LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 453 Void Cracked Blade

Chapter 453 Void Cracked Blade
The top priority is to solve the current trouble.

Signs of the void cannot appear in this spiritual realm for no reason, so there must be a source.

The source must be found to prevent the void from continuing to expand.

Being in this space, Lu Qi could clearly feel the insatiable hunger of the void.

At this moment, the Void Territory may have occupied the entire Sword Tomb, and this speed can be said to be very terrifying.

The realm of reality is closely connected with the realm of spirit, and the realm of spirit is like a mirror to the former.

The place where Lu Qi is is equivalent to the sword tomb in the spiritual realm. There are many environments that he seems familiar with, but they are basically eroded by the void.

And there are almost none of those spiritual beings that are only active in the spiritual realm.

The only ones wandering in this space are all kinds of void creatures.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lu Qi killed countless void creatures along the way. The most he saw was a kind of void fish wearing a gray-black carapace that wandered around. They were almost everywhere in the sky, moving in groups.

Some larger ones can even spray purple lasers to attack.

What occupies the ground is a group of crab-like void crabs with six limbs on the ground, moving quickly, and able to self-generate a purple energy barrier.

These two are the most common creatures in the void. In addition, there are all kinds of void creatures with different strengths and weaknesses.

Lu Qi observed and found that the void environment looked particularly like a purple ocean.

When you enter it, you feel a sense of nothingness, primitiveness and insignificance. It's like falling into the boundless seabed. Looking at the ecological environment here, I only feel endless loneliness and coldness, and even my breath is suffocated.

Lu Qi thought that if he was allowed to live in this kind of environment all year round, he would probably go crazy before long.

No wonder the Ascended Ones' minds were affected after the battle with the Void.

At this moment, Lu Qi somewhat understood that the corruption of the void was not just about encroaching on the environment.


At this moment, Lu Qi suddenly heard a sound like breathing, like a wild bull panting heavily, the sound echoed in the air above.

He immediately locked onto the source of the sound, and without saying a word, speeded up and galloped away.

As he got closer, the heavy breathing became more obvious. At the same time, Lu Qi also heard the "thump~thump" heartbeat, as if ringing in his ears.

As he got closer, he discovered that the wheezing sounds were the echoes of hurricanes blowing through the fissure-like valley.

And that heartbeat came from the deep and dark rift valley.

The looming purple light flickers in it, revealing endless mystery and also containing unknown dangers.

"Could this be the source?"

Lu Qi stopped at the entrance of the rift valley and looked inside. He used the Divine Invisibility Technique, and none of the void creatures around him could notice it.

This rift valley was a sight he had never seen before. It was probably caused by the influence of the void. It was endless and there was no end in sight.

If you don't investigate, you won't know the result.

After thinking about it, Lu Qi still took steps and walked into the rift valley.

The light here is unusually dim, but there is a kind of purple coral that can emit a certain amount of light and only illuminate the surrounding area.

Lu Qi raised his hand, formed a palm-sized fireball, and threw it forward.

The fireball technique flew out quickly, illuminating the scene along the way.

The road in the Rift Valley is very wide, as if a crack was opened out of thin air. It is surrounded by uneven rock walls on both sides.

Sensing the wind surrounding the rift valley, it is estimated that the rift valley is at least a thousand meters long, with open terrain inside.

At the same time, Lu Qi's eyes flashed slightly and he put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

Through the illumination of the fireball technique, the gecko-like void creatures attached to the wall were directly revealed.

There are at least hundreds of them, each one the size of an adult crocodile. They had ferocious faces, and the round purple eyes on both sides opened at the moment the firelight appeared, revealing a strange light.


The next second, a series of roars sounded, and these void geckos fiercely attacked the intruder Lu Qi.

Lu Qi knew that the battle was inevitable, so he let out a breath and rushed out with his sword drawn.

These void geckos are much stronger than the void fish and void crabs outside. Their shells are hard, their speed is not slow at all, and their bite force is even more amazing. They can bite hard rocks into powder with one bite.

It can be said to be very powerful.

A few minutes later.

Lu Qi walked out from the group of hundreds of void gecko corpses and continued to explore the depths of the rift valley.

"There are so many void geckos guarding the entrance alone. What is there inside?"

He raised his level of vigilance. After all, this was his first time contacting the void.

Even if he has a certain understanding of the void, there are still many unknown dangers. In any case, he should proceed with caution.

As the weird heartbeat became clearer, Lu Qi felt as if some powerful creature was sleeping.

After walking forward for about a few hundred meters, without encountering any void creatures on the way, Lu Qi came to an open space inside the rift valley.

The light here is brighter than outside, and you can basically see the general environment clearly.

A kind of black void vines spread all over the place like tentacles, and from time to time a purple light flows through them, as if they are alive.

Other than that, no creatures were seen, only a raised black-purple hillock in the middle with a weapon stuck on it.

Only one handle of the weapon is exposed, and the entire body is inserted into the tomb-like hill. The sound of heartbeats comes from it, and the purple void energy continuously flows through it, and even turns into breath and spurts out.

"This is."

Lu Qi's eyes flashed, a weapon in the spiritual realm?
It's a bit interesting. The void has occupied the spiritual realm where the sword tomb is located, and has the sword tomb in turn affected the void?

Or, it could be said that there is a weapon that exists in the spiritual realm, but it is affected by the void.

In any case, this made Lu Qi interested and wanted to see what the weapon was like.

He stepped forward, released Shenyin, minimized his aura, and made no sound, approaching the weapon step by step.

However, after taking a few steps, as if being sensed by this space, the vines touching the ground quickly contracted. After a brief silence for two seconds, there was suddenly a violent movement.



Two roars came from the left and right directions respectively. In the next second, with the "rumbling" footsteps, the two behemoths were already attacking towards Lu Qi's position, and the ground was shaking for a while.

Lu Qi knew that he must have been sensed. Although Shenyin could help him hide, it could not completely become invisible. At this moment, he also understood the function of those void vines. They probably adhered to the ground and enhanced the sensitivity of the surrounding ground.

The moment Lu Qi stepped on the ground, his existence was exposed.

Of the two huge void creatures that appeared, one of them was like a sea snake, with multiple tentacles and a black shell. Only its mouth full of fangs opened wide and roared, looking extremely terrifying.

The other one looked like a giant bull, with a drooping head and two huge sharp horns on both sides. The black carapace on the body is even darker, and there is a faint purple light in the middle, rising and falling like a heartbeat.

Lu Qi can be sure that these two are definitely not ordinary void creatures.

He did not hesitate and directly released the demonic power to join him. His body surface seemed to be covered with a dark shell, and his aura surged.

The next second, he turned into an afterimage and rushed out, slashing down one of the tentacles of the Void Sea Serpent with his sword.

"Cang!" With a sound, Lu Qi felt as if he had been struck on a piece of hard steel.

With the blessing of the sword, a long wound immediately appeared on the tentacle.

"It's very hard, far beyond the shells of those void creatures outside."

While Lu Qi was analyzing in his mind, he quickly dodged to avoid the heavy blows from multiple tentacles.

Some void creatures will grow carapaces on their bodies, just like armor. Just from the hardness of the shell, it can be seen that these two void creatures are of high level.

At this time, the bull-like void creature also rushed over quickly. As it charged, the ground shook along the way.

Lu Qi didn't really want to take this blow, so he jumped up and jumped more than ten meters high. At the same time, he slashed towards the Void Bull's body with a sword, and the sharp sword energy flashed past.


There was a crisp sound accompanied by sparks, and Lu Qi's sword only left a gap in the Void Cow's shell.

"Good guy, this one is harder."

Lu Qi's eyes narrowed, and he slashed out with his sword with all his strength. In an instant, the sword intent surged, and it was extremely sharp.

In the blink of an eye, gaps appeared on the hard shell of the Void Cow. When some wounds are too deep, purple blood may be seen flowing out.


As if it was suffering from pain for the first time, the Void Cow let out a furious roar, and a strong sound wave hit Lu Qi.

Amidst this roar, Lu Qi felt his body sink, and Pingbai became several times heavier. He knew that this must be the Void Cow's attack method, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Behind him, the Void Sea Serpent found an opportunity and immediately threw out its tentacles and smashed them towards Lu Qi.

Lu Qi tried his best to dodge, but his speed could be said to be half slower. In the end, he was hit by a tentacle and fell to the ground.

For a moment, the vines touching the ground seemed to come alive, twisting towards Lu Qi with great hunger.

Lu Qi swung his sword with a stern expression, the sword light flashed, and the vines fell to the ground and lost their vitality.

"It's quite troublesome."

Lu Qi knew that the void cow was the most difficult to deal with. The attack just now had a huge range and he had no room to dodge.

Fortunately, his defense was not low and he was not injured.

Looking at the two void creatures rushing towards him again, Lu Qi already had an extra card between his fingers. With a thought in his mind, his figure disappeared on the spot.

The next second, he had appeared in front of the mysterious weapon.

As if they were aware of it, the eyes of the two void creatures immediately locked onto each other, and the aura on their bodies instantly became more violent. As if some kind of taboo had been violated, they rushed towards Lu Qi crazily.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet."

Lu Qi held the handle and instantly felt a surge of energy pouring into him along with some kind of consciousness.

That consciousness was extremely aggressive, as if it wanted to devour Lu Qi's consciousness, with endless hunger and desire.


Lu Qi directly launched a counterattack, and the majestic and powerful power of consciousness immediately pressed against the intruder, who was unable to sustain it for even a second.

When he was about to be driven to death by Lu Qi, he begged for mercy.

You must know that Lu Qi's consciousness is not something that anyone can touch. Not to mention his own consciousness is strong enough.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, there are still three demonic powers and two world rune fragments.

These can become his spiritual strength.

He did not rush to kill them all, but stopped at the last moment, forcing the consciousness to surrender.

Because he had a feeling in the dark that there would be no benefit in doing so.

Only one second passed outside, and Lu Qi used force to pull out the weapon in his hand.

Purple blood sprayed, as if some kind of life was born from the mother's womb, and a slender weapon that looked like a sword or a knife appeared in his hand.

This long blade has densely spread cracks on it, and those cracks are flowing with a strange purple light, as if they are alive.

At the same time as he pulled it out, Lu Qi also noticed some kind of connection between himself and the long blade.

He suddenly understood.

The consciousness that just broke into his mind was this long blade. If I had to say it, it was not some kind of consciousness, but the instinctive reaction of the long blade.

It does not have subjective consciousness, it only has the instinct that was bred in this void.

Because Lu Qi had already suppressed it and obtained its surrender, he could easily understand it.

This long blade is like a newly born void life, fragile and hungry. It was originally a broken weapon in the spiritual realm where the sword tomb is located.

Because of the arrival of the void, it was slowly assimilated, or evolved.

Now, with the continuous absorption of void energy. It has become a new form of weapon, like a void blade that has life and can continuously devour and evolve.

If Lu Qi directly killed that consciousness just now, it would be basically equivalent to killing this newly born weapon.

It will be completely reduced to an ordinary weapon without any characteristics.

Fortunately, Lu Qi had spared no effort just now and did not kill this characteristic.

"Let's call you Void Crack Blade."

Lu Qi waved twice, with a surprisingly good touch. Because the Cracked Blade has recognized its owner, he and it are as if they are one, without any sense of alienation.

at the same time.

Because of the Void Cow's previous roar, densely packed void flying creatures appeared in the sky. They were all attracted by the roar and fell from the sky above the rift valley.

Lu Qi looked at the void creatures in the sky and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Come on, it's time for a full meal."

(End of this chapter)

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