American fame and fortune.

Chapter 141 Create a Surprise

Chapter 141 Create a Surprise

In the producer's office, Martin met Susan Levine.

Because of the good honey with the prodigal fiancé, the female producer is full of joy.

Martin also heard some news, so he specifically asked, "When will I attend your wedding with Downey?"

Mentioning this, Susan was happy: "I just have a plan, and it will be the first half of next year at the earliest."

Martin added: "Don't forget my invitation."

"How can I forget you, I will invite you in advance." Susan has a good impression of Martin, not only because he is also a prodigal son, but also because he helped the crew avoid trouble.

That kangaroo had really hurt Menet, and it would have cost a lot of money alone.

Susan turned to ask: "Is your new movie finished?"

"I just came back from Mexico." Martin sent a lucky totem and pointed to the newspaper in his hand: "Recently, the entertainment media is full of Paris, so I'm a little worried."

Susan played with the lucky totem and said in relief: "It's okay, she has had a bigger scandal, and now this scandal will only increase her exposure, and it may not be a bad thing for the film she starred in."

Martin could understand what she meant. The crew wished there would be more Paris scandals, and then she asked, "Have the crew formulated a relevant publicity plan?"

Susan smiled and shook her head: "No, she's too uncontrollable." Although she was actually in charge of less than five films independently, her ability is unquestionable, and she couldn't help but look at Martin: "Why, do you have an idea?"

Martin said: "Recently, people around me are discussing Paris. She was arrested for the second time and went to jail. The fire is a mess."

Susan also paid attention: "And her assistant when she was on the set, called..."

"Kim Kardashian," Martin reminded.

Susan nodded: "Yes, Kardashian, she broke the news about Paris every other week, and Paris is hotter than "Spider-Man 2." She was not without regrets: "Unfortunately, Paris is completely an uncontrollable factor .”

Martin doesn't play around in circles: "What if Kardashian is manageable?"

Susan looked up at Martin: "Are you kidding me?"

Martin said appropriately: "My manager, Lao Bu, you have met, he has a very good relationship with Jin."

Susan suddenly smiled: "Martin, you really can create surprises." She looked at Martin carefully again: "I finally understand why Louise admires you so much."

Martin didn't answer this question, but instead said: "The film's performance is better, and we, the main creators, will all benefit."

Susan paid attention to Martin's words: "Tell me what you think."

Martin said: "I asked a few neighbors before, if Paris was killed in the film, would they be willing to watch it? They were surprisingly unanimous and said they would applaud."

Susan understands this kind of psychology: "Ordinary people not only want to see more scandals of this wealthy princess, in order to conform to their self-judgment that rich people are all scumbags, but also hate these scandals, and hope that the ugly rich will go die."

"For example." Martin couldn't help but said, "Like all ordinary Americans, I think it's okay for a pig to sit in the White House. If something goes wrong with the pig..."

Susan smiled again: "I'm the same as you." She quickly put away her smile: "Go and contact Kardashian, and I'll ask someone to start a random survey."

As for Paris, since another scandal broke out, the relevant funders have been very unhappy.

Susan made several phone calls, and quickly convinced them with the professionalism of the producer and the expected profit of the film.


In the satellite city of Venice, on the closed beach of Linhai Hotel.

Jin Chao twisted his waist and ran towards the sea.

Although it is not as exaggerated as later, but among normal people, it is also relatively straight.

Bruce, in his floral shirt, is a truly civilized man.

When the phone rang, he connected to Martin and said a few words to Martin, then rushed to the front and shouted, "Jin, come here."

Jin trotted all the way back, sat sideways beside Bruce, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Bruce has already grasped her key point: "Do you want to appear in more media and let more people pay attention to you?"

"Of course I want to!" Jin was very thoughtful: "But my personal abilities and resources are limited."

She moved her butt towards Bruce, turning it like a millstone: "You have a way again, don't you?"

Bruce said with a mixture of lies and truth: "A producer of the crew of "House of Wax Museum" called me and asked me if I knew you well. He knew that we got closer when we were on the crew."

What did Jin realize, but he hasn't figured it out yet: "The movie that Paris invested in and starred in? The crew asked me to help promote it? But I stand on the opposite side of Paris, and it is impossible for me and her to reconcile in a short time..."

Bruce said: "There is no need to reconcile, the film crew will cooperate with the film distributor to invest more media resources on you, and you will break the news according to the rhythm of the film crew."

Knowing that Warner Bros. was behind "House of Wax," King barely thought about it, and agreed, "I have no problem!"

If there are media resources invested by the crew and Warner Bros., the publicity effect will be several times, even ten times better than it is now.

Bruce got up and walked towards the hotel: "Let's go back and make preparations. In a few days, they will send someone to talk to you in detail."

Jin deliberately walked in front of him, twisting his waist, turning his head and winking: "Old Bu, you will always support me from behind, won't you?"

Bruce focused on one point.


Warner Studios, in the post studio.

Parker, the head of publicity for the crew, is dealing with the managers of Martin, Eliza and Paris.

The three managers quarreled over the positions of actors' names and images on materials such as opening and closing subtitles and promotional posters.

Although there are provisions in the contract, there is still room for manipulation in the formulation of the specific location.

Eliza's agent required that the promotional materials must highlight Eliza's personality. In addition to requiring the C position, the image should be at least twice the size of the other main actors.

Of course, Thomas didn't do it, thinking that Martin and Eliza played the same role, and the image could only be slightly smaller than Eliza. The title name of the film can be behind Eliza, but the size and color should be consistent.

Paris' agent, demanding that Paris should be treated the same as Martin.

Then there was another quarrel over the color, shape, etc. of their respective customer images on the promotional materials.

The three managers are all very tough, the crew is not gentle and gentle, whoever is weak and whoever is peaceful is unlucky.

Eliza's position as the heroine is unshakable. What Thomas fought for Martin was to be treated infinitely close to the heroine in terms of various materials.

In the end, on the title credits, Martin’s name was listed separately, appearing in a picture behind the heroine Eliza, and Paris Hilton was also listed separately, after Martin, with the words “Special Performance” added.

On the main poster, Eliza is still in the front C position, Martin's head is one-third smaller than her, on her right side, and Paris is one-third smaller, on her left side.

The list of the main actors in the poster, the names of Eliza and Martin are prominently placed above the respective images, and Paris' name is placed alone to the left of her profile picture.

Plus, Martin and Eliza will have special twins duel posters.

Martin will also attend the media event where the heroine Eliza appears.

As for Paris, she can't get out of prison for the time being.

"Unfortunately, Eliza and Martin broke up." Parker was not without regret: "It was a good publicity point."

Thomas and Eliza's agent, Victor, had an inseparable quarrel just now, but now they looked at each other tacitly.

The latter said directly: "Do you want them to get back together?"

This is one of the most conventional publicity methods in the industry, and Thomas himself does not object to it. For example, when "Spider-Man 2" is released this year, the media is hyping Peter Parker and Mary Jane.

In fact, Tobey Maguire got involved with the daughter of Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer.

Thomas mentioned a key issue: "I can convince Martin that the woman does not force Martin to be a vegetarian."

Parker immediately picked up the phone and called Susan for a routine report.

Susan replied: "No need, our key publicity point is not on this. Parker, have you finished talking over there? Come to the meeting right away."

Parker ended the meeting here.

When Thomas left, Steve, Paris' agent, came over.

"Why not, how about letting Martin have a relationship with Paris?" Steve was very considerate of his client: "Martin can use Paris' popularity to attract attention."

Thomas said: "Paris uses the relationship to divert attention? To make people stop talking about her scandal?"

Steve knew his peers were not fools, and admitted: "It's good for both of us."

Thomas couldn't make his own decisions: "I'll ask Martin for his opinion."

Steve exchanged business cards with him: "I'm waiting for your good news."


In the director's office, Martin is chatting with Zomi Shirra.

After that special art party, although Zomi and Martin couldn't talk about everything, they could still be called friends.

It was the first time that Zomi directed a film, and he felt uneasy: "The film has already been completed, and Warner has had an internal trial screening, and the response is not bad. It will be sent to the MPAA for rating soon. It is estimated that there will be a screening meeting for theater managers in mid-September. Then we will be able to determine how many theaters will premiere."

Martin smiled and said, "You were treated much better than me for the first time. My first theatrical movie was only screened in 8 theaters on the first weekend."

Zomi is under a lot of pressure: "My recent dream is that the film will be released, and I am afraid of failure."

Martin suggested: "You need to relieve stress, go out for a drink at night, call Wes, Ajia and Michelle, Wes has a place, it is very easy to inspire people."

Zomi responded, "It's good to have a drink, alcohol can help you sleep." He rubbed his temples: "I messed up this time, and I won't have a second chance. I can only go back and shoot MVs and commercials."

Martin joked: "This is not enough pressure. Let me tell you how much pressure a director can have. If the film fails at the box office, he can only go home tragically and inherit billions of dollars."

Zomi was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Martin, it's still interesting to be with you."

Martin called people separately, Michelle was running a film festival to prepare for the awards, not in Los Angeles, Wes Craven and Alexander Ajia were willing to come out and relax.

(End of this chapter)

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