American fame and fortune.

Chapter 216 3 Years, 1500

Chapter 216 Three years, 1500 million

On Saturday, Four Seasons Hotel, the long-term private room of Weinstein Films.

Harvey, like most producers in the industry, is always up to date with the latest film statistics.

This week, there is also a film that he is very concerned about.

Harvey found the name of "Summer of Jeans" on Friday's box office statistics.

It earned $775 million on its first day of release in North America, ranking second only to Star Wars Episode 3, which was released on the first weekend in May.

In the cast announced by Warner Bros., Martin Davis is the leading actor.

In this case, the film starring him will be a success again?
Harvey recalled the young actor who had a chat with him once, and there was no disrespect to him in his words. On the surface, he was respectful, but in fact?

Martin Davis' agent turned down his offer.

A refusal, though tactful, is a refusal.

This annoyed Harvey a bit and frustrated his promise to Matt Damon.

The bathroom door opened from the inside at this time, and Meryl Streep in pajamas came over, leaned over and kissed Harvey's chubby face, and went around and sat on the sofa opposite him.

Although she is over 50 years old, Meryl is well maintained and looks about 40 years old.

Harvey asked, "When are you leaving?"

Meryl said: "The plane in the afternoon, I have a family and a house, and I want to go back to New York to be a good wife and a good mother."

Harvey stared at her for a moment, then asked, "You're still in touch with Jack Nicholson?"

Meryl didn't answer, but instead asked, "Why do you ask this?"

"Jack joined Scorsese's The Departed Walker crew." Harvey said directly: "Do you know Martin Davis? He is also on the Departed Walker crew."

Meryl had a guess: "Which Los Angeles hero? He's a young actor, and he messed with you?"

Harvey said: "You help me pass a message to Jack, don't make Martin Davis too comfortable in the Departed Walker crew, Matt Damon will cooperate with him."

Meryl lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said, "I get together with Jack a few times a year. Old friends, there are always some special ways to maintain the relationship. I will convey it to Jack for you, but he You know, the temper is very strange, and I can't promise anything."

She was curious: "A little star, is it worth it?"

"He is not an ordinary star. He can attract investment, and he is backed by Pacific Pictures." Harvey recently learned: "Warner Bros. also values ​​him."

Meryl exhaled the smoke from her mouth, didn't ask any more questions, and instead asked, "Where is the next Oscar you promised me?"

"Be patient." Harvey's fat face shook with a smile: "I'm looking for a suitable project, and I will definitely do what I promised you."

Meryl stubbed out her cigarette, stood up and unbuttoned her pajamas.

Whether she wants to work on Harvey Weinstein or the Oscars, she always has to express it politely.

Two hours later, Meryl, who had put on makeup, left Harvey's long-term private room and took the elevator downstairs.

Two floors down, the elevator stopped and opened, and Julie walked in alone.

The two glanced at each other, but neither paid attention to the other.

Meryl, who is rich in experience and can be called an expert, smelled something similar to her from Julie, the smell after having an affair with a man.

You can only feel the unspeakable taste.

Meryl complained, this rotten girl just finished accompanying that producer?

The elevator opened, and the two left the hotel separately.

After another half hour, Martin got out of the hotel and got into the car driven by Bruce, and went to Caltech to participate in the promotional activities of the film.

Although the main audience of jeans is teenagers, the word-of-mouth of the audience and the media are good. The CS score of the former is A, and the average MTC score of the latter is 73 points.

Moreover, Martin and Blake's excellent appearance conditions have also attracted the support of many beauty parties.

These days, appearance is still considered fair in the market.

If you get a black, fat and ugly endorsement, the product will collapse directly.

The era of super magic will not really start for nearly a decade.

Although Martin did not make any special publicity, he still fully cooperated with the crew and distributor in normal activities.

Warner Bros. pushed him to the position of leading actor, and the film will naturally enjoy the benefits if it sells well.

The second day after Jeans was released, it still maintained a similar heat as yesterday, and North America won 807 million US dollars.

Martin invited Blake to dinner on Saturday night, and the two went to an upscale restaurant in Passanadi.

The waiter brought the food and poured drinks for the two of them.

Blake was very excited: "Did you see it? Those people surrounded me asking for autographs. I just need to take a photo with them, and they will go crazy with joy."

Martin raised his glass: "Congratulations on becoming famous, you became famous in one fell swoop!"

Blake clinked glasses with him, and his head did not faint: "I am tainted with your good luck, Martin, without you, the score of this film may have shrunk by half."

Martin asked casually, "Who said that?"

Black made no secrets: "The director Capiz and several Warner Bros. executives said so. They said that you and the shooting incident have added to the film."

Thinking of the dangers of Burbank Middle School at that time, Martin sighed: "I would rather not have a bonus, and I don't want to encounter this kind of thing again."

Who wants to face the gun.

Black picked up a piece of green vegetables and ate it, not without regret: "We can't make it to the top of the box office chart."

Martin smiled and relieved: "There is no way, last weekend was the first episode of Star Wars 3, even if it is the next weekend, we can't compete with Anakin."

Blake envied: "Martin, you have won two box office titles, and I haven't had one."

Martin said, "Take your time and take your time."

Anyone who understands the North American film market will know how powerful George Lucas's Star Wars ending is, and it's a veritable box office bomb.

But the jeans are still under the prestige of Star Wars, and they have gained a good box office.


Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta on Monday.

Thomas took his assistant, Natasha, into the conference room for negotiation again.

Justin, the commissioner in charge of the negotiations, is waiting in the conference room.

The two sides shook hands, and each sat on one side of the conference table, preparing for a new round of negotiations.

Thomas first said: "I have brought some new information, I hope you can take a look."

Justin nodded: "Yes."

Natasha opened the notebook, connected it to the projector, opened a file, and the information in it was immediately projected onto the silver-white screen.

Pointing at the curtain with a laser pointer, Thomas said: "This past weekend, my client, Martin Davis's "Summer of Jeans" was released in North America, and it got a box office of 2087 million US dollars in the first weekend. The film was a big success. !"

Justin has already seen relevant news and statistics, and Martin Davis has continued his upward momentum, and his influence will be even greater in the future.

Thomas clicked on another excerpt from the interview: "When talking about the box office, Warner Bros. executives said that the first week in North America was able to achieve such a result. Martin's personal influence has at least increased the box office figure by one-third."

He gestured to Natasha.

Natasha switches to the next page, which is dominated by pictures, live photos and videos of the Jeans premiere.

She clicked on the video, and immediately there was a messy sound.

"Coke God Religion!"

"Coke Master!"

In the video, Martin stands on the red carpet, and similar shouts come and go.

Hundreds of fans took out their Coca-Cola and held it up high to pay tribute to Martin, the leader of the Coca-Cola cult.

After the video was played, Natasha clicked the mouse again, and the screen switched to screenshots of Internet forums and various news reports.

It is filled with all kinds of short comments and gossip from netizens and the media about the Coke Theology.

"Although the Coke Church has never really been established, it has been widely recognized, and the reputation of Martin as the leader has spread all over the United States." Thomas has confidence in his heart and speaks with extra confidence: "One more thing, Martin is only 24 years old now. It has just started, and it will only go higher and higher in the next three years."

Justin didn't seem to hear Thomas's words, staring at the projection screen and said, "Cola God, it's so interesting."

Thomas said with a smile: "No one thought that Martin's unintentional move would have such a big influence."

He switched back to the subject of the negotiation in due course: "Martin, who is so special to Coca-Cola, and a star who is generally optimistic about the future, is not worth a three-year, 3 million dollar endorsement?"

In fact, this number did not exceed the upper limit of Coca-Cola. Justin opened the laptop in front of him, and once again browsed various news about Martin on the Internet.

There are many positive reviews, and Martin's public image is very good.

As for Anne Hathaway's loyal fans attacking Martin's so-called cheating and flirting, as long as there is no crime involved, it has never been a problem in celebrity commercial endorsements.

On the contrary, if they can create lace that attracts the attention of the United States like Leonardo and other big-name stars, they will also help push it behind the scenes.

Justin went to see Martin's future work plan.

Coca-Cola has consulted experts from CS Company, and the "Wanted Warrant", which is being filmed in Atlanta, has the blessing of this year's big event. As long as it is not too bad, the chance of success is very high.

The next job is the second lead in "The Departed", opposite Leonardo, Martin Scorsese's gangster movie, even Justin, an outsider, knows that the chances of success are far higher than failure.

There is also a Presidential Medal of Freedom for July.

In other words, in the next two or three years, even if Martin Davis is unlucky, the chance of falling is very small.

Justin no longer hesitated, and said: "We accept a three-year endorsement fee of 3 million US dollars."

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief, and the most crucial point was settled.

He stood up and shook hands with Justin on the opposite side: "Look, we have reached more and more consensus."

Justin shook his hand vigorously: "I hope it will be as smooth as today."

Talking about the most difficult point does not mean that it is over. There are dozens of other small items to be discussed. Brokers from professional brokerage companies like Thomas, when Lian Martin was on the platform for Coca-Cola, the time he attended and the vehicle he took , must be specific to the terms of the contract.

 My wife and daughter have no fever, so I don’t need to take care of them, and I can concentrate on typing today
(End of this chapter)

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