American fame and fortune.

Chapter 685 The person who gave the gift is so kind.

Chapter 685 The person who gave the gift is so kind.

Under the control of Nicholson, the yacht bypassed the brightly lit island and headed towards the west of the island.

Martin held onto the railing and looked at his watch. It was almost eight o'clock.

Leonardo raised the telescope, observed the situation on the island, and quickly said loudly: "It is in this area, the location and distance are suitable."

Nicholson looked at the navigation and was about to reach the predetermined position, and gradually slowed down the speed of the yacht.

Martin and Bruce came to the fixed multiple launch tubes to check the ammunition and wiring.

Lorraine chose a location at the stern of the boat and set up the camera and video camera.

Nicholson arrived at the preset location that had been inspected long ago, parked the yacht, and moved a box out of the cabin with Leonardo.

The two opened the box, took out the homemade rocket launcher, and opened the special fireworks wrapped in a tarpaulin.

Nicholson glanced at his watch and shouted, "Ready."

Leonardo asked: "Why give the biggest fireworks to that bastard Martin to launch?"

"The breath he was holding could only be released through a few channels. I'm worried about Julie, Theron, and Elizabeth. They are prone to physical problems." Nicholson took out a windproof lighter: "Martin, this bastard, right? The enemy is extremely narrow-minded and has a strong desire for revenge, just like a mad dog."

Leonardo said: "I like this mad dog spirit! Without his mad dog spirit, can I win the Oscar for Best Actor?"

Nicholson fully agreed: "If Martin hadn't killed Harvey Weinstein, you, the best actor, would have no chance of winning the Oscar!"

Martin raised his middle finger at the two of them: "Don't you need to go behind someone's back to say bad things about others?"

Nicholson seemed not to have heard Martin's words and looked at his watch: "Countdown, 30! 29..."

The countdown is still here, and the wedding on the island has reached its climax.

The viewing platform near the seaside was covered with red carpets. Under the white arches, Johnny Depp in a suit and tie, and Amber Heard in a white wedding dress were standing in front of the pastor who presided over the wedding, listening to the Lord's words. Teaching.

Nearly a hundred relatives and friends from both sides gathered on the viewing platform, ready to send their blessings.

Depp and Amber exchanged rings.

"It's time to kiss your bride," the priest said to Depp.

Depp, who was rarely drunk, was about to start his mouth when he suddenly heard a sharp sound breaking through the air from the sea, and subconsciously turned his head to look.

Amidst the sharp whistling sound, fireworks like flares soared into the sky, lighting up most of the sky above the sea.

The bright sound attracted everyone, including the Depps, to look over there.

Depp had seen the lights on the sea before and thought he was a paparazzi or a passing ship and didn't pay attention.

The fireworks reached their peak, exploded suddenly, and exploded into brilliant fireworks that filled the sky, just like the thermobaric bombs dropped by military channels.

Everyone is attracted by these beautiful fireworks.

Amber thought this was a surprise specially arranged by Depp. She covered her mouth like a super green tea, and her voice trembled with excitement: "It's so romantic!"

Depp originally thought that this was arranged by Amber. After hearing what she said, he was very curious. Who came here to send blessings?

The gorgeous fireworks were scattering, and the sharp whistling sound sounded again.

This time, dense sparks dragged the flame tail into the sky.

It doesn’t take much thinking to know that this will be a super fireworks show!

Depp read it and thought that he would thank this person who specially sent blessings later.

They sail a boat specifically to set off fireworks on the sea, and the people are quite nice.

A trail of flames rose up into the sky and exploded, like meteors filling the sky.

Looking from the island, the blooming fireworks turned into a line of words.

"A gift for Depp and Amber!"

Amber couldn't help but laugh, she liked such a gift very much.

Depp decided to go back and ask someone to see who the gift was. He must invite him to the island and at least treat him to a drink.

This dazzling sky also suddenly aroused the emotions of everyone present.

Including Depp and Amber, even if the fireworks in the sky dispersed, they still looked up at the stars over the sea, waiting for the next round of explosions.

Nicholson, who is like an old monster in Hollywood circles, has a thorough understanding of the changes in people's hearts and emotions.

When everyone's expectations are raised to the top of the mountain, the sudden fall will be remembered for a lifetime!

On the yacht on the sea, Nicholson was counting down. When he counted to zero, he waved his big hand down: "Let go!"

Martin pressed the red button.

Fireworks soared into the sky, bringing with them bursts of roaring sounds.

Lorraine pulled up the camera and aimed it at the air again.

Leonardo crossed his arms and waited to see what was coming next.

Nicholson had his hands behind his back, and with his appearance and temperament, he looked like a boss who had everything under control at this moment.

On the viewing platform of the island, everyone saw the fireworks rising into the sky with their tails of flames again, looking forward to another surprise.

The fireworks were raised to the highest level, and the expectations of Depp, Amber and their relatives and friends were also raised to the highest level.

Then, the fireworks exploded into a shower of stars, forming two brilliant patterns in the sky.

Friends and relatives were stunned.

Depp and Amber also saw the sparkling patterns of fireworks clearly, and their emotions were like falling from Mount Everest into the Great Rift Valley.

Even though the patterns of the fireworks are a bit abstract, everyone can tell at a glance that one is Depp peeing and the other is Amber doing something.

Especially the one under the buttocks is particularly shiny!

Depp's face changed from expectant to livid, and then from livid to angry.

The group of relatives and friends behind him suddenly burst into laughter.

Without envy, jealousy and hatred, would it still be called a group of relatives and friends?

Discussions started immediately. “This wedding is so chic!”


"Shit couple!"

For today's wedding, Depp only drank half a bottle of whiskey and replenished enough daily food early, so it was rare for him to have a clear head.

His anger was building up to a high point, and he was just one step away from exploding.

On the yacht, Nicholson took off the bright red cigar he was smoking, grabbed a firework bomb, lit the fuse, and stuffed it into the steel tube rocket launcher carried by Leonardo.

He slapped Leonardo on the head like a sergeant major and shouted, "Let go!"

There was a muffled sound, and the fireworks flew high into the sky and exploded with a bang.

Nicholson’s custom-made fireworks create extraordinary patterns.

Martin was very happy because he saw the special hairstyle of Lazy Sheep in the sky.

Lorraine raised her camera and took pictures again and again.

She had already given the camera to Lao Bu to control. The father with the big man in handbags could not be counted on tonight.

On the viewing platform, those envious people were still talking.

"It is indeed the best wedding gift, and it was made by the bride herself."

"Do you think the bride will be in the wedding bed tonight..."

These people also didn't notice that the blowing wind brought the sound to Depp's ears.

Depp was going crazy. He heard another explosion on the horizon. When he turned to look, the previous one had just dissipated and the next one had already lit up.

Then, the sky continued to explode with bright stars.

One lump after another, endless!

The sea breeze brought some voices of discussion.

It is human instinct to eat melons and watch the excitement, and it cannot be eliminated no matter where you put it.

Daily food supported Depp's spirit today, but once his emotions broke out, it was difficult to control them.

There was another light on the horizon, and Depp couldn't bear it anymore. The poisonous insect's nerves went crazy. He turned around and yelled at the relatives and friends on both sides: "Get out! Get out of here! You bastards, get out of here!" Get lost!"

He waved his arms and swept down the champagne tower on the table: "Everyone get out! Now! Immediately!"

Before he even finished knocking down the champagne tower, Depp overturned the cake cart and overturned the large flower basket.

After hearing these "go away" and other words, the relatives and friends on both sides had 10,000 opinions on Depp. Many people cursed countless swear words in their hearts and left one after another.

"Johnny, don't be like this, calm down!" Amber stood nearby and kept shouting, looking like she wanted to stop Depp but was powerless.

Among the crowd, Amber's assistant held a DV and silently recorded everything that happened at the wedding according to the boss's instructions.

Amber glanced at the fireworks exploding in the sky. Although she was also very angry, she was not out of control.

Turning back and seeing Depp going crazy, as well as Depp's playmates and bodyguards running from a distance, she suddenly had an idea.

This is a great opportunity!

When Amber saw Depp's arms waving again, she wanted to push down the decorative floor lamp. She raised the corner of her skirt and rushed forward, grabbed Depp's hand, and shouted: "Johnny, calm down! You Calm down!"

Depp's waving arm passed through Amber's hands as expected and hit her right in the mouth and nose.

Amber screamed, unsteady on her feet, and fell to the ground.

But regardless of it, Depp was still madly destroying everything he could at the wedding.

Amber covered her face and cried, crying very sadly.

While crying, she covered her face with her fingers spread apart, watching Depp going crazy.

Amber firmly believed that it would be an absolute nightmare to live with such a person for a long time.

Even without Megan Ellison, she still has to find a way to make a profit from Depp and then get out.

The playmates and hardcore bodyguards who were preparing the wedding meal for Depp in the restaurant hurriedly arrived. A group of people rushed forward and finally suppressed Depp.

Depp was excited and shouted: "Get out of here! Give me wine..."

The next words did not come out, but were blocked by the bodyguard's big hand.

But no one cares about Amber Heard, as if she is just a transparent person.

The assistant quickly came over and picked up Amber, trying to help her sit down on a chair on the side.

Amber said: "Help me back to the dressing room."

The assistant helped her back.

Amber asked: "Did you just take pictures?"

The assistant nodded: "I took pictures of everything."

"Very good." Amber said, "Watch your mouth and hands."

The assistant nodded repeatedly.

When they came to the dressing room, Amber asked her assistant to leave the DV, and asked her assistant to get it on the pretext of asking for water.

She looked at the makeup mirror and saw that Depp's madness was not serious. There were obvious bruises on his nose and mouth.

Amber skillfully took out her phone to take a close-up of her face, opened Apple's cloud drive, and saved it in the "Domestic Violence" folder.

(End of this chapter)

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