Chapter 459 Killed
In the afternoon, it was a little leisurely.

Akali is training and Ahri is meditating.

Lu Qi also finished his study of the world's runes, and was lying leisurely, listening to the chirping of birds on the trees, and recovering his mental strength.

He found that understanding the runes required a lot of mental energy. After the first attempt, he clearly felt a fainting feeling like suffocation.

This is exactly the manifestation of excessive use of mental power.

Fortunately, he stopped when enough was enough, and nothing strange happened during the whole process. The advantage was that Lu Qi had a clearer understanding of the runes and a more detailed control of the rune energy.

At this time, Irelia had also finished praying for spirits and was wiping her blade in the courtyard.

These blades were once the emblem of her family. By chance, they split into blades and became her power.

At this moment, a three-tailed bird fell from the sky and made a chirping sound.

Irelia cast her gaze, couldn't help but stand up, and took down a letter from the three-tailed bird's lap.

The three-tailed bird is a very spiritual bird in Ionia. It flies quickly and is an excellent messenger.

After the letter was taken away, the three-tailed bird turned around and flew away.

Irelia slowly opened the letter and looked over it.

After she finished reading, she showed a puzzled expression.

Akali stopped her training and asked curiously: "Who sent you the letter?"

"Yes." Irelia nodded, not hiding anything, "A letter from Elder Nanwu. The letter said that he wanted to discuss something urgent with me and wanted me to go to Nanwu Town."

"Elder Nanwu? Has he ever interacted with you?"

Akali is no stranger to this name.

The other party is a prestigious leader in Ionia. He has become famous very early, and a town is named after him.

"Once, when I was fighting with the rebels and Noxus, Elder Nanwu personally came to help. Without him in that battle, we would have paid a lot of sacrifices."

Irelia's memories were also brought back, and she respected such a person from the bottom of her heart.

"I have also heard that this elder contributed a lot during the battle." Akali looked at Irelia and asked, "So are you going to go?"

"If it's a small matter, it's already explained in the letter. Since it's an important matter, I think I'd better go there."

Irelia put away the letter and made her decision.

When Lu Qi heard this, he stood up and said, "In that case, let's stop by and take a look. Maybe there's something we can do to help."

The reason for coming here was to wait for Irelia's reply. If she left, there would be no point for the three of them to stay.

It’s better to take a trip to Nanwuzhen.

Nanwu Town is not particularly far from Keda Village, but it is still three or four days away.

After saying goodbye to the village chief of Koda Village, everyone quickly set out on their journey.

Four days later.

Nanwu is outside the town.

As everyone walked through a small road, Nanwuzhen slowly emerged.

It was mid-morning, and the gentle sunshine illuminated the harmonious and elegant scene of the town.

Looking at the small town in their eyes, the four of them rode on their horses and quickened their pace.

At this moment, Lu Qi suddenly felt a sense of restlessness, and he couldn't help but said "Hey" in his heart: "This is..."

He felt it carefully and confirmed that the restlessness just now came from the two world rune fragments in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Looking at the town in his eyes, Lu Qi looked thoughtful.

Usually these two rune fragments lie in the mental space like two stones. The inexplicable restlessness at this time can only indicate one possibility.

Maybe there is a world rune in this land?
Lu Qi couldn't tell where exactly it was, but he felt that his guess was almost accurate.

After all, now, his control over the rune energy is more refined.

He has even been able to incorporate some of the rune energy into his body to achieve the effect of strengthening his body.

According to past experience, excessive use of rune energy will also cause considerable damage to the body, and it may take more than a month to recover.

But this situation is different. If it is only a part of the guidance, the loss to the body will be almost zero.

As Lu Qi's control over the runes becomes more refined, the power he can channel will become even greater.

At this time, the four people had entered the town.

Nanwu Town is similar in size to Guyuan Town, maybe even bigger.

This town was named after Elder Nanwu, and the elder himself also held an important position in the town, responsible for maintaining peace and justice in the town.

Elder Nanwu's mansion was not difficult to find, and the four of them quickly found it.

An ancient courtyard appeared in Lu Qi's eyes, just like the mansion of a wealthy family in ancient times. There were servants guarding the door, and two stone lions stood on the left and right.

This feeling made him feel quite familiar, and he had a strong sense of déjà vu.

"Master Zan, why are you here?"

At this time, the disciple at the door looked surprised when he saw Irelia. He was lying lazily, but he quickly got up.

Irelia was born in the Zan family, which was originally a famous dancing family. Later, it was destroyed by Noxus, leaving her alone.

She now represents the entire Zan family.

Seeing her disciple's surprised look, Irelia was confused. Then she took out Elder Nanwu's letter and said, "The elder invited me to come to discuss important matters a few days ago. Didn't he inform you?"


The disciple took the letter, took a look at it and said, "It is indeed Master's handwriting. It seems that he didn't notify us. In this case, please come in."

Naturally, he would not stop Irelia, so he turned around and opened the door and welcomed everyone into the house.

On the way, the disciple said: "If it's a coincidence, Master said he was going to retreat just four days ago, but he hasn't come out yet. I guess you guys have to wait for a while."

"Don't worry, seclusion is a big deal."

Irelia heard this.

This disciple arranged everyone in the living room, and then brought tea. Soon another disciple came to receive them, and he was the eldest disciple of Elder Nan Wu.

The eldest disciple also had many doubts at this moment: "I didn't even hear that Master contacted you. How could he ask someone to come when he was about to retreat?"

He had met Irelia once, and he respected her very much and did not dare to neglect her.

But even he, the eldest disciple, couldn't figure it out, and everyone couldn't understand it even more.

It is indeed a coincidence to say that we are retreating at this time.

Doesn't Elder Nanwu know that Irelia will arrive in these days?

"Could it be something more important?"

Irelia speculated in her mind that she didn't even tell her disciples, so it could only be something more important, right?

Lu Qi felt something was wrong. He thought for a while and said, "Where is Elder Nan Wu retreating? Can you take us to see it?"

The eldest disciple regarded the people brought by Irelia as distinguished guests, and he hesitated when he heard this: "Master is in retreat, and generally he doesn't like others to disturb him."

Lu Qi said: "We won't disturb him, we just went over to take a look. I want to visit the elder's retreat place." Seeing what he said, Irelia also said: "Take us there to have a look. I am also very curious."


The eldest disciple hesitated again and again, but finally agreed. On the way, he warned: "You guys must not make too much noise, so as not to disturb the master. Retreat is not a trivial matter."

Generally speaking, in retreat, you have to break through some bottleneck, otherwise you won’t be able to retreat easily.

Naturally, it's not easy to disturb him at this time.

The retreat place chosen by Elder Nanwu is also in the house, but it is a very quiet place in the backyard. There are many rockeries here, a magnificent ancient house in the center, surrounded by water, and various fish swimming in the water.

It does look very beautiful and quite artistic.

"Master has been in seclusion here for four days. I guess we are reaching a critical moment."

The eldest disciple lowered his voice and spoke to a few people.

At this moment, Ah Li suddenly grabbed Lu Qi's sleeve nervously, his eyes showing uneasiness.

Seeing her expression, Lu Qi already understood and said in a deep voice: "I suspect that something unexpected happened to Elder Nan Wu and I want to open the door to have a look."

The eldest disciple was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but said angrily: "You guy, what are you talking about?"

Irelia raised her hand to stop him from getting angry, and looked at Lu Qi worriedly: "Is this true or false?"

"Eighty percent true."

Lu Qi nodded.

Ah Li also whispered at this time: "I can't feel the life breath of Elder Nan Wu anymore."

Although she has only been with Ahri for a short time, Irelia also knows that this aspect of magic is what she is good at.

If she thinks so.
Irelia's expression couldn't help but become solemn, and she looked at the eldest disciple.

The eldest disciple also saw something in her eyes, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly ran to the ancient house, not caring about covering up the sound.


He opened the door of the ancient house. He was stunned at first, and then knelt down, as if he had lost his soul.

Irelia's pupils also shrank.

In the middle of the ancient house, an old man with a white beard was hung on the wall. His complexion was as gray as a corpse, his eyes were lifeless, and he had long since lost his breath.

It was Elder Nan Wu!
His chest seemed to have been penetrated by a sharp knife, and the blood had dried up. There was a blood stain on the ground, which looked like a blooming bloody flower.

The blood was obviously dripping from the wound on the chest.

When several people saw this, they rushed over immediately and smelled the pungent smell of blood when they left.

Irelia entered the ancient house defensively, looked around, and frowned.

There are traces of fighting in the house. Although they are not obvious, they are not difficult to find.

It is basically certain that Elder Nan Wu was killed.

"He fought with the murderer before his death, but soon lost his ability to resist, and then was stabbed through the chest with a sharp knife."

Lu Qi looked around the room, and his mind had restored the situation before Elder Nan Wu was killed.

Judging from the traces, the battle was not fierce. Elder Nan Wu resisted, but was quickly defeated.

This shows that the murderer's strength is far superior to Elder Nanwu.

After all, if the strength is not enough, with Elder Nanwu's strength, he will definitely have time to ask for help.

According to Irelia, although Elder Nanwu is not an extremely strong person, he is not weak either.

"Judging from the body spots, Elder Nan Wu was killed more than four days ago. He may have been killed on the day of retreat."

Lu Qi took another look and said.

Akali gasped and said in disbelief: "Who on earth did such a thing?"

Elder Nan Wu is recognized as a good old man, and he is quite prestigious himself. Who would treat him like this? Can you still sneak in quietly?
In front of the eyes of all the disciples, Elder Nan Wu was killed.

"No matter who it is, we must find it."

Irelia's eyes were solemn. She stood up and looked at the sluggish first disciple: "I understand the mood, but what we have to do now is to seal off Nanwu Town and bury Elder Nanwu."

The eldest disciple came back to his senses after hearing this, wiped away his tears, and immediately turned around and left.

Lu Qi stopped the disciple and said: "It has been four days since the crime occurred, and the murderer has probably escaped. There is no point in sealing the town now. If the murderer is in the town, it will attract his attention. We will treat him as Elder Nanwu. We are still in seclusion, and we have no knowledge of this matter. Then we began to secretly investigate the murderer."

The eldest disciple looked at Irelia, his heart was completely confused.

Irelia said: "Just do as he says."

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the truth.

Four days were enough for the murderer to escape and stay away from Nanwuzhen.

Now they have too little information, and they are even less sure whether the murderer has left or why he assassinated Elder Nanwu.

Irelia didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

She vaguely felt that something was wrong, but the top priority now was to find a way to deal with this matter.

Soon, all the disciples of Elder Nan Wu came to the living room of the mansion. When they were told the news of Elder Nan Wu's death, many disciples could not bear the shock and almost fainted.

Some cried sadly, some covered their faces and cried, and some were filled with anger.

"Does Elder Nan Wu have any enemies? If something like this happens, the first one to blame is the enemy."

Lu Qi asked aloud at this time.

The eldest disciple quickly replied: "Master, he treated people kindly throughout his life. He made countless friends and never made enemies with others, let alone enemies."

None of the disciples could think of an enemy.

"There are no enemies."

Lu Qi thought for a moment, then said, "Then there are only two possibilities. The first is that he has provoked someone recently. The second is more difficult to handle, that is, the murderer hurts people indiscriminately."

After hearing his words, all the disciples felt cold and angry all over their bodies.

If he really hurt people indiscriminately, the murderer was really guilty of a heinous crime.


At this time, the eldest disciple seemed to remember something and said: "It can only be this. Master, he has openly opposed the establishment of national power and military management in the newly born land, and strongly condemned those radicals."

Speaking of this, everyone immediately thought of the Brotherhood.

At present, the Brotherhood is the most respected force that advocates the establishment of political power and the army. Of course, the Brotherhood is not the only one who wants to do this, but it is the most famous.

Akali and Ahri both looked at Irelia for a moment, and Irelia also looked solemn.

Just a few days ago, she was assassinated by a brotherhood.

If you think about it this way, the suspicion of the Brotherhood is simply endless.

Lu Qi suddenly smelled a conspiracy at this moment, and he always felt that things were not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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