LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 498 The Evolution of the Void

Chapter 498 The Evolution of the Void

"You said there would be a door opening in this place, so when does this door usually appear?"

Lu Qi had put away the kitchen utensils at this time, and continued to move forward in the void with Kaisha.

"I don't know about this either." Kasha shook her head and said: "The appearance of cracks in the void is random. Sometimes the intervals are very short, and sometimes they are very long. Maybe you and I are walking here, and there will be cracks in the next second. A crack appears."

Lu Qi nodded: "I see. Then where are we going now?"

He wanted to return to Runeterra through the rift, but it seemed that he would have to try his luck.

Kasha said: "Find a safe environment and wait for the next void crack to appear."

Lu Qi nodded again, that was all he could do for now.

In this way, he and Kaisha kept walking in the void, and saw a variety of strange void creatures along the way, just like a biosphere. The behavior of these void creatures was no different from unenlightened beasts.

They will attack each other, have different habits, and stick together for warmth.

But in the void, there is no concept of time. If you stay here for a long time, you don't even know whether it is day or night.

The color is always purple and black, as if there is no other color.

Kai'Sa was quite familiar with the void environment and quickly found a safer place. It was an environment with huge rocks and complex terrain, which was indeed suitable for hiding.

Many weak void creatures will also choose to hide here.

Kaisha drove away the void creatures in a larger place and took Lucci to occupy the place.

Several crab-like void bugs 'Gada Gada' ran away, leaving behind a few cowering figures.

"Won't you kill them?"

Lu Qi asked curiously after seeing her casual schedule.

"There is no point in killing them. Sometimes they will attract other void creatures." Kaisha found a place for herself to sit and rest, while saying, "According to my observation, some void creatures have no fighting power." , just like the bottom layer of an ecosystem, the meaning of existence is to maintain this ecosystem.”

Lu Qi also found a place to sit down and asked: "Then what position does human beings occupy in this ecological circle?"

Kasha looked at him, smiled and said: "It's also the lowest level. Human beings are completely unsuitable for the void environment. I have never seen a human being who can survive in the void for a long time."

Lu Qi looked at her: "What about you?"

"Am I still considered a human being when I look like this?" Kaisha raised her hand and looked at the dark armor on her arm. "Without it, I would have died a long time ago. Maybe I am in a special situation. I haven’t seen anyone like me in ten years.”

At this time, she suddenly remembered something and looked at Lu Qi: "People who accidentally enter the void seem to hear strange sounds. I have seen a few people even go crazy because of it. Did you hear it?"

"Strange noise?"

Lu Qi shook his head: "Not really."

"Speaking of which, who are you? And where do you know about void?"

Kasha asked very curiously along the way. She knew that Lu Qi's origin must not be simple.

Moreover, in the void, Lu Qi behaved so normally that it felt abnormal.

This was the first time she had seen such a strange person in the void.

"My name is Lu Qi, and I am the second prince of Demacia. I have learned about the void through ancient books very early on."

Lu Qi didn't want to hide his identity and said it casually.

"The prince of Demacia?" Kasha's tone and eyes were quite surprised. She looked at Lu Qi and couldn't tell whether this was true or false.

But think about it carefully, what is the point of Lu Qi lying to her?
She does know the country Demacia, but she doesn't know much about it. She was even more curious as to why the prince of Demacia was drawn into the void.

It always seemed very complicated, and Kasha thought it would be better not to dwell too much on this issue.

After getting along with him now, she felt that Lu Qi was not a bad person.

But there is no complete trust, and there is still a bit of defensiveness.

"My name is Ka'Sa." Ka'Sa briefly introduced herself, and then said: "If you are sleepy, just sleep here. My Dark Condensation Armor can sense nearby dangers. If a powerful void creature approaches, I will notice. As for the environment, I hope you can bear it."

Lu Qi nodded. It was estimated that more than ten hours had passed since he entered the void, but he was still not very sleepy at the moment.

He raised his head and looked high into the sky, and suddenly saw that at some point, the empty sky was filled with stars, twinkling and twinkling. Although not as bright as the Milky Way outside, it was still quite beautiful.

He was a little surprised and said: "There are actually stars in the void?"

Kai'Sa also looked up, expressionless, and then smiled lightly: "That's not a starry sky, it's just a poor imitation of Runeterra. If you get close, you'll find that it's a group of ugly starworms."


Lu Qi noticed this word.

"It's just imitation." Kai'Sa nodded and said: "It should not be difficult for you to find that the Void and Runeterra seem to be somewhat similar in terms of environment and biosphere. But I can be sure that many years ago, the Void was not It wasn’t like that. In the early years, it was a lot messier and uglier.”

Lu Qi listened to her words and thought: "In other words, is it evolving?"

"Yes, it is evolution. This is the characteristic of the void. It is not only the creatures here that can evolve, but the void itself is also evolving."

Kai'Sa clenched her fists unconsciously, feeling the chill coming from her body. "It is evolving towards the shape of Runeterra. The more it devours, the more complete it will evolve. It's like a hungry giant beast."

It seemed to be dissatisfied with its current state, so it set its sights on Runeterra and wanted to swallow it whole.

Whenever Kasha realizes this, she feels a chill rising.

After seeing the horror of the void, she realized that that day might not be far away.

Lu Qi also felt shuddering when he heard it. The void is such a terrible place, with never-satisfied evolution, devouring, devouring, and devouring again.

He thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know how big it is here?"

"I don't know." Kasha shook her head and looked into the distance: "But it must be huge. I don't have time to waste exploring its edges. Maybe it is boundless."

She had to deal with the void cracks that descended on Runeterra all the time, so naturally she didn't have time to measure how big the void was.

But she always felt that the void was much larger than she imagined.

"What a horrible place."

Lu Qi looked up at the void dome that was similar to the starry sky. He had never felt the horror of a world so deeply.

At this moment, this terrible world has already coveted Runeterra.

"Indeed." Kasha also raised her head and looked at the dome together.

She looked extremely small under this sky. Trying to stop the void by oneself seems like a joke, like overestimating one's own capabilities.

But she had to do it anyway.

Her father, mother, friends, and elders were all swallowed up by the void. She witnessed too many tragedies in which families were destroyed and people died. If even she gave up, there would be no one to save them.

Lu Qi's eyes quietly fell on Kasha, looking at the young and bright face that should have enjoyed the beautiful youth, a touch of admiration rose in his heart.

It was his first time meeting Kasha, but he knew her story better than anyone.

I also know that it was not easy for her to persevere all the way.

Lu Qi believed that if it were him, he might not be able to persist in a place like the void for ten years, let alone starting from a child with no strength.

He never thought that he was a hero who saved the world. Everything he did was for his own selfish desires. And his selfish desire at this moment is to take the girl in front of him away from the whirlpool of the void.

At this moment, Kasha's expression suddenly changed, she stood up quickly, looked at Lu Qi, and lowered her voice: "Quick, hide."

She looked tense, and Lu Qi didn't waste any time. He immediately got up and hid behind a raised rock wall with her.

Not long after the two hid, a giant void beast suddenly descended from the sky. It had a pair of wings on its back and exposed bone spur-like weapons. Its limbs were thick and thick, just like a bat, but it was more terrifying and ferocious than a bat, with its mouth full of fangs exposed. .

Like most characteristics of void creatures, it has no eyes, but it can look left and right as if it can see things.

From time to time, he would wiggle his nose and breathe heavily.

This is a void creature that Lu Qi has never seen before, but he can also feel the powerful aura emanating from it, which is obviously different from most of the void creatures along the way.

Much like the two he met in the sword tomb in Ionia, maybe a little stronger.

This may be why Kaisha is so nervous.

Suddenly, it seemed to have found something, and it moved suddenly, heading towards a rock wall at a very fast speed.

With a "rumbling" sound, the rock wall shattered, and the roar of another void creature was heard.

It was a void escape beast about three meters tall. It should have been a powerful existence in the void, but at this moment it was attacked like a crushing bat monster.

The two giant beasts fought with each other, but soon the void escaper was at a disadvantage. One of its limbs was forcefully torn off, and the flesh and blood from its claws were splashed everywhere.

As the bat monster bit hard on the neck of the void escape beast, the earth escape beast struggled on the spot for a few times and then stopped moving.

In comparison, the bat monster didn't even suffer much damage in this battle.

It jumped on the body of the escaping beast, biting its flesh and blood with big mouthfuls. This scene was disgusting to watch.

Kasha looked away, still trying to keep her breathing as low as possible.

After a while, the bat monster devoured everything the earth-hiding beast could eat. After letting out a roar of hunger, it flapped its wings, flew up on the spot, and flew away quickly.

At this time, Kasha breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Qi asked: "What was that just now?"

"In the ecological circle of the void, there are preys and predators." Kasha walked out of the bunker with him and explained, "The void escaping beast and the bone-winged bat just now are relatively powerful predators. Then The head-diving beast is more than three meters tall and has already passed its juvenile stage, but it is still brutally killed by the bone-winged bat. It is enough to show that the latter is almost a top predator in the food chain. I generally don’t want to fight it. "

Lu Qi nodded.

The body of the escaping beast was nearby, emitting a stench, and they planned to change places.

However, not long after they left, Kasha's expression suddenly changed: "Come back again?"

She felt the reaction coming from An Ning's armor, so she and Lu Qi immediately hid again.

However, this time, the bone-winged bat that flew away fell heavily from the sky and let out a miserable cry. It was in a very embarrassed shape with scars all over its body.

Kaisha opened her eyes wide, wondering what creature had injured it like this.

However, the next second, she suddenly felt the air sink, and there was a feeling like goosebumps coming from An Ning Armor, as if the hairs were standing on end!
A strong sense of oppression enveloped her, making her breathing become somewhat suppressed.

At this moment, she couldn't imagine what powerful creature had arrived.

I saw a tall humanoid creature suddenly falling from the sky, and with an explosion-like sound, it stepped heavily on the bone-winged bat.

The Bonewing Bat let out a scream and died on the spot.

"How dare you stare at me, like a beast."

The splashing smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of the humanoid creature. He was covered in a layer of dark armor that was as black as a battle armor, with spikes protruding from various places.

And his face was not human at all, more like a monster with no face, only a ferocious mouth, and horns that curved back from the eyes.

From his body, you can see human characteristics, but you can be sure that he is definitely not human.

Kasha felt that the powerful sense of oppression came from this monster. She had never seen such a void creature, and it could actually speak human words.

Her instinct told her that she must not make a sound at this moment and must wait until the monster left.

Otherwise, they will all die here.

"Are you still hiding? I found you with great difficulty."

The next second, the horned monster suddenly looked here, raised his hand, and shot out a purple energy cannon as if grinning. "I'll take the top shot first."

Driven by An Ning's armor, Kaisha instinctively wanted to dodge, but her speed was not as fast as the energy shells fired.

She could only watch helplessly as it approached at an extremely fast speed. For the first time, Kasha felt the breath of death approaching so closely.

Just when she was desperate, Lu Qi beside her raised his hand calmly.

A protective shield composed of magical energy appeared instantly, blocking the blow.


A violent sound exploded outside the shield, the ground shook, and the aftermath of the explosion even caused the surrounding rock walls to shatter and collapse.

Luqi and Kasha stood safe and sound inside the shield. Kasha looked at Luqi and his cold face, and was shocked in her heart.

She didn't expect that Lu Qi was so strong.

Being able to block this terrifying blow so easily.

"I know you're not simple, but this is more interesting. Let me be more excited, human."

The horned monster grinned in pleasure, exuding unparalleled confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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