American fame and fortune.

Chapter 610 The test of joining the best friend group

Chapter 610 The test of joining the best friend group
The people in the bedroom were still sleeping soundly, but Martin had already gone out and was preparing to go to the Brooklyn Studio.

Going downstairs, Bruce was waiting at the door in his car.

Martin got into the car and said, "Let's go."

Bruce started the car and said, "Chad asked me to inform you that today's filming has been temporarily adjusted. The action scenes will be moved to Wednesday, and the literary scenes between you and Mene will be filmed first."

Martin understood instantly: "This guy obviously has no confidence in me."

Bruce glanced at Martin and said deliberately: "You have overindulgence written all over your face now."

Martin pulled down the visor, looked in the mirror, and gave Lao Bu a middle finger.

Bruce laughed.

The traffic in front increased and the road became congested. Martin turned off the cold air, adjusted to a more comfortable position, and said, "I'm going to take a short nap."

Bruce said: "My name is you when we arrive."


The sun penetrated the curtains and woke up Taylor who was sleeping. She moved away from Selena who was holding her thigh, sat up and stretched.

Looking around, there was no Martin in the room. Taylor remembered that Martin had said that he would go to the set early this morning to continue his work.

"This guy, is work more interesting than being with us?" Karlie Kloss woke up and crawled over.

She was tall and took up a lot of space. This move made Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne wake up.

The former's first reaction was: "Taylor, let me see the song you wrote last night. Let's sing it together. My throat feels very comfortable."

Taylor pushed her away in disgust: "It tastes like seafood, go brush your teeth first."

Several people went into the bathroom together. After washing up, Taylor found the newly written song and handed it to Selena.

Selena looked at the notes and hummed: "Shall we try it together?"

"There are no instruments here, just sing a cappella," Taylor said.

The two hummed a new verse that Taylor had written the night before.

"We couldn't wait to grab your passport, and took you away together to an uninhabited island. In just one week, we can train you, a bad guy, into a good boy, so you will either live forever or fall into the sea of ​​fire. You are also keen on this game. We are young and willful, regardless of the consequences. We go further and further on this road..."

Taylor didn't finish writing the song, and the two of them ran out of lyrics at this point.

Carly clapped vigorously: "You sang great, your singing voice is more beautiful than before!"

She laughed wildly: "It also has a smell of seafood, a seafood flavor that is exclusive to Martin!"

Kara blinked and said in a funny tone: "This song hasn't been named yet, right? Why not call it "To Martin"?"

Selena yelled, "What a name."

Taylor had other ideas: "Why don't you call it "For You" and don't mention your name."

Carly asked curiously: "Why?"

Instead of promoting hype and self-marketing, all the people present were sisters. Taylor said: "Have you watched "Inception"?"

"I watched it," Cara Delevingne said.

Taylor asked, "Did the ending pique your curiosity?"

Carly responded: "In order to find evidence that Martin returned to reality, I bought tickets three times."

"Suspense brings speculation, speculation leads to curiosity, and curiosity leads to consumption." Taylor analyzed for them: "This ending is an extremely successful marketing."

She reminded: "Director Nolan said that this ending was Martin's idea. I got not only inspiration from him, but also many things in terms of publicity."

Carly understood: "After the song is released, the content of the lyrics will definitely arouse speculation. Who are you referring to, who are we, what happened together, how we were trained, etc., all of which will become the focus of the media and fans. news point."

Taylor put his arms around her neck and hung on her: "You are really smart."

Selena took the lyrics again and hummed them again.

"Wow, your voice is louder than before." Carly threw away Taylor, grabbed Selena's face, and asked her to open her mouth wide: "Let me see, is physical throat opening and high-protein moisturizing so effective?"'

Selena rolled her eyes: "It's not like you haven't tried before."

Cara Delevingne jumped up: "Sisters, cheer for me, I have achieved the highest achievement of a fan!"

Taylor had a bad idea: "You should go to Blake Lively and declare to her that I have achieved what you have achieved."

Kara nodded: "What a good idea. I'll show it off to her later."

"Sisters, sisters!"

Taylor stood up and came to face the three of them, clapped his hands and said, "Our relationship now is extraordinary, and we will be best friends from now on."

Carly yelled, "Taylor's BFFs!"

The other two followed: "Taylor's besties group!"

Taylor smiled and said: "As best friends, we help each other and often appear together, which will also form a gathering effect and attract more people's attention."

The other three can figure this out.

Taylor added: "In the future, we will definitely meet new friends. What if they want to join our bestie group?"

Selena had an idea: "Go beat up Justin Bieber!"

"We are ladies, ladies!" Carly was dissatisfied and said, "How can you have sex with a man?"

Taylor clapped his hands again and said: "I have an idea to ask for your opinions. I don't know if you have heard of it. There is a supermodel group in the fashion industry. The only test for joining the group is Martin. Do we want to set up a group for our besties too? A test to join the group?" Karlie Kloss answered: "The only condition is also Martin?"

Selena said, "I think so!"

Cara Delevingne shouted: "Agree!"

"Okay, now it's unanimously approved." Taylor made the final decision: "The most basic trust can only be established if the best friends have used something special together."

Karlie Kloss said: "Yes, if you can't even do this, you don't deserve to be our best friend!"

Taylor walked out of the room and said, "Sisters, put on your makeup and change clothes. It's time for us to go shopping. My agent has already contacted the reporters for street photography."


Brooklyn Studios, set up as a soundstage at the Continental Hotel.

Martin put on a black suit and entered the set.

Mene came from the other side, wearing the same suit and ties.

Director Chad came to the two of them and said: "Just keep the style of the previous film." He then told Mene: "You have to be deep enough."

Mene nodded and said, "I understand."

Chad turned to look at Martin and said, "More scars and blood stains."

The makeup artist ran in quickly.

Martin sat down and let the makeup artist apply smudges on his face.

Chad also warned: "The wounds should be concentrated on the forehead and ears, so as not to affect the effect of Martin's frontal close-up."

Not long after, the filming officially started.

Martin walked in from the door and walked towards the bar where Mene was.

Mene turned his head, looked at Martin, and said: "Jonathan..."

"He burned my house down," Martin said.

Mene said with a straight face: "Because you rejected his emblem!"

Behind the director's monitor, Chad stared attentively at the performances of the two actors.

Martin still controls the role with ease, and Mene's acting skills have also improved, especially his rich voice, which is very bluffing when speaking.

After the filming ended, Chad called a stop and announced that the shot had passed.

Martin took advantage of the break in filming to get the script and familiarize himself with the lines.

Mene had already memorized the script.

Next, the two have a long dialogue.

After filming the drama all morning, Martin's head was filled with lines for pretending to be cool.

Mene spoke like Winston.

During lunch, Bruce said to Mene: "Man, you are too satisfied with your job as a hotel owner and don't want to come out?"

Menei's face was deep and his tone was mellow: "Bruce, you can come to the Continental Hotel to register and become a killer."

"Woe to all the big-assed female killers," Martin said.

Bruce answered automatically: "It's more than just a big ass."

Martin was curious: "Jody has aroused your interest in another aspect?"

Bruce didn't want to say more and lowered his head to eat.

Martin actually knew that the first time Bruce had with Jody would be followed by countless others.

Chad came over with a dinner plate, sat next to Mene, and said, "You have improved significantly from the last film. It seems that filming European dramas is a good training for your acting skills."

Menet said: "Huppert often plays roles with me, asking me to play different roles such as son, brother, rich man, beggar and policeman. The more I play, the more I will improve."

Martin praised: "The French are still great."

"By the way, there is one thing that we should discuss in advance." Chad returned to the topic and said: "Yesterday, someone made a suggestion. Winston was second only to Jonathan in popularity in the first movie. Can he Can't we spin off a Winston personal movie or TV series based on the "John Wick" series?"

Martin first affirmed: "Your idea is good and can maximize the commercial value of this series."

Chad smiled: "I was also inspired by others."

Martin continued: "We will first complete the trilogy of the series and stabilize the basics of the series, and then carry out derivative development on this basis."

Mene also said: "I want to be Morgan Freeman, but I don't have the ability to be Denzel Washington."

The trilogy has just filmed the second part, and Chad himself has no energy to create spin-offs, but with every additional film in this series, he, the planner and director, can earn more.

He was not in a hurry and said: "Let's complete the excellent trilogy first."

Martin specifically said: "Have you noticed? Now online video websites are expanding. From HULU to Netflix, they are trying to find ways to attract online users. If they want users to pay, they must have excellent content. They have no foundation of their own and can only Pay big bucks for it.”

Chad knows a little bit: "I've heard rumors that Netflix wants to get into the production industry and they are lobbying David Fincher."

Martin smiled: “I was also lobbied by Netflix.”

(End of this chapter)

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