an hour.

Outside Guyuan Town.

Looking at the entrance of the town, which was full of people, Ahri was a little shocked by the scene.

As soon as she showed up, she was overwhelmed by the overwhelming thanks, and she couldn't even spare her hands for the various gifts.

She could only thank them one by one, she was so busy that she didn't know what to do.

Ahri had never been treated like this before. Humans had always seen her as a monster, but now they saw her as a hero.

Looking at those grateful eyes, she suddenly felt that something in her heart was clicked.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand what she should do.

The three of them, Lu Qi, all received the greatest gratitude from Guyuan Town. They declined most of the gifts and waited for a long time before finally saying goodbye and leaving.

"Thank you, this is my gift, please don't refuse."

At this moment, a childish voice sounded.

Three rays of light floated towards the three people and merged into their bodies.

For a moment, the three of them all had a strange feeling, as if their connection with the land of Ionia was getting closer.

"Is this a spiritual gift?"

Akali's eyes were startled, she looked at the two men and said, "The land of Ionia also has a 'spirit', and throughout its long history, this spirit has always protected the land of birth.

When some invaders enter this land, they will naturally be rejected by the land of birth, which is the spirit, and everything here will not welcome them.

In turn, there will be people who love everything here. And spiritual gift is the recognition of a person by the First Born Land, which will be very helpful for our future cultivation in Ionia. Because we are accepted by this land. "

Ah Li suddenly said: "That's it."

Lu Qi also felt it slightly, and it was actually a good thing for him.

At least with this spiritual gift, it can be regarded as a 'permit' to go to other places in the Land of the First Born.

This is obviously a thank you gift from the mountain god.

(End of this chapter)

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