American fame and fortune.

Chapter 683 How to attract new customers

Chapter 683 How to attract new customers

For celebrities who have reached the second-tier and higher ranks of Hollywood, as well as some sports stars, after making money, many of them have no clear financial plan at all and spend money like water.

Michelle Bryan's main business is to earn as much money as possible from these people, and there are also more mature ways to attract customers.

She used to have a website where clients could pay to become members.

Later, I was caught once, the website could no longer be opened, and the mode was changed.

Michelle has met many people who rejected them, but most of them will come back again and again as long as they experience the services she provides.

Michelle asked: "Is Martin Davis worth over 100 million now?"

"It's just a lot more." Lynch recalled: "At the beginning of this year, I remember which newspaper listed a ranking list that showed that Martin's income from movies last year alone exceeded 8000 million U.S. dollars. Counting commercial endorsements, it was definitely too much. million."

Michelle was very satisfied: "He ruined one of our shipments. We earn US$500 million from him every year. Isn't that much?"

Lynch agreed: "It makes sense."

Michelle thought about it carefully and said: "Looking from Martin Davis's network, who can bring Martin to our gold sales cave and give him half a million dollars! It can't be someone like Mene Christie who is as good as Martin." The relationship is particularly good or the interests are particularly close, otherwise the news will leak out.”

Not to mention ordinary friends, many close friends will do unreasonable things under the temptation of $50.

Compared with the income that a customer of Martin's level can bring, this amount of money is nothing. Michelle added: "Or among our existing customers, who can invite Martin Davis? All services are not question."

When Lynch heard this number, he was very jealous: "Boss, what if I can bring him here?"

"I'll give you the same $50." Michelle promised first and then warned: "Last time, your invitation to the golf party failed. If you show up in front of him again, he will be alert."

Seeing $50 slipping away before his eyes, Lynch felt heartbroken for a moment.

"You can start with Martin Davis's playmates." Michelle got Johnny Depp through playmates back then.

Lynch said: "Martin has no playmates, only a driver and manager. It is difficult for us to impress that person. He and Martin have experienced many life and death situations."

Michelle has rich experience in this area: "He has made so many films, there must be someone with a good relationship and not a particularly close relationship, right? It would be even better if this person is our client."

Lynch thought for a while and finally thought of a candidate: "Morgan Freeman has been our client as early as five years ago. He has collaborated with Martin on "Wanted" and "The Dark Knight". It is said that during the conflict between Martin and Bale, , he sided with Martin, and the relationship between the two was good, but not close."

"I am deeply impressed by Morgan Freeman." Michelle said: "He spends a lot of money on our women's business every year. Claire, who often provides services to Morgan Freeman, said that Morgan Freeman The reason why Man often looks for her is mainly because she is petite and has a baby face like a middle school student."

Lynch continued: "It is said that Morgan Freeman has an unusual relationship with his step-granddaughter. He may like..."

Michelle understood: "Go and talk to Morgan Freeman. If things can be done, you can send him to a fantastic island."

Lynch responded: "I'll contact him right away."


After the filming of "The Martian" was completed, the production studio paid the last part of Martin's total basic salary of US$2000 million.

Coupled with the first-year endorsement remuneration paid by Samsung mobile phones, Martin mobilized a total of US$2500 million into the investment account to purchase Tesla shares.

Like Apple and Netflix, these are long-term holds.

After the NASA investor conference, Musk came to Disney Studios and officially started negotiations with Louise, who represented the "Mars" studio, to discuss advertising sponsorship issues related to SpaceX and Tesla.

Martin specifically asked Ridley Scott for his opinion on this matter. Ridley Scott can still be popular with major studios after screwing up so many big investment projects. It is not as difficult as many directors to deal with him. It also matters.

Ridley is not averse to commercial elements.

Ridley wanted to add commercial activities from SpaceX and Tesla advertisements to the film through post-production, and Ridley agreed.

In the end, Louise and Musk reached an agreement, and SpaceX and Tesla each paid $400 million in advertising sponsorship.

As for Musk's desire to let Martin endorse Tesla cars, Thomas has temporarily delayed it.

Martin's contract with Cadillac will expire early next year, and Cadillac has a strong desire to increase the money to renew the contract.

This week, David Fincher completed his location inspection and returned to Los Angeles.

Along with him, there was Tony Mendes, the prototype of the male protagonist in the script of "Escape from Tehran".

Martin rushed over immediately and met the two of them.

The project's producer, Kim Graham, also rushed over.

David Fincher introduced Martin and Graham with Tony Mendes.

When Martin shook hands with Tony, he found that the old man's right hand was shaking. “I am old and not very controllable.” Tony retired in 1990 and has a very good attitude: “I now suffer from Parkinson’s syndrome and my right hand will tremble slightly from time to time.”

He smiled and said to Martin: "It's perfect for you to play the role of me back then. I was as handsome as you back then, and I often received love letters from little girls in the CIA."

"Believe me, Tony." Martin said sincerely, "You are also a handsome old man now."

Tony laughed and looked at David Fincher: "Director Fincher will direct it, Martin, you will star. I believe you will make this film well."

David Fincher said: "This time I trouble you to come to Los Angeles, the main reason is that I want Martin to communicate with you face to face, and understand your mentality back then, and some of your thoughts."

Tony nodded and asked Martin: "If you have anything, just ask."

Although it was described in the script, Martin was still very curious: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​using a movie crew to take away the trapped people?"

Tony recalled it and said: "I am a CIA agent. Because of the special nature of my job, I sometimes need to put on makeup. Hollywood is very good at this. In the process of learning makeup, I met the famous Hollywood makeup artist John Chambers. I often heard him talk about some Hollywood crews, and I learned that film makers travel all over the world to choose suitable shooting locations, which can be applied in Tehran."

Martin noted it down and asked again: "Were you afraid before going?"

"Scared, scared to death." Tony recalled as he said: "This is a game with no rules. If we are unfortunately caught, God cannot save us, because God's glory cannot illuminate that land. .”

He added: "But I'm afraid I have to go. Someone has to take those poor children home."

David Fincher said: "I went to Tehran this time and applied to the local cultural department, but it was not approved. We were unable to go to Tehran to shoot on location."

Martin said deliberately: "David, this is really good news."

Tony Mendes laughed: "Actually, Tehran is not as bad as the media makes it out to be."

Martin asked: "Did the rescue go smoothly?"

"It went very smoothly." Tony said: "I read the script, and the rescue process was not as exaggerated as the script said. I took the information and used my identity as a film producer to successfully apply for approval from the Iranian cultural department, and arrived in Tehran from Istanbul. Canada approved the identities of the six people and successfully brought them out of Tehran as crew members with almost no trouble."

David Fincher said: "With the process you describe, no audience will want to see the movie."

Tony has studied Hollywood-style movies: "I know that if you want to attract the audience, you must create conflicts and create a tense and intense atmosphere."

Graham, who had not spoken much, invited: "Tony, how about joining the crew as a consultant? The current CIA may not understand many things about the CIA as clearly as you do."

Tony thought for a while and said: "It's okay to shoot in North America, but I can't go outside North America. After all, I'm old."

Graham responded: "No problem, we will send someone to pick you up then."

He noted it down and would have someone discuss it with the family of Tony Mendes.

David Fincher added: "The crew mainly filmed in Los Angeles and Washington, so it's very convenient for you to come and go."

Tony responded: "That's no problem. Washington is very close to my home. There are many good friends of mine in Los Angeles. I can party with them when I come here."

After chatting for more than an hour, Tony gradually became mentally unstable, and Martin sent someone to take him to a hotel to rest.

Graham arranged for someone to take care of him.

Martin, Graham and David Finch had another small meeting.

The three of them, plus Louise, will form the highest authority of the "Escape from Tehran" project.

Investment in the project mainly comes from three companies, namely Graham's GK Pictures, Martin's Davis Studio and Louise's Pacific Pictures.

The main scenes of the film are concentrated in the studio, CIA headquarters and Tehran, so the filming locations were the Disney Studios in Burbank, the CIA building in Langley and Istanbul.

David Fincher applied to the Iranian cultural department for entry filming, but was rejected.

All scenes involving Tehran were shot in Istanbul.

David Fincher led his team to form the crew after the Oscars ceremony at the beginning of the year. At present, all preparations are basically in place. Actor auditions will be held in Los Angeles to select suitable actors.

This film is basically Martin's one-man show. Other actors have relatively limited roles, and no first- or second-tier actors will be used.

David Fincher plans to start filming at the end of September and the filming time is expected to be two months.

This particularly politically correct film will be released in the second half of next year and is aimed directly at the 2013 Oscar Awards.

After the three people finished the meeting, Martin sent Graham and David Finch away. On the way home, he received a call from Nicholson, saying that Leonardo was back and asked them to go there together and take a look at the good things.

Because Depp is getting married soon.

(End of this chapter)

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