LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 464 What did I force you to do?

Chapter 464 What did I force you to do?

At the same time, the huge recoil force also launched Lu Qi away.

Kushuo opened his mouth, poured out all the Tears of Shadow in the box, and drank every drop of it into his mouth. His aura continued to surge, violent dark aura spurted out, and his body gradually turned into a shadow-like color.

At this moment, Lu Qi suddenly felt that the demonic power in his body was about to move, as if he had received some kind of induction.

The Shadow Tears obviously came from the power of a demon.

Moreover, Lu Qi knew this demon very well.

At this time, Shen, Jie and Irelia had already reached Ku Shuo.

Faced with the siege of three people, Ku Shuo remained calm. The body that turned into a shadow directly split into three Ku Shuo, resolving the siege of three people.

Seeing this, Jie immediately compared several hand seals and got multiple scores, and once again besieged Ku Shuo with more versus less.

"Your power is only a small part of Shadow Tears." Kushuo saw this and sneered lightly, "Don't forget, most of it is with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the clone he had separated split into two again, and the two split into four. In the blink of an eye, a total of twenty Kusuo clones appeared.

Each clone exudes a powerful aura.

Zed could only summon four clones at present, but at this moment the situation was suddenly reversed.

Instead, everyone was besieged. As soon as Akali joined the battle, she had to face at least three Kushu sieges.

Ahri summoned the sun stone, activated all the magic power in his body, and stared at Ku Shuo as he came slowly.

The next moment, the battle was about to break out.

Shen held both blades in his hands and looked at the man he once respected so much, feeling an uncontrollable anger welling up in his heart.

He didn't understand what made Ku Shuo become like this, but today, he must defeat him here.

He rushed out in one step and released the soul blade's true form. The short blade instantly turned into a giant blade flashing with spiritual light. As Shen released the ninjutsu, he attacked Kushuo.

Jie used shadow magic to deal with it, and his shadow clone was not weak at all, fighting desperately against Ku Shuo's clone.

Irelia, on the other hand, danced the blade, still remaining graceful at this moment. Her clan emblem shone brightly, flashing with sharp aura, dancing wildly in the air.

Akali and Ahri fought together against the three clones of Kusuo. The two of them cooperated perfectly and eliminated the three clones in the blink of an eye.

"That's it?"

Akali clapped her hands and hummed softly, but when she looked around, she was stunned again.

Ku said, sitting high on the throne, the corner of his mouth curled up: "They are all anxious."

I saw more Kushuo clones surrounding the entire interior of the temple, and they all came out at this moment.

At the same time, the rune fragment in Ku Shuo's hand was also flickering, seemingly providing him with a steady stream of magic power.

Lu Qi watched at least a dozen clones coming towards him, took a step forward, and disappeared from the spot.

I saw the glimmer of the sword, the lightning, the sharp sword intent rolling like waves. In the blink of an eye, these clones were defeated.

Then he did not stop and rushed out at extremely fast speed again, killing one clone after another.


Ku Shuo sat on the throne and squinted his eyes. As early as the blow just now, he felt that this man was not weak.

Now it seems that we need to be more careful.

Glancing at the runes in his hands, he said bitterly and smiled confidently.

Not a big deal after all.

At this time, taking advantage of Ku Shuo's attention being attracted by Lu Qi, Shen immediately got into the spiritual realm, appeared in front of the throne in an instant, and stabbed Ku Shuo in the heart with a sword.

The person in front of him was his father, the master he once respected so much.

But, it is so strange now.

He originally wanted to be merciful, but as the Eye of Twilight and responsible for maintaining balance, he could not be merciful.

The short blade stabbed straight into Ku Shuo's heart.

The shock in Ku Shuo's eyes disappeared for a moment, and then his eyes showed relief: "Shen, you have become stronger. I am sorry for doing these things. I am satisfied to die by your sword. You thought I would say this ."

The relief in his eyes turned into a ferocious smile, and his figure suddenly flickered at this moment, and finally turned into a shadow and disappeared.

Shen was stunned for a moment, feeling unbelievable.

Just a clone?
You know, his twilight eyes can observe everything around him in extremely detail.

However, Ku Shuo quietly transformed into a clone under his gaze.

"Shen! You are still not strong enough, which makes me extremely disappointed. You trust your eyes too much. How can you maintain the balance between the two realms?"

The sound of Ku Shuo's laughter sounded, and a surging shadow power suddenly attacked Shen from behind.

At this moment, Zed teleported behind Shen and blocked the blow. The two of them were blasted away at the same time.

Seeing Zed spit out a mouthful of blood from the mask, Shen's heart suddenly suffocated, as if his heart had been strangled.


"Jie, you are still so stupid. I thought I taught you a lot, but it seems that you are still so stupid, loyal, and stupid!"

Ku Shuo smiled contemptuously and stood there mockingly.

Akali couldn't stand it anymore: "One here is your son, and the other is your most outstanding disciple. How can you say such things?"

"Son? Disciple?" Ku Shuo laughed even more contemptuously. The power in his body continued to surge, and there was a bit of madness and excitement in his eyes: "Compared with real power, what do these things mean?"

Ahri saw a different picture, feeling the evil coming towards her face. She took a step back slightly: "His soul has long been swallowed by desire."

It can be said that Kushuo's soul has already fallen.

Not only was he bewitched by the shadow power, but more importantly, he was bewitched by the rune in his hand.

Ahri remembered that she had seen Lu Qi use similar power, but there was a huge difference between the two.

"It's time to end this nonsense game with you."

Ku Shuo put away his smile, his face turned cold, and he once again released many clones.

Zed was seriously injured at this moment, and Shen could only face the siege of the clones, unable to leave even half a step.

And Irelia is also struggling. Ku Shuo's clones are not weak, and with such a large number, it can be said that it is difficult to deal with them.

Akali and Ahri were back to back, struggling to resist the attacks of their clones.

Ku Shuo has completely taken control of the situation, and more importantly, everyone is completely unable to tell which one is his clone.

"Damn it, which one is his true form!"

Lu Qi was also a little anxious and kept hacking at the clones around him.

Seeing this scene, Ku said with a smile: "So what if you are the strongest among them? If I'm to blame, I blame you for participating in a fight that you shouldn't be involved in."

He saw that Lu Qi was one of the few strong men, but unfortunately, he met him who was stronger now.

Relying on the runes in his hand, he can release clones almost continuously. Even if he can kill, it is useless if he cannot find the main body.

"Can't find it, can't find it at all."

Lu Qi looked around like a lost lamb, just as he was at a loss. Suddenly, he galloped towards a clone and landed a sword with all his strength. The bitter smile was still hanging on his face, and he stiffened slightly at this moment, and he immediately resisted with all his strength. Even so, he was still blown away by a sword.

Looking at Lu Qi who was chasing him straight away, he immediately released his shadow magic.

"Is this actually true?"

Lu Qi was a little surprised. He cut away the shadow magic that came in front of him, but lost his position again and said, "Damn it, where is it hidden again?"

Ku Shuo, who was hiding somewhere, felt relieved when he saw this.

It turned out to be just a coincidence.

Just as he was relieved, he suddenly saw Lu Qi coming towards him again like a wild horse running wild.

Ku Shuo couldn't help but look at the clones around him, and he didn't dare to hesitate. He once again used shadow magic to blast Lu Qi. This time, he merged directly into the shadow and appeared on the opposite side.

"Did I find you again? It seems like you can't hide well."

Lu Qi looked around, suddenly locked onto a clone, and killed it with all his strength.

Seeing this, Kusao from afar breathed a sigh of relief and sneered secretly.

He was actually frightened by such a bluffing move.

With a blink of an eye, he suddenly discovered that Lu Qi was missing.

Disappeared in front of him?

Ku Shuo immediately looked around cautiously.

"Are you looking for me?"

A ghost-like voice suddenly sounded.

Ku Shuo was shocked and turned pale, and immediately released more rune energy. He could not fully control the rune. At this moment, part of his mind was once again occupied by the rune, and half of his soul seemed to have lost its color.

However, his reaction was still a little slow.

Lu Qi's unparalleled sword had already broken through the protective shield, and struck Ku Shuo's body with one strike.

Ku said he felt a sharp pain, but he did not dare to hesitate. He released the shadow magic with all his strength and quickly distanced himself from Lu Qi.

"You can always find my true form, right?"

He covered the wound, and blood stained his hand, dripping continuously. He stared at Lu Qi coldly, completely confused as to how this guy could accurately find him among the many clones.

There is only one possibility, and that is that this person relies on some means to be completely uninterrupted by his clone.

He was careless.

If he hadn't begun to absorb the power of runes and keep it in his body in his early years, he would have died with that sword strike just now.

"Just luck."

Lu Qi shook off the blood on the blade, knowing that the energy of the runes had blocked at least half of his damage.

I remember that he seemed to have encountered similar players back then.

It's just a pity that Ku Shuo needs to be more cautious in comparison.

This guy also absorbed a lot of runic energy in his body.

He has the eye of truth that can distinguish all illusions and illusions, and the distinction between incarnations cannot be hidden from his eyes.

"Shit's lucky."

Ku Shuo made two hand seals and used secret techniques to stop the injuries on his body.

He would never believe that Lu Qi was lucky enough to find him.

If he fell into the same trap again, he wouldn't have to hang out in Ionia anymore.

At this moment, he had to adjust his mentality and stare at Lu Qi as if facing a formidable enemy. He regarded Lu Qi as the target that must be solved first.

This person is so secretive that he still doesn't know the depth of his strength. Coupled with the means that can distinguish his true form, it can be said that he has been restrained.

If he had dodged the blow just now, he would still have the confidence to fight Lu Qi, but with his injured body now, he might not be Lu Qi's opponent in a head-on fight.

Glancing at the runes in his hand, Ku said the hesitation in his eyes disappeared in an instant: "Originally, I didn't want to take this step so early, but now it's all you who forced me."

Lu Qi said speechlessly: "What did I force you to do? Didn't you fail on your own?"

"Oh, it's useless to talk more." Ku Shuo clenched the rune, and the red blood-like energy immediately began to spread along his arm, creating cracks. His voice was full of depression and pain: "I will make you feel Regret, witness, the real power!”

Red cracks spread all over Ku Shuo's body in the blink of an eye, each one representing the powerful energy of the runes.

"Ah!!" Kushuo let out a low roar of pain, and then his voice began to gradually become excited, and the aura on his body also continued to surge.

The oppressive feeling emanating from it seemed to make the air ten times heavier, and the powerful red magic power continued to surge like thunder.

His entire body was occupied by runic energy, his hair burned upwards like fire, merging with the breath of shadow, and his open eyes looked like a demon.

He didn't look like a human being at all, and he no longer had any trace of Kushuo.

Those clones all dissipated at this moment, and everyone looked at the completely unfamiliar monster in fear.

"Power! Real power!"

Ku Shuo roared excitedly, his roaring sound like a wild beast, deafening: "Everyone must die!"

He took one step forward, and with a "boom" sound, a thunderous afterimage was left behind him, and he instantly appeared in front of Lu Qi.

The powerful runic energy released at that moment blasted Lu Qi away on the spot, flying dozens of meters upside down like a kite with its string broken.

Although the defense was down, Lu Qi also knew that Ku Shuo was completely controlled by the runes at this moment and was completely out of control.

This is the outcome of a normal person trying to control the runes. In the end, they will only become a puppet of the runes.

The next second, Ku Shuo's figure appeared in the sky above Lu Qi who was flying backwards, and violent magic power fell down like thunder.

Lu Qi slashed out with his sword, and a strong wind roared out.

The cracked sword in his left hand also shattered suddenly at this moment, surrounding him, forming a protective barrier.

Even so, he was still knocked to the ground by this force, a big pit appeared, and the temple was shaken.

"Weak, too weak!"

Ku Shuo laughed crazily, his voice was like an evil ghost. He raised his hand and the thunder formed by the rune energy hit the big hole on the ground crazily.

He was completely lost in this feeling of power, and his soul continued to sink.

On top of the mountain peak, the ground was shaking, the rune energy was destroying the earth unbridled, the temple was crumbling and might collapse at any time.

After hitting it a few times, Ku Shuo suddenly realized something was wrong. It wasn't that Lu Qi's aura disappeared, but that it suddenly expanded several times.

He stopped and looked into the pit.

Lu Qi was seen standing there calmly, with a layer of armor-like rune energy attached to his body, making him shine and extremely powerful.

The previous attacks failed to cause any harm to him.

"I also have this kind of power."

(End of this chapter)

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