LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 493 Whose spiritual space has a security door?

Chapter 493 Whose spiritual space has a security door?

Zhang Po likes to let a person die in the final self-doubt.

But now that Taliyah was being targeted, she naturally couldn't sit idly by.

Lu Qi looked at Morgana and said, "What can you do?"

Zhangpo didn't know where she was hiding at the moment, and there was nothing Lu Qi could do if he didn't find its true form.

Morgana thought for a moment, nodded and said: "I know a magic that can make demons active. The premise is that you know its true name and ability, and it must be attached to Taliyah."

"Anyway, give it a try first."

Lu Qi understood what she meant.

If Zhangpo was not nearby Taliyah to give this hint of self-doubt, it would not be possible to make it happen.

Soon, Taliyah came back a little depressed. She was obviously different from the energetic look of the past few days.

If this continues, I'm afraid she will become like Kroll in a few days.

Seeing the looks from Lu Qi and the other two, Taliyah sighed and chose to speak out: "I don't know what's wrong with me recently. I've been out of shape and can't even meditate."

Lu Qi looked at her and said, "Just sit there and don't resist whatever happens later."

Taliyah was stunned, not understanding what he meant.

Then she saw Morgana raise her hand, and a ghost-like magic power emerged and wrapped around her body, and she felt an extremely cold feeling.

She seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, extremely cold, her heart was constantly shaking, and she was sweating profusely after a while.

This feeling is like having your soul ripped open and you want to resist instinctively.

But thinking of Lu Qi's words, Taliyah did not resist in the end.

What Taliyah couldn't see was that her body was already burning with ghostly will-o'-the-wisps. Morgana kept casting spells, with a strange purple light shining in her eyes.

As the last seal fell, Taliyah groaned in discomfort. She felt as if her soul was being torn out of her body.

In fact, what was stripped out was an erratic shadow.

After leaving Taliyah's body, the shadow fell towards the nearby fire. Suddenly, the flames surged like boiling fire.

The scorching flame waves rolled around, and then began to condense into a body, about ten meters tall, shaped like a thick python, burning with flames.

A pair of huge jet-black wings spread out on its back. It had no face, its face was as sticky as lava dripping down, and there was a crown-like thing on its head.

This is Zhang Po.

This scene shocked Taliyah, she didn't expect to have such a thing in her body.

Ruiz's book records that Zhangpo has no gender. It was born from human beings' "inferiority" and is also a very powerful demon.

Lucci estimated that it was at least on the same level as Nocturne, but far from Fiddlesticks level.

The latter kind of rules-based demon is not too difficult to deal with.

At this time, Zhang Po was forced out of her true body and was very angry. It spat out human words: "I originally wanted to torture you to death one by one, but since you guys found out, I have to eat them all together."

Its preference is to torture human beings to death and taste their despair when they die. This is often when it is happiest.

But now the fun has been ruined and he's angry!
Zhang Po was naturally not afraid of just three humans. With just a wave of her hand, the flames rushed towards Lu Qi and the others as if they were alive.

"Its body will be trapped here temporarily, but only for a few minutes. During this time, it cannot escape."

Morgana said while dodging Zhang Po's attack.

"That's enough." Lu Qi took out Xuejian and swung his sword. The sword energy directly penetrated the incoming flames and slashed towards Zhang Po's body.

The reason why Taliya was not told in advance was to avoid arousing Zhang Po's vigilance.

Zhang Po didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary human being could deliver such a powerful slash, and even made it feel the instinct of danger at this moment.

It hurriedly dodged, but was still hit by a sword, and a sword mark suddenly appeared on its body.


Unimaginable pain emerged, causing Zhang Po to roar, twisting her body even more ferociously, and launched a crazy counterattack.

But what was faster than its counterattack was Lu Qi's sword. His sharp slashes landed dozens of times in an instant, and wounds appeared on Zhang Po's body.

"Why can it hurt me?!"

Zhang Po found it incredible. In its demonic form, ordinary weapons could hardly harm it.

However, at this moment, the severe pain coming from his body made him feel unbelievable.

In Shurima, the only weapons that can hurt it are the sacred weapons made by Mount Targon.

And that weapon obviously does not have any sacred attributes.

Lu Qi did not answer it, but continued to draw his sword. Zhang Po responded angrily, but the effect was not obvious.

It gradually felt a little panicked, because fighting was not its strong point.

Its real ability is to hide in the dark and give hints, and then show up to pick the fruits when those humans are constantly weakened.

But now, Lu Qi's powerful strength makes him feel very bad.

It wanted to escape here, but was forcibly summoned by Morgana and could not leave in a short time.

Although it only lasted a few minutes, it was a little scared!

There are many reasons why Lu Qi can hurt it. The majestic energy in the body and the energy of the runes are very effective in dealing with demons.

Moreover, Zhang Po is not very strong. What is really powerful about her is that weird ability, but it has not been activated at this moment.

"Don't be so arrogant, human!"

Zhang Po felt that she could not drag it on any longer. The dark aura all over her body surged, and she suddenly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Lu Qi.

Lu Qi swung his sword, but failed to hit. Instead, he was quickly entangled by Zhang Po.

Suddenly, an ultimate sense of laziness emerged. Lu Qi felt that he had suddenly lost interest in everything and could not muster any strength.

He knew that he might have fallen prey to Zhang Po's ability, but this kind of emotional malaise caused him to stop even thinking.

He felt like he couldn't do anything, couldn't change anything.

He suddenly wanted to lie down and wait for death, giving up all struggle and resistance.

This is exactly what Zhang Po's ability is doing.

Its ability is not directed at the body, nor the soul, but simply emotions.

As long as it activates this ability, it can easily affect the emotions of any creature and make them uncontrollably negative.

But there isn't much it can do at this time. Usually it waits until the prey completely gives up resistance and accepts the fact that it can't do it, and then it can devour the prey's soul.

However, at this moment, it has forcibly activated this ability. Since the opponent is very likely to already know its 'ability', the time it can delay is very short.

During this time, it must kill Lucci from his soul.

Zhang Po rushed into Lu Qi's spiritual space desperately, and saw an extremely huge concentration of spiritual power. It was almost the broadest spiritual space among humans it had ever seen. When it saw this scene, it already had a bad feeling in its heart.

This human being is mentally so powerful?

"You're the one waiting."

At this moment, Lu Qi's voice suddenly sounded.

Zhang Po was alerted in her heart. When she wanted to retreat crazily, she saw that the door in Lu Qi's mental space had been closed.

Damn? !
Whose spiritual space has a security door? ?
Zhang Po's consciousness kept colliding with the mental barrier, but the solid wall did not move at all. It felt a chill coming from behind.

When he turned around, he was horrified to see three demonic forces attacking towards it.

"How is this possible?" Zhang Po felt unbelievable for a moment.

Why are there three powerful demonic auras in this human body?

Every breath of demonic energy makes it feel quite extraordinary.

"This should be better for dealing with you."

Lu Qi controlled the demonic power to attack Zhang Po.

Now the demonic power from Evelynn, Nocturne, and Tahm. In its spiritual space, the continuous growth and the absorption of runic energy have become quite considerable. I don’t know how much stronger than it was at the beginning. .

A single strand may not be as good as Zhangpo, but the three strands combined, the aura exuded is even more powerful than Zhangpo.


Seeing that there was no way to escape, Zhang Po could only confront Lu Qi.

In the blink of an eye, three demonic forces rushed over and fought with its ideology. This scene looked like four pitch-black pythons biting.

It's like the most primitive fight between creatures.

But the situation is that three are jointly attacking one, and Zhangpo gradually falls into a disadvantage.

Every time its soul mentality is bitten, part of its strength will be taken away, and at the same time, it will endure extremely unbearable pain.

Although it can bite back, it faces three enemies, one bite for three, and its scalp is numb with losses.

Gradually, Zhangpo felt powerless, her strength became weaker and weaker, and her resistance became weaker and weaker.

On the contrary, the three demonic auras that gnawed at its power became even more powerful, just like a pack of wolves eating, one by one, and with its heart-rending roars of pain, they gradually gnawed away until no bones were left. Down.

Before Zhang Po finally died, she never thought that she would die so easily in the hands of a human being.

Eventually, all its power is swallowed up.

Lu Qi vaguely seemed to hear Zhang Po's begging for mercy, saying that she was willing to accept any unequal contract, but he ignored it.

This is the advantage of the mental barrier. In his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness, he can come and go when he wants, but he cannot leave when he wants to.

Watching the three demonic auras swell up, it's like they're full.

Lu Qi didn't know if this was considered a complete death of Zhang Po, but it was certain that all its power was swallowed up at this moment.

Maybe a demon similar to Zhangpo will be born in the future, but that is no longer something Lu Qi can care about.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something strange in the three breaths. They suddenly became extremely unstable, as if they were about to explode.

Lu Qi felt something was wrong. This was his spiritual consciousness sea. If it really exploded, there would still be three runes over there, so don't explode them all together.

He analyzed the situation and found that it was most likely caused by the difficulty in digesting Zhang Po after these three demonic powers devoured her.

He thought that swallowing Zhang Po would increase the power of these three demons, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

This has nothing to do with the strength of his mental power, but rather that the endurance of these three demonic forces has reached its limit.

It's like a container that has been stretched to its limit and is on the verge of collapse.

Lu Qi thought quickly, and he immediately thought, if the three separate containers cannot carry it, what about turning it into a larger container?
He immediately controlled the three demonic forces to move closer to each other, and then began to exert force, trying to merge the three forces into a whole.

From the beginning, he felt it was difficult, because after all, they were three demonic powers with different attributes. Unlike the demons devouring each other, this was not devouring, but merging.

The current situation is like two opposite magnets. No matter how close they are, they will be forced to separate.

Lu Qi didn't care so much, and used brute force to crush the three forces into a ball, turning it into a dark spherical energy.

Suddenly, he felt that his mental power was suffering a huge impact, and the energy in his body became extremely unstable.

He tried his best to control everything, gritted his teeth and persisted. No matter how restless the three forces were, he forced them to become a whole.

The current mental space is like a furnace running at full strength, trying to melt steel together.

Lu Qi still used more powerful force to intervene.

In the hugely fluctuating spiritual space, the three world rune fragments were all emitting energy and flowing towards the demonic power.

These energies gathered together and played a suppressive role, forcibly suppressing the restless demonic energy.

Finally, under a strong vibration, the three forces merged into one, no longer violently restless, and became a brand new demonic force.

It no longer belonged to Evelynn, Nocturne, Tamu, and Zhang Po, but a newly born demonic force.

The aura displayed was even more powerful than the previous three combined.

Lu Qi looked at the new demonic power in the mental space and felt that the previous overstuffed situation had disappeared.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the result of the fusion of the three forces was more powerful than the sum of their parts.

Now this is a brand new demonic power, but the previous demonic abilities have not disappeared, but have been strengthened.

At the same time, Lu Qi also discovered that a new ability was unlocked.

That was Zhang Po's 'doubt'.

This is an ability that can directly affect emotions. Lu Qi had already experienced it deeply just now. Although he was deliberately tricked, it was not fake that his emotions were extremely negative at that moment.

Although he quickly broke away from this negativity, this trick was still relatively useful.

It's like giving someone else a layer of 'weakness' buff.

Lu Qi didn't want to try how the newly fused demonic power performed at the moment, so he left the mental space and opened his eyes to the outside world.

Although the performance in the mental space was very intense, it did not last long.

From the moment Lu Qi was entangled by Zhang Po's power to the moment Zhang Po's power disappeared, only a few dozen seconds passed.

"It should be resolved."

He looked at Morgana and Taliyah.

Taliyah couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that her emotional negativity was indeed gone. She knew that she had fallen into the devil's trick before, and she couldn't help but feel a little more grateful to Lu Qi and the two of them.

Morgana knew Lu Qi well enough to know that Zhang Po's method would be difficult to hurt him.

But there is still some worry, more or less, and I can't help but feel relieved at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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