American fame and fortune.

Chapter 641 Hollywood Star Income Ranking

Chapter 641 Hollywood Star Income Ranking

There was no need to talk about the endorsement, and the Nokia people quickly left.

"The mobile phone endorsement section is vacant, and I have prepared several new candidates." Thomas had known for a long time that Martin would only endorse Nokia for two years. He took some information and gave it to Martin: "Do you want to take a look first?"

Martin took over, and commercial endorsements now account for more than a third of his annual Hollywood income.

In the past year, Martin has held five major commercial endorsements.

Coca-Cola's endorsements have risen to $1500 million a year, Cadillac, Cartier men's watches and Nokia mobile phones are all $1200 million, as well as Brioni's $600 million.

Not counting the dividend income from the Coca-Cola commemorative Coke, his annual pre-tax income from pure endorsements is as high as 5700 million US dollars.

Now the mobile phone area is free.

Martin quickly flipped through the information and found three mobile phone brands: BlackBerry, Samsung and Lenovo.

Thomas specifically said: "BlackBerry and Samsung approached the company last year to inquire about mobile phone brand endorsements. At that time, you still had a contract with Nokia, so you have not responded to them yet."

He was worried that Martin did not understand the last brand: "Lenovo is the largest PC manufacturer and seller in Asia and wants to fully open up the world market. In the past few years, they asked football star Ronaldinho to endorse personal computers. Michael Bay He is a customer of Alibaba, and he got the exact information that Lenovo spent a lot of money to sponsor DreamWorks' super hit "Transformers 3" last year."

Martin has the impression of this last point. Although "Transformation 3" is also a forced advertisement, it is much better than "Transformation 4".

Martin thought about it for a moment and said, "Don't think about BlackBerry and Lenovo."

The former will soon be swallowed up by the tide of the times and become a niche carnival. Although the latter once ranked first in the mobile phone market on the other side of the Pacific, it fell at an alarming speed.

The most important point is that endorsement of them is neither welcomed by the American market nor the other side of the Pacific.

This is no longer simply a matter of money.

Thomas added: "Lenovo is willing to offer $1500 million..."

Martin waved his hand.

Thomas stopped and said instead: "Samsung offered a contract of US$1300 million per year for a total of three years."

His face suddenly became weird and his voice became lower: "The Samsung executive who contacted me also told me in private that it doesn't matter which Korean actresses you like, just ask them, they can be packaged and delivered When you come to Los Angeles, you don’t have to worry about everything, they will take care of sending you away.”

Martin said in his heart, what does Korean stick mean? It's so insidious that you dare to use sugar-coated bullets!

He thought for a moment and said, "We can talk about it with Samsung. It can't be less than 1500 million US dollars."

Thomas suggested: "BlackBerry and Lenovo should not refuse for the time being. They can talk about competition first."

Martin waved his hand: "How do you talk about responsibility specifically?" He turned to ask: "What about Apple? Now the market share of Apple mobile phones is constantly increasing."

Thomas said: "Apple's spokesperson is actually Steve Jobs, but his health has not been good since last year."

He thought that Martin held valuable Apple shares and reminded: "Jobs is seriously ill. If he passes away, it may have a certain impact on Apple's stock price."

Martin nodded: "I understand, please pay attention to the Apple phone, and you can talk about Samsung first."

He had just carefully recalled that it seemed that it would be five or six years before a Samsung mobile phone turned into a bomb.

Thomas said another thing: "Vanity Fair magazine informed the company that in the next issue of the annual income rankings of Hollywood stars, you entered the top three. Only film and television remuneration, sharing and peripheral income are not included. Business investments and endorsements.”

Martin has been included in the celebrity income rankings of various magazines since 2008, and his ranking is improving every year. He said: "They are only in the top three. I thought I could become the number one."

Thomas reminded: "The first two are all captains."

Martin thought about it: "Johnny Depp and James Cameron?" He changed his tone: "But my income is all fictitious, except for the salary, "Inception" and "Gone Girl" , as well as the post-production royalties from other films, all of which have not been received.”

Thomas said: “It’s going to be the end of next month, and Warner may be dragging it to the last day.”

Martin said: "If Warner fails to pay when due, it will demand liquidated damages plus interest."

After talking about work, Martin came out of the reception room and received a call from Nolan. The two immediately met in a coffee shop in Century City.

Nolan asked directly: "I heard that you also have a space science fiction film project?"

"The Martian, the novel will be published soon." Martin gave a general introduction to the relevant content, saying: "Ridley Scott has already led people to start preparations, and filming is expected to begin in April or May."

Nolan took out a script and handed it to Martin: "The space epic I told you some time ago. Jonathan has completed the first draft of the script. Take a look."

He reminded: "There is a plan attached at the back."

Martin took it and flipped through a few pages to confirm that it was "Interstellar" and asked, "Has the filming schedule been set?"

Nolan roughly said: "It will be filmed in 13 and released in 14, but I haven't decided which company to cooperate with."

In this regard, Martin would not express any random opinions, but said: "My schedule should be about the same."

Nolan smiled: "If you can play the leading role, I am half-confident about this project." He then asked: "Have you received your share of the first few projects you cooperated with Warner?"

"No." Martin shook his head and followed his words: "I used to get the money at the beginning of the year, but now it's a few months late. The interest is enough for me to buy several luxury cars."

There was no dissatisfaction on Nolan's face, but there was something in his words: "My studio participated in the investment in "Inception" and lost more in interest."

Martin took a sip of tea. Nolan added: "Warner Brothers has changed."

"It's definitely changed," Martin said.

Nolan was silent for a moment and said: "I hesitated for a while whether to continue working with Warner Bros. on this space epic."

"I can't give you any advice on this." Martin put down his teacup and said appropriately: "I gave up on Warner Bros., and the terms offered by my old friend Alan Horn were pretty good."

Nolan didn't go into details.

In the year that has just begun, he may usher in many changes. For example, his three-year contract with CAA is about to expire and he is not planning to continue with CAA.

The reason is that CAA's management and senior management are all Jewish. Not only did they not support him in the Moroccan kidnapping incident, they also put tremendous pressure on him.

This makes Nolan feel very bad about CAA.

If he can fulfill this three-year contract, he will be extremely benevolent.

Afterwards, the two talked a lot about "Interstellar", including the more complicated copyright and investment status of this project.

After leaving the coffee shop and on his way home, Martin carefully read Nolan's script. The theme of the story was very vulgar, a consistent Hollywood formula - love and family.

Of course, these are all within Martin's expectations.

Although investment in Hollywood movies is getting higher and higher, the overall development direction is becoming more and more conservative.

What's more, the real initiator of this project is Steven Spielberg, not the Nolan brothers.

Spielberg had been working on the project for four years before the Nolan brothers came on board, and even considered directing it himself.

According to what Nolan just said, the first half of the script basically uses the settings of Spielberg and his screenwriters, and the latter part is the idea of ​​the Nolan brothers.

The real copyright of the script is in the hands of DreamWorks. After the demise of DreamWorks, it has given up on independent distribution and now has a contract with Paramount Pictures, which is similar to a subsidiary of Paramount.

Paramount Pictures has signed a partnership agreement with Warner Bros. for this project.

Therefore, the current situation is that Nolan is extremely dissatisfied with Warner Bros., but if he wants to direct this project, he still has to cooperate with Warner Bros.

Martin was clear that while he and Nolan were leaning toward working together again, there were variables on the project.

Fortunately, it was still early, so Martin didn't have to think about this for the time being.


In January, Hollywood is all about the Oscars and awards season.

In recent years, the ratings of the Oscars have gone from bad to worse, and its conservative style has been criticized. Many young people have long abandoned the Oscars.

Not to mention winning important awards at the Oscars, the movies they like often won't even be nominated. Why watch the awards ceremony?

Is it that online games are not fun, or is it that picking up girls on social media is not fun?

This year's awards ceremony, the organizers strive to change, no longer invite comedians or talk show stars to serve as hosts, but chose the combination of Anne Hathaway and James Franco.

There is still more than a month until the awards ceremony, and the preparatory team has already started busy.

Annie came to Los Angeles early to prepare sadly, and went to the Kodak Theater on time every day.

His partner James Franco is equally interested in this job.

In the morning, the two finished dubbing a line and sat in the front row to rest.

James Franco picked up a copy of Vanity Fair and flipped through it to change his mind.

Anne sent a few text messages to her friend Emily Blunt, turned around and saw the magazine in Franco's hand, and happened to see the three people on the cover.

They are James Cameron in the middle, Johnny Depp on the right and Martin Davis on the left!

Franco noticed Anne's gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Anne asked: "Can you lend me the magazine?"

Franco handed her the magazine.

"Thank you." Annie took it and immediately turned to the title page corresponding to the cover. The title of the article caught her eye.

"2010 Hollywood Star Earning Ranking".

Ranking first is the great director James Cameron, with an amount of US$2.57 million.

Among them, nearly 2.4 million came from the movie "Avatar", and the rest came from copyright income from old films.

Next up is Johnny Depp, with $1.15 million.

"Alice in Wonderland" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" made Captain Sparrow nearly $1 million.

Then Anne saw Martin's name.

(End of this chapter)

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