LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 476 Meeting the Mint Cat

Chapter 476 Meeting the Mint Cat
Time flies and five days pass.

Syndra, who was satisfied in every sense of the word, kicked Lu Qi out of Feiluo Island mercilessly, and went to guard the spirit willow attentively.

After all, the amount of exercise lasted for five consecutive nights, and both of them needed some time to rest.

And her current task is to protect Lingliu and grow up strong.

Lu Qi had no choice but to sail on the sea alone on a wooden board.

Catching the noon sun, he returned to the town at the previous port.

When I returned to the small courtyard I rented, I saw Akali and Ahri in the courtyard. The two girls were playing backgammon in the courtyard.

They are all the trends brought up by him.

After hearing the footsteps, the two of them immediately looked at each other.

Akali couldn't help but said: "What have you been doing these past few days? We just sent a letter back. We thought you were missing."

This guy said he wanted to go out for a walk that day, but as soon as he went for a walk, he disappeared and didn't come back until today.

Fortunately, they wrote a legible letter back in the middle, which made them feel more at ease.

Lu Qi was quite sleepy at this time, and yawned without energy: "I went out to do some business. The Feimen matter is settled."

"I was just about to say that the Apocalypse came a few days ago, but now everyone has left. Have you already talked about it?"

Akali sounded curious.

"Yes." Lu Qi nodded, "She readily agreed and is now on her way back to the Palace of Eternal Existence."

Akali was even more curious: "You have already met her. What kind of person is she?"

She hasn't met this generation of Apocalypse yet, it's all hearsay.

"A very calm person."

Lu Qi thought for a while and replied.

As he stepped into the courtyard, Ah Li quickly smelled his scent and was slightly startled.

It smells like a woman and not the ordinary one
It was like the smell of men and women mixed together, giving birth to a new smell. Just a slight smell made her heart beat faster and the blood all over her body became hot.

Now she was only extremely sensitive to Lu Qi's breath. At this moment, she could smell the obvious masculine smell on his body, and something in her heart seemed to be quickly triggered.

Ahri blinked, seeming to realize something.

Lu Qi and Akali were chatting, and neither noticed anything strange about Ahri.

It was noon at this time, so Lu Qi ran to the kitchen and prepared a sumptuous lunch, which was a small compensation for not coming back for the past few days.

He originally wanted to leave, but the woman who tasted the sweetness was simply hungry.

After procrastinating again and again, five days passed in the blink of an eye.

"The Feimen matter has been resolved, what should we do next?"

At the dinner table, Akali couldn't help but ask again.

They said they were doing something, but in fact it seemed that Lu Qi was busy all the time and they were just following. It would be difficult not to cause trouble.

"What to do." Lu Qi thought for a moment, "Now let's wait for the people from Pi City to come over, it should be less than two days."

He was quite foresighted. In fact, when he set out from Presidio, he had already called people from Pi City.

This matter has been going on for so long, and the people from Pi City should be arriving soon.

Once they arrive, construction of the Hexgate can begin immediately.

Akali asked again: "What happens next?"

"After that, I'll probably have to go somewhere else."

Lu Qi did not hide it from them. Although there are still many scenery in Ionia that they have not had time to see, this is obviously not a more important thing at the moment.

Thinking of the void he encountered at the Sword Tomb, he felt that he had to go to Shurima to see the situation after all.

After hearing his words, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly fell into silence.

Akali took two mouthfuls of food and suddenly said: "Why are you so sad? When Hex's Flying Gate is completed, whether we want to go to Demacia or Piltover, won't it only take a blink of an eye?"

If she was to say reluctant to let go, she would definitely be reluctant to let him go. After all, he was the master she recognized personally.

But if you think about it carefully, the difference now is not like the past when there was no Fei Men.

Even if it is a temporary separation, I don’t know how long I have to wait to see you again.

After having Fei Men, it only takes a day or two to see each other again.

Ah Li also felt that this was the truth, so the reluctance in her heart suddenly eased a bit.

"After the Feimen is completed, the custody will be an eye-opener for you."

Lu Qi couldn't help but smile after listening to her speech.

He thought that maybe this was one of the reasons for popularizing flying gates in Runeterra.

Let a longing that takes several years be conveyed in a short time.

Let countless different faces meet again in an instant.

After having Fei Men, separation will not seem so sad most of the time.

Akali and Ahri couldn't help but have some expectations. They had indeed been yearning for Feimen for a long time.

After lunch, Ahri, who narrowly lost in the guessing game, went to the kitchen and started washing the dishes.

"Since we have nothing to do, let's go shopping in the city in the afternoon."

Akali began to make plans. She and Ahri had gone shopping in the city in the past few days, but they basically didn't last long.

Lu Qi actually wanted to rest, but when he saw the expectation flickering in Akali's eyes, he still nodded: "Okay."

By the time Ah Li finished washing the dishes, it was already afternoon.

The three of them simply tidied up and went out to the street, wandering around and joining in on anything interesting they encountered.

"Look at the wall."

Akali noticed something at this time and looked towards a stone wall with a notice hanging on it.

Lu Qi looked up and couldn't help but smile.

What was written on the notice was exactly Karma's support for Irelia to establish an alliance with Piltover and build the Hex Flying Gate.

The two of them reached an agreement, and even the Kinkou sect chose to support it.

Then this matter is basically the same.

The wall was also quite lively at the moment, with many people gathered around, all discussing this matter.

The three of them just looked at each other for a few times, then left to continue shopping.

Akali noticed that Ahri seemed to be talking very little today.

Although she is usually a quiet and beautiful girl, after all, after being together for so long, some subtle differences can still be felt.

However, Akali didn't take it to heart and thought it was caused by Lu Qi's return.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

By the time the three of them came back from shopping, it was already dark.

Because there was a lantern festival held in the city that night, Akali, who had never participated in anything like this before, dragged the two of them to participate, during which she laughed very happily.

We came back and had dinner, and the day passed like this.

Not long after finishing the meal, Lu Qi yawned and returned to his room, ready to have a good night's rest.

"Isn't it just a whole afternoon of shopping? This guy is exhausted."

Akali looked at his back angrily and muttered, then she looked at Ahri: "It's still early, why don't we play chess for a while?"

"Yes." Ahri nodded slightly and looked into Akali's eyes, with a flash of light.

Akali was stunned, and suddenly felt a strong sense of sleepiness coming over her, and then her body fell softly.

"I'm sorry, I can only let you fall asleep first."

Ah Li hugged her, whispered something, and helped her back to the room.

She has been slowly hypnotizing Akali all afternoon, so activating her ability now can take effect in an instant.

Looking at Akali sleeping soundly on the bed, Ahri covered her with a quilt and then left the room.

She stood in the courtyard, looking at Lu Qi's room, as if she had gathered enough courage to finally take a step forward.

She crept to the door. When she heard the even breathing coming from inside the room, she gently pushed the door open.

To her, the dark room was now as bright as day.

Lu Qi just slept there without any defense.

Looking at his sleeping form, Ahri couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and then approached him more cautiously. The closer she got, the more obvious the scent of him that stimulated her nerves became more obvious.

This was a smell that only existed on him, and it made her very happy.

Usually when I stay with him, I have to endure it silently with great difficulty. But today she was stimulated, and it was constant, and she really couldn't help it.

Gradually, a hint of desire appeared in Ah Li's eyes, and her face became visibly blushing.

"I'll just take a sip, just a sip."

Her head moved closer, her eyes becoming blurry.

Like a cat that saw peppermint.

The tails behind her were raised one by one. As her eyes lit up, wisps of crystal essence floated out of Lu Qi's mouth and nose.

Ah Li couldn't wait to inhale it, and her body suddenly started to tremble, as if she had risen to the top of the clouds in an instant. At the same time, it was like a strong electric current that instantly stimulated her whole body, making her almost want to scream with excitement.

The next second, she couldn't bear it anymore, lowered her head and kissed Lu Qi on the lips.

The next day.

Lu Qi got up from the bed with some energy. He looked at the bed and saw a large pool of wet water stains mixed with dots of redness. The memory of last night suddenly emerged.

Then, he couldn't help but rub his temples.

Fortunately, he has now helped Ahri stabilize and strengthen his abilities, otherwise he would have been sucked dry.

Now I have received many benefits.

Ahri had indeed sucked his essence, but he didn't suck it irrationally and blindly. As the squatting movement progressed, these essences circulated in her body and returned to Lu Qi's body, and they were strengthened.

So over and over again.

This was also the reason why Lu Qi was so energetic early in the morning. Although he had not slept all night, he felt strong.

Similarly, Ahri has also been nourished by the essence, which can be said to be of great benefit to both parties.

in the courtyard.

Akali yawned and pushed open the door, rubbing her sleepy eyes, but she couldn't remember anything about last night.

It seemed that she wanted to sleep, and then she fell asleep.

Soon, she saw Ah Li and was startled.

At this moment, Ahri's nine tails were exposed, as white as snow, which gave her a divine aura.

And her face was even more radiant, her eyes were as charming as silk, and her red lips were as bright as blood. She was inexplicably moved even when she looked at the face that was already stunning. She quickly looked away, knowing that she might have fallen under Ahri's charm unknowingly.

She still has the same pretty face, but why does she feel like she has changed so much?

Akali was confused.

"How did I fall asleep last night?"

After thinking for a while, she asked about a topic from last night.

Ahri's tail trembled slightly, and he didn't dare to look at her. With a touching blush on his face, he said with an inexplicable guilty conscience: "Last night, you said you were sleepy, and then you went back to the room."

"Really?" Akali scratched her head, "This is the first time I've slept so soundly. It feels like it's dawn as soon as I open and close my eyes."

"Anyway, you did sleep well."

Ahri smiled at her.

At this time, Akali thought of something again and asked, "Isn't that guy awake yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Qi opened the door and walked out, his mental state obviously different.

When Ahri saw him, she immediately looked away shyly, her tail wagging. But what filled my heart was as sweet as candy.

She finally got her wish and took the delicious food she had been craving for a long time in her mouth.

Lu Qi walked towards the kitchen at this time.

If there was any downside, it was that he was feeling ravenous at the moment, as if he had been hungry for days and continued to be replenished.

Soon, a sumptuous breakfast was ready.

Akali was very satisfied with her meal, because most of the breakfasts that Lu Qi made were things she had never eaten before.

Not only does it look good, it’s also delicious.

After having breakfast, Akali began the day's training.

Ahri returned to the room and started practicing.

What happened last night was very fruitful for her, and she vaguely discovered ways to gain more control over her own abilities.

Lu Qi moved a chair, lay down lazily on it, and said casually in his mind: "Sign in."

[It is detected that this sign-in is an annual sign-in and will be automatically changed to a special sign-in]

[Sign in successfully]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the realm improvement card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining top-level magic understanding]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary skill upgrade card*3]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the intermediate skill card*5]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining advanced skill card*4]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random perfect sword intent]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level skill full-level card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level skill - instantaneous body]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Counterattack Talisman]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a random special skill*1]

[The reward has been stored in the system backpack, please check and claim it by yourself]

A lot of system prompts sounded in Lu Qi's mind, making him shake slightly.

He sat up from his chair and remembered that it was indeed the month of the annual signing.

As expected of an annual signing, these rewards look great.

Some skill upgrade cards are skipped directly, the first one is a realm improvement card.

He chose to use it without hesitation. As bursts of strengthening power emerged, his body was once again strengthened to a certain extent.

At the same time, the realm also improved by one level.

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the late glory stage]

Lu Qi's eyes flashed, and he knew that he must have reached the last realm he knew so far.

At this moment, he has almost reached the limit of human beings.

If there is another realm improvement card, what level will it be improved to next?
He was quite curious and couldn't help but look forward to it.

The next reward was top-level magic comprehension, and Lu Qi immediately chose to receive it.

As a profound and mysterious insight emerged, his understanding of magic was also undergoing a new transformation.

When the realization disappeared, Lu Qi opened his eyes, which suddenly glowed with a mysterious sense of magic.

"At this moment, my understanding of magic should be at the master level."

Lu Qi couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The top level of magic comprehension has given him a broader understanding of magic, and his level has reached the master level.

No matter where he goes now, he is an archmage-level existence.

Suddenly, a side benefit was that his understanding of the world's runes became much smoother.

I have to say that it is so simple to go from a magic novice to a magic master.

Immediately, Lu Qi took a look at the reward of 'Perfect Level Sword Intent' and directly chose to receive it.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Burning Sun Sword Intent]

In an instant, he seemed to be taken to an arena shrouded in the scorching sun, where he studied day after day. Although he did not learn the sword technique, he understood a profound sword intention.

With the blazing sun sword intention, the sword wielded will be as hot as the blazing sun.


Lu Qi praised in his heart, the level of this sword intention was at least on the same level as Yufeng Sword Intent.

It would be better if a swordsmanship of the same type can be signed out sometime.

His eyes looked at the next reward, a random advanced full-level skill.

This reward was really good, and Lu Qi was looking forward to it and immediately chose to receive it.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level skill - Sword Formation LV9]

In an instant, all kinds of information about the sword formation poured into Lu Qi's mind.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Not bad, really good."

He praised him repeatedly.

This sword formation looks like it's from the physics system, but it's actually a spell-based skill.

Lu Qi can use magic power to set up a sword array within a certain range. The sword array will automatically generate a magic sword to slash the enemy. Although it consumes a lot of magic power, the power is quite impressive.

The most important thing is that the generated magic swords can also be equipped with Lu Qi's sword intention.

This skill can be said to be quite useful.

And it comes up to LV9, which can be said to be full immediately.

Moving on to the next reward, which was also a high-level skill, Lu Qi said directly: "Learn."

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring a high-level skill - Instantaneous LV3]

A stream of information poured in, and Lu Qi quickly understood this skill.

As the name suggests, it is instantaneous.

It can also be called teleportation, which is also a magic skill.

After being activated, Luqi can teleport a certain distance, consuming a certain amount of magic power. The more it is consumed, the farther the teleportation distance will be. The skill level also determines the upper limit of teleportation.

For example, at his current level, even if Lu Qi spent half of his magic power, he probably wouldn't be able to teleport a few dozen meters.

This skill was very useful, and Lu Qi directly upgraded it to LV9 without hesitation.

The teleportation distance reaches hundreds of meters in an instant, and the furthest distance can be teleported up to 300 meters.

Although it is only three hundred meters away, it can be activated continuously. Of course, the consumption of magic power will also increase, and it does not cause any damage. It is just a mobile skill.

It is a skill very similar to Destiny, but the distance is not as far as Destiny. The advantage is that it can be activated instantly.

And destiny needs to be guided slowly.

As expected of an annual signing, Lu Qi is quite satisfied with the rewards.

He continued to look down, and the next one was a prop reward.

[Backlash Amulet: The number of uses is 1, it can reflect all damage and attacks received, including mental. 】

It was a very simple and clear introduction. After reading it, Lu Qi's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Unfortunately, it can only be used once.

But the effect is very outstanding, it can rebound any damage once, and can be used at critical moments.

There is only one last reward left, which is a special skill.

Lu Qi immediately thought of purification, which should be a skill similar to this.

He immediately chose to use it.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special skill - teleportation]

After the system finished speaking, Lu Qi showed a look that was indeed true.

It should be a random selection among those familiar summoner skills.

But did you choose to teleport this time?

He checked the introduction of the system. Teleportation can be carried out regardless of the distance. The cool-down period is one month.

It can only be used once a month, but it can be used regardless of distance.

Lu Qi thought for a moment and was a little curious about how he should choose the location to teleport.

After a simple try, he immediately had the answer.

When he was about to use teleportation, a picture immediately flashed through his mind. They were all things that Lu Qi was aware of, and those that were not recognized by Lu Qi did not appear.

There seems to be one to choose from.

Then he opened his eyes and did not choose to use it immediately, but just thought about it silently.

In this way, it will be much easier to move around in the future.

At this point, all rewards have been collected, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

It is indeed an annual signature.

(End of this chapter)

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