Chapter 448 War begins

Ahri was nearby and had arrived here at this moment. She just glanced at Zolani, and a feeling of suffocation suddenly emerged, as if she had fallen into an icy abyss!

"Her soul is stronger than everyone present. I only smell the endless silence."

Ahri said in a difficult tone, just sensing Zolani's soul had already consumed a lot of her energy.

She had never seen such a powerful soul, nor had she ever felt such terrifying silence and despair in a soul.

What she saw in her eyes seemed to be a tyrant who was destroying the world.

It seemed that Ahri's words caught Zolani's attention, and her eyes briefly glanced at her.

The moment their eyes met, Ahri felt that the whole world had become darker. She couldn't help but take a step back, and even her breathing became short.

Although it was only a brief glance, Ahri realized that this person was definitely a powerful being beyond imagination.

"No matter, let's get out of here first."

Akali saw Ahri suddenly stunned, and immediately took a step forward, grabbed her hand and left quickly.

Sun Wukong glanced at Yi and quickly chased after him. He knew that with his current strength, he couldn't help them at all.

Until Akali and the others had retreated, Lu Qi didn't take another glance. His attention always stayed on Zolani.

Look at that creature that is like a king, overlooking everything from above.


A kind of existence that is almost like a god. The war between the dark descendants once almost destroyed Runeterra.

Zolani was one of the leaders of the Darkin War. It was she who started the war with another Darkin leader.

Far from being comparable to the shield darkin that Lu Qi met in the underground treasure house of Demacia.

However, what is different from before is that Lu Qi's strength is no longer what it used to be.

Lu Qi now understood the origin of the sword tomb beneath his feet.

This was an ancient battlefield thousands of years ago, and no one knows its specific origins. With the appearance of Zolani, the truth was also revealed.

Obviously, this is the battlefield where the dark descendants once fought!
And those huge weapons were the weapons used by the dark descendants.

Regarding the dark descendants, he currently has two pieces of information.

Some powerful Darkin cannot be killed. They are sealed in their weapons and have been looking for new bodies for thousands of years.

And mortals are their best carriers.

They can easily devour mortals with weak souls and weak bodies.

For example, Linjun was a strong person, but in an instant, Zolani took away the ownership of her body.

And after these dark descendants have new bodies, their former strength will slowly recover.

However, the new body is not their original body after all, but a mortal body.

It takes time for the body to adapt, and it takes time for the body to adapt to very powerful forces.

This is also the reason why dark descendants have always wanted to find a suitable carrier.

The first person Zolani set her sights on was Akali.

In other words, Zolani is not in her prime at this moment.

Her strength has not been fully restored, so the reason why she is unmoved at this moment is that she is quietly recovering her strength?

"Senior brother, it will be a tough battle later, so remember not to hold back. She is recovering her strength, and the longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

Lu Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said to Yi in a deep voice, "Ordinary attacks cannot kill her. The best way to subdue her is to get her to leave her weapon."

After her words fell, Zolani's eyes seemed to be as cold as winter.

this human
Yi knew that Lu Qi was usually lazy, but he would never joke at this time, and he also had an inexplicable trust in him.

In this case, he cannot betray this trust.

"I see."

He took a deep breath and adjusted the state directly to the maximum. In an instant, a wave of bright green air emerged from his body. Along with the surging sword intent, his thin body showed a powerful aura.

This made Zolani take another look at him. Even in her time, such humans were rare.

"If you lived in my time, you would definitely become a being like me."

Zolani knew that it might not be easy to leave at this moment, so she was ready for a fight.

Among all the people present, only the human being in front of her could be worthy of her attention.

Yi didn't say anything, just took one step forward, but his figure disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Zolani in an instant.

Zolani's pupils shrank slightly and she blocked the sword with instinctive reaction. However, what he had to face next was hundreds of terrifying slashes!

A flood of slashes came from all directions, and Zolani actually had the illusion that she was fighting dozens of people. Each one of them was as powerful as this swordsman!
Several wounds appeared on her body in the blink of an eye. Not even the Darkin's shell could stop it, and dark red blood flowed out of it.

The blood that flowed out turned into red steam in the next second, and Zolani's eyes turned red, and she let out a loud shout.



A terrifying bloody light instantly erupted from her body. Yi's several slashes were all blocked, and he was also thrown away by the explosion.

But he fell down without any serious injuries, stabilized his body, and frowned: "Blood magic?"

He has never seen blood magic, but he has heard about it. This kind of magic is called forbidden magic in Runeterra. It has been lost for many years, but it is still pursued by countless people.

Blood magic is very powerful. It can integrate magic into the blood and gain powerful power.

Yi has discovered that this being, who probably came from thousands of years ago, has mastered this kind of magic.


Zolani's wounds were healing quickly. She looked at Yi and was about to say something, but she instinctively felt something was wrong.

It's like when you're having afternoon tea, you suddenly remember something and seem to have forgotten something.

So I kept thinking and thinking, but couldn't figure out what it was.

Her eyes left Yi, but condensed slightly.

Where did the human who exposed her information go?
At this moment, a terrifying killing intent burst out from behind her, as if it would penetrate her body in the next moment.

Zolani was shocked, and her expression changed accordingly.

How many years has it been since she felt like this?
Could it be that he has been sleeping in the weapon for too long? She didn't even notice the attack from behind.

The moment the murderous intention appeared, Lu Qi's attack had actually reached Zolani's back. An unreserved sword, blessed with many sword intentions, without holding anything back, just hoping to kill with one blow!

At that moment, Zolani didn't even have time to turn around. All she could do was trust her intuition.

Believing in the intuition she had developed over hundreds of years of fighting, she mobilized the blood magic in her body.


A sound like a dragon roar sounded, and Lu Qi's long-awaited killing move had arrived. Before the sword arrived, the terrifying sword intent had already broken through the bloody armor on Zolani's body.

Xuejian made a buzzing sound, and at that moment, all the swords in the sword tomb trembled, as if in response.

The energy surged by various sword intentions seemed to turn into substance at this moment, and everything around him was frozen.

This sword is a challenge for Wushuang!
Unparalleled swordsmanship allows Lu Qi to better discover the enemy's weaknesses, that is, flaws.

And attack flaws are the strength of unparalleled swordsmanship.

At this moment, Zolani’s back is full of flaws!

The next moment, Xuejian pierced Zolani's body, bursting out with a terrifying force.

Zolani only felt that her body was torn apart by many different sword intents, and cracks appeared one after another, as if they were about to be shattered.

She didn't care about the pain on her body at all, and turned around at this moment, staring at the human who pierced her body.

She seemed to want to remember the appearance of this human being who could sneak up on her from behind.

How many years had it passed? No one had ever attacked her from behind and succeeded?

The next second, Zolani's eyes were as red as blood, and blood magic erupted into a wave of blood that was even more terrifying than before. Even the sky was dyed red with blood, as if it was about to swallow Lu Qi.

Even Lu Qi had to deal with it carefully. He retreated at full speed, dodged the attack, and his eyes became more solemn.

The blood disappeared, and only half of Zolani's body was seen. One of her arms was cut off directly, and a bone saw fell to the ground.

The other arm was only cut off in half, and was bloody and bloody, but there was a blood-red line connecting the other severed arm.

And in that hand, there was another bone saw.

In fact, weapons are the true body of dark descendants, and human bodies are only carriers of their spirit and power, and can be replaced with new ones at any time.

Therefore, a good way to deal with dark descendants is to let her body leave the carrier.

In this way, her consciousness and strength will return to the weapon, returning to an almost sealed state.

And Zolani, at this most critical moment, actually responded, preventing both arms from being cut off and losing their weapons.

Lu Qi's blow was of course aimed at cutting off both Zolani's arms. Obviously, it was not completely successful.

Zolani quickly retracted the broken arm, and the broken arm was re-integrated with the body through the blood line. At this moment, her cold face was slightly twisted as she stared at Lu Qi: "You actually have such a deep disguise. "

The reason why Lu Qi was able to succeed in that blow just now was precisely because in Zolani's eyes, he was just a dispensable human being.

Compared to Yi who showed a strong aura, she was far behind. Even if he told information about her, she didn't take it seriously at all.

However, she didn't expect that Lu Qi's disguise could blind her, making her think that he was an ordinary person.

In fact, his strength is even stronger than that of Yi.

She is no stranger to sword intent. There were many warriors who mastered sword intent back then, but there were very few who mastered multiple powerful sword intents at the same time.

At that moment, Zolani felt at least five powerful sword intentions.

If such a person were placed in her era, there would be no need for testing, and they could directly obtain the 'qualification' and become an existence like her.

These two people are already rare leaders among humans.

An idea suddenly came to Zolani's mind. If she could control them with blood magic, she could get two good helpers.

In just a short moment, Zolani had many thoughts flashing through her mind.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed something was wrong, her expression changed again, and a hint of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

Is her power losing?
Moreover, why does the self-healing speed of injuries on the body become so slow?

At this moment, only half of her body was left, and the flesh and blood on it was squirming, stretching out a new body.

It stands to reason that this kind of injury is not even a fatal injury to her, and she can recover in the blink of an eye.

However, the speed at this moment seemed to her to be extremely slow.

You know, the most powerful part of her blood magic is the recovery of injuries. Among all the dark descendants, she is the only one who masters the most profound blood magic.

Even if it is a fatal injury, you can recover in an instant.

However, at this moment, the speed of recovery like a turtle crawling and the loss of power made Zolani feel a faint feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

She noticed something and looked at Xuejian in Lu Qi's hand: "This weapon."

She understood in an instant that everything was caused by this weapon. She actually felt a sense of age from this weapon that was as old as hers.

"It seems that you have discovered it." Lu Qi said with a smile, "This weapon of mine is specially designed to defeat dark descendants."

Xuejian was originally created by the humans ruled by the dark descendants in order to fight against the shield dark descendants.

Xuejian can absorb the power of the holder. At the same time, the target attacked by Xuejian will also have its power taken away, which will be transferred to Lu Qi.

With the sword just now, Xuejian pierced Zolani's body directly and had already absorbed part of the power.

In addition, Lu Qi also gave Xuejian the entry of serious injury, which made it even more restrained for these dark descendants with strong self-healing ability.

Lu Qi had already thought about it from the beginning.

Relying on Yi to attract Zolani's attention, he used Shenyin's hidden aura to wait for the opportunity to deliver the strongest blow.

Although the effect did not meet expectations, it was still very useful.

Zolani's eyes darkened slightly, staring at Xuejian. As a Darkin, she arrogantly despised everything, but that weapon made her feel difficult to deal with.

Because, through personal experience, she knew that what Lu Qi said was true.

Just after entering this carrier, she had only recovered more than half of her strength. Now because of that sword, her strength is probably only half of what it was in its prime.

Facing Yi and Lu Qi standing with swords in their hands, even Zolani felt that the situation was a bit difficult.

Now, her idea of ​​leaving this place is even more unrealistic.

The last time she felt this kind of pressure from a human was when she was a human.

Was she so powerful back then?
After being sealed for so long, it is still troublesome.

If the body occupied was the human body from the beginning, it would probably be much easier to deal with this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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