American fame and fortune.

Chapter 705 Take him to the Zhang family

Chapter 705 Take him home

The strange-looking white yacht gradually approached and blew its whistle, causing Martin to put away his fishing rod and look over there.

Mene asked: "Has the ship carrying the beautiful women arrived?"

Martin patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Did you call me here?"

Mene noticed Celine Dion's eyes glancing over and said quickly: "How is that possible!"

Bruce hurried over with the radio, pointed to the white yacht, and said to Martin: "The people on that boat want to talk to you."

Martin took the radio, left the crowded place, and said, "Hello."

"Aren't you Leonardo?" The person over there asked: "Isn't this Leonardo's ship?"

Martin said directly: "I am Martin Davis, who are you?"

The people over there laughed: "Hey, old man, you can't even hear my voice? Yes, this damn radio will distort the sound!"

He shouted, "I'm Elon Musk!"

This man spent nearly 10 million US dollars to sponsor "The Martian". During the negotiations between the two parties, Martin simply extended an invitation: "I borrowed Leonardo's yacht for a party. Are you interested in coming over?"

"Wait for me!" The radio hung up.

Not long after, a speedboat carried two people to Martin's side and boarded the boat from the stern platform.

Musk and Dalulla Riley waved to Martin.

Martin brought Elizabeth to greet them, led them to where the crowd gathered, and introduced everyone.

Elizabeth is responsible for entertaining Dalulla Riley.

Musk said he had something to talk about.

Martin took two fishing rods and went fishing with him on the other side.

Musk skillfully tied the hook, hung up the bait, lowered the rod, and said: "Don't forget to invite me to the premiere of "The Martian."

Martin fixed the fishing rod on the guardrail jack and said, "You are the big benefactor and the invitation has been prepared."

Musk said: “Invite more beauties to the premiere.”

Martin pointed behind him: "You have a wife."

"You have a girlfriend! Aren't you going to parties everywhere and looking for beautiful women?" Musk has read a lot of Martin's gossip: "I have heard a rumor in the modeling circle. If you haven't passed the test, you are not a supermodel. This is that true?"

Martin said casually: "Alessandra Ambrosio, Karolina Korkova, Angela Lindevo and others formed a fashion supermodel group, and I was used as a test for new members to join the group. "

Musk is also a person who likes to have fun: "I also want to join and test the new models!"

During the negotiation for sponsorship advertising, Martin became familiar with him and said directly: "You are so fat that you are not convincing."

Musk looked down and said: "What you are doing is too troublesome. I will use a simple and trouble-free method."

"The money-making ability is indeed easy to use." Martin understood what he meant: "But it will be a lot less fun."

Max became serious again: "I can no longer waste too much energy on women. I must devote my limited time to promoting scientific and technological progress and landing on Mars as soon as possible."

He reiterated his old words: "You have made at least several hundred million in movies in the past few years. Invest in space with me and work hard for mankind to move towards the universe."

How could Martin listen to such deceptive words? He said, "It's okay to invest with you, but I choose Tesla."

Musk said: "Didn't you buy a lot of stocks from the secondary market?"

Martin half-truthfully said: "It will be the end of the year soon, and my share settlements in many areas will soon arrive. The money left in my hands will only depreciate, and I will benefit the tax bureau in vain. It is better to invest it."

Musk understood: “Do you want to participate in Tesla’s financing and stock expansion?”

Today's Tesla electric car has just started, and it's not yet the future. Martin smiled without saying a word, pressed the electric wheel on the fishing rod, and a deep-sea fish biting the hook was pulled up.

Financing and stock expansion are all looking for strong investors, and Musk believes that Martin is far from enough.

But when I saw the fish he pulled up, I suddenly thought about tram promotion.

Fuel vehicles are the absolute mainstream in the market, and it is not easy to promote electric vehicles.

Musk once again mentioned: "How about being a global spokesperson for Tesla? If you are willing to agree to raise funds and expand shares next time, I have enough reasons to convince the board of directors."

Martin said: "Aren't you talking to my agent?"

Negotiations between Tesla and Thomas have made little progress, mainly because the Cadillac contract has not yet expired.

The electric wheel on Musk's fishing rod made a buzzing sound, and a fish was quickly pulled up.

He added: "You have dealt with Johnny Depp so much, are you familiar with Amber Heard?"

Martin turned to look at him and asked, "Are you interested in her?"

Both of them are old perverts, and there is no need to hide it. Musk said directly: "Regardless of appearance or figure, Amber is my favorite."

Martin gave him a thumbs up: "You have really strong taste. Are you not afraid of what she does in your bed? Or do you just like the smell?" Musk didn't care: "What are you afraid of? Let her clean up beforehand!"

Martin said: "You still know how to play."

"How about, do me a favor." Musk is like a super pimp: "You help me with Hollywood matters, and I will help you with matters in Silicon Valley and the technology circle."

Martin asked curiously: "I have never heard of a famous beauty in the technology circle."

Musk waved his hand and said boldly: "I will introduce a batch to you another day."

Not one person, but a batch! Martin thought for a while and said, "You know "The Lone Ranger", right?"

Musk nodded: "I have read entertainment news about the movie starring Johnny Depp. It was during the filming of this movie that Depp peed on you and your crew."

His heart moved, and inspiration burst out: "Martin, I am helping you. Think about it, I fucked Depp's wife, and I am also helping you get revenge."

Martin said: "The project of "The Lone Ranger" was snatched away from me by Larry Ellison's daughter Megan Ellison. From what I know about her, this confident woman will definitely be able to succeed when the time comes. I will be given an invitation to the premiere, and you can go with me then.”

Musk laughed: "What a great idea!"

If Martin is a bastard in the entertainment industry, he is a bastard in the technology industry: "I will bring a few beauties from the technology industry there, you exchange Amber for me, and I will exchange them for you. This kind of game is going to be played." That’s exciting.”

Martin doesn't care about anything else, but if he can do Depp's business, he won't miss it.

The two fished for a while, and the Musks had lunch on the yacht and returned to his side.

Before dark, the yacht returned to the dock.

Everyone left one after another.

Martin carried the fish box and put it in the trunk of the Escalade.

Elizabeth helped put away other items, looked back at the yacht, and said, "Is this Leo's boat?"

Martin said simply: "He bought it from a wealthy man in Silicon Valley."

He vaguely saw it: "I remember there are many companies selling yachts in Los Angeles. If you have time, you can ask Lily to accompany you to look around. We will customize one and call it the Elizabeth."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Okay."

The two got in the car and Martin drove back to Beverly Hills.

Instead of coming back, Bruce went straight to Jody's.

Perhaps stimulated by the yacht and the Elizabeth, Elizabeth worked particularly hard that night and couldn't even eat breakfast the next morning.


After a short break, Martin devoted all his energy to the promotion and marketing of "The Martian". Together with the main creative staff such as Ridley Scott and Jessica Chastain, he frequently appeared in various media events.

The promotion of "The Martian" has already begun in full swing.

In September, Disney Pictures teamed up with two professional organizations, NASA and SpaceX, to endorse the film’s story background and technical aspects.

NASA and SpaceX publicly stated that this film is a promotional film for the human Mars habitation plan.

Jim Green, the former’s astronaut and planetary science minister, has attended several professional interviews for “The Martian.”

"NASA now requires all employees to read the novel "The Martian."" His words have already appeared in various news and online videos: "This gives us an opportunity to talk about Mars and how we can send humans to Mars. Go up."

In October, the finished film of "The Martian" entered the International Space Station, and several astronauts watched it together outside the earth. This also brought film marketing into space for the first time.

In addition, a batch of posters printed on special paper that went to space and returned to Earth were also introduced to the market and became gifts for movie pre-sale draws.

The crew and Disney Pictures released the main poster of the film, which added a new promotional title below a large close-up of Martin in a spacesuit - Bring Him Home!

At the first two previews of the film, the response from the female community was extremely enthusiastic.

You know, for such a science fiction movie, men are the main audience.

On the basis of high ratings from male audiences, the recognition of female audiences means that "The Martian" may have greater market space.

Of course, there are risks, because female audiences are not the main audience for science fiction films, and it is generally difficult to inspire their general attention to this type of film.

After a series of research and analysis on marketing strategies, Disney Pictures decided to finalize the global communication strategy of "The Martian" as "Bring Him Home", and try to highlight the emotional factors in the movie, space science fiction, and other aspects of the movie in various promotional materials. The elements are only used as auxiliary elements to guide female audiences’ interest in watching the movie and reputation.

In the pre-sale, it goes without saying that male viewers, but the ticket purchase rate of female viewers is significantly higher than that of ordinary science fiction movies.

Disney Studios’ marketing strategy is paying off.

The ten years starting from now in Hollywood will also be the ten years of Disney.

Entering mid-November, the popularity of "The Martian" is high.

The latest billboards appear on major radio and television stations, website videos and social media.

"This is a movie that made NASA list the original novel as required reading for employees. This is a movie that has Ridley Scott's name on it and makes fans list it as a must-see of the year. This is A movie that spends the most manpower and resources in Hollywood to rescue Martin Davis from Mars!"

(End of this chapter)

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