Chapter 168
After Qin Shouan answered, he realized that even though he and Shanzhu were not in a normal relationship, women liked to compare themselves with women the most. Shanzhu's tone just now was quite sour.

So Qin Shouan diverted her attention, also to discuss the special physiques of the two parties. After all, this is related to the healthy and happy growth of the fetus.

His hands had already been put down from her shoulders, pretending not to see the fleeting anger on her face, he said as usual:

"I heard from Hei Ji and Bai Ji that Imperial Physician Chen once diagnosed me and believed that my physique is the most perfect body in the world, and also a body of extreme yang... probably because of my special physique, that's why our child Being born was unusual, and it hurts you."

As he spoke, Qin Shou comforted Lao and pressed the back of her hand, squeezed it a little harder, then let go and patted the back of her hand, and finally moved away.

It looks like he is praising his subordinates for their hard work.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with his attitude. After all, theoretically, all sects in the Jianghu are under the jurisdiction of the Kyushu Prefecture, and as the governor of the Kyushu Prefecture, he is naturally the leader of all Jianghu people.

The mountain lord's hand was really soft, Qin Shouan withdrew his hand as usual, with a softness different from that of a young woman.

It is also very different from ordinary Jianghu women, including Hei Ji and Bai Ji, and it is also completely different from Master's hand.

It is probably the realm of a great master. He has returned to the basics, and his body does not have the feeling of tense muscles that ordinary warriors have.

The empress dowager couldn't help clenching her hands into fists, a little suspicious that he was touching her hand on purpose, but she had no proof either.

He could touch her belly, but that was her permission, and mainly to let him feel the movement of the child.

Can her hands be touched?Unless she allows it, is it because of those accidents that she has become a woman he caresses casually?
How is that possible?

She can let go of her reserve and make mental preparations, waiting for the things to happen tonight, but other than that, she is still a noble and inviolable empress dowager.

It's just why there is some pride in her heart, she seems to be satisfied with being able to attract him to do something powerless, and there is still a sweet feeling in her heart, which makes her too lazy to argue with him.

"What else did they tell you?" Even though Hei Ji and Bai Ji didn't have too many secrets in the palace, and their understanding of many things was far inferior to their elder sister, she was still a little worried.

After all, they sometimes fabricate the facts without knowing the facts, and at the same time they believe many of the things they fabricated to be true.

When they tell others with certainty, others will inevitably feel that they have high credibility when they see what they say so seriously.

Maybe they will speak bad things about the Queen Mother to Qin Shouan, it's not impossible... because sometimes they may be unintentional, and it is quite difficult for them to distinguish good words from bad words like normal people.

"They also think that my physique is the same as that of the legendary Emperor Chun, and that I do things like men and women, which is beneficial to their cultivation."

Qin Shouan patted himself on the chest, "They always guess wildly, but sometimes they can figure out something close to the truth... It may not necessarily be beneficial to cultivation, but it is definitely beneficial to the growth of our children."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shouan decided to chat with Shan Zhu about Hei Ji and Bai Ji. She is their master, and she is probably the person who understands them best in this world and is also the best at how to control them.

Qin Shouan studied with her, and hoped to deal with them better when he went back, so that they could make the best use of them around him, not just look competent.

"They don't need to rely on...they can't use this method to improve their martial arts realm." The Empress Dowager's expression changed slightly.

Although Hei Ji and Bai Ji are in a mess, they are the closed disciples of the Mountain Master. Now the Mountain Master is in a special situation, and the entire Riyue Mountain is entrusted to her for protection. Naturally, she will take good care of Hei Ji and Bai Ji.

In the future, the marriage between Hei Ji and Bai Ji will have to be carefully considered... If they really want Qin Shouan, the Empress Dowager has no objections, but if it's just to improve the realm of martial arts, it's pure chaos, how can it be done?
What's more, the current situation is a bit chaotic, completely deviated from some of the original arrangements, let her do what Rong Baobao and Qin Shengjun didn't do.

She has no idea how to sort out the relationship between some men and women in the palace and Qin Shouan in the future, let alone let Hei Ji and Bai Ji get involved in the mess.

"They are already at the peak of the eighth rank, and it is time to settle down and accumulate. How can they break through for the sake of breaking through? At this time, breaking through by side ways is very detrimental to their future."

The Empress Dowager really knows the situation of Riyue Mountain very well. Hei Ji and Bai Ji entrust the future of Riyue Mountain:

"Hei Ji and Bai Ji... They also have special physiques. It is very likely that in the future because of this special physique, they will both break through to the realm of Grand Masters and restore Riyue Mountain... When our school was at its peak, the three major The pinnacle of the master's presence."

Heiji and Baiji once told the queen mother about Qin Shouan and Huaiyu's affairs, and even crossed Qin Shouan's weights and measures. Baiji even claimed that she could make one out of mud to see if the queen mother was afraid.

Of course the Empress Dowager was not afraid, but she thought that Hei Ji and Bai Ji were afraid, but hearing Qin Shouan's tone, the two of them were not intimidated, and seemed to be planning to mess with him.

Degrees—The instruments used to measure length are called degrees.

Quantity - measure the volume of the vessel for the calculation of the volume.

Balance - A tool for measuring the weight of an object is called a balance.

"It turns out that Riyue Mountain still has such ambitions." Qin Shouan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The grand occasion of the three great masters together has happened before in the history of Tiandaomen, but they belong to the peak of very few periods.

In the current Tiandaomen, there is only one great master, Shizu, and there is only one master in Riyue Mountain, and there is also only one Guping Seven Star Sword Gate.

There are countless sects in the rivers and lakes, and if there is a sect that gives birth to a great master, even the imperial court will award it, and it will become the top giant in the rivers and lakes. In some aspects, its influence has changed from a chess piece to a chess player's. qualitative change.

Her words also showed that her current abnormal situation will be resolved sooner or later, and she is still the great master of Riyue Mountain.

"Shanzhu, Hei Ji and Bai Ji don't seem to know that you place such high hopes on them. I think you should take good care of them, lest they offend the empress dowager, and don't know when they offend the empress dowager." what happened."

Qin Shouan spoke sincerely. After all, his attitude towards Riyue Mountain had changed a lot now, and he no longer worried that Riyue Mountain wanted to infiltrate the court and overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

The owner of the mountain is pregnant with his child, and the possibility of plotting a rebellion is greatly reduced.

Qin Shouan also hopes that Riyue Mountain can develop and grow... Hope is hope. The mountain master is full of expectations for his disciples, but Qin Shouan feels that there is really little hope. It is hard for him to imagine the situation after Hei Ji and Bai Ji become great masters .

Hearing him mentioning himself, the empress dowager showed a meaningful smile on her face, and said indifferently: "The empress dowager has a broad mind and is lenient to others. Are there still few times when they offend the empress dowager? It can be said that there are countless. It makes people want to beat them up, do you think they are doing well now?"

She vaguely felt that Qin Shou'an seemed to have misunderstood her identity as the "Empress Dowager", and she seemed to be wary of it.

"Hey... so you know that they often offend people, probably because they often do this, and sometimes they make mistakes without knowing it."

Qin Shouan shook his head, "Didn't the palace send plums to the empress dowager a few days ago? Then they started thinking wildly, thinking that it was because I had sex with... the empress dowager when I was in Huiyin Chang Yinchi, which caused the empress dowager to have a problem pregnant."

In this era, many master-student relationships are closer than the relationship between father and son, especially in the case of Riyue Mountain.

Qin Shouan told her about their affairs, but he didn't worry about what she would do to them. At most, he would just reprimand and discipline them, and he would never bring them up in front of the empress dowager, causing them to be killed.

After finishing speaking, Qin Shouan turned his head and saw Shan Zhuqi's cheeks flushed and his whole body trembling. It seemed that his chest had stopped heaving, but his originally swollen belly seemed to have grown for another month.

"Don't be angry...don't be angry. Don't get angry. You are pregnant now. Don't get angry."

Qin Shouan quickly patted her on the chest and back to help her calm down, and said regretfully, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have told you this at this time. Fortunately, you know what I said , it will not be passed on to the Queen Mother's ears again."

Qin Shouan saw her face flushed with anger, her hands clenched into fists, and her body trembling slightly. He really regretted it. After all, he had no experience in taking care of pregnant women, so how could he tell her about it?

The Lord of the Mountain has such great expectations for them. If something happens to them, all the painstaking efforts spent training them over the years will be wasted.

It is probably the child whose parents had brought up with great difficulty, who worked so hard to drag him through college, expecting him to change his family situation and achieve a class transition, and ended up in it.

"They... what else did they say?" The empress dowager was ashamed and angry, and a little frightened.

These two guys, when they were doing their business, they were so muddled, and when they had nothing to do with them, they were able to make a perfect situation between the Empress Dowager and Chong Huamei, almost poking a big hole... No, it wasn't a hole, it was almost Being completely destroyed by them, torn to shreds, and falling short of success!
Fortunately, Qin Shouan didn't seem to believe it at all—that's great, he shouldn't believe in those two evils.

"Don't worry, I didn't reveal your real identity. After I denied it, they began to suspect that you were a senior female officer... Hey, they were driven away by Aunt Tang in the end."

Qin Shouan shook his head, seeing that she was not so angry a little bit, and the movements of stroking her chest and smoothing her breath were much more gentle. After all, any movement of a pregnant woman should be gentler, no matter how careful and gentle it is.

"You mean...when they were talking nonsense, Tang Wan...the concubine was there too?" The empress dowager felt dizzy, panting and leaned her head on his shoulder.

She closed her eyes tightly, and the expression when she met Tang Wanrong in the future appeared in her mind. As long as she saw Tang Wanrong's expression was slightly different, she would be particularly concerned about whether Hei Ji and Tang Wanrong were turning around in Tang Wanrong's mind. Bai Ji is talking nonsense.

"Aunt Tang should not tell the Queen Mother about it. Don't worry, she has a good relationship with Hei Ji and Bai Ji." Qin Shouan quickly comforted her when she saw that she was about to faint from nervousness.

Don't look at Tang Wanrong, who seems to be impatient with Hei Ji and Bai Ji or wants to drive them back to the palace at some point, but they often plot witty and brave foolish things together, and then they are arrested together. Can the relationship be bad? ?

"As for how they analyzed the empress dowager's gift of land to the Langya Palace, I won't repeat it. In short, you should understand, Master Shan, that the discipline of your beloved disciple is imminent. Otherwise, what they said one day will be passed on to the public. It will be too late when it reaches the empress dowager's mother... if it reaches the empress dowager's ears."

Qin Shouan took the opportunity to invite Ying, "Do you want to give me a token or something, so that I can discipline them easily. I feel that if my name is not right, without your entrustment, they will never listen to me."

Thinking about how they dared to talk nonsense to the queen mother behind their backs, and let Tang Wanrong mess with them, Qin Shouan didn't think that he could deter them and make them obey discipline just by virtue of his status as prince.

"You... you just said that the queen mother... what is that old lady?" The queen mother is neither blind nor deaf. She can't control Hei Ji and Bai Ji for the time being, but he is right in front of her eyes.

It turned out that he just vaguely felt that he was a little disgusted with the empress dowager, but what he wanted to say just now was "that old lady of the empress dowager", right?

The empress dowager couldn't help but feel miserable, she just felt that the man in front of her was an asshole, not only cooperating with Hei Ji and Bai Ji to speak ill of her behind her back, making random arrangements... Yes, they didn't know anything, they had no evidence, they didn't see it with their own eyes, Hearing it with his own ears is of course a choreography... He still thinks she is an "old lady"!
If he dislikes her so much, he must be unwilling to do what he wants to do tonight, right?

Why force him?
Why force it?

The Empress Dowager's two lines of tears rolled in her eyes, and the sadness in her heart made the tears finally flow down.

Pressing her palms on her lower abdomen, she secretly said to her poor child, child, your father despises mother, so mother has to work hard on her own, and if mother works hard by herself, she will take you by herself...

Just as she was thinking this way, she felt a powerful infuriating energy coming from her palm. The empress dowager raised her head and found that he was pouring in her body with infuriating energy in order to prevent her from getting angry and hurting her body.

"I know you have a good relationship with the empress dowager, but we only need to discipline Hei Ji and Bai Ji in the future so that they don't talk nonsense. It's not worth it to get angry..."

Seeing that she was crying with anger from Hei Ji and Bai Ji, Qin Shouan quickly poured his energy into her body, and before he could finish speaking, he felt an irresistible suction force coming from her body, instantly pulling Qin Shouan again. Shou'an's zhenqi was swallowed up.

A feeling of weakness that made the whole body weak came, and Qin Shouan passed out again.

(End of this chapter)

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