LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 474 doesn’t look like it was created by one person.

Chapter 474 doesn’t look like it was created by one person.

If you look carefully, you can find that there is a palace sitting in the sky above Feiluoer Island, close to Yunfeng.

The palace seemed to be uprooted from the ground, supported by a powerful magic power and suspended high in the sky, suspended as if still, without a trace of shaking.

It's enough to show the stability of that magic power.

But there is only one person living in this palace.

In a bedroom, the owner of the palace was lying quietly on a large Yonghua bed. His waist-length snow-white hair was spread casually on the bed sheets. His dignified and beautiful face showed a bit of coldness. Like a sleeping beauty.

The next second, she suddenly opened her eyes, and her purple pupils seemed to bloom with brilliant brilliance.

Sindra slowly sat up from the bed. She turned her head slightly, looked at herself in the mirror, and saw two shallow tears on her face.

"What a strange dream. And a strange guy."

She closed her eyes, and everything in her dream began to appear in her mind. A guy's face flashed across her face countless times, making it difficult for her to forget it.

"Will you forget me?"

"Of course not."

"I won't forget you either."

So, she really couldn't forget it.

She waved her hand, and the mirror that reflected her weak side turned away. For a moment, an unspeakable feeling of loneliness suddenly emerged from the bottom of her heart.

Syndra never imagined that she just took a nap and would be affected so much when she woke up.

She suddenly felt a little dazed, and couldn't help but murmur to herself: "It would be great if that girl's future really developed like that. It's a pity that he was not here at that time."

Syndra stood up from the bed, revealing her plump and alluring figure. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and her face became as cold as ice.

Just think of it as having a beautiful dream.

A dream is, after all, a dream, not reality.

In reality, that girl once fell into the deepest despair.

During the hundreds of years of being sealed, this nightmare kept trapping her. She had similar dreams over and over again, experienced similar despair over and over again, and her heart was already as cold as stone.

However, Syndra couldn't understand why the nightmare that had been repeated countless times suddenly changed like this.

Also, how did that guy break into her dream.


Syndra couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth. She looked through the window, and there was a bit of coldness in her eyes: "Even if it is a dream, if someone disturbs it, you will still feel very unhappy."

Even if it was a dream, she didn't want it to end so early.

But it had to end.

Syndra, who had changed into a black robe, came outside the palace and looked at the empty space in front of her feet. The cold wind was blowing from the cloud peaks, at least a thousand meters above the sky.

But she was not afraid at all, and stepped forward calmly.

The next second, a piece of gravel flew towards her and stopped exactly where she landed. Every time I take a step, the same scene happens.

She was like a goddess descending from the road to heaven.

at the same time.

The shore on the other side.

Lu Qi opened his eyes from his sleep. When he looked around, he was sure that the dream was over and he had returned to reality.

"I've had this dream for so long."

Lu Qi sighed while yawning.

It was already dawn at this time, and he felt that it might not be the day he landed on the island. The speed of time in dreams and reality must be different, but he didn't know how long it had been in reality.

He didn't expect that he would be actively involved in the dream at first.

But thinking about it, it was also the result of the demonic ability in the body.

After officially landing on the island, Lu Qi felt a huge surge of magic power not long after.

He immediately looked in that direction and found that there were two different magic powers.

"It's about to start a fight."

Lu Qi didn't think too much and acted immediately, rushing at full speed.

Syndra walked up from the sky and soon met a person on the other side walking slowly from the land.

The visitor was wearing a Taoist robe, tall and beautiful, with the twin dragons of Ionia coiled behind her head like a halo, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura.

Her face is dignified and sacred, her steps are steady and natural, and her every move exudes peace.

Syndra was suspended above the rubble, with magical aura emerging from her body. She looked down at the traveler from above and said in a cold voice: "It is not polite to disturb other people's dreams."

The woman said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Syndra snorted coldly: "Are you good at apologizing? If you can understand my current mood, you know that this cannot be solved by a simple apology. You should be the apocalypse of this generation. What is your name? Are you coming? Karma, take advantage of the fact that I am in a good mood and get out of here as soon as possible."

Affected by a certain dream, she was indeed in a good mood now.

Otherwise, she would have taken action long ago against a guy like this who was obviously looking for trouble.

"I will leave, but not now." Karma raised his eyes and looked at Syndra, "I know about you."

"Stop. You don't know, and you don't understand at all." Syndra interrupted her directly, then narrowed her eyes, and her demeanor began to change, no longer gentle, "The consequences of my anger are very serious. In addition, you should know that I am very unhappy with you and the guy who is covering you."

Karma always said calmly: "The soul of Ionia came here under the guidance of me, so I will not leave."

"Really, it seems that guy didn't have the ability to trap me, so he found a thug." Syndra sneered, and then released a huge amount of dark magic, "Okay, let's have a good fight. If you win, what if you are imprisoned for hundreds of years?"

Just by releasing her magic power, the wind roared around her and the sky began to change color.

It's hard to imagine what a powerful dark force this is.

"It seems this battle is inevitable."

Karma sighed softly. She was mentally prepared when she came. The person she was looking for this time might not be easy to talk to.

After all, the Soul of Ionia had imprisoned her for six hundred years. It was good that she didn't go berserk after waking up.

As she finished speaking, a huge divine power suddenly emerged from her body. The vast and bright blue light wandered between heaven and earth like a dragon spirit, and it was not inferior to that dark power.

The Apocalypse is the guardian of Ionia.

In order to protect the safety of this land, she will always use force when necessary.

Seeing that the two of them are already at war with each other, an unimaginable war may break out at any time.

A voice suddenly broke in: "You two, stop, there is something you have to say that we can't sit down and talk about."

The sound of this voice made the two people who were about to take action startled at the same time.

Sindra looked in the direction where the sound came from, her body paused slightly, and her cold heart was suddenly touched.

She thought she wouldn't have any psychological fluctuations, but she overestimated herself.

But at this moment, she did not show any expression, but raised her eyebrows and looked at the man with a beautiful sneer: "Are you going to be this peacemaker? I remember someone said that if you are bullied, I will take revenge severely."

She had been imprisoned for so many years without even thinking about revenge, but the other party came to her door on her own.

No matter what, you can't stand this anymore, right?

"I don't want to persuade you either. It's just that if you two fight, it will affect the fish in the pond. As a fish, I still have to fight for some rights for myself."

Lu Qi showed an innocent expression, looked at Syndra in front of him, and said with slight surprise: "In the blink of an eye, you have become so big."

At this time, Syndra can be said to have grown completely. She is completely the perfectly developed version of the girl in her dreams. She has a golden-proportioned figure, the size of her chest cannot be underestimated, and she has the look of a queen.

But the biggest change in her was, of course, not her figure, but her strength.

As a dark magician with powerful talents, Syndra was originally feared by the Soul of Ionia and did not hesitate to personally seal her.

However, during the hundreds of years that she was sealed, her power did not stagnate, but continued to grow.

It's enough to show how powerful she is now.

Moreover, it may not be the Syndra that Lu Qi knew.

Needless to say, Karma is the Apocalypse chosen by the Soul of Ionia, and also possesses unfathomable power.

He was indeed right. If Sindra and Karma fought, he would definitely be affected. Not only him, but the city on the other side would also be affected.

His words made Karma calm down and take back the magic power he had released.

She did not think twice, although before coming, she thought she could suppress Syndra with her own power.

But after meeting her in person, Karma changed her mind.

Syndra's magic power was so powerful that it shocked her. Even if she tried her best, she might not be able to win against Syndra. With great power, Karma is never proud. On the contrary, she looked at herself very clearly, and she knew very well that she was not the strongest.

However, Karma was still a little surprised by Lu Qi's appearance, because she didn't sense Lu Qi's aura.

And no matter how you look at it, he looks like an ordinary person.

But she also felt the spiritual gift in him.

"Don't try to get close to me. Am I familiar with you?"

At this time, Sindra spoke with a cold face, showing a very unfamiliar attitude, "You are just a guy who broke into my dream without permission. Don't think that being friends with her in the dream means being friends with me." ”

It was indeed her, but it was not her.

It's just a lonely, weak and pitiful soul trapped in a nightmare.

She is different now. She has unparalleled power. She no longer has to look at anyone's face or please anyone.

She has never been saved by anyone, so just let the things in the dream pass as a dream.

However, when she said these words and saw a flash of disappointment in the guy's eyes, her heart suddenly felt like being pricked by a needle, and she felt inexplicably sad.

Was she really not saved?

Being trapped in a nightmare that was like a swamp and a quagmire from which one could not escape.

Is that beam of light really fake?

"Okay. Even if you say so, I still have to be the peacemaker."

Although it was indeed a bit sad to be said like this, Lu Qi understood Syndra very well, and then said, "If you still want to fight after listening to my settlement plan, I will never stop you."

In real reality, he was not able to appear.

But if there was such an opportunity, he thought he would definitely pull the girl out of the swamp.

Just like this, maybe some things can be called regrets.

In front of her was the aloof and cold arrogant Sindra.

What surprised Karma was that after Lucci finished speaking, Syndra suddenly calmed down, withdrew the dark magic power, and said calmly: "Forget it, I want to hear what you have to say."

Karma couldn't help but take another look at Lu Qi, and a flash of curiosity flashed in his heart.

It was precisely because of her conversation with Syndra that she understood that this woman had a bad temper and was as likely to explode as a dynamite.

However, at this time, in front of this man, he calmed down. Would love to hear his conciliatory words.

She couldn't help but glance at Syndra again, and wanted to say that what she was doing now was a bit different from what she just said.

All in all, the three of them sat down at a table.

Syndra and Karma sat on the left and right sides, and Lucci sat in the middle.

Karma looked calm and sat dignifiedly.

Syndra, on the other hand, had a cold face, crossing her legs like a queen, with her long, slender and plump legs leaning on each other, which can be said to be full of voluptuousness.

Lu Qi sat in the middle, but took a sip of tea unhurriedly.

Because the sound of his tea drinking was too abrupt, he received a cold look from Syndra: "Hurry up."

"Okay." Lu Qi put down the teacup, looked at Karma calmly, and said, "Let's talk about the reason first. Just in case there is a misunderstanding in the fight."

"There is no misunderstanding." Syndra said with a firm tone and a sneer, "I have been locked up underground for hundreds of years. Of course I will not just swallow this breath. Since she came to the door, I will definitely take her. Angry."

"Look, that's what she said. I would definitely have resentment." Lu Qi looked at Karma again, "Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Every piece of land in the First Land is under the protection of the Soul of Ionia. When your dark magic soared into the sky and almost destroyed everything on Filor Island, you will naturally be protected by the Soul of Ionia. hostility."

Karma narrated calmly, her mind contained the soul of the Apocalypse six hundred years ago.

She once went to Filo Island at that time and was horrified by the scene.

Syndra sneered: "Really? Why don't you ask me why I'm angry? It's such a ridiculous reason to suppress someone because of fear."

"I don't know what happened to you back then." Karma looked at Syndra, always calm, "But your magic is extracted from everything around you, including the land, every plant and tree, if If you don't curb this extraction, your existence itself is a threat to the soul of Ionia. This is why I am here."

Syndra ignored her and looked at Lu Qi: "Did you hear that? They are all the same, and you can't change their pedantic thoughts. I think it's better to beat them into submission. "

"Calm down first." Lu Qi glanced at her, then looked at Karma: "So you're not here to fight, right?"

In fact, Kalma was right.

She didn't know what happened back then, and even if she knew, she could only express her sympathy.

But more problems actually come from Syndra's dark magic.

Her magical state is different from others. Others absorb magical energy naturally produced in the world, but she absorbs it from everything around her.

For example, the Lingliu was the first time Syndra lost control, draining all the power of the Lingliu on the spot.

And her second burst directly drained the power of the entire Filo Island, forcing the Soul of Ionia to finally take action.

Because everything in Ionia, the flowers, trees, trees and stones are the soul of Ionia itself.

Therefore, Syndra's existence is indeed a threat to the latter, which cannot be disputed.

"If a battle is inevitable, I will indeed take action." Karma nodded and said, "But my intention here is not to start a war."

Syndra snorted coldly and said nothing.

If it weren't for this guy sitting next to her, she would have taken action long ago and was so polite.

Lu Qi asked at this time: "So what do you want to do here?"

"Come to confirm." Karma raised his eyes and looked at Syndra, "confirm whether her existence poses a threat to Ionia. If so, then there must be a war. If not, there is no need to start a war."

Lu Qi nodded and said, "How confirmed are you now?"

"At this point, I confirm that she does pose a threat," Kalma said.

"Haha." Syndra sneered, and released her magic power again, very irritated, "Then let's fight, what nonsense are you talking about."

"Calm down again, I'm here." Lu Qi looked at her, his voice was very soft, as if he was talking to the girl.

"Don't do this with me. She said I was a threat, so I will really threaten her." Syndra snorted again, but even though she said this, she put away her magic power. No action. There were also some ripples in my heart because of the words 'I am'.

Karma was once again convinced that there must be something extraordinary between the two men.

It was strange that this man, who looked ordinary except for his appearance, could always soothe Sindra's emotions.

Because she had indeed felt Syndra's desire to attack many times, she was certain that if Lu Qi hadn't been here, the battle between the two would have started long ago.

She was not sure what the outcome of the battle would be, but she actually didn't want that.

Because no matter what, once a war breaks out, what she does will be a crime that harms the land and people.

Her original intention was never to hurt anything, including Syndra.

"Then as long as you are convinced that she will not pose a threat to Ionia, you will stop, right?"

At this time, Lu Qi looked at Karma and said again, his eyes were so clear.

Karma did feel his calmness and nodded: "You can say that."

She only looks at the results, and as long as the results are confirmed, she will indeed not take action again.

"That's simple. As long as you ask her to do something beneficial to Ionia, you will definitely change your mind, right?"

Lu Qi had a smile on his face at this time, as if he had decided something.

Before Karma could speak, Syndra had already slapped the table, looked at Lu Qi and raised an eyebrow in displeasure and said, "Hey, can you please stop making decisions for me without permission?"

"Believe me, you will definitely be willing to do this." Lu Qi looked at Syndra and reassured.

When Syndra heard this, she became interested. She raised her lips and said with interest: "Oh, then tell me."

"Do you still remember the spirit willow?"

Lu Qi asked first.

"Of course I remember." There are only two things that Syndra will never forget, and one of them is Lingliu.

The other one. She looked at Lu Qi and said calmly: "And, I had already transplanted it a month ago."

"That saves trouble." Lu Qi smiled, showing a smile that dazzled even Syndra, and said, "What if I said, I can revive it?"


Sindra was stunned.

 Speaking of which, in fact, Karma's design was really beautiful, but it was a pity that it was destroyed in the hands of the artist. I feel sorry for her.

(End of this chapter)

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