LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 451 End of the battle

Chapter 451 End of the battle
Lu Qi glanced at Xuejian, who was frozen in ice, and knew that it was unlikely to bypass Zolani to retrieve the weapon.

Zolani didn't waste any more words at this moment and directly raised her hand to attack Lu Qi.

In an instant, multiple strands of blood magic attacked Lu Qi from all directions, and the surrounding air was filled with blood, like a field of blood.

boom! boom! boom!
Lu Qi now had his hands free and could only dodge at full speed.

Violent damage was suffered everywhere along the way. Under Zolani's control, the blood magic seemed to be as flexible as life.

Watching Lu Qi's various dodges, Zolani suddenly realized that she had never hurt him until now.

For a human being, his movements are ridiculously fast, and every move he makes seems to be moving with the wind. After releasing the demon's power, the speed became even faster.

She is the one who is anxious now.

I just used Essence and Blood Conversion. If I don't quickly get rid of Lu Qi and find a new body, my body that is on the verge of collapse will not be able to support it for long.

However, if you bypass Lucci, look for a new body. With his speed, he would most likely attack her directly when she took control of her body.

Thinking about it carefully, it was all because he underestimated the enemy at the beginning and got hit by that sword.

Zolani doesn't hate this feeling of being pressed for time. No matter in which era, there are such powerful people.

It is a blessing to be able to meet him as soon as he wakes up.

"No human has ever pushed me this far."

Zolani looked at the dodging Lu Qi, her eyes became extremely red, and then she raised her hand, "Enter now, the last round."

She must go all out to end the battle as quickly as possible.

I saw that the blood magic chasing Lu Qi suddenly doubled, and the whole world seemed to be dyed red. Countless blood arrows fell, and there were waves of blood from all directions, forcing Lu Qi in in the blink of an eye. blind spot.

Lucci dodged blow after blow until a huge ball of blood magic fell and he couldn't avoid it.

At this moment, Lu Qi activated the power of the runes without hesitation.

Boom! ! !

In the violent explosion, Lu Qi was instantly swallowed up by blood. The rising blood was like a flame. A huge pit appeared on the ground, and countless cracks spread towards the surroundings.

"The breath is gone."

Zolani sensed it carefully and found Lu Qi's aura no more.

As long as he is dealt with, everyone else will be easy to deal with.

Just when her heart relaxed, she suddenly became tense again.


This feeling of déjà vu.

"Have you finally discovered it, but it's too late? Do you still have the strength to protect yourself now?"

Lu Qi's voice came from another direction. He raised his hand and clenched his fist fiercely. Orange light flashed in his eyes: "Explode!"

I saw that powerful magical energy had already condensed around Zolani's body, and it exploded the moment he clenched his fist.

Rune magic, wind blast!
boom! boom! boom!
Deafening explosions exploded in the air instantly. Zolani's eyes had just locked on Lu Qi's position, but her body had no time to dodge. With a touch of disbelief, her body was torn to pieces on the spot and exploded into bloody water.

Without any hesitation for a second, Lu Qi directly raised his hand and hit it with another fireball.

Rune magic, fireball!
A fireball as hot as the sun, burning with surging and boiling energy, fell towards the pool of blood like a meteorite from the end of the world.

boom! ! !
A burst of fire shot into the sky, and the surging flames caused the surrounding temperature to continue to soar.

Lu Qi still didn't stop, and rushed to the motionless Xuejian's blade, directly broke the ice, and recaptured Xuejian.

Then he turned around, looked at the blood that was condensing into a human shape, and slashed out with his sword.

The two arms holding the bone saw fell to the ground, depriving Zolani of her power at an extremely fast speed.

Even in the face of many powerful attacks from Lu Qi, she always relied on blood magic to connect her arms to prevent that layer from being disconnected from her body.

This time, however, Zolani was powerless.

She finally condensed back into her human body and looked at Lu Qi's hoarse voice: "Is this power a rune? You are really not simple. But next time, I won't give you a chance to succeed in a sneak attack."

Obviously, she was always within Lu Qi's calculations.

Perhaps even her taking away the weapon was anticipated by Lu Qi.

The world runes were the trump card he kept until the end.

Because there was not much time left, she had to increase her offensive power to deal with Lu Qi, so her own defense methods would be reduced.

Lu Qi deliberately guided the blow to hit, and then immediately concealed her aura and used her unexpected magic attack as the final attack.

Just like a matryoshka doll, whenever Zolani thought she had seen through all of Lu Qi's cards, he would always come up with a trick she hadn't expected.

This time, Zolani knew she lost.

Lu Qi looked at Zolani: "You may not have another chance."

The blood-colored armor on Zolani's body was fading away, and her face was about to return to Linjun's appearance. Hearing this, she smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter anymore. This time, I lost. I will remember you, I hope I When you get out again, you'll still be alive."

To her, time no longer matters.

She might be sealed back into the weapon again and sleep for a thousand years. When she wakes up, Lu Qi might already be an ashes.

Lu Qi found that Zolani was not hysterical as expected, but was unusually calm, even with a touch of elegance.

Thinking about it, for a dark descendant who never really dies, any experience is just a bit of hardship.

As Zolani's power returned to the bone saw, Linjun's body fell to the ground.

Lu Qi took a long breath and took back the energy of the runes.

Wind blast and fireball are both his LV7 magic skills, which already have considerable damage.

This time, Lu Qi even quoted the energy of runes as guidance. Both skills were strengthened by rune magic, and their power was greatly improved.

If he had used the power of the runes from the beginning, the effect would definitely not be as obvious as before.

As a dark descendant who has lived for thousands of years, Zolani is obviously no stranger to the power of world runes.

The most important thing is that Lu Qi is not sure what other cards the master of blood magic has hidden.

Being able to remain strong under the magical attack blessed with runic energy, if Lu Qi hadn't finished the damage quickly enough, she might have been able to recover. It's really a terrifying existence.

Zolani's guess was correct. Lu Qi had indeed been looking for opportunities. Even throwing away his weapon was a deliberate attempt to expose a flaw.

He was not sure if what Zolani said was true, and whether all the power of the body would really be drained out after the essence-blood conversion was used up.

So he must take the initiative to test and look for opportunities.

at the same time.

Yi teamed up with the swordsman in a bamboo hat and defeated the blood slave dark descendants one after another. As Zolani's power disappeared, the remaining blood slaves also lost their source of power and stopped.

When Akali and the other three saw that the battle on Lu Qi's side was over, they finally felt relieved.


Akali immediately rushed towards Lu Qi, wanting to see his situation. Ahri followed closely behind.


Lu Qi looked at the concerned eyes of the two girls, smiled and said: "It was indeed a tough battle, but I won."

Akali found that although Lu Qi looked a little embarrassed, he didn't seem to be injured at all.

Even though he was hit by such a powerful blow just now, it didn't seem to be affected.

And this time, Akali also truly saw Lu Qi's full strength, almost to the point where she was beyond her reach.

Can I really catch up with him?

"She seems to be alive."

Seeing that Lu Qi was fine, Ahri looked at Linjun on the ground and noticed her weak breathing.

"It's all this guy's fault for causing us such a big trouble!"

Akali was furious when she saw Linjun. Without her, there wouldn't be so many things!
But then I thought, if it hadn't been her, maybe it would have been me who had her body snatched away.

This made Akali's mood suddenly complicated again.

"Don't think too much about it. It's true that she caused us huge trouble. She helped you block the trouble because of her own desires. The two things are not related."

Lu Qi knew what this girl was thinking at a glance. He looked at Linjun on the ground without any sympathy.

Although she didn't know what her original purpose was, she looked at the mess on the ground in the Sword Tomb and the corpses everywhere.

This guy is definitely the culprit.

At this time, Yi and the other two people also rushed over, along with some surviving disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect.

Seeing Linjun who was unconscious and covered in blood, they immediately surrounded her and let out mournful cries.

These sounds seemed to wake up Linjun. She woke up slowly and looked extremely weak.

"The leader is awake!"

"Quick, go get the healing medicine!"

"Master, hold on!"

All the ancient sword sects were in a hurry.

"No need." Linjun sat up weakly, looked at her broken arms, and showed a wry smile. Then she raised her hand and looked at Lu Qi and others with an apology in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I thought I can control the power of that weapon, but only in an instant.”

In an instant, control of his body was taken away.

Yi asked in confusion: "Why did you do this?"

"As of now, it seems it's too late to say this."

Linjun sighed, and wrinkles appeared on her face. If you look closely, you can see that her hair is also turning white one by one.

Ahri could sense that the vitality in her body had been drained, and she was about to die. No one could save her.

"This weapon is a secret that only the head of the Ancient Sword Sect can know. It is said that it is guarding the sword tomb, but it is actually guarding this weapon from being mastered by humans."

A trace of hatred gradually emerged in Linjun's eyes, "We, the Ancient Sword Sect, have been guarding the sword tomb for generations and have done our best. However, those Noxian barbarians broke in and started killing. I watched with my own eyes every master from the same sect. My brother died under the enemy's sword, my master, my master's wife, my father, my mother. I want revenge. Those who are indifferent and guard the way of balance are unwilling to take action, so it's up to me."

"I thought about the weapon that has been guarded by us for generations. If we master its power, we can take revenge on Noxus.
But I couldn’t pass the test, so I opened the sword tomb.”

At the end of the sentence, Linjun's wry smile was full of sadness, and there were tears in her eyes.

As she spoke, there was silence.

The invasion war of Noxus indeed hurt countless people.

Akali clenched her fists. She knew who the indifferent people Lin Jun was talking about were those stubborn people who clearly had power but insisted on balance!

Linjun actually had nothing wrong with her. The only fault was that she overestimated herself and underestimated Zolani.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I never meant to hurt you. I just ask that for the sake of the Ancient Sword Sect protecting this weapon for generations, please spare me and these disciples."

Linjun was now pale, as if she had suddenly aged several dozen years, and her voice was extremely weak. She looked at Lu Qi and the others pleadingly.

"We don't need to pursue this matter, but this weapon can no longer be kept here."

Lu Qi looked at Linjun with unspeakable sympathy.

She is indeed a pitiful person, but when she hurts the people around her because of her own overestimation, she no longer deserves sympathy.

As for the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect, there is no need to pursue them.

They don't know what kind of existence they are facing.

It's not that Lu Qi doesn't believe them, he just knows that they can't take care of these two bone saws.

As long as ordinary people come into contact with weapons, like Linjun, their consciousness will be snatched away by Zolani in an instant.

And people like Yi have strong souls and strong wills. No matter how hard Zolani tried to seduce her, she couldn't succeed.

To put it bluntly, the way the dark descendants seize the body is to compete with each other to see whose soul is more powerful.

It's a kind of 'seizing one's body'.

"That's good."

After receiving Lu Qi's reply, Linjun slowly closed her eyes and her breathing disappeared.

The surrounding disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect kept crying out sadly.

Yi just sighed softly, then looked at the two bone saws: "What should I do with these two weapons?"

Lu Qi thought for a while and said: "I'll leave it to my senior brother for safekeeping for the time being. This kind of existence is called a dark descendant, and it has powerful power."

Listening to his introduction, everyone nodded slightly, after all, they had just seen it with their own eyes.

"The consciousness of the dark descendant just now was sealed in the weapon, so these dark descendants want to find a body to escape. Only those with strong minds can resist the invasion and temptation of the dark descendants. However, very few people can resist the dark descendants. I am here I met one when I was in Demacia, but she was much weaker than her. Now she is sealed in the magic-forbidden chamber in Demacia and is under strict guard."

After saying this, Lu Qi looked at Yi: "I plan to take this weapon back to Demacia for safekeeping, but not now. The existence of darkin is too dangerous, and letting it out will not be a good thing. I will leave this matter to others. Don’t worry, I hope senior brother you can take good care of it for the time being.”

Seeing Lu Qi's gaze, Yi nodded without thinking.

"It would be a good thing if it can be sealed in Demacia. In this case, I will return to Wuji. There is a treasure there that can temporarily seal this weapon."

He said firmly and seriously, "I will guard it in Wuji and wait for you to come."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "It won't be long."

Lu Qi actually didn't feel relieved when he handed the bone saw to Yi Lai for safekeeping.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Yi's strength, but he vaguely remembers that it was because of this weapon that Yi once again suffered the tragedy of annihilation.

Naturally, he didn't want to see this kind of tragedy happen.

So I plan to find an opportunity to take the bone saw back to Demacia, guard it in the magic stone secret room, and find a complete solution in the future.

At this time, Ah Li said with a somewhat uneasy expression: "I still feel a little weird."

(End of this chapter)

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