LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 51 This Is Life!

Chapter 51 This Is Life!

At this time, the two passed through the passage on the main floor and left the training camp from the other side.

At this time, walking on the street, Lu Qi also took off his mask, glanced at Yurna who was silently following behind, and then turned around.

"Will Miss Jian Ji come tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow it will, but probably not in the future."

When Fiona heard the words, she didn't hide anything and said frankly.

Lu Qi was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Fiona said: "I will come to cancel the points tomorrow, and I should not step into the training camp from now on."

"Why is this?"

Lu Qi asked curiously.

"There is no possibility for me to become stronger here. The meaning of staying here is to kill time, what else can it provide me?"

Fiona didn't seem to have the slightest nostalgia for this place, and her voice didn't even have the slightest emotion when she spoke.

She longs to be stronger.

So don't waste time on meaningless things.

But even she has encountered a bottleneck now.

The growth rate of her strength has slowed down.

"So it is."

Lu Qi glanced at the strong woman in front of him, vaguely knowing why she was eager to become stronger.

The Laurent family is a well-known swordsmanship family in Demacia. There have been many powerful swordsmen in the past, but this family still has a tradition, that is, swordsmanship is only passed on to men, not to women.

And Miss Jian Ji in front of her was born in the Laurent family.

The two walked side by side, and passers-by passed by.

On the way, Fiona seemed a little hesitant to speak, but in the end she gave up her thoughts.

Before a fork in the road, Fiona stopped and looked at Lu Qi: "I still have some things to do next, let's call it a day."

There was a meaning of farewell in the words, so Lu Qi nodded: "Well, goodbye."

"Goodbye, have a nice day."

Fiona parted her red lips lightly, and after leaving these words, she turned and left.

Watching her leaving back, Lu Qi chose another direction.

He had no plans to go home at this time, and was going to wander the streets of the capital.

Urna got closer at this time, Lu Qi thought for a while and said: "Go back now, cancel the points, I will wait for you at the intersection in front."

What he was referring to was naturally the points from the training camp.

If Fiona isn't ready to come again.

He doesn't seem to need to go to training camp anymore.

Counting the [-] points that Miss Jian Ji gave him, if he goes back and cancels, he can still make a fortune.


After Yuerna nodded yes, she turned and left.

Lu Qi walked slowly on the road, looking left and right, looking for something interesting.

I wandered around in the afternoon, but I didn't find many interesting things, and the sun-baked Lu Qi didn't have much strength.

He gave up his plan to continue shopping.

Ready to go home and stay comfortably.

However, when we got home, something interesting happened.

He stood at the door of the house, looking at Miss Jian Ji who was opposite.

"Miss Jian Ji, I didn't expect to see you again."

Lu Qi waved and said hello.

Fiona frowned slightly, and stared at Lu Qi with those blue eyes, as if looking at another pervert: "Your Highness, are you really interested in following others?"

This time, Lu Qi was really wronged, he said with an innocent face: "I didn't follow, this is my home, I still want to ask you why you are here."

There is no reason to stand at the door of the house and be followed by others.

Fiona was puzzled for a moment, and said, "This is my way home. If you walk another 10 minutes, you will be at Laurent's house."

Lu Qi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the Laurent family and the crown guard were still neighbors.

Now that this house belongs to him, isn't it sandwiched between two families?

Urna opened the door at this moment, and Lu Qi asked by the way: "In that case, Miss Jian Ji, would you like to come in?"

Seeing that the doors were open, Fiona no longer had any doubts.

It seems that the prince in front of him has really moved out of the palace.

Although she was a little curious, she didn't pursue it.

Facing Lu Qi's invitation, Fiona thought for a second, then shook her head: "No need."

"Alright then, Miss Jian Ji, go slowly."

Lu Qi didn't invite again, and after saying goodbye, he walked into the door.

Since we are so close, we can see each other whenever we want.

Fiona watched his back disappear, and the thoughts that had been dismissed before resurfaced again at this moment.

Perhaps, we have to wait a few more days to see.

Thinking of this, Fiona took a step and left slowly.

It's approaching evening.

The doorbell rang.

Yurna went to open the door, and after a while, Lu Qi, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, saw Miss Guanwei walking in listlessly, her usually radiant face turned pale at the moment.

After entering the living room, Lux threw herself on the sofa without saying a word, motionless like a salted fish.

"Where did you go crazy this afternoon?"

Lu Qi put down the book and asked a strange question.

He was still alive and kicking when he left at noon. How could he lose his soul in an afternoon?

"Crazy ghost."

Lacus twisted her body, showing her delicate face, and said without strength, "I just went to hell."

Don't look at what she said to be so scary, but actually after Lu Qi's understanding.

Only then did he realize that Mianwei Xiao's family had gone to a cram school in the afternoon.

The cram school, um... used to be Lu Qi's nightmare, but now he doesn't have this kind of trouble at all.

"Can a cram school torture you like this?"

Seeing the lackluster Lacus on the opposite side, Lu Qi laughed directly on the spot.

Lux's pain at the moment is the source of his happiness!
Lu Qi, who has long since gotten rid of the troubles of going to school and this kind of cram school, likes to watch it the most.

Seeing Lu Qi's gloating expression, Lux felt quite upset in her heart, and said in disbelief, "Why, why should I be the only one to suffer this kind of crime!"

Lu Qi is obviously the same age as her, why can he be at home every day and do whatever he wants.

Seeing Lux's envious eyes, Lu Qi became even more embarrassed, and said with emotion: "This is life."

Lux turned her face away, not wanting to look at him anymore, but the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and then she turned around and said full of resentment: "I curse you!"

"How old are you, and still so childish, haha."

Lu Qi drank the hot water nonchalantly, feeling so refreshed.

Cursing this thing, can it be useful just to say it?

Lux buried her face in the pillow, not wanting to speak at all.

When she thought of being tested by her mother when she returned home, she couldn't hold back any energy.

Why don't you just stay at His Highness's house overnight.

As soon as this bold idea surfaced, Lux quickly dismissed it.

If she did that, her mother might really have skinned her too.

At this time, hehehe laughter continued to be heard in my ears.

Really annoying enough!

At this moment, Lacus prayed devoutly in her heart, hoping to get the blessing of the Goddess of Light.

Let this guy beside her suffer the same suffering as she is at this moment!
Lu Qi smiled happily at this time.

But he didn't expect that he would stop laughing soon.

(End of this chapter)

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