American fame and fortune.

Chapter 659 The sequel completely surpasses the previous one

Chapter 659 The sequel completely surpasses the previous one

When it comes to pornographic operations, every company in Hollywood has a lot of them, but after 2010, Warner Brothers will definitely have the most.

It is inevitable for people to only focus on results, so that some of Warner's operations that were later exposed shocked people's attention. So many industry elites came together to make some stupid decisions?

The failure of "Pharaohs and Gods" put Jon Berg under great pressure. The trigger for the resignation of his predecessor Alan Horn was the mess up of "Terminator 2018".

Daniel is not much better. Even if he shirks his responsibility, he secretly worked on Martin's project and pushed it to the company.

Jon Berg calmed down and thought of another movie project that had already started filming, the one he saw in Martin Davis' office - Jack the Giant Catcher!

This magical epic adapted from a classic fairy tale has a production budget of US$2 million, so there is no room for error.

If he really messes up, even if he is Kevin Tsujihara's brother-in-law, he will pack up and get out.

Jon asked Daniel: "What do you think of the Jack the Giant Catcher project?"

This project had nothing to do with Daniel and he didn’t want to get involved, so he said, “I have some urgent matters over there, so we’ll talk about it another day.”

After Daniel left, Jon thought about it for a while. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became about the "Jack the Giant Catcher" project. He simply called his close assistant McDonald to come in.

He said: "There is a very important job entrusted to you to do. The filming of "Jack the Giant Catcher" has already started. I am not confident about the project. You go to the crew on my behalf to supervise the work of the crew."

McDonald responded: "Yes, President."

The project that Jon personally promoted has already invested a huge amount of money and cannot be stopped. The sunk cost is too high. He warned: "We must let the crew complete the filming with quality and quantity."

McDonald felt the importance of his immediate boss and said: "I will follow the crew throughout the entire filming and production process until the project is completed."

Jon waved his hand: "I'll go there today."

McDonald hurried back to pack his bags and rush to the set in Atlanta.

Jon was somewhat relieved.

Macdonald showed up on set, and word quickly spread to other investors in the project.

Participating investors such as Castle Rock Pictures, Legendary Pictures and Relativity Entertainment are all following suit.

Each company has communicated with producer Warner Pictures, requesting that a new production manager be assigned to the crew as well.

Jon Berg thinks this is a good thing. The gathering of many talents can not only restrain the director from letting himself go, but also work together when encountering difficulties, so he immediately responded.

Four more production managers flew to Atlanta on Tuesday.

Bryan Singer, the director of "Jack the Giant Slayer", can be considered a veteran in Hollywood. He originally also served as a producer on the crew and basically made all the decisions from preparation to shooting.

But his good days came to an abrupt end when five dads suddenly appeared above his head, and everyone had different opinions.

On the day the five big guys gathered together, a fierce quarrel broke out on the set.

Facing the boss of the employer, even if Bryan Singer was upset, he had no other choice but to adopt their opinions appropriately after they reached a compromise.

The originally peaceful "Jack the Giant" crew has since become lively, comparable to the "Alien 3" crew when David Fincher first debuted.

When 3th Century Fox was filming "Alien ", they found David Fincher, a master in the music video and advertising industry and a complete newcomer to the film industry, to be the director. Fox and various investors were not confident about the director, so they decided to A dozen guys with titles like producers and production managers went to the set to guide David Fincher in filming.

You can imagine the excitement during the period. David Fincher was tortured to the point of being transformed into a human being and his spirit was severely damaged. After filming, he vowed never to make a movie again. He returned to the music video and advertising industry and stayed in the advertising industry for three years before he healed his heartache. I picked up a film director and shot the famous "Seven Deadly Sins".

What happened later is well known. No matter on any occasion or in front of anyone, David Fincher categorically denied that "Alien 3" was his work.


The response to "Pharaohs and Gods" in North America was extremely poor, and news of its box office failure quickly spread around the world like it had wings.

Although the film has not yet been released overseas, the negative effects have already appeared, and the expected film schedule in major film markets has dropped significantly.

On the one hand, this is caused by the collapse of the box office and reputation of the film itself. On the other hand, it is also related to the fact that on the second weekend of May, new films were released simultaneously in more than 40 countries and regions around the world.

The sequel to the hit movie "John Wick" had a huge premiere in North America.

The man who said, "You want my dog's life, I want your dog's life" is back!

El Capitan Theater, Hollywood, Los Angeles.

Martin, wearing a crisp black suit, led Elizabeth along the red carpet, drank a can of Coke as usual, came to the media area to take photos, and then entered the theater.

Louise came over and asked, "The person you invited didn't come."

Martin said: "Jon Berg is so rude. I attended his premiere and he refused to accept my invitation."

Uncle Mene came over and said: "When our film is fully released and the first week's box office is released, I will ask my friends to bring electronic loudspeakers to the Warner Studio to broadcast the box office numbers every day!"

Elizabeth was also infected: "Lily has extra-large power ones, should I ask her to deliver them to you?"

Mene said: "I'll contact Lily to get it myself." Chad, Marcus, Chen Hu and others came over one after another.

Marcus seemed to have gained a lot of weight, and his belly was trembling when he walked. He said to Martin: "Disney Pictures has arranged the schedule for "Lone Survivor" in October this year."

Martin said: "The schedule is okay. I watched the first edit and preview, and it was very good."

"I have some ideas." Marcus added: "Invite some veterans, as well as the few Afghans we found who rescued me, to attend the premiere of the film."

Martin nodded slightly: "Okay, you can do this." He turned to Jessica and said: "You communicate with Disney Pictures."

Elizabeth reminded at this time: "Alan and Robert Egger are here."

Martin nodded to Marcus and the others, turned around to face Alan Horn and Robert Egger, and shook hands with them warmly.

Robert Egger said: "I saw the preview and it was great!"

Alan Horn responded: "The test screenings were very well received, even better than the first film."

Martin said politely: "Disney is working well here."

Although "John Wick 2" just held its premiere today, the media, audiences, film critics and theater managers have held three consecutive test screenings, and the word-of-mouth in all aspects has already been lifted.

This shows the filmmakers' strong confidence in the film.

In terms of Rotten Tomatoes, the freshness is as high as 95%; the MTC average score is 78 points, and the IMDB audience score is temporarily 8.5.

The most important thing is that as of the premiere day, the North American pre-sales box office of "John Wick 2" exceeded 3000 million US dollars!

The group of people headed to the theater lobby, with Chad lagging behind. As they walked, he said to Martin: "Bradt and I have discussed the plot of the third movie several times, and it's basically finalized."

Martin said: "I read the outline of the script that Bradett sent over, and I will follow your ideas."

Chad added: "After the promotion of this part is over, Tiger, Marcus, and I will start designing the action scenes for the third part. There may be more melee fighting scenes."

Martin is very confident about their action design capabilities: "You don't have to worry about maintaining basic training from my side."

Chad said that it is precisely because of the existence of actors like Martin that the actions they designed can be almost perfectly presented in the film.

When the cast and crew entered the theater together, there was warm applause.

The success of the first film created a large number of fans.

In the past two years, the DVD sales of "John Wick" have been amazing, and it has been ranked among the top ten in North American DVD sales and rental lists.

The crew did not engage in any special activities. They behaved neatly just like Jonathan, the male protagonist in the film, who sat directly in the front row when the applause stopped.

The premiere screening begins.

The film arouses the emotions of the audience from the very first shot. There is no nonsense or verbosity. The male protagonist played by Martin does not have a single extra line. He can solve problems with the gun in his hand. A waste of breath.

The plot of the entire story is completely connected by simple dramas that connect the intense action scenes one after another. Just like in the Holy Valley drama, you can do it directly when it's time to do it.

The action scenes are so cool that they have no friends.

The film easily arouses the audience's emotions and allows them to accompany the protagonist on the adventure.

After more than an hour of blood flying, the protagonist fired the last shot in the film, continuing the fine tradition of not letting the villain finish his sentence in the first film.

When the villain was complacent and nagging, Jonathan shot him in the head with a neat shot!

The emotions of the audience are also fully released, and the adrenaline glands and dopamine of the people are soaring at the same time!

The whole movie has a cold and harsh look, without telling any profound truths. It is still a story about a legendary killer killing his way to revenge. It seems effortless and extremely satisfying.

At the end of the premiere, the audience burst into warm applause again.

Robert Egger stood up and applauded, and asked Alan Horn next to him: "What do you think of the first film?"

"It's more exciting than the first one!" Allen is very sure of this: "The sequel completely surpasses the previous one, and the box office will definitely be higher than the first one."

Robert Egger sighed: "It's a pity that he doesn't want to star in a Marvel superhero movie."

Alan Horn smiled: "For a star of Martin's level, it's okay for Marvel to pay him a high price to temporarily play a role in a certain movie. It's impossible to film a role continuously. What Marvel can give him can also be given in other movies." , there is no Marvel sequel yet.”

Robert Egger has read statistics. It is not difficult for Martin to achieve 4000 million U.S. dollars in pre- and post-production revenue from a single movie in the year of its release. As his reputation increases, it will get higher and higher. This does not include the investment of Davis Studio. income.

 The third update is here, please vote for me! ! The monthly pass is doubled, please give me a monthly pass!

  I went back to my hometown for dinner last night. I was supposed to come back that night, but it was foggy. I couldn't leave until after ten o'clock this morning. I will have to take my computer with me next time I go back.



(End of this chapter)

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