LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 446: The Streaming Sword

Chapter 446: The Streaming Sword

He ignored the two people who were about to start a fight.

Lu Qi walked straight to where the Bent-backed Ape had left, picked up the long sword on the ground, and took a look: "This sword is of good quality."

Just the feeling of getting started is different from those ordinary weapons.

Yi stepped forward, took it from Lu Qi's hand, looked at it and nodded: "The sword body has smooth lines, solid texture, and no trace of impurities. It should have been made by a skilled blacksmith."

These words also attracted Ahri and the three of them to take turns to take a look.

With the quality of this long sword, it can be sold for a good price if taken outside.

But even so, Lu Qi and the others did not have this idea. Instead, they threw the sword into the sword tomb and left it to those who are destined to do so in the future.

Lu Qi simply looked down upon it. After all, although this weapon was good, it was only relatively good among mortal iron.

The weapon he was looking for was not only comparable to the Snow Blade, it must be at least as good as it.

After that, several people continued to go deeper into the Sword Tomb Valley. Yi Ye gradually sensed something and said slowly: "That ominous feeling seems to come from the depths of the Sword Tomb."

Lu Qi's perception was not as sharp as Yi's with the seventh-degree insight goggles. Hearing this, he nodded: "Then let's go take a look."

Yi nodded and said, "That's exactly what I meant."

At this time, the sky was getting dark. As the night slowly deepened, the five people stopped and chose an open place to spend the night.

The sword tomb was very vast, and the ominous aura that could easily be sensed was still unknown, so everyone decided to rest for the time being.

Just like that, the night passed.

In the early morning, a pale white mist floated in the sword tomb, and many weapons were looming in the mist, as if they were in a secret realm.

"I discovered this first!"

"Fart, I saw it first!"

"It's obviously me!"

"it's me!"

There were sounds of arguing not far away.

Among the group of people, Yi was the first to get up. He woke up at four or five o'clock and began to meditate.

Then came Akali, Ahri, Sun Wukong, and Lucci who just woke up now.

"There seems to be a quarrel over there."

Akali looked towards the place where the argument came from and said, "Are we going to join in the fun?"

"Let's go and take a look!"

Lu Qi became energetic, listening to the constant quarrels in his ears, and wanted to have a meal.

So, the five people immediately walked towards that end.

After arriving at the place, they saw two people fighting with each other, fighting for a long sword that looked to be of good quality. The long sword was full of light and had an extraordinary shape, like an enchanted weapon. Just looking at it, the quality is much better than the one yesterday.

No matter who wants to step forward and touch the long sword first, they will be interrupted by the other person's attack.

The fight between the two seemed to be ignited, with anger in their eyes.

When they saw Lu Qi and the others coming, their eyes immediately became a little more wary, as if they suspected that they were also here to snatch the flowing sword.

Yi said softly at this time: "There are many weapons in this sword tomb, why do you two need to make a fuss over one."

Hearing this, one of them sneered and said: "There are many weapons in this sword tomb, but good quality is hard to find. I came over and saw this long sword, and I obviously fell in love with it. Just as I was about to step forward and pick it up, it was this man Suddenly he rushed out and wanted to rob."

"Fart!" The man on the other side yelled angrily, "Obviously I saw it first, and you suddenly rushed up to fight for it."

The two seemed to have their own reasons, and they were about to fight again.

Suddenly, the long sword that was quietly stuck on the ground suddenly lit up, attracting everyone's attention.

The next second, it suddenly rose from the ground, but it was not directed at anyone. Instead, it turned into an arc of light and disappeared directly from people's sight.

Such a scene made everyone stunned.

"This sword seems not simple." Akali looked at the direction in which the sword disappeared. She had never seen a long sword that could fly by itself.

The weapons in this sword tomb are indeed spiritual.

Lu Qi's eyes also flashed, and he felt great interest in his heart. He did see that the long sword was of extraordinary quality, but he didn't expect that it could fly on its own and its speed was not slow.

Looking at it this way, it seems to be even higher than expected?

Yi looked at the two of them and said, "Now that it flies away on its own, doesn't it mean that it has no chance of being with you two?"

The two people in the dispute were even more angry now. They looked at each other and took out their weapons.

"If it weren't for you, that sword would have been mine!"

"Fuck you, I was the one who chose the sword!"

"It's useless to talk anymore. I can't bear it anymore! Let's fight!"

"Haha, I don't have that much time to play with you. When I find that sword, I'll fight you again!"

Seeing that a fight was about to start, one of them suddenly turned around and chased towards the place where the flowing sword disappeared.

When the other person saw this, he didn't want to fall behind and quickly chased after him.

"It turns out there is such a weapon in this sword tomb."

Akali looked at the two people who had disappeared and opened her eyes as she recalled the long sword that flew away.

"Let's go and have a look too."

Lu Qi was also very interested in that sword.

Several people nodded and walked away in the direction of the sword.

This road is also the route deep into the Sword Tomb, and time passes slowly.

Throughout the morning, a few people moved forward unhurriedly, and met many people along the way. Some were arguing, some had gained a lot and were about to leave, and some even died.

Looking at the wounds on his body, it looks like he was injured by someone.

It's not surprising if you think about it carefully. If the flowing sword hadn't flown away, the two of them would have fought to the death in the end.

There is danger in the Sword Tomb, but this danger may not necessarily be the things in the Sword Tomb.

The laws of Ionia are already loose, and in the Sword Tomb, human nature is even more untested.

In the afternoon.

Lu Qi and the other five seemed to be almost reaching the depths of the sword tomb.

At this moment, Akali said with some emotion: "It is indeed a sword tomb. We must have encountered more than a few thousand weapons along the way."

Her eyes were really opened. She saw a lot of various and strange weapons along the way. The most distinctive ones were the giant weapons, which could be found everywhere.

"There must have been great stories happening here."

The scene Ahri saw in her eyes was different at this time. What she saw was not only weapons, but also the powerful soul remnants of the former owners of those weapons.

She could feel that strong men had fallen here one after another, the masters of those giant weapons.

At the same time, she also felt a bit of turmoil in her soul, and there was a faint feeling of uneasiness, which made her a little uneasy.

So she told everyone what she felt.

"You feel it too?"

Akali frowned slightly. She didn't have that strong sense, but she believed in Ahri.

Now even she feels something. Does that mean there is really some kind of huge danger in this sword tomb? Yi looked ahead, taking in everything around him through the seven-degree insight eyepiece. He said, "It should be right in front. Go over and take a look."

"That is, if there is really any demon in this sword tomb, I, Old Sun, will kill him physically and mentally with a stick."

Sun Wukong took out the enchanted long stick and said rather bravely.

"You?" Akali chuckled, saying nothing.

Sun Wukong raised his brows, bared his teeth and said, "Look, if there is any danger later, let me go first!"

At this time, as everyone continued to advance, there were also many quarrels coming from the front.

Going further, Lu Qi and the others came to a spacious mountainous area. There were weapons all over the place, and the quality was much higher than those at the entrance. Among them, you could vaguely see a few shimmering weapons, which were of extraordinary quality. of.

There are hundreds of people here, as if everyone from the depths has gathered here.

The noise came from near the left, where there were about a dozen people, hostile to each other.

There are still many people watching secretly around, and there are still people watching the excitement from a distance.

"A few more people came, it seems they were all attracted by the flowing sword."

"The appearance of this long sword is indeed attractive."

"I just don't know whose family the flower will fall on today."

"Forget it, let's wait and see. We can't grab it."

The discussion fell into the ears of Lu Qi and others, and they immediately understood something about the situation.

If you look carefully, you can see the flowing sword that flew away on its own, inserted on a raised hill, as if overlooking everyone below, and like a prize, waiting for the winner to take the stage.

Lu Qi glanced around and found many strong men, all observing secretly. Some were meditating on the spot, some were acting in groups, and there was also a swordsman wearing a bamboo hat who was leaning against a tree and taking a nap. Lu Qi had a few thoughts. Very familiar feeling.

In addition, he also found a group of people.

Linjun and the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect led by her.

Are they also here to join in the fun?

Yi approached Lu Qi at this time and whispered: "The ominous atmosphere is not here, but it is not far away. There is another mystery in this place."

Lu Qi nodded calmly: "We'll wait and see for the time being, there's no rush."

Yi's intention was obviously to see what happened to this ominous aura.

As his mind becomes more mature, Yi realizes that with great strength, it is his duty to protect the newborn land.

That is to say, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

At this time, the sound of fighting was heard.

The people over there who were arguing endlessly finally decided to rely on strength to decide the ownership of the flowing sword, and a chaotic war was about to break out.

More than a dozen people are fighting together, each on their own, probably fighting to the death.

Seeing this, Yi couldn't help but sigh: "For a weapon, you don't hesitate to swing the weapon at your compatriots, why bother."

He took a step forward and finally took action.

But instead of ending the battle, it turned into a stream of light and saved a defeated man.

His attack was so swift that it shocked some people and attracted more people's attention. Many eyes fell on Yi.

The addition of a strong person will undoubtedly become a thorn in the side of the other weak ones.

"I won't interfere in your fight, but I can't bear to see you pay your lives for it."

Yi led the defeated man out of the center of the battle and said calmly, "The defeated man, please leave now."

He doesn't want to act like a saint, he just does what he wants.

He believed that living lives should not have perished here. Along the way, he saw many corpses, all of which died due to fighting.

He is powerless to stop what has happened, but what is happening now, he will try his best to take action.

The swordsman who was saved by Yi stood up and bowed to Yi, glanced at the flowing sword reluctantly, and finally turned and left.

Yi Bian stood quietly outside the battlefield.

What he did made many people stand in awe, and those who competed for the Flowing Light Sword no longer cared about him and continued to fight together.

And when someone is weak and in a dying situation, Yi will take action to save that person, never failing, and showing great strength in every move.

When the fight between these dozen people was about to decide the winner, the strong men who were watching finally made some irresistible choices to take action.

The fighting couldn't stop for a while.

The only thing that didn't change was the speeding green light.

No matter who the final owner of the Flowing Light Sword is, Yi has gained the high respect of everyone.

Lu Qi looked at Yi with admiration in his eyes. It can only be said that a master’s achievements are not without reason.

"Haha, I won in the end!"

As time passed, an ecstatic laugh broke out, and the final winner was decided.

A swordsman with short hair, exuding the aura of a strong man, walked towards the flowing sword step by step, and no one took action on the way.

This swordsman is not weak, and he defeated most of his competitors by himself.

Soon, he came to the front of the long sword of flowing light. When he stretched out his hand, the long sword suddenly burst into light again. With a "swish" sound, it galloped away in a direction and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The swordsman froze on the spot, feeling as if the duck he had obtained had flown away.

Seeing this scene, the others were also a little dazed and flew away again?

"It's too much to bully others. It's okay to fly once. What's the point of flying again and again? You can't fool me!"

The swordsman looked furious.

"There are many weapons with spirituality in the Sword Tomb. Many people have asked for them for hundreds of years, but they are so easy to possess. At most, you have passed its first level of testing, and there are still more A new test.”

A voice came out, and everyone looked and saw Linjun walking out slowly.

The swordsman looked at her and sneered: "Tests come and go. I think your Ancient Sword Sect is doing the trick. Since you don't want these spiritual soldiers to be leaked, why open the sword tomb."

"If these spiritual soldiers really choose someone, I will never be reluctant to give up."

Linjun looked at him and said calmly: "It's just that these spiritual soldiers come from the core area of ​​​​the Sword Tomb, and the final test is also there."

The swordsman couldn't help but ask: "What test?"

"If you are interested, you can come with me."

Linjun turned around and walked towards the place where the flowing sword disappeared.

Everyone present followed him. The journey was not far, only a few hundred meters away.

But here, there is a huge stone giant standing, not the stone statue with only its head left at the entrance.

Instead, it was a stone giant with a body. He stood there, holding a four- to five-meter-long giant sword in both hands, as if he was guarding something.

But behind him, there was a dead end, with only angular mountain walls everywhere.

"This is a guardian stone statue cast by the first generation ancestors of the Ancient Sword Sect. It was erected here to protect the weapons in the core area from being destroyed. Only those who awaken it can open the way into the core area."

Linjun saw everyone's confusion and explained.

Someone immediately asked: "How can I wake it up?"

"Only the truly strong can awaken it. Those who have studied weapons to the extreme and understand their thoughts can resonate with the stone statues."

Linjun gave a hint.

(End of this chapter)

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